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1、第3步Unit 3 Section Project第1步第2步高頻詞匯突破經(jīng)典句式突破識記基礎(chǔ)知識理解文章大意能力目標(biāo)1:正確拼寫單詞(一)根據(jù)英文釋義和首字母提示寫出單詞1 : a passage water or other liquids flow along2 :support for something such as a plan,idea,or system3 : something such as land,mineral,or natural energy in a country4 : to put something into something else or betw

2、een two thingschannelfavourresourceinsert5 :a connected series of events or actions 6 : the money that a person receives for their work, or from investments or business7 : a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering or death8 : money that you gain by selling things or doing bu

3、siness, after costs have been paidchainincomecatastropheprofit(二)用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空9Before China was an country and people mainly depended on . (agriculture)10From the girls look, we knew the snake her. (frighten)agriculturalagriculturefrightenedfrighteningfrightened11Walking dogs is not in our city and w

4、ithout , you cant keep pets at home. (permission)12This is a investment and we can make a In other words, we will from it. (profit)permittedpermissionprofitableprofitprofit 能力目標(biāo)2:熟背常用短語1limit . .把限制在范圍內(nèi)2 favor of 贊同,支持3be concerned 對關(guān)心/擔(dān)心4blame sb. (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而責(zé)備某人5point of 觀點toinaboutforvie

5、w6be cautious 小心,謹(jǐn)慎7 present 目前8use 用完,耗盡9. all 畢竟10have an effect 對有影響withupafteronat 能力目標(biāo)3:臨摩仿寫句式1Not_everything that is best for nature is good for people.并非所有對自然來說最好的就意味著對人類來說也是最好的。仿寫他所說的并不都是真的。 is true.Not all he said2Nowhere_is this truer than with genetically modified (GM) food.轉(zhuǎn)基因食品就是最好的例子。仿

6、寫沒有比你的作文更好的作文了。There is yours.no composition that is better thanRead the passage and choose the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1(A)understanding in our relationship with naturePara.2 (B) solution to the problem (Human can win by protecting nature) Para.3 (C)problem (natural resources be affected)P

7、ara.4 (D)different opinions towards the problem答案:1.C2.D3.A4.BRead the text carefully and then fill in the blanks.考點1in favour of贊同,支持教材原句Would anyone say that development should be stopped in favour of nature?我們能說為了保護自然就應(yīng)該停止發(fā)展嗎?The majority of people are in favour of the suggestion that children be

8、 given more time to play. 大多數(shù)人贊成應(yīng)該給孩子們更多的時間玩耍。Her mother was in favour of her plan about summer holiday.她媽媽支持她的暑假計劃。歸納拓展do sb.a favourdo a favour for sb. 幫某人一個忙in sb.s favour 對某人有利 ask a favour of sb. 請求某人幫忙I dont know who will do me a favour when in trouble.我不知道當(dāng)我遇到困難時,誰會幫我的忙。Will you do me the fav

9、our to carry the box?你能幫我拿那個盒子嗎?The delay of the contest might work in your favour.比賽延期可能對你有利。May I ask a favour of you?請你幫個忙行嗎?多角度演練1用favour的相關(guān)短語完成下面的小語段When I found the debate was not , I my brother.But he refused to and encouraged me to use my own judgement.At first, I felt he was not me.After I

10、won the debate, I realized what he did was right.in my favourasked a favour ofdo me the favourin favour of2單項填空All the candidates were _ the street to be named after a great man _ his great contributions to the city.Ain favor of; in need ofBin praise of; in favor ofCin praise of; in need ofDin favor

11、 of; in honor of解析:考查介詞短語辨析。句意:所有候選人都贊成以一名偉人的名字來命名這個街道,以表彰他對這個城市的貢獻。in favor of“贊成,支持”和in honor of“紀(jì)念,表彰”均為固定短語。故選D項。答案:D考點2point of view觀點;態(tài)度,看法教材原句From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs. 根據(jù)有些人的觀點,我們現(xiàn)在只是在做人類一直在做的事情利用

12、自然來滿足我們的需要。From the point of view of safety, the proposed measures are significant improvement.從安全的角度來看,所提議的措施是一次重大的改善。From my point of view, it is not wise to be crazy about famous stars.在我看來,迷戀于明星是不明智的。歸納拓展on the point of doing sth.正要做某事to the point 切題,切中要害off the point 偏題,脫離主題there is no point in

13、 doing sth. 做某事是沒有意義的We were on the point of leaving when the telephone rang.電話響的時候,我們正準(zhǔn)備離開。His proposal was short and to the point.他的提議簡短切題。There is no point in complaining, because they cant do anything to help you.抱怨是沒有意義的,因為他們沒辦法幫助你。多角度演練1根據(jù)漢語提示完成下面的小語段在我看來, 和父母爭吵是沒有意義的。當(dāng)你與他們有分歧時,你所說的一定要切題。如果他們正

14、要去上班, 你最好保持沉默并以后與他們交流。From my _ with parents. What you say should be , when you have different ideas with them.If they are going to work, you had better keep silent and talk with them later.point of view, there is no point inquarrellingto the pointon the point of2單項填空From the _ of view of parents, t

15、he film is not fit for children to see.AaccountBpointCdisappoint Dappoint解析:考查固定搭配。句意:在父母們看來,這部電影不適合孩子們看。point of view 為固定搭配,表示“觀點,看法”,符合句意。account“敘述”;disappoint“使失望”;appoint“任命,委派”。答案:B考點3frighten vt.使驚嚇,使驚恐;嚇唬教材原句While many people are excited about these new technologies, these same technologies

16、frighten others. 盡管許多人對這些新科技興奮不已,但同樣的這些科技卻讓許多人害怕。The fighting scene frightened the little girl.打斗場面嚇壞了小女孩。The heart attack has frightened his father out of drinking.心臟病發(fā)作嚇得他父親戒了酒。News of robbery frightened many people into fitting new locks to their door.頻繁發(fā)生搶劫的消息把許多人嚇得裝上了新門鎖。自主歸納 嚇唬某人做某事 嚇得某人不敢做某事f

17、righten sb. into doing sth.frighten sb. out of doing sth. 歸納拓展(1)frightening adj.嚇人的,使人恐懼的frightened adj. 受驚嚇的,驚恐的be frightened of 害怕;對感到恐懼be frightened at/by sth. 對害怕;被嚇壞了(2)fright n. 恐懼,害怕in fright 驚恐地Hearing the frightening sound of gun, all the birds flew away in fright.聽到可怕的槍聲,所有的鳥都驚恐地飛走了。The w

18、oman was frightened at the terrible news.這位婦女被這個可怕消息嚇壞了。多角度演練1介詞填空He frightened the old man giving him all the money.The little baby was frightened the fierce dog.It is obvious that the girl is frightened snakes.The old man cried out fright as the wolf oby/atofin2根據(jù)漢語提示用fright的相關(guān)詞語完成下面

19、的小語段從她害怕的表情,我知道她肯定被嚇人的事情嚇著了。她害怕地告訴我三個劫匪把她嚇哭了。自從那次經(jīng)歷之后,她害怕晚上單獨一個人出去。From her look, I knew that she must have been by something She told me in that three robbers her . After that experience, she alone at night.frightenedfrightenedfrighteningfrightfrightenedinto cryingis frightened of going out3單項填空The

20、 girl was so _ that she let out a _cry.Afrightened; frightenedBfrightening; frightenedCfrightening; frightening Dfrightened; frightening 解析:考查詞義辨析。句意:這個姑娘嚇壞了, 發(fā)出了一聲令人害怕的叫聲。frightened“受驚嚇的,驚恐的”;frightening“嚇人的,使人恐懼的”。故選D項。答案:D考點4limit vt.限制n.限額,限度,限制教材原句Research has been limited to increasing product

21、ion profits,rather than making sure that GM foods are safe. 目前的研究只局限于增加生產(chǎn)利潤,而不是確保轉(zhuǎn)基因食品的安全。(1)vt.限制Our school plans to limit classes to a maximum of 40 students.我們學(xué)校計劃把班級人數(shù)限定在40人以內(nèi)。High oil prices limit some people to using their own cars.高油價限制了一些人使用私家車。自主歸納 把限定在的范圍內(nèi) 限制某人(做)某事limit .to .limit sb. to

22、(doing) sth. (2)n.限額,限度,限制There is also a limit to speed in this area.這個地區(qū)也有速度限制。歸納拓展(1)set a limit to sth. 對某物加以限制within limits 在一定范圍內(nèi)beyond limit 超過限度without limit 無限地(2)limited adj. 受限制的,有限度的be limited to 被限制在范圍內(nèi)unlimited adj. 無限的The doctor suggested that he should set a limit to the amount of al

23、cohol he drank .醫(yī)生建議他應(yīng)對每天的飲酒量加以限制。Life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited.生命是有限的,但為人民服務(wù)是無限的。多角度演練1. 用limit的適當(dāng)形式及其相關(guān)短語完成下面的小語段Our natural resource is . We cant use it We need to use our technology to the resource we use to a certain quantity. For example, We should the trees we cut down

24、every year. limitedwithout limitlimitedlimitset a limit to2單項填空We are usually requested to _ our composition to 120 words.AdecreaseBincreaseCsubmit Dlimit解析:考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:通常我們的書面表達被要求限定在120詞以內(nèi)。limit“限定,限制”,符合句意。decrease“減少”;increase“增長”;submit“呈交,遞送”。答案:D考點5permission n準(zhǔn)許,許可,批準(zhǔn)教材原句Since no one knows w

25、hether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods, as they would rather be cautious with this new technology. 由于沒有人真正了解轉(zhuǎn)基因食物是否安全,許多國家對于轉(zhuǎn)基因食物的生產(chǎn)都猶豫不決,他們寧愿對此項技術(shù)保持謹(jǐn)慎。Who gave you permission to enter the school campus?是誰批準(zhǔn)你進校園的?The actor got/obtain t

26、he directors permission to advertise for our product.這位演員得到導(dǎo)演的許可為我們的產(chǎn)品做廣告。Children should ask their parents permission before playing computer games.孩子們在玩游戲前需征得父母的許可。The prisoners cant make phone calls without permission.未經(jīng)許可囚犯是不準(zhǔn)打電話的。自主歸納 給予某人許可;批準(zhǔn)某人 得到某人的許可 爭得某人許可 未經(jīng)許可give sb. permissionget/obtain

27、 ones permissionask sb.s permissionwithout permission歸納拓展permit v 允許,許可permit doing sth. 允許做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事Time permitting, Ill go to drop in on you.時間允許的話,我會順便去看你的。The club doesnt permit its members to wear their own clothes.這個俱樂部不允許會員穿自己的衣服。The manager doesnt permit smoking in his

28、office.經(jīng)理不允許在他的辦公室里抽煙。多角度演練1根據(jù)漢語提示完成下面的小語段未經(jīng)媽媽許可,他不能出去和同學(xué)們玩。做完作業(yè)后,媽媽許可他出去打籃球了,但她不允許他回來得很晚。 , he couldnt go out to play with his classmates. With his homework done, his mother to play basketball, but she didnt late.Without his mothers permissiongave him permissionpermit him to come back2單項填空It made t

29、he coach angry _ Wang Wei, without the _ from him, was absent from training class.Athat; permissionBwhich; permitCwhich; permission Dthat; permit解析:考查主語從句及詞匯辨析。句意:令教練生氣的是王偉不經(jīng)他允許不來參加訓(xùn)練。本句中it為形式主語。that從句作真正的主語。permission“允許,許可”;permit“許可證,通行證”。答案:A1Not_everything that is best for nature is good for pe

30、ople.并非所有對自然來說是最好的就意味著對人類來說也是最好的。(1)本句中not everything 為不完全否定,即部分否定。every, both, all, often, always, usually等與not連用,表示部分否定。Not everyone likes this book. 并非每個人都喜歡這本書。Both the windows are not open. 兩扇窗戶并不是都開著。Not all that glitters is gold. All that glitters is not gold.發(fā)光的并非都是金子。Great men are not alway

31、s right, either.偉人也并不總是對的。(2)every, both, all等詞的完全否定形式為no, neither, none。 often, always, usually等的完全否定形式為never。Neither of the twins like dancing.這對雙胞胎都不喜歡跳舞。He never comes to see me.他從不來看我。多角度演練1句型轉(zhuǎn)換Not all of us think highly of the magic of Liu Qian.All of us the magic of Liu Qian.Both the twins ar

32、e interested in playing the piano.( 改為完全否定句) are interested in playing the piano.dont think highly of Neither of the twins 2翻譯句子并非他的父母都是老師。并非所有的人都喜歡運動。沒有一個老師開會遲到。Both of his parents arent teachers.Not all people like sports.None of the teachers were late for the meeting.2單項填空Edisons teacher could not answer _ his questions, so his mother helped him with s


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