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1、五年級下冊英語第六單元學情一、請選出與例詞劃線部分讀音相同的選項。(10 分)1.try()A. youB. lightC. say2.night()A. whyB. bigC. Amy3.quiet()A. quiteB.whiteC. uncle4.do()A. woodsB. goC. collect5.catch()A. playB. haveC. watch二、 請選擇正確的答句,把序號填在括號里。( 10 分)() 1.Is the cat sleng?A. Yes, they are.() 2.W hat is your motherng?B. Im collecting lea

2、ves.() 3.Are the monkeys jum?C.She is cooking dinner.() 4.Is Bai Ling writing a report?D. No, it isnt.() 5. What are young?E.Yes, she is.三、請根據(jù)圖畫內容填充句子。(15 分)帶來的開心吧?。ü?100 分),請耐心和細心,試著體驗采摘知識果實1.-What is Mikeng ?-Hes.2.-Is Chen Jie counting insects?-No, she is.3.- Arethey?-Yes,theyare.4.- What is Chen

3、 Jieng?-Shes .5.-Is Lily having aic ?-Yes, .請選出下列單詞中不同類的一項。(10 分)四、1. ()A. picturesB. booksC. fly2.() A.sheB. bookC. he3. ()A. walkB. jumC. fighting4. ()A. watching insectsB. counting leavesC.pick up leaves5. ()A.B. leavesC. monkey,把句子補充完整。(10 分)五、請選出相應的1What is Johnng?A. Heiseatingch.B. Sheis picku

4、pleaves.C. WatchTV.2. Amy is under the tree. collectingleaves.A. SheisB.shesC.he is3.-Are your classmates having aic?A.Yes, he is.B. No, theyare.C.No, they arent.4.Is Sarah ?-Yes, she is .A. write a reportB. watching insectC.pickingupleaves5.- ?-Theyare catchingbutterfs.A. Are they catching butterfs

5、 ?B. What are theyng ?C. Where are they?六、組合句子我最棒?。毿牡哪悖欢ㄒ⒁庾帜傅拇笮懞蜆它c符號噢?。?5 分)1.youwriting?reportArea2.arentNo.they,3.Iscollectingshe?leaves4.isYes.she5.What?ngtheyare七、根據(jù)短文內容,判斷正(T)誤(F)。(10 分)Father:o!Mike:Hi!Can I speak to Bailing , please?Father: Sure. Hold on, please. Shesng.Bailing:o.Mike:Hi

6、, this is Mike.Bailing: Hi, Mike . What are young?Mike:My family is having a field trip.Bailing: What is your fatherng ?Mike:Hes taking pictures.Bailing:And what about the others ?Mike:My mother is having aic. My sister and mybrother are under the tree. They are listening to music.Bailing: Have fun

7、.Mike:nk you. Talk to you later.1. Mikes mother is having aic.()2. Mikes sister and brother arehe woods.()3. Mike isng.()4.Bailing is taking pictures.()5. Mikes brother and sister are not listening to music.()八、看圖,仿照例句完成下列各題。(20 分)例:Zhang Pengiscleaning the bedroom.Is Zhang Peng cleaning the bedroom ?Yes, he is.Yes, she is.例:Mi


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