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1、高中英語講義好好努力 夢想終會實現(xiàn)- -Period Developing ideas課前自學導引只是一個兄弟這是 2016 年墨西哥世界鐵人三項大賽的最后一場比賽。 (距終點 )只剩下 700米的時候,阿利斯泰爾 布朗利名列第三,他的弟弟喬尼領(lǐng)先。阿利斯泰爾冒著酷熱沖向終點線,但當他轉(zhuǎn)過拐角時,他看到他的弟弟快要倒在跑道上了。阿利斯 泰爾必須選擇:兄弟之愛還是贏得比賽的機會?對阿利斯泰爾來說,選擇是明確的。他的兄弟有困難了。他不得不幫忙。阿利斯泰爾朝喬尼跑去,抓住他,并且開始把他拉向終點線。然后阿利斯泰爾把他的弟弟推過了終點線。這一舉動使得喬尼排名第二,阿利斯泰爾本人排名第三。比賽的結(jié)果出人

2、意料,但阿利斯泰爾不想與媒體討論此事。他只是想看看被緊急 送往醫(yī)療區(qū)的弟弟。布朗利兄弟兩人從小就參加鐵人三項運動。 “很明顯,當你的哥哥在做的時 候,你認為這是一件很酷的事情, ”喬尼說。阿利斯泰爾說,他們在訓練時盡可 能地互相鼓勵。盡管有時會因為一些 “愚蠢的事情 ”發(fā)生爭吵,阿利斯泰爾還是 認為有個兄弟是一種優(yōu)勢。 “在我的一生中,我有個弟弟總是試圖在我做的每一 件事上打敗我。這是一種非常積極的力量。 ”在數(shù)百萬人的注視下,對這場比賽的結(jié)局眾說紛紜:這對兄弟應(yīng)該(因犯規(guī)行為)被取消資格,還是應(yīng)該受到高度贊揚?但對阿利斯泰爾來說,他的決定很容易 解釋: “如果我把喬尼落下,媽媽會不高興的。

3、”在那一刻,他不再是一個為了 獲得獎牌的運動員 他只是一個兄弟。課堂合作探究1settle v. 和解,結(jié)束 (爭論);定居 (P32)歸納(1)settle for 勉強接受,將就拓展settle in 在安家,定居,落戶settle into 遷入(新居 )settle down 定居,過安定的日子; (使 )平靜下來(2)settler n. 移民;定居者settlement n. (解決紛爭的 )協(xié)議;解決;處理; (關(guān)于錢財轉(zhuǎn)讓的 ) 協(xié)議(書)As a perfectionist, Virginia was just not prepared to settlefor anythi

4、ng mediocre. 作為一個完美主義者,弗吉尼婭就是無法勉強接受任何平庸的東西。She settled in Shanghai after her fathers death. 父親死后,她就在上海定居了。We settled into our new house just last week. 我們上周剛剛遷入新居。The chairman tried to settle the audience down. 主席盡力讓聽眾安靜下來。單句語法填空After the excitement I tried to settle myself.He settledthe country aft

5、er his retirement.They want $2,500 for it, but they might settle$2,000.答案: down in for2obviously adv. 明顯地,顯而易見地 (P33)歸納拓展obvious adj. 明顯的,顯而易見的 be obvious to sb. 對某人來說顯而易見It is obvious (to sb.) that . (對某人來說 )很明顯 Obviously, hes fallen in love with the girl. 顯而易見,他愛上了這個女孩。The disadvantages areobvious

6、 to us.這些不利條件對我們而言是顯而易見的。It was quite obvious to everyone that it had been a mistake. 很顯然每個人都認為它是個錯誤。(1)單句語法填空It is obviousus that he is not responsible for this mistake.Diet and exercise are(obvious) important if you want to loseweight.答案: to obviously(2)單句寫作 老的方法顯然不能滿足新的要求。that the old method cann

7、ot meet new requirements. 答案: It is obvious1in the lead 處于領(lǐng)先地位 (P32)歸納拓展(1)take the lead (in doing sth.) 帶頭 (做某事 )(2)play the lead/the lead role 主演(3)lead v. 帶路,領(lǐng)路;領(lǐng)導,帶領(lǐng);導致,造成 lead sb. to sp. 帶某人去某處lead an investigation/inquiry/campaign 開展調(diào)查 /詢問 /運動lead sb. into sth. 使某人陷入 (不良狀態(tài) )lead sb. to do sth.

8、/lead to sb. doing sth.導 致某人做某事 The US took the lead in declaring war on terrorism. 美國帶頭向恐怖主義宣戰(zhàn)。He will play the lead role in Hamlet.他將主演哈姆雷特 。A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair. 有位護士攙扶她坐到椅子上。Her trusting nature often led her into trouble. 她容易相信別人的性格經(jīng)常使她遇到麻煩。His actions could lead to him lo

9、sing his job. 他的行為會讓他丟掉工作的。單句寫作從頭到尾都是她領(lǐng)先。She wasfrom start to finish.是什么原因讓他這次考試沒有及格? fail this exam?他們正在領(lǐng)導一場運動,告誡青少年吸毒的危害。They areto warn teenagers about the dangers of drugabuse.答案: in the lead What led him to leading an campaign2end up ( 尤指經(jīng)歷一系列意外后 )最終處于,到頭來 (P35)end up doing sth. 最終還是做了某事;以做某事結(jié)束

10、歸納end up with 以結(jié)束拓展end up as 最終成為end up like 到頭來和一樣 I wondered where the pictures would endup after the auction. 我想知道那些畫拍賣后的最終去處。 Most slimmers end up putting weight back on. 大多數(shù)減肥成功的人最終又胖了回去。Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a stomach upset. 在這條河里游泳的人最終可能會出現(xiàn)腸胃不適。He could end up as Pre

11、sident.他沒準兒哪天會當上總統(tǒng)。(1)單句語法填空He came round for a coffee and we ended up(have) a meal together.He ended up his speecha poem.答案: having with(2)單句寫作 我可不想到最后和我父母一樣I dont want to my parents. 答案: end up like1With just 700 metres to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, wa

12、s in the lead.只剩下 700 米了,阿利斯泰爾 布朗利名列第三,他的弟弟喬尼領(lǐng)先。 (P32)剖析本句中 With just 700 metres to go為“ with 賓語賓補”構(gòu)成的 with 復合結(jié)構(gòu),其中不定式 to go 作賓補。歸納拓展with 復合結(jié)構(gòu)在句中常作原因、條件、時間、方式或伴隨狀語,也可 作后置定語。常見形式有:(1)with 賓語動詞不定式 (表示未做 )(2)with 賓語現(xiàn)在分詞 (表示主動或進行 )(3)with 賓語過去分詞 (表示被動或完成 )(4)with 賓語形容詞 /副詞/介詞短語(表示狀態(tài) )With a great many a

13、rticles to write, he wont have time to go shopping thismorning. 他有那么多文章要寫,今天早上將沒有時間去買東西了。 He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky. 他躺在草地上,眼望天空。 With my homework finished, I gladly accepted her invitation. 我的作業(yè)完成了,我欣然接受了她的邀請。In summer, she usually sleeps withthe windows open.夏天,她通常開著窗戶睡覺

14、。Alice was lying on the bed with her shoes on. 艾麗斯穿著鞋子躺在床上。The teacher came in, witha smile on his face. 老師進來了,臉上洋溢著笑容。單句語法填空With prices(go) up, more and more people cant afford a newhouse.a dream in heart, he went to Beijing.All the afternoon the scientist worked with the door(lock) With a lot of w

15、ork(do), I couldnt go to the supermarket.答案: going With locked to do2But for Alistair, his decision was easy to explain: “Mum wouldnt但對阿利斯泰爾來說, 他的決定很容易解釋: 媽媽會不高興的。 ” (P33)“如果我把喬尼落下,剖析本句中 his decision was easy to explain為“主語 be adj. 動詞 不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)。歸納拓展(1)常用于該句型的形容詞多為表示主語性質(zhì)、特征的詞,如 hard, difficult, pleasant

16、, easy, comfortable, interesting等。 (2)動詞不定式和主語在邏輯上為動賓關(guān)系, 不定式用主動形式表示 被動意義;當不定式中的動詞為不及物動詞時, 要加上適當?shù)慕樵~。 (3)不定式有時會帶上自己的邏輯主語,并由 for 引出。 注意: 表示喜、怒、哀、樂等情感的形容詞,后跟不定式表原因,不可用不定式的主動表被動。 As the old saying goes:“Floweprles aasraen t to look at but hard to grow.正如俗話所說:“看花容易栽花難。” This city is really comfortable to

17、live in.這個城市真的很適合居住。 The long sentence is difficult for you to remember. 這個長句對你來說很難記。Im glad to be told this good news. 我很高興被告知這個好消息。(1)單句語法填空 This machine is very easy(operate). Anybody can learn to use it ina few minutes. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier (break) i

18、nto small pieces.There is a party tonight in honour of our new president, and I am honoured (invite) 答案: to operate to break to be invited(2)句型轉(zhuǎn)換I find it difficult to work out this problem in such a short time. The problemin such a short time.答案: is difficult for me to work out.單詞拼寫1She is a tennis

19、 player with a highly(與眾不同的 ) style.答案: individual2Robert is the only person who shares my(意見 )答案: opinion3The museum is open daily(在整個期間 ) the year.答案: throughout4Doctor Bethune spent his(全部的 ) life in China as a doctor.答案: entire5An ais a person who competes in sports such as running and jumping.答

20、案: athlete6The museum ca number of original artworks.答案: contains7It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have pattitudes towards life.答案: positive8There is no doubt that the m, such as television, and radio, play animportant part in influencing peoples ideas.答案:

21、 media .單句語法填空 1applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.答案: Despite2.Man has lived in this earth for perhaps a(million) years.答案: million3(obvious), the nice girl was taken in by what the young man said.答案: Obviously4The price of wine varies(enormous) depending on where it comesfrom.答

22、案: enormously5Daniel gazed at her in(admire)答案: admiration6With a lot of problems(solve), the newly-elected president will havea hard time.答案: to solve7She showed a lack of(judge) on this matter.答案: judgement8Pupils visited some of the websites(feature) in the article.答案: featured .選詞填空make up for;

23、be busy with; now and then; in the lead; series of; make an apology; settle for; be related to1Theres been a wholeaccidents on this road.答案: series of2To achieve China Dreameveryones fate.答案: is related to3In the end they had toa draw.答案: settle for4I think you shouldto your brother for being so rud

24、e to him.答案: make an apology5Daisy doesnt have a gift for music, but sheit with hard work.答案: makes up for6My grandfather still plays tennis, even though hes in his nineties.答案: now and then7With only 100 metres to go, Tom isso he is very likely to win thegame.答案: in the lead8Most of the studentsthe

25、ir homework so there is little time left to dosomething that they enjoy.答案: are busy with.單句寫作1愿我是一條游在海里的魚。 (虛擬語氣 )I wish swimming in the sea.答案: I were a fish2這么多人盯著她看,她感到很緊張。 (with 復合結(jié)構(gòu) )With so many people, she felt very nervous.答案: staring at her3這個問題很難回答。 ( 主語 be adj. 不定式 )The question is . 答案:

26、 difficult to answer4從山頂看城市,城市顯得更漂亮。 (過去分詞短語作狀語 ), the city looks more beautiful. 答案: Seen from the top of the hill 5坐在后面的人請安靜,好嗎? (現(xiàn)在分詞短語作定語 ) Will the peoplekeep quiet, please?答案: sitting at the back課后課時作業(yè)I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as a happy wife and bu

27、siness woman. When Mum 1 in October 2007, I was a cook. In December that year, while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me 2 . I was distraught (憂心如焚的 ). Some days later, I was 3 that a guy who was working with us that day could probably have made a fortune 4 the necklace he

28、found. 5 , he returned it. Hearing how Id 6 Mum for six months before her death, he said,“ Christmas is going to be 7 why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?”I come to Morzaine, a small, friendly village in the Alps and 8 fell in love with it. What was 9 to be a stopgap (權(quán)宜之計 ) trip 10 a n

29、ew life. I kept travelling between London and here and felt 11 than I had in months. In December 2008, I was 12 as a hotel manager and moved here full time.A month later, I met Paul, who was traveling here. We fell in love. In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss marriage, because the sadness of l

30、osing Mum still felt 13 . Paul understood that and never 14 me. But, by summer, we got married. A year later, we used his savings, and the money from the sale of Moms house, to build our own 15 .We want to give our guests a 16 feel, so each room is themed (以為題 ) around memories from our lives. There

31、 are also styles to remind me of Mom a tiny chair which 17 be in her bedroom is set in one room.We are having a wonderful life and Mum 18 naturally part of it, 19 theres no way we would be here if it wasnt for the 20 she gave me. I know shes here in spirit, keeping an eye on us.篇章導讀: 本文是一篇記敘文。作者圍繞其母

32、親去世時留給她的一條珍珠項 鏈這一主線展開故事。文章敘述了她在項鏈失而復得之后,為了緩解對母親的思 念,在一次不經(jīng)意的度假中找到了她的新生活 成家立業(yè)。作者在生活中以各 種形式來懷念她的母親,感受到家的溫暖,而 “項鏈” 既表達了對母親的懷念之 情也暗示了母親對她生活的影響。1A.diedBcameC returnedDvisited答案:A 根據(jù)第 6空所在句中的 “death”可知母親 “去世了(died)”,故選 A。2A.burnedBdisappearedC brokeDdropped答案: B 根據(jù)第 2 空后的 “我”感到憂心如焚及第 5 空后的 “he returned it”

33、可知此處是指項鏈丟失不見了 (disappeared)。故選 B。3A.shownBcomfortedC persuadedDtold答案:D 幾天之后 “我”被別人告知 (told)項鏈的下落,故選 D。4A.hidingBstealingC sellingDwearing答案: C 既然是賺了一大筆錢,撿到項鏈的那個人肯定是把它賣了 (selling), 故選 C。5A.HopefullyBNaturallyC AccidentallyDFortunately答案: D 由第 5空后的 “he returned it”可知項鏈失而復得,對于作者而言, 自然很幸運 (fortunately)

34、 ,故選 D。6A.nursedBcuredC missedDguarded答案: A 既然母親去世了,那么母親去世前應(yīng)該是 “我”護理了 (nursed)她 六個月,故選 A 。7A.longBhardC merryDfree答案:B 在萬家團圓的圣誕節(jié), 母親剛?cè)ナ?,對?我”來說一定很艱難 (hard),故選 B 。8A.suddenlyBfinallyC nearlyDimmediately答案: D “我”一來到小鎮(zhèn)Morzaine 就立刻 (immediately)喜歡上了它, 故選D。9A.saidBprovedC supposedDjudged答案:C 作者此次外出本應(yīng)是作為權(quán)

35、宜之計的放松心情的旅游。 be supposedto “應(yīng)該” ,故選 C。10 A.turned outBturned intoC turned downDturned on答案:B 根據(jù)第 11、12 空所在句子描述作者的生活的積極變化可知,原本應(yīng)該是一次權(quán)宜之計的旅行變成了(turn into) 新的生活,故選 B。11A.smarterBhigherC firmerDlighter答案: D 我的心情比過去的幾個月輕松了 (lighter)很多,故選 D。12A.honoredBhiredC regardedDtrained答案: B 我受雇 (hired)到這里來當賓館的經(jīng)理,故選

36、B13A.upsetBpainfulC greatDgood答案: C 根據(jù)該空所在句中的 “In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss marriage”和后文的 “But, by summer, we got married. ”可知剛開始 “我” 沒有心情談 論婚姻,因為 “我” 還沉浸在失去母親的巨大 (great)痛苦當中,故選 C。14 A.leftBpushedC surprisedDinterrupted答案: B Paul 理解我的心情,從不催促 (pushed)“我 ”結(jié)婚,故選 B。15 A.hotelBrestaurantC ho

37、meDshop答案:A 由第 16空所在句子中的 “We want to give our guests ”及上文提到作 者受雇當賓館經(jīng)理可知,現(xiàn)在我們開了家自己的賓館 (hotel),故選 A 。16 A.homelyBlivelyC motherlyDfriendly答案: A 后文說每間客房都以來自生活的記憶為主題, 我們這樣做是為了讓 客人有一種家庭的 (homely)感覺,故選 A 。17 A.ought toBused toC mightDcould答案:B 這把小椅子以前 (used to)是放在母親的臥室里的,故選 B。18 A.takesBkeepsC looksDfeels

38、答案: D 母親已去世,但是我們的幸福生活她在天堂可以感受到 (feels),故選D19A.unlessBwhileC becauseDthough答案: C 這里是在解釋“我”認為母親是我們幸福生活的一部分的原因,故Bchair選 C 。20A.moneyC houseDnecklace答案:D 前文一直在圍繞著母親給我的項鏈 (necklace)敘述,母親給 “我 ”的 項鏈讓 “我”找到了幸福,故選 D。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有 兩項為多余選項。We are told that“ a family that eats together stays

39、 together” . We even follow imaking the whole family sit in front of the television while eating, right? Wrong. Television does nothing to help make the family relationships better. 1 Its thus better to give the TV a break and to sit at the dinner table. Family dinners need another important part co

40、nversations that bring in a pleasant atmosphere.It often serves well to start the conversation right before dinner so that setting the table and doing other things may become less boring. 2 As a result, there are no embarrassing moments when people are actually eating. Also, you can change the topic

41、 if you feel that it might start arguments.Children arent usually very good at sharing information and dont know how to reply when you ask them questions like “ How was your school today?”3For this, you can ask them about the after-class activities that they might be taking part in.4Therefore, all c

42、ontroversial ( 有爭議的 ) topics should not be talked about.Actually, if you have had a funny incident in your day at the work, share it with others. Whats more, it serves well if you share your childhood memories with your family. 5 In a word, it is always important to choose the right topics for the f

43、amily dinner conversations.A Try to know more about them than just their school life.B Its often difficult to start a conversation at a family dinner.C Doing things together can make family members feel interested.D In fact, it only increases the distance between members of the family.EBut try to ke

44、ep in mind some family dinner conversation ideas.FConversations during dinnertime should encourage family members to eat well.G They, especially your kids, will feel excited to hear about what you did as a child.篇章導讀: 本文是一篇議論文,討論了如何在吃飯時改善家庭關(guān)系。1 D 根據(jù)設(shè)空前一句 “ Television does nothing to help make the fa

45、mily relationships better. 可知,”電視無助于改善家庭關(guān)系。 D 項(事實上,它只會增加家 庭成員之間的距離。 )承接上文。2C 根據(jù)設(shè)空前一句 “It often serves well to start the conversation right before dinner so that setting the table and doing other things may become less borin”g可. 知,在 晚餐前就開始談話通常很有幫助,這樣擺桌子和做其他事情就不會那么無聊了。 C 項(一起做事可以讓家人感到有興趣。 )承接上文。 C 項中

46、的 feel interested和上文中 的 become less boring相吻合。3A 根據(jù)設(shè)空前一句 “ Children arent usually very good at sharing information and dont know how to reply when you ask them questions like How was your school today?” 可知,孩子們通常不太善于分享信息,當你問他們 “今天你在學校怎 么樣? ”時他們不知道怎樣回答。 A 項(試著多了解他們,而不僅僅是他們的學校 生活。 )切題。4F 根據(jù)設(shè)空下一句 “There

47、fore, all controversial ( 有爭議的 ) topics should not be talked about.”可知,所有有爭議的話題都不應(yīng)該談?wù)摗?F 項(用餐時間的談 話應(yīng)該鼓勵家庭成員吃得好。 )承接下文,切題。設(shè)空后的 Therefore 說明前后是一 種因果關(guān)系,故答案為 F。5G 根據(jù)設(shè)空前一句 “Whats more, it serves well if you share your childhood memories with your family.”可知,如果你和你的家人分享你的童年記憶,它會很有 用。G 項(他們,尤其是你的孩子,會因為聽到你小時

48、候的所作所為而感到興奮。)承接上文。This morning, they left on a long trip to Hawaii. They were as 1 (excite) as if it were their honeymoon (蜜月 )When my parents married, they had only enough money for a three- day trip fifty miles from home. They made an 2(agree) that each day they would put a dollarin a special meta

49、l box and save it for a honeymoon in Hawaii for their fiftieth anniversary (周年紀念 )Dad was a policeman, and Mom was a school teacher. They lived in a small house and did all 3 (they) own repairs. Raising five children was a challenge, and sometimes money was short, 4no matter what emergency came up,

50、Dad wouldnot let Mom take any money out of the “Hawaii account (賬戶)”. As 5 account grew, they put it in a saving account and then bought CDs.My parents 6 (be) always very much in love since the day they got married. I can remember Dad 7 (come) home and telling Mom, “I have a dollar in my pocket,” an

51、d she would smile at him and say, “ I know how to spend it.When each of us children married, Mom and Dad gave us a small metal box and told us their secret, 8 we found attractive. All five of us now 9 (save) for our dream honeymoon. Mom and Dad never told us how much money they had managed 10 (save)

52、, but it must have been fairly large because when they cashed in those CDs, they had enough for the flights to Hawaii and a hotel room for ten days and plenty of spending money. TOC o 1-5 h z 10.答案: 1.excited 2.agreement 3.their 4.but 5.the 6.have been ing 8.which 9.are saving 10.to s

53、ave閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容寫一篇 60 詞左右的內(nèi)容概要。Crying MotherComing home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitement of having the weekend off. But I was shocked into stillness by what I saw.Mother, seated at the far end of the sofa, crying with the second-hand green typewriter on the table. She told me that she couldnt type fast and then she was out of work.My shock and embarrassmenta t finding Mother in tear


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