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1、Chapter 16 GRAVITY第 16 章 重力If it should be saidt the physical nature of graviion has not yet been considered, but only the law of ition, and,therefore ,t no definition of gravity as aer has hitherto been nesary;t may be so with some, but then it must behigh time to proceed a little further if we can

2、 .- Michael Faraday“重力的物理原理還沒有被仔細考慮過,只有它運動的定律,因此,至今還沒有需要對重力作一個定義;這也許在某些方面可以,但如果可以早該理深入一步了?!?法拉第By this pohe Book, the reader should recognize what gravity represents. As anroduction to what I will present, Iwish to pay tribute to Isaac Newton and quote those words which demonstrate his mental clarit

3、y and profound insight:通過這本觀點,讀者應(yīng)該認識到重力代表著什么。作為我將提出理論的介紹,我將的話證明他明確的和深遠的眼光:It is inconceivable,t inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else, which is not material,operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual contact . . . and is one reason, why I desired you would

4、not ascribe innategravity to me.t gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, sot one body may act upon another, at adistance through a vacuum without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may beconveyed from one to another, is to me so great an

5、 absurdity,t I beve no man who has in philosophical matters acompetent faculty for thinking, can ever fallo it .-ISAAC NEWTONfrom the PRINCIPIA , published by the University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1934, page 634 of the Appendix.“這是難以置信的,物質(zhì),中間沒有別的介質(zhì),沒有彼此的接觸可以影響到其它物質(zhì)一個原因,為什么我希望你不要認為重力是天生固有的

6、。重力是物質(zhì)內(nèi)在的、固有和基本的,因此一個物體可以影響到另一個,通過空間的距離而沒有媒介,通過它可以將運動和力傳導(dǎo)給另一個,這對我來說是如此的荒謬,我相信任何可以冷靜思考的人都不會犯這樣的錯誤”-來自原理,由印制,1934 年,附錄 634 頁29. A. I will now demonstrateElectromagnetic Energy.t Gravity -as you may already realize -represents the Unobvious Effects of29. A. 我現(xiàn)在將展示,重力-你也許已經(jīng)了解-代表電磁能量的不可見效果。EXLE: If a sin

7、gle negative and a single itive charge are physically separated from one another, oneould have acould easily detect their existence as electrical charges. However, if the two separate charges are joined, thenmass ofwhich neutralizes the Obvious electrical characteristicssessed by the charges when ph

8、ysically separated.例子:如果一個“負”電荷和一個“正”電荷物理上相互分離,,能輕易的探測到它們的存在。然而,如果兩個分開的電荷結(jié)合在一起,將產(chǎn)生一個結(jié)合體,中和了當(dāng)物理分離產(chǎn)生的可見的電特性。Visualize two, separate masses ofand. Neither mass would demonstrate Obvious electrical characteristics. Butconsider what occurs (with respect to the attracting and repelling forbrought close to

9、 one another:of those two physically separate masses) when they are設(shè)想兩個分離的結(jié)合體和。沒有結(jié)合體顯示可見電特性。但考慮當(dāng)它們相互接近時發(fā)生了什么(關(guān)于兩個分離結(jié)合體的吸引和排斥):In Figure 29-A, theitive charge within eaass attracts the negative charge and repels theitive charge of the othermass. In addition, the negative charge attracts theitive char

10、ge and repels the negative charge of the other mass.在圖 29-A,每個結(jié)合體中的正電荷吸引負電荷排斥另一個結(jié)合體里的正電荷。另外,負電荷吸引正電荷并排斥另一個結(jié)合體內(nèi)的負電荷。B. WRONGfrom observing Figure 29-A: The attraction and repulforof the two, separate massesare equal; therefore, they would neither attract nor repel.B. 觀察圖 29-A 產(chǎn)生的錯誤的結(jié)論:兩個分開結(jié)合體吸引和排斥力是相

11、等的;因此,它們沒有吸引和排斥。C. RIGHT: The unlike charges will seek to obtahe leastsible distance betn themselves withrespect to the two, separate masses; and the Like charges will seek to obtahe greatestsible distance betn themselveswith respect to the two, separate masses. Remembert the charges being simultane

12、ously repelled are also beingsimultaneously attracted and such charges cannot physically move far from one another.C.正確的結(jié)論:相異電荷將尋找兩個分離結(jié)合體之間最短距離;相同的電荷將尋找兩個分離結(jié)合體之間最大距離。記住電荷在被排斥同時也被吸引,這樣電荷在物理上不能相互遠離。Consider the implication of the Inverse-square Law with respect to the attracting or repelling force of

13、charges. The mostdominant forn the repulare those betn the charges existing within each separate mass. Consequently, the attraction force is greaterforce betn the two separate masses -but (as an order of magnitude) this difference is unimaginably small.A simple mathematicalogy demonstrates this unim

14、aginably small difference: If we assign to equal attraction andrepulfora unity of 1, then the difference (he attracting forbeing greatern the repulfor) would be anextremely small percentage of such unity of 1, e.g., only .00001.考慮電荷吸引和排斥的平方反比定律的含義。主要的支配力在分開的結(jié)合體中電荷之間。因此,大于兩個分開結(jié)合體間的排斥力-但(數(shù)量級上)這種差別達到難以

15、置信的小。一個簡單的數(shù)學(xué)分析顯示出這“難以置信的小”的差距:如果我假設(shè)相等的吸引和排斥力是一個“整體 1”,那么這種區(qū)別(在只有.00001。大于排斥力)將相差極小,如,注:“整體 1”是將整體看成 1,別的都是一個小數(shù),來說明小的比例。Such a small difference is clearly demonstrated by the factt the attraction force of Gravity (the observed effect of theeraction of unobserved electromagnetic fields comprising Matt

16、er) is extremely lessn the (unity of 1)attraction/repulforof Obvious electrical charges as well as those same for(gyroscopic-action-particles) whichcomprise magnetic fields or Matter itself.這種小區(qū)別清楚的由下面事實說明,重力的(組成物質(zhì)的不可見電磁區(qū)域交互的可見效果)遠遠小于(“整體 1”)可見電荷的吸引/排斥力,這些相同的力(陀螺子)組成磁場區(qū)域或物質(zhì)自身。D. I hypothesizet the f

17、ollowing represents the Law of Gravity with respect to the Inverse-square Law: The difference inthe Unequaling For(in accordance with the law of distansought betn like and unlike gyroscopic-action -particles)of the two, above-mentioned masses causes a Force of Gravity to be a very small percentage (

18、exle only: .0001 of a unityof 1) of the equally attracting and repulforhaving a unity of 1. (Refer to Section 25-E.)D. 我假定下面描述表示平方反比定律里的重力定律:關(guān)于上面提到的電荷結(jié)合體兩個不均勻力(與“相同”和“不同”陀螺子相互定位法則一致)的不同,引起一個重力,“整體 1”中相等吸引和排斥力的一個非常小的百分比(如只有:“整體 1”的.0001)。(關(guān)于 25-E 部分)Such equal for(wiunity of 1) represent a balance of

19、 a11 the negative and itive gyroscopic-action-particlescomprising all Matter. I remind the readert such negative and itive gyroscopic-action-particles are actuallycomed of only one type of gyroscopic-action-entity which appears to move in opite directions depending upon the frameof reference of the

20、observer.這種相等的力(“整體 1”中)代表了組成所有物質(zhì)的“負”和“正”陀螺子的平衡。我提醒讀者,這種“負”和“正”陀螺子實際是由一種陀螺效應(yīng)實體組成,相對于觀察者參考系在相反方向運動。As a result of sucequaling For, the attraction force is always minuy greatern the repulforce. Such aninequality of foris still incredibly lessn the attraction/repulforof Obvious electric charges or magn

21、etism whichhave a unity (force) of 1.總是比排斥力大一點。這種不均等的力比“體(力)1”的磁力或可見電荷的這種不均勻的力的結(jié)果,吸引/排斥力不可思議的小。As a result of sucequaling For, the attraction force is always minuy greatern the repulforce.“這種不均勻的力的結(jié)果,總是比排斥力大一點。”NOTE: For the convenience of expres, I am arbitrarily assigning this unity (force) of 1 v

22、alue to electric charges andmagnetism in order to provide the reader with some subjective means to distinguish such forfrom the very weakgraviional force which would have -as an order of magnitude -a value of approximay .0001 based upon the above forhaving a value of 1.注意:為了表達的方便,我隨意假定電荷和磁力的“整體(力)1”

23、值,為了讀者對來自微小重力的這些力有一些自己的概念,重力-數(shù)量級上-基于上面“1”值的力值大約為.0001。E. It should be cleart sucequaling Foroccur regardless of mass size or number. This minute attraction forcecannot be neutralized by placing uncharged or non-magnetic matter betn the Earsuch matter would simply participate in the same unequaling e

24、ffect betnd another object. If this were done,n its own negative-itive(gyroscopic-action-particle) comition on Earth.E. 很明顯,不管結(jié)合體的大小和數(shù)量,這種不均勻的力總會發(fā)生。這種微小的力不能讓地球和其它物體通過無電性或無磁性物質(zhì)中和。如果這樣做,這種特將簡單的參加同樣的“負正”(陀螺子)組件間的“不均勻效應(yīng)”。F.One may ask, When they are both dropped from the same height, why doesnt a heavy

25、mass fall fastern a lightmass towards a significantly larger mass, e.g., the Earth?”F 你也許會問,“當(dāng)它們從相同的高度拋出,向一個非常重的物體,如,地球,為什么重的沒有比輕的快一點呢?”ANSWER : Suasses fall at the same rate because the attraction force (due to the unequaling effect Gravity) will beonly a small percentage of the unity force of 1 (i

26、n effect betn all gyroscopic-actionpanicles comprising all Matter) andwill also be a constant for a particularly large masch as the Earth. (See Figure 29-F.)回答:這種物體在同樣速率下墜,因為(產(chǎn)生于“不均勻效應(yīng)”重力)將是“整體力1”(實際上在組成所有物質(zhì)的陀螺子之間)一個很小的百分比,因為一個特別大的物體如地球它將是一個常量。G. The (attraction) Force Factor” (with a magnitude on t

27、he order of .0001 of the unity of l occurring betn allopiy-charged gyroscopic -actionparticles) demonstratest the speed of an object (as a result oft Force Factor)is independent of the number of gyroscopic-action-particles comprisingt object. This is true because everygyroscopic-actionentity compris

28、ingt objecs the same small attraction Force Factor with respect to the Earth. As aresult, the object cannot travel any faster (Producer,” e.g., the Earth.nthe independent speed of its basic comition) towards the major ForceG. (吸引)“耦合系數(shù)”(在量級上和“整體 1”的.0001 相似發(fā)生在所有“相反電荷”陀螺子之間)說明物體的速度(“耦合系數(shù)”的結(jié)果)和結(jié)成物體的陀螺

29、子數(shù)量無關(guān)。這是正確的,因為每個組成物體的陀螺子相對于地球有相同小的吸引“耦合系數(shù)”。結(jié)果是,物體不能運動更快(比它基礎(chǔ)組成獨立速度)向主要“力產(chǎn)生者”,如地球。EXLE: Observe the following simpleogy:例子:觀察下面的簡單分析:In Figure 29-G, there are two auto drag strips labeled l and 2 , On drag strip 1, there are ten identical automobiles whichcan each achieve a speed of 100 mph in 14. On

30、 drag strip 2, there are five automobiles identical to those on drag strip 1,and each automobile can achieve a speed of 100 mph in 14. If all the automobiles on drag strips 1 and 2 starthe samehe 5-carinstant, the front automobilegroup.he 10-car group will reach the finish line at the same instant a

31、s the front automobile在圖 29-G,兩個汽車拖索標(biāo)記為 1 和人,在拖索 1 上,有 10 輛汽車,每輛可以以 100mph 速度運動 14 英里。拖索 2 上,有 5 輛和 1 上完全一樣的汽車,每輛可以以 100mph 速度運動 14 英里。如果拖索 1 和 2 上所有汽車在同一時間啟動,10 汽車組和 5 汽車組前面的汽車將在同一時間達到終點。However, if one attempted to stoth groups at the finish line,ould need to exert twice the force to stop the 10-c

32、arer, then they would travel twice as fast.) This simplegroup as the 5-car group. (If the automobiles had twice the motor ogy represents the same effect gravity has upon mass viagyroscopic-entities comprising all Matter.the Unobvious effects of unequal effects betn然而,如果試圖在終線停止兩組,停止 10 汽車組相對于 5 汽車組需要

33、兩倍的力。(如果汽車有兩倍的電功率,它們將快兩倍。)這個簡單分析表示和重力同樣的效果,物質(zhì)的重力是組成所有物質(zhì)陀螺實體的“不均勻效應(yīng)”的不可見效果。H. The difference in the Gravity Effect of various planers occurs for the same reasonautomobiles -such planets have different masses. (See Figure 29-Hl and 29-H2.)t -like the two groups ofH. 不同星球重力效果的不同原因是一樣的,-像兩組汽車-星球有不同的質(zhì)量。(

34、看圖 29-Hl 和 29-H2)If Planet 1 has twice the graviional force of Planet 2, then Planet 1 is twice a major force producern Planet 2.Falling objects on Planet 1 would equally respond in accordance with the major -force-producer effect (Gravity) of Planet 1.The same objects placed on Planet 2 would equal

35、ly respond in accordance with the major-force-producer effect (Gravity) ofPlanet 2. However, the graviional effect of Planet 2 would be halft of Planet 1.如果星球 1 相對星球 2 有兩倍的重力,那么星球 1 相比星球 2 是兩倍的“主要力產(chǎn)生者”。星球 1 上的下落的物體將和星球 1 的“主要力產(chǎn)生者效應(yīng)”(重力)一致。同樣的物體在星球 2 將和星球 2 的“主要力產(chǎn)生者效應(yīng)”(重力)一致。然而,星球 2 的重力效應(yīng)是星球 1 的一半。I.

36、 Prior to my work, Matter has been thought to be equally comed of negative and itive charges. The Facts Ihave presented demonstratet this is not true andt Matter is comed of immeasurable numbers of negative anditive gyroscopic-action-particles. Moreover, thesible combinations (of such particles) are

37、 infinite, allowing Matter tovary in gyroscopic particle comparticles). As proof of these varianition which can be predominay negative (gyroscopic particles) or itive (gyroscopicin itive and negative charges withatter, see Figure 29-I:I. 我之前的工作,物質(zhì)已經(jīng)被認為是由“負”和“正”電荷組成了。我展示的實事說明這是不正確的,物質(zhì)是由無數(shù)“負”和“正”陀螺效應(yīng)實

38、體組成的。然而,可能的組合(這種粒子)是無窮的,允許物質(zhì)可以變體陀螺子組合,可能由“負”(陀螺子)或“正”(陀螺子)主導(dǎo)。這些物質(zhì)內(nèi)“正”和“負”電荷變化的,看圖 29-I:ELECTROMOTIVE SERIES OF THE METALS金屬的電動序(Conventional teachings dct these differenon an inefficient chemical basis. I teach these differenalso exist on amore significant anderful E = MC2 basis.)(傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)基于無效率的化學(xué)描述這些的不

39、同。我基于重要的有效率的 E = MC2 教授這些不同和存在。)注:電動序是指金屬在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)條件下(溫度 298.15K、100 千帕,電極反應(yīng)中各物質(zhì)的活度為 1)的電極電勢次序,即標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電極電勢次序。It is obvioust such variance in electrode potential can only occur as a result of differenectromagnetic comitionbetn the varioubstan. If all Matter was simply comed of an equal number of negative and i

40、tive gyroscopicparticles, then such electrode potential differencould not exist. (Because such differenare so slight compared to theimmensesubstanty of negative and itive gyroscopic particles, the differenare not Obvious in normal utilization of the.很明顯,電極電勢這種變化是不同物質(zhì)不磁組合的結(jié)果。如果所有物質(zhì)只是簡單由一定數(shù)量的“負”和“正”陀螺

41、子組成,那么這種電極電勢的不同不會存在。(因為這種不同和極大的量“負”和“正”陀螺子相比是如此微小,在正常利用材料時是不可見的。)J. Anothroof of such variance inty of negative and itive gyroscopic particles can be observed by theconventional facts of present teachings:J. 大量“負”和“正”陀螺子的這種變化的另一可以在現(xiàn)在傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)中看到:Metal 金屬Electrode Potential(“Volts”) 電極電勢(伏)Lithium 鋰3.02Po

42、tassium 鉀-2.92Barium 鋇- 2.90Sodium 鈉- 2.71Aluminum 鋁- 1.67Zinc 鋅- 0.76Chromium 鉻- 0.71Iron 鐵- 0.44Nickel 鎳-0.25Tin 錫- 0. 14Lead 鉛- 0.13Hydrogen (arbitrarily sezero volts reference) 氫0.00Bismuth 鉍+ 0.20Copper 銅+ 0.34Silver 銀+ 0.80Mercury+ 0.85Gold 金+ 1.68In observing Figure 29-J, is been saidt: Rubbe

43、r rods and glass rods can be made to have an electric charge byrubbing the rubber with fur or flannel and the glass with silk. Two electrified pieof hard rubber rods will be found to repeleach other as will two electrified glass rods; but an electrified hard rubber rod will attract to an electrified

44、 glass rod.觀察圖 29-J,說明:“橡膠棒和玻璃棒可以通過摩擦帶電,橡膠棒用皮毛或絨布,玻璃可以用絲綢。兩個帶電橡膠棒相互排斥,帶電玻璃棒也是如此;但橡膠棒會吸引玻璃棒?!盩he experiments dcted in Figure 29-J do not provet different materials are comed of equal numbers of negative and itive charges (gyroscopic particles), but proves just the opite. If the materials were equalhe

45、ir negative anditive comition, thenould obtain equal results when the glass or rubber rods were rubbed; moreover ,ouldalso obtain equal results when both glass or rubber were rubbed with silk or fur.圖 29-J 描述的實驗沒有證明不同的物質(zhì)由相等數(shù)量的“負”和“正”電荷(陀螺子)組成,但證明了相反的一面。如果物質(zhì)的“負”和“正”組成相等,那么摩擦的玻璃棒和橡膠棒應(yīng)該一樣;另外,用絲綢或毛皮摩擦玻璃

46、棒或橡膠棒結(jié)果應(yīng)該相同。K. It is a known Factectrical charges (gyroscopic particles) will tend to place themselves as far from one another assible, or they will distribute themselves in such a mannert their density per surface unit is everywhere equal.K.已經(jīng)的事實是,電荷(陀螺子)相互間趨于盡可能遠,或趨于在每個表面有相同的密度。Lets examine what o

47、ccurs when my teachings are appd to these observed results:讓檢查一下把我教授的用到這些觀察結(jié)果上發(fā)生了什么:I teacht when one rubs the glass and rubber rods together (bore goectrical insulators) as in Figure 29-J, theouter skin surface of the material either losesains gyroscopic particles (electrical charge) demonstrating

48、the negativeand itive comition of all Matter. Remember, all gyroscopic particles are identical. Thoset are negative would - toan outside observer -appear to spin in a different direction from thosegyroscopic particles are roed 180with respect to one another.t are itive. But such negative and itive的是

49、,當(dāng)一起摩擦橡膠棒和玻璃棒時(都是絕緣體)如圖 29-J,材料的“外部皮膚”表面都失去或獲取到我陀螺子(電荷),代表物質(zhì)組成的“負”和“正”。記住,所有陀螺子是同樣的。這些“負”粒子-對于外部觀察者-相對于“正”粒子在不同方向自旋。但這種“負”和“正”陀螺子翻轉(zhuǎn) 180將和另外一個一樣。In Figures K-1 and K-2, the gyroscopic-action-particle spin on the glass rod is opite tot on the rubber rod. One canseet the peripheryeraction of the gyrosc

50、opic particles (spinning at the speed of light) on edge K-l(b) would easily merge (attract) with those periphery spins of the gyroscopic particles on edge K-2(a). The same is true for edges K-2(b) and K-3(a).在圖 K-1 和 K-2,玻璃的陀螺子自旋和橡膠棒是相反的。可以看到陀螺子邊緣的交互(在光速自旋),K-l(b)邊緣將很容易“融入”(吸引)K-2(a)邊緣的陀螺子。對 K-2(b)

51、和 K-3(a)邊緣同樣是正確的。Attraction would also occur if the glass rods were placed parallel to the rubber rods. However, by studying the aboveFigures, one should also observe how the edges of the two glass rods (or two rubber rods) placed end-to-end or side-to-sidewould repel one another, e.g., edge K-3(b)

52、placed against edge K-4(a). Such repuloccurs because the periphery spins of thegyroscopic particles on edges K-3(b) and K-4(a) arehe same direction. The periphery attraction/repulof the gyroscopicparticles occursThree).he same manner as the periphery attraction/repuldiscushe Section on Magnetism (Se

53、e Chapter如果玻璃棒和橡膠棒平行將相互吸引。然而,通過學(xué)習(xí)上面的圖,可以看到端對端或邊對邊放置的玻璃棒(或橡膠棒)的邊緣相互排斥,例如,邊 K-3(b)和邊K-4(a)想到排斥。這種排斥是因為邊 K-3(b)和邊K-4(a)的陀螺子自旋方向相同。陀螺子邊緣的吸引/排斥與在磁力部分的邊緣吸引/排斥相同(看第三章)。In Figures K-5, K-6 and K-7, it should be apparentt the three rubber rods would repel one another since all theirgyroscopic particles are s

54、pinningrepel one another.he same direction causing all edges (and their respective gyroscopic particle peripheries) to在圖 K-5, K-6 和 K-7 中,顯然,三個橡膠棒將相互排斥,因為在所有邊緣(和陀螺子邊緣)它們的陀螺子在同樣方向自旋。L. QUESTION: What would occur if the rubber rod in Figure K-2 was flipped over 180?L. 問題:如果圖 K-2 的橡膠棒翻轉(zhuǎn) 180會發(fā)生什么?WRONG

55、ANSWER: The rubber rod in Figure K-2 would now be repelled to the glass rods in above Figures K-1 and K-3as the gyroscopic particles of the rubber rod would now be flipped over 180to repel the glass rods as shown in Figures L-1,L-2 and L-3 as dcted on the following page.錯誤的回答:圖 K-2 橡膠棒將與圖 K-1 和 K-3 的玻璃棒排斥,因為橡膠棒陀螺子將翻轉(zhuǎn) 180排斥玻璃棒,如下圖 L-1, L-2 和L-3 中所示描繪的。RIGHT ANSWER : It makes no difference if you flip over by 180the rubber rod in Figure K-2. Regardless of how oneflips or turns rubber rod K-2, one would still see the same spin direction for the gyro


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