譯林版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語習(xí)題課件 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練之語法專訓(xùn)_第1頁
譯林版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語習(xí)題課件 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練之語法專訓(xùn)_第2頁
譯林版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語習(xí)題課件 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練之語法專訓(xùn)_第3頁
譯林版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語習(xí)題課件 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練之語法專訓(xùn)_第4頁
譯林版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語習(xí)題課件 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練之語法專訓(xùn)_第5頁
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1、 譯林版 八年級(jí)上 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練語法專訓(xùn)答 案 呈 現(xiàn)溫馨提示:點(diǎn)擊 進(jìn)入講評(píng)習(xí)題鏈接1B2C3C4A形容詞與副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)一1the fewest2less; more3least4fewer678910betterhardermore quicklyfarther; farthestfastest5higher二答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1shorter than; taller than; the tallest2more interesting3any other bed room4the largest country6more important; any other subject

2、5two years younger三形容詞與副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1A2B3C4Bas. . . as一1as; as2dont live as/ so3as/ so; as4as old as; as/ so tall as5as important as二答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接反身代詞一1kept; to himself2believe; for yourselves3enjoyed themselves/had (great) fun/had a good time4travelling by herself/alone二1itself2myself3yoursel

3、f4themselves5ourselves答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接祈使句一二1A2B3D4B5B1Read it2Listen to3Dont be4Dont sit67AD5will you6Dont move答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接用may表示可能性一二1may stay2may be3may not arrive4may not be1C2C3B4C用should和had better提建議1D2A3A4B5C6B答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1lose2To record3not to drink4to ride678910to exerciseto saveto keepto staynot

4、to catch動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語、目的狀語、賓語補(bǔ)足語5to stay1112131415To catchnot to stayto arriveTo learnTo get答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1617181920to serveto maketo changeTo maketo feel動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語、目的狀語、賓語補(bǔ)足語句子結(jié)構(gòu)一1G; H2D; F3A; E4B; I5C; J 答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接句子結(jié)構(gòu)二1SV2SVO3SVDOOC4SVP5SVIODO678SVOSVDOOCSVDOOC答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接過去進(jìn)行時(shí)和when/while/as一1while2when3wh

5、ile4when5while678910whenwhilewhenWhen/AsWhile/As 二1Dont make; driving2was working; went3Were; having; started4was cooking; went5was walking; met答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接過去進(jìn)行時(shí)和when/while/as6was cleaning二三1A2B3B4D5C67BD四1Were; sleeping2while; was climbing3What were; doing4was writing答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接過去進(jìn)行時(shí)和when/while/as五1

6、rang while I was reading newspapers2called you last night; you didnt at home; was shopping with my mother in the supermarket3my father was reading newspapers; my mother was washing clothes 4I was making a snowman with my brother; was taking photos形容詞與副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. His English is _ than _. A. wo

7、rse, her B. worse, hersC. better, her D. better, sheB2. With a history of more than 1, 400 years, Zhaozhou Bridge is the _ stone arch bridge in the world.A. old B. olderC. oldest D. elderC3. Tom is _of the twin brothers. So he is weaker in his subjects than his brother.A. lazy B. lazierC. the lazier

8、 D. the laziestC4. This year, our city is _ than it was last year.A. much more beautiful B. much beautifulC. the most beautiful D. beautifulA二、用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. Who has _ (few) magazines, Bob, Jim or Jack? Jack. He has only one. 2. He has _ (little) money than you, but he has _ (much) friends than y

9、ou. the fewestlessmore3. He spent the _ (little) time watching TV among his friends.4. This English story has _ (few) new words than that one.5. Sandy is good at sports. She can jump much _ (high) than Millie.leastfewerhigher6. Henry did quite well in the competition. I did even _ (good). 7. The _ (

10、hard) you work, the better grades you will get.betterharder8. Sandy writes _ (quickly) than any other student in her class. 9. Lily runs _ (far) than Linda, but Millie runs _ (far) of the three.10. If you run _ (fast), you come first in the race.more quicklyfartherfastestfarthest三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. Peter is 1.

11、60m. Tom is 1.65m. Sam is 1.70mPeter is _ _ Tom. Sam is _ _ Tom. Sam is _ _ of the three.shorter than tallerthanthe tallest2. This story is less exciting than that one.That story is _ _ than this one.3. This bedroom is the cleanest one of all the bedrooms in the hotel.This bedroom is cleaner than _

12、_ _ in the hotel.more interestingany other bed room4. Russia is larger than any other country in the world.Russia is _ _ _ in the world.5. I am thirteen years old. And my sister is eleven.I am thirteen years old. And my sister is _ _ _ than I.the largest countrytwoyears younger6. We think English is

13、 the most important subject.We think English is _ _ than _ _ _. more importantany other subjectasas一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. Who did it better, Kate or Lily?I think Kate did just _ Lily.A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as badly thanA2. The classroom is _ clean _ ours.A. so; as B. as; asC. as; than D. s

14、o; thanB3. I cant run _ my brother.A. as faster as B. as good asC. as fast as D. as better asC4. Lily isnt as _ as peter. She often makes mistakes in her composition.A. careless B. carefulC. carelessly D. carefullyB二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. Mary is 1.7 m tall. Mike is 1.7 m tall (改同義句)Jim is _ tall _ Mike. as as2. I

15、 live as happily as before. (改否定句)I _ _ _ happily as before.3. Mary is more lovely than Maria. (改同義句)Maria isnt _ lovely _ Mary.dont live as/ soas/ so as4. 露西和莉莉一樣大, 但是沒她高。Lucy is _ _ _ Lily. But Lucy isnt _ _ _ Lily.5. 英語和漢語一樣重要。English is _ _ _ Chinese.as old asas important asas/ so tall as反身代詞一、根

16、據(jù)句意, 用正確的反身代詞填空1. The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world _. itself2. I dont want to be anybody else. I just want to be _. 3. Andy, please help _ to the cookies! I made them just for you. myselfyourself4. As parents, we must tell our children how to look after _ and keep safe.

17、 5. Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of _. themselvesourselves二、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子1. 他自己保守著這個(gè)秘密, 沒有別人知道這件事。He _ the secret _. Nobody else knew about it. kept to himself2. 如果你們不相信我的話, 你們可以親自去看看。If you dont _ what I said, you can go and see it _. believefor yourselves3. 昨天她

18、們?cè)诹者_(dá)的生日聚會(huì)上玩得很開心。They _ at Lindas birthday party yesterday. enjoyed themselves/had (great) fun/had a good time4. 她仍然喜歡獨(dú)自旅行。She still enjoys _. travelling by herself/alone祈使句一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. The TV is too loud. Please _. A. turn it down B. to turn it downC. turn down it D. to turn down itA2. _ late again, Bil

19、l!A. Dont to be B. Dont beC. Not be D. Be notB3. _ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A. Not B. Wont C. Doesnt D. DontD4. Please help me carry it, _?A. will I B. will you C. shall I D. shall weB5. Please keep away from the big dog over there. It may bite you.OK. I _. Thank you.A. do

20、 B. will C. wont D. dontB6. Kate, _ your homework here tomorrow.A. bring B. bringsC. to bring D. bringingA7. _ me the truth, or Ill be angry.A. Telling B. To tellC. Told D. TellD二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改為祈使句)_ _ again more slowly, please.Read it2. If you dont listen to m

21、e, Ill go. (改為同義句)_ _ me, or Ill go.3. The teachers often tell the students not to be careless. (改為祈使句)_ _ careless, please.Listen toDont be4. Please sit next to Nancy. (改為否定句)_ _ next to Nancy.5. Dont forget to turn off the lights, please. (改為反意疑問句)Dont forget to turn off the lights, _ _?Dont sitwi

22、ll you6. If you move, youll die. (改為同義句)_ _, or youll die.Dont move用should和had better提建議單項(xiàng)選擇1. You _ late for school.A. had not better to be B. had not better beC. had better not to be D. had better not beD2. Youd better _ at once.A. go B. goesC. went D. to goA3. I wasnt sure whether I _ offer to he

23、lp or not. A. should B. mightC. would D. neededA4. We _ learn as much as we can at school.A. may not B. shouldC. shouldnt D. mustnt B5. The Earth is in danger. We should _ more trees.A. cut down B. planting C. plant D. to plantC6. Excuse me, I want to go to Yuexiu Park. Which bus _ I take?A. must B.

24、 should C. may D. need B用may表示可能性一、用 may和括號(hào)中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. Its sunny and warm. We _ (stay) out for longer. 2. Millie practises playing the piano every day. Soon she _ (be) able to play it well. may staymay be3. There is a lot of traffic on the way. He _ (not arrive) on time. 4. David didnt say anythi

25、ng. He _ (not be) happy about it. may not arrivemay not be二、單項(xiàng)選擇1. What a beautiful building it is! What is it for?It _ a hotel. But Im not sure. A. must be B. have to beC. may be D. will beC2. Excuse me, which is the way to Hongshan Zoo? Sorry, I dont know. Ask the policeman over there. He _ know.

26、A. need B. can C. may D. shallC3. Do you have any plans for the coming weekend? Well. I am thinking about it. I _ go to the Purple Mountain. A. must B. may C. need D. should B4. I hear youve got a new phone for your birthday. _ I have a look? Certainly. A. Must B. Need C. May D. ShouldC動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語、目的狀語

27、、賓語補(bǔ)足語用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. The disease made a lot of people _(lose) their lives2. _(record) what the teacher said in class, we should take notes carefully. loseTo record3. I advise you _ (not drink) too much. It will hurt your health.4. It took her about a month _ (ride) from Hainan to Beijing.5. Henry

28、 invited me _ (stay) with him when his parents went for a holiday.not to drinkto rideto stay6. To keep healthy, I decided _(exercise) half an hour every day.7. The doctor did what he could _ (save) that patient. to exerciseto save8. Its cold in the room. Shall we make a fire _ (keep) warm? 9. The Ch

29、inese government makes the nature reserve a perfect place for milu deer _ (stay) happily.10. Mr. Wu told us _ (not catch ) birds for any reason.to keepto staynot to catch11. Why did you get up so early? _ (catch) the first bus.12. My parents asked me _(not stay) out too late after leaving school.To

30、catchnot to stay13. He failed _(arrive) at the bus station on time because of sleeping late in the morning.14. _(learn) English quickly and well, he went to England.15. _(get) on well with your classmates, you must be kind and helpful.to arriveTo learnTo get16. Would you like to be the monitor of yo

31、ur class this term?Of course. I want to prove my ability and do what I can _ (serve) my classmates. 17. He tried all the ways he could think of _ (make) the little baby stop crying.to serveto make18. What did you say _ (change) his mind just now?19. What do you mean by saying so?_ (make) the boss be

32、lieve what we said.20. Why dont you drink some juice _ (feel) cool on such a hot day?to changeTo maketo feel句子結(jié)構(gòu)一、將下列句子按照五種句型分類, 將其序號(hào)填寫在橫線上1. SV _ _2. SVP _ _3. SVO _ _ 4. SVIODO _ _5. SVDOOC _ _A. We made a kite quickly.B. We made him a kite. C. We made him the chairperson.D. The leaves all turn ye

33、llow.E. The girl turned the key. F. Jacky seems to be sad.G. Jacky was crying. H. The temperature rose a lot.I. The volunteers bought the school some books. J. We found something hiding among the leaves.G HD FA EB IC J 二、分析下列句子成分, 并用字母表達(dá)1. She laughed._SV2. He bought a T-shirt._3. Jay named his dog

34、Bobby. _SVOSVDOOC4. She looks lovely._5. He gave Mary a present._SVPSVIODO6. The teacher is marking the tests._7. They thought John the best actor. _8. I find the article interesting. _SVOSVDOOCSVDOOC過去進(jìn)行時(shí)和whenwhileas一、用when, while, as 填空。1. My mother was cooking _ my father was reading newspapers.2

35、. He was waiting for a bus _a traffic accident happened.whilewhen3. He was smoking _ he was waiting in his car.4. The children were running out _ it suddenly began to rain heavily.5. What was your father doing _ your mother was cooking?whilewhenwhile6. Was your mother doing housework _ you came back

36、?7. I was trying my best to finish the work _ my sister was watching TV.whenwhile8. How fast were you going _ the policeman stopped you?9. _ the telephone rang, I became very nervous.10. _ we were boating on the lake, we saw a fish jump out of the water.whenWhen/AsWhile/As 二、用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. _(not

37、make) a telephone call while _(drive) a car.2. When I _(work) on a maths problem, a good idea _(go) through my head.Dont makewas workingdrivingwent3. _ you _(have) lunch when the earthquake _(start)?4. I _(cook) when the light _(go) out yesterday evening.5. As I _(walk) along the street, I _ (meet)

38、our maths teacher.Were havingwas cooking wentwas walking metstarted6. I called you at 6: 00 yesterday, but you didnt answer me.Oh, I _(clean) the car with my father in the garden.was cleaning三、單項(xiàng)選擇1. Tom, why not answer me when I called your name in the street just now?Sorry, Jim. I _ to my wife on

39、the phone. A. was talking B. talkedC. am talking D. had talkedA2. _ Amy met Peter, she with her mum _ the bus at the bus station.A. When; waited B. When; was waitingC. While; were waiting D. While; waitedB3. Jim, what do you think of my idea? Sorry, I _ of something else.A. thought B. was thinkingC. think D. will thinkB4. Did you see a man in black pass by just now? No, sir. I _ my c


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