新冀教版八年級上冊英語 Lesson 21 教案_第1頁
新冀教版八年級上冊英語 Lesson 21 教案_第2頁
新冀教版八年級上冊英語 Lesson 21 教案_第3頁
新冀教版八年級上冊英語 Lesson 21 教案_第4頁




1、Unit 4 My NeighbourhoodLesson 21 Eat a Donut and Turn Right!L熟練掌握本課的重點單詞,短語和句型。2,能夠理解文章內(nèi)容,完成課本上的習題。問路,Can. you tell me the way to .?Can you tell me how to get to .?Can you tell me how I can get to .?Where is .?How can I get to .?Which is the way to .?Could you show me the way to .?問路,Can. you tell m

2、e the way to .?Can you tell me how to get to .?Can you tell me how I can get to .?Where is .?How can I get to .?Which is the way to .?Could you show me the way to .?指路:Walk /Go alongIts about . .metre(s) along Take the second turning on the left ./Turn left at the second turning .Its about . .metre(

3、s) away.Its about .minutes? walk from here.Its next to / in front of / outside /across / beside Step 1 Warm up and lead inGreetingsfree talkHave you ever lost your way?What do you do if someone asks you for directions?Step 2 Presentation.自主反應(yīng)讀一讀;譯一譯until wrong right get lost= be lost cinema movie th

4、eatre crossing gate .Teach the text 1)播放錄音學生跟讀2)閱讀課文回答下列問題Q Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).(T) (T) (F) (F)Danny and Brian are going (o see a movie downtown.Brian doesnt know the way to the movie theatre.Dinny wrote out the directions lor Brian in an e-inaiLBrian asks i lady the way.

5、 but she doesnt tell him.3)知識講解.begin- began- begun v.開始begin to do sth./ begin doing sth.開始做某事e.g. They begin to build the new house.We began learning English 6 years ago.until 直至U為止 not .until 直至U才e.g. They worked until everyone was tired.They did not stop working until I came.關(guān)于lost”:lose - lost

6、- lostv.喪失be lost = get lost此時be和get均為系動詞,lost為形容詞,此句型還可以表達 為:lose ones wayeg. He was lost in the park.He got lost in the park.He lost his way in the park.Five minutes later, Brian arrives at the entrance of the cinema.Half an hour later. Three days later.表示多長時間之后arrive in / at+地點getto+地點reach +地點.

7、Here you are!這是一個倒裝句,原句應(yīng)為You are here!這里將here提到句首,目的在于強 調(diào)。在英語口語中,Here you are !有時還可理解為“給你”。Eg: 一I want a book on sports.OK. Here you are!問路:Can you tell me the way to .?Can you tell me how to get to .?Can you tell me how I can get to .?Where is .?How can I get to .?Which is the way to .?Could you sh

8、ow me the way to .?指路:Walk /Go along .Its about .metre(s)along.Take the second turning on the left ./Turn left at the second turning.Its about .metre(s)away.Its about .minutes walk from here.Its next to / in front of / outside /across / beside.4)分組活動0 Work in pairs. One of you asks the way, the othe

9、r shows the way. Make up a dialogue.When you ask, you can say: Excuse me.How can 1 get to.?Do you know the way to.?Can you tell me the way to.?When you answer, you can say: Go straight down this roiid street. Tum IcfVright at the. crossing/ traffic lights.You can see. on your left/right.Step 3 Pract

10、iceLets do it完成書中55頁1-3的練習題Step 4 Sum up今天我們學習了:問路:Can you tell me the way to .?Can you tell me how to get to .?Can you tell me how I can get to .?Where is .?How can I get to .?Which is the way to .?Could you show me the way to .?指路:Walk /Go along .Its about .metre(s)along Take the second turning on the left./Tum left at the second turning.Ifs about .metre(s)away.Its about


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