諾基亞質(zhì)量改善七步法資料(PPT 67頁)_第1頁
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1、NOKIA 77-STEP PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD諾基亞解決問題七步法程序IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanActionImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567How to boost growth of productivity ?如何推進(jìn)生產(chǎn)力的增長?Why is Systematic Problem Solving Critical for Nokia ?為什么系統(tǒng)的解決問題對諾基亞是至關(guān)

2、重要的?Nokia growth has “ no limits”諾基亞的成長是“ 無限的”Nokia personnel growth has a limit諾基亞員工數(shù)量的增長是有限的Work smarter, not harder!更聰明而非更辛苦的工作!What is NOKIA 7 ?什么是諾基亞七步法NOKIA 7諾基亞七步法Is a systematic 7-step method for finding & implementing solutions to problems.是一套有七個步驟的系統(tǒng)方法,用于找出問題及實施對策. Aims at eliminating the

3、root cause of the problem.目的在于消除問題的根本原因Prevents the problem re-occuring.預(yù)防問題的重復(fù)發(fā)生.Reduces wasted effort and makes team work more effective.減少浪費并使團(tuán)隊工作更有效.IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567What is a

4、Problem? 什么是問題?The difference between a desired, expected or normal situation and what is actually happening實際發(fā)生的與所預(yù)期的、期待的或常規(guī)情況間的差距Desired 預(yù)期Current現(xiàn)實Time時間Performance表現(xiàn)GAP差距Scale of the Problem問題的尺度Complexity復(fù)雜程度Time時間NOKIA 7 can be applied to both simple and more complex issues (from office proced

5、ures to software design to manufacturing).諾基亞七步法即可以用于簡單事件也可以用于復(fù)雜事件(從辦公室采購到制造業(yè)的軟件設(shè)計)Some problems can take days to solve, others may take months.有些問題幾天可以解決,有些則需幾個月The principles remain the same.原則是相同的NOKIA 7 Steps to Problem Solving 諾基亞七步法解決問題1. Identify problem by defining the area for improvement 確

6、認(rèn)需要改進(jìn)的區(qū)域確認(rèn)問題2. Analyze problems by studying the current data通過研究現(xiàn)狀, 分析問題3. Determine root cause(s)確定原因4. Develop (create/select) solutions尋求(制定/選擇)對策5. Plan action計劃行動6. Implement the solution實施對策7. Evaluate outcome評估結(jié)果IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanA

7、ction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567Structure of the Steps 各步驟的結(jié)構(gòu)Key Activities 關(guān)鍵活動Explains what actions need to take place at each step. 闡明每個步驟需要采取的行動.Check Question 檢查問題By asking the question how it enables you to check you have focused on the most critical items at each step.

8、 通過問“ 如何”使您能夠檢查您在每一步已集中注意了最關(guān)鍵的內(nèi)容. Tools 工具A variety of effective team working tools which help you in decision-making at each step. 每一個步驟均有可幫助您做決定的多種有效的團(tuán)隊工作工具.Tools stamped with the label Basic Tool are the simplest tools to be used to get around each step帶有“ 基本工具” 標(biāo)簽的工具是用于每個步驟中最簡單的工具.BASICTOOL基本工具S

9、tep 1 Identify Problem 步驟1 確認(rèn)問題Key Activities關(guān)鍵活動:Identify problem areas.確認(rèn)問題所在區(qū)域.Prioritize the problems.按優(yōu)先程度排列各問題.Write the problem statement.寫出問題陳述.Check Question 檢查問題How have you defined the gap between the actual and target?您是如何定義現(xiàn)實與目標(biāo)之間的差距的?Tools 工具Brainstorming腦力激蕩法Pareto柏拉圖IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)

10、問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567 Problem Statement 問題陳述Describes the problem.描述問題.States the gap between what is and what should be, i.e. “current” and “desired”.陳述實際是什么與應(yīng)該怎樣的差距,如“現(xiàn)實”和“預(yù)期”.Identifies the problem,

11、 not the cause or implied solution. 說明問題,不是原因或解決方案 Uses exact terms and includes quantities: how often, how much, when etc. .使用精確的術(shù)語及包括數(shù)量:頻度,多少及什么時間等.Is not a question.不是一個問題.Tells you why the problem is important.告訴你為什么這個問題是重要的. Keep the problem statement simple, just a single sentence. 描述問題宜簡潔,一句話

12、即可.Current situation: Shipments are arriving to customers too late and at too high a cost.目前狀態(tài) :貨物抵達(dá)客戶太晚了,費用太高了 Desired situation: Prompt customer delivery at minimal cost.預(yù)期狀態(tài):以最少的費用及時發(fā)貨給客戶Operative term: Operational definition:運營術(shù)語: 運營定義:Prompt及時Customer客戶Delivery發(fā)貨Minimal最少Cost費用Within 2 days reg

13、ardless of destination or size of order/shipment不管目的地和貨物大小,2天內(nèi)必需達(dá)到Users of our electronic products; sales centers我們電子產(chǎn)品的用戶;銷售中心Mail, express delivery, or special delivery depending on customer locale or delivery destination根據(jù)客戶收貨地情況,用郵件,快件,或特殊貨運發(fā)貨Not to exceed 3 % of sales price per unit不超過3的銷售單價Uni

14、t cost in local currency per shipment 每批發(fā)貨的當(dāng)?shù)刎泿艈蝺rWriting a Problem Statement (1/2)寫問題陳述Current Situation目前狀態(tài):Electronic product shipments are being delivered to customers in an average of 14 days time and at an average cost of 13% of the sales unit price. 電子產(chǎn)品的交付時間為平均14天,平均費用是銷售單價的13.Desired Situati

15、on預(yù)期狀態(tài):Prompt delivery of within 2 days, at a price not to exceed 3% of the unit sales price.2天內(nèi)及時交付,費用不超過銷售單價的3%.Problem Statement問題陳述:Product deliveries take 14 days instead of 2 days, and the cost is 13% of sales unit price whereas it should be max 3%.產(chǎn)品發(fā)貨時間是14天而不是2天, 費用應(yīng)是不超過銷售單價的3%然而目前卻為13%.Acti

16、on行動:Improve product shipment performance from now 14 days to under 2 days, while reducing the total cost per shipment from now 13% to no more than 3% of the unit sales price, within the next 30 days.在今后30天內(nèi),提高產(chǎn)品的發(fā)貨效率,從14天降到低至2天,同時將每批貨物的全部費用從銷售單價的13降低到不超過3。Writing a Problem Statement (2/2)寫問題陳述BASIC

17、TOOL基本工具 Brainstorming腦力激蕩法Structured有組織的Everybody speaks in turn.每一個人輪流發(fā)言O(shè)nly one idea at time.一次一個想法Wait for your turn.等待自己的機會You can miss your turn if you wish.如果你愿意,你可以放棄自己的機會Unstructured未組織的Everybody contributes.每個人都作貢獻(xiàn)All ideas recorded記錄所有的想法-Flipchart-Post It Notes報示貼Both雙方的Explain, but dont

18、 discuss.解釋,但不討論.Do not criticize the ideas of others.不要批評別人的想法.Gather as many ideas as possible.盡可能多的收集想法.Improve upon others ideas.改進(jìn)他人的想法.Encourage wild ideas.鼓勵瘋狂的想法. Pareto Chart柏拉圖DESCRIPTION: Pareto helps to prioritize problems.描述:柏拉圖有助于問題排序 Identified Problems確認(rèn)問題0204060801000100200300400500

19、6007008009001000Problem C問題CProblem B問題BProblem A問題AProblem E問題EProblem D問題DCosts成本% Costs (Cumulative)%成本(累計)BASICTOOL基本工具Example: Pareto Principle示例:柏拉圖原理Sales Revenue Analysis 80/20 Rule銷售收入分析80/20原則% Sales (Cumulative)%銷售額(累計)020406080100% Products (Cumulative)%產(chǎn)品(累計)Sales銷售額 10 20 30 40 50 60 7

20、0 80 Pareto presents the 80/20 rule: 20% of products create 80% of all revenue.柏拉圖介紹了80/20原則:80%的收入是由20%的產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)造的.Step 1 Check List步驟1 檢查表 CHECKING THE ACTIVITIES:檢查如下活動:Problem with greatest business impact has been identified. 對事務(wù)影響最大的問題已被確認(rèn).Problem statement has been defined.已定義出問題陳述.Project team an

21、d sponsor have been nominated.項目組及負(fù)責(zé)人已確定.Costs/benefits of solving the problem have been estimated. 已估計出解決問題所需費用/所獲益處.Schedule outline for the project has been set. 已確定項目大約所需的時間.CHECK QUESTION:檢查問題: How have you defined the gap between the actual and target? 您是如何定義現(xiàn)實與目標(biāo)之間的差距的?Step 2 Analyze Problem步

22、驟2 分析問題Key Activities關(guān)鍵活動:Collect data about the problem or the process (who, what, when, how often, etc). 收集與問題或過程相關(guān)的資料(誰,什么事,什么時間,頻度等)Describe and visualize the problem描述問題并使之形象化Check Question檢查問題:How does your analysis help visualize the problem?您的分析是如何使問題形象化的?Tools工具Process mapping過程圖Graphs圖形His

23、tograms直方圖IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567Planning for Data CollectionKey Questions關(guān)鍵問題 What kind of data is most relevant to the problem?何種資料與問題最相關(guān)?Quantitative vs. qualitative data定量資料相對于定性資料 H

24、ow do you get the most relevant data? 您是如何得到最相關(guān)資料的?Databases, surveys, reports 數(shù)據(jù)庫,調(diào)查,報告 How much time can you spend looking for the right data?您會花多長時間去尋找正確的資料?Days, weeks, months 天,星期,月Plan計劃Execute執(zhí)行CriticalQuestions嚴(yán)重問題Process Mapping過程圖DESCRIPTION:The purpose of process mapping is to create a vi

25、sual representation ofhow activities link together so that the process can be communicated or analyzed for improvement.描述:過程圖的目的是創(chuàng)造出關(guān)于各項活動是如何相連的形象介紹,使過程得到溝通 或分析而改進(jìn)OVERVIEW: A process map describes the activities carried out within an organisation. 概述:一個過程圖描述在一個組織中完成的活動.A detailed understanding on pr

26、ocesses and Process Mapping is provided by a 7-step Continuous Process Improvement method (CPI 7).CPI7將對過程及過程圖作詳細(xì)的介紹.Activity活動Decision決定Object Flows目標(biāo)流向Output產(chǎn)出Example: Process Map示例:過程圖Receive Order接到訂單Ask for Cash inAdvance要求預(yù)付現(xiàn)金Check CreditRating檢查信用等級ProcessOrder進(jìn)入訂貨過程Previous Customer老客戶Yes是No

27、否RatingOK等級良好Yes是No否Send Order toProduction將訂單發(fā)往生產(chǎn)部門Yes是No否Cancel Order取消訂單PaymentReceived收到付款 Graphs圖形PIE CHART 圓餅圖BAR CHART柱狀圖LINE DIAGRAM折線圖BASICTOOL基本工具Example: Bar Chart 示例:柱狀圖Helpdesk Calls data HD 電話數(shù)據(jù)Time of Day 一天中的時間No. of Calls電話數(shù)量 Histogram直方圖DESCRIPTION: This is a bar chart that allows

28、us to observe the variation of a certain factor. The status of a process can be assessed from the range and distribution of the variable. 描述:這是一種柱狀圖表,用于觀察某一特定因素的變化,即某一過程的狀態(tài)可從該變量的范 圍及分布來進(jìn)行評價.OVERVIEW: On the horizontal axis the abore mentioned variable is divided into size classes whilst the vertical

29、 axis represents the frequency.概述:在橫坐標(biāo)上變量被分為數(shù)量等級,縱坐標(biāo)表示頻率.# of measurements衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn) # of classes 等級less than 50少于50 5 - 7 51-100 8 - 10 101-250 11 - 13 more than 250多于250 14 - 0.0-0.1-0.29080706050403020100Example 2FrequencyExample: Histograms示例:直方圖Step 2 Check List 步驟2 檢查表CHECKING TH

30、E ACTIVITIES:檢查如下活動:All relevant data was gathered to better understand the problem. 所有相關(guān)的資料都得以收集用于更好的理解問題.The problem was clearly visualized. We know now where, when or how the problem occurs. 問題已被明確的形象化.我們現(xiàn)在清楚了問題是在什么地方,什么時間以及是如何發(fā)生的.CHECK QUESTION:檢查問題: How does your analysis help visualize the pro

31、blem? 您的分析是如何幫助問題形象化的?Step 3 Determine Causes 步驟3 確定原因Key Activities關(guān)鍵活動:Identify possible causes.確定一切可能的問題原因Select the most likely cause(s).選擇出可能性最大的原因Identify/verify root cause.確認(rèn)根本原因Check Question 檢查問題How did you find the root cause? 您是如何找到根本原因的?Tools工具Brainstorming腦力激蕩法Cause-Effect Diagram (Fish

32、bone Diagram)因果圖(魚骨圖)Affinity Diagram親和圖Interrelationship Diagram關(guān)聯(lián)圖Why-Why Analysis 尋根問底分析法IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567Cause-Effect Diagram (Fishbone Diagram) 因果圖(魚骨圖)DESCRIPTION: A systemat

33、ic way of looking at the causes and effects of the problem, and how they are related. This is also known as a Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram.描述:因果圖是一種系統(tǒng)化的研究問題的原因,結(jié)果及二者如何相互關(guān)聯(lián)的方法.也叫做魚骨圖或Ishikawa圖.4Ms =MEN 人METHODS 方法MATERIALS材料MACHINES 機器+ ENVIRONMENT環(huán)境4Ps = PEOPLE 人PRODUCT 產(chǎn)品PRICE 價格PROMOTION 促進(jìn)Effect

34、orOutcome效果或結(jié)果Machines機器Materials材料 Methods方法Environment環(huán)境 Trunk主干Primary Causal FactorMain Branch 主分支Minor Branch小分支Second-LevelCausal Factors第二級起因Men人ProblemStatement問題陳述BASICTOOL基本工具 Affinity Diagram親和圖DESCRIPTION: Affinity diagrams organize and summarize ideas into natural groupings. This tool c

35、an be used in conjunction with Brainstorming, when a large number of ideas are generated.描述:親和圖可將各種想法加以總結(jié)并組織成自然組別.若產(chǎn)生的想法數(shù)量巨大時,可將此法與腦力激蕩法結(jié)合使用.User demand ismore sophisticatedand diverse用戶的需求更加復(fù)雜和多樣化Quality is becoming globalized質(zhì)量正趨于全球化Non-user friendly products are Unacceptable不接受非用戶友好的產(chǎn)品Need for pr

36、oviding complete service對于提供Unreliability in products is not tolerated不能容忍不可靠的產(chǎn)品TQM-aware customers are becoming common 具有全面質(zhì)量管理意識的顧客普遍起來Demand for high- quality, low- cost goods increasing對高質(zhì)量低成本產(chǎn)品的需求增加Technology is no longer “awe-inspiring”技術(shù)不再是令人畏懼的Brand-awareness does not guarantee customer loya

37、lty品牌意識不能保證顧客的忠心程度Market different-tiation is becoming less of an issue市場差異正趨于淡化Individual customize action is becoming more of an issue特殊用戶行為正在走強Need for meeting all requirements is severe強烈要求達(dá)到所有要求的需求Happy to pass on good product/ service stories樂于傳播好產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)的事情Instant, intuitive usability becoming R

38、equirement方便直觀的可用性成為需求Local service must be availableImmediately本地服務(wù)應(yīng)能立刻獲得Replacement parts/ product expected within 24 hours期望24小時內(nèi)能獲得替代部件/產(chǎn)品Easily contacted by telephone or fax通過電話或傳真容易聯(lián)系Extended warranty Expected期望大范圍的保證Questions answered quickly and correctly回答疑問快捷準(zhǔn)確Complete customer education/i

39、n for-mation provided為客戶提供全部知識/信息Happier to pass on poor product/service stories樂于傳播不好的產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)的事情Low-tolerance for inadequate service; likely to return prod很難忍受不充分的服務(wù);可能會以牙還牙 Interrelationship Diagram關(guān)聯(lián)圖DESCRIPTION: The Interrelationship diagram is used to identify root cause(s) when the relationships

40、 among the effects and the causes, or the objectives and the methods, are complex. 描述: 當(dāng)原因與結(jié)果或是目標(biāo)與方法之間的關(guān)系較復(fù)雜時,可用關(guān)聯(lián)圖來找出根本原因. This tool can help to facilitate problem solving and overcome language difficulties這個工具可以幫助解決問題并克服語言困難. extracting all possibly related causes 提取所有可能的原因 using arrows to clearly

41、 show cause-and-effect relationships 使用箭頭清晰表示因果關(guān)系 showing a full overview and focusing on the main causes 表明一個全貌,集中在主要原因Rejection of theStatistical ThinkingMethod拒絕統(tǒng)計思考方法Lack of motivationto change缺乏變化的動力Fear of technical toolsand methods害怕技術(shù)工具和方法Lack of support forImplementation缺乏實施方面的支持People have

42、competing priorities人們具備競爭主次感Lack of consensusaround the rightmeasurement indices缺乏關(guān)于正確衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的共識Data are noteasily accessible數(shù)據(jù)不易被接受Misunderstanding ofStatistical ThinkingParadigm誤解統(tǒng)計思考范例Lack ofStatistical ThinkingParadigm缺乏統(tǒng)計思考范例3/35/02/15/10/51/32/20/53/1 Why-Why Analysis 尋根問底分析法DESCRIPTION: The Why

43、-Why analysis helps to identify the root cause(s) of a problem, by asking the question why about each cause.描述:尋根問底分析法通過對每個原因問個為什么來找出某一問題的根本原因.Problem Statement問題陳述Apparentcause表面原因Leads toRootcause導(dǎo)致根本原因Apparentcause表面原因Apparentcause表面原因Rootcause根本原因 Why ? 為什么? Why ? 為什么? Why ?為什么?BASICTOOL基本工具Step

44、 3 Check List 步驟3檢查表CHECKING THE ACTIVITIES:檢查活動:Possible causes to the problem were identified. 確定了所有可能的問題原因.Causes were identified based on the analysis of Step 2.基于步驟2的分析確定了原因.Root cause(s) to the problem was/were found.找出了問題的根本原因.CHECK QUESTION:檢查問題: How did you find the root cause? 您是如何找到根本原因的?

45、Step 4 Develop Solutions步驟4 尋求對策Key Activities關(guān)鍵活動Develop possible solutions for corrective and/or preventive actions.尋求對策,以采取糾正性/預(yù)防性措施Select the most suitable solution(s). 選擇出一種或多種對策Check Question檢查問題How does your solution solve the problem?您的對策是如何解決問題的?Tools工具Brainstorming腦力激蕩法Double Team Techniqu

46、e二人組技術(shù)Solution Selection Table對策選擇表IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果1234567Lucy writes down 3 - 5 Suggestions on Post-It Notes3-5個建議Mike: 3 - 5 Suggestions3-5個建議Robert: 3 - 5 Suggestions3-4個建議Angela: 3 -

47、 5 Suggestions3-5個建議123456| |Selection of the 2-3 most voted solutions5313 suggestions on Post-It Notesfrom the 2. Double Team從第二個二人組中選出3個建議123456| |Selection of the 2-3 most voted solutions5313 suggestions on Post-It Notesfrom the 1. Double Team從第一個二人組中選出3個建議Double Team Technique二人組技術(shù)DESCRIPTION: D

48、ouble Team (“2&2”) is a team working technique that ensures everybodys contribution towards creating ideas. 描述:二人組(即二對二)技術(shù)是一種團(tuán)隊技術(shù),可使每人各盡所能,產(chǎn)生出各自的想法.Learn more about Double Team Technique at 可從學(xué)到更多關(guān)于二人組技術(shù)的內(nèi)容選擇 23個投票最多的方案EffectivenessEstimated % of how much this solution will solve the problem 有效性估計此方

49、案能在多大程度上解決問題的百分比Costin local currency (, $, etc.)成本本地貨幣Time in weeks時間星期Resource availabilityYes =enough resources (own)Partly =not enough own resources, but more available in the organisationNo =no resources available in the organization可獲得資源有=足夠的資源(自己組織結(jié)構(gòu)中)部分=自己組織結(jié)構(gòu)中沒有足夠的資源,但可從其他機構(gòu)中獲得無=在各組織機構(gòu)中均無資源

50、SOLUTION # 1方案1SOLUTION # 2方案2SOLUTION # 3方案3SOLUTION # 4方案4Effectiveness有效性Cost成本Time時間Resource avail.資源70 %90 %50 %65 %20 00052 00024 00018 0001451215YesPartlyNoYes Solution Selection Table 對策選擇表DESCRIPTION: A Solution Selection Table makes it easier to summarize the properties of possible solutio

51、ns, making it easier to select the best solution.描述:對策選擇表有助于總結(jié)各備選方案的特點,更易于選擇出最佳解決方案.BASICTOOL基本工具Step 4 Check List步驟4 檢查表 CHECKING THE ACTIVITIES:檢查活動:Possible solutions to the problem were identified.確定了解決問題可能的對策.The best solution was chosen based on the criteria effectiveness, cost, time, resource

52、s.基于有效性,成本,時間及資源選擇出了最好的對策.CHECK QUESTION:檢查問題: How does your solution solve the problem? 您的對策是如何解決問題的?Step 5 Plan Action計劃行動Key Activities關(guān)鍵活動Create a plan that will result in the effective implementation of the solution.制定出能夠有效實施解決的計劃.Identify possible risks in implementation.預(yù)測實施過程中可能出現(xiàn)的風(fēng)險.Determi

53、ne measures.確定衡量方法.Check Question 檢查問題How will your solution be implemented?您將如何實施解決方案?Tools工具Force Field Analysis 力場分析Action Plan 行動計劃Gantt Chart 甘特圖Risk Management 風(fēng)險管理IdentifyProblem確認(rèn)問題AnalyzeProblem分析問題DetermineCauses確定原因DevelopSolutions尋求對策PlanAction計劃行動ImplementSolution實施對策EvaluateOutcome評估結(jié)果

54、1234567Force Field Analysis 力場分析Current Situation目前狀態(tài)Technology Focus以技術(shù)為中心Desired Future Situation預(yù)期未來狀態(tài)Customer Focus以客戶為中心Helping Forces推動力量Hindering Forces阻礙力量Competitors actions競爭者舉動Customer Demands客戶需求Marketing skills市場技能Lack of Technical Resource廣告代理History of the company公司歷史Management incent

55、ives tied to production volumes與產(chǎn)量相關(guān)的管理層獎勵Budget process預(yù)算過程DESCRIPTION: Force Field analysis can be used to assess the impact of a proposed solution by helping to understand and present the forces that impact a situation.描述:立場分析通過幫助了解并展示作用于方案過程的阻力和助力,來評價該解決方案的成效.Action Plan行動計劃DESCRIPTION: An actio

56、n plan is a simple way to ensure everybody inthe team knows who does what by when, and what the measures are.描述:行動計劃可清楚地定義出應(yīng)采取的步驟,實施人及實施時間.WHAT = Specify the action to be taken什么=明確將要實施的行動WHO = Person primarily responsible for action誰=行動的主要責(zé)任人BY WHEN = Date or week何時截止=日期或星期MEASURE = How do you know

57、 the action has been successfully completed.衡量=您是如何知道行動已被成功完成.BASICTOOL基本工具Gantt Chart (1/2)甘特圖(1/2)DESCRIPTION: A Gantt chart is a time line based representation of an action plan. The purpose of a Gantt chart is to display the relationships and duration of a series of tasks required to complete an

58、 overall project.描述:甘特圖是按時間順序來描述的行動計劃.其目的是顯示一個整體項目中一系列任務(wù)之間的關(guān)系和持續(xù)時間.OVERVIEW: The principle benefit of a Gantt chart is its ability to show complex interrelated tasks fit together on a time line. Initially this can show how the tasks are expected to run. The Gantt chart can also be used to track prog

59、ress and support alternative scenario planning.概述:甘特圖最主要的作用是它能夠表示在某一段時間內(nèi)復(fù)雜相關(guān)的任務(wù)關(guān)系。最初它可以顯示任務(wù)方向。甘特圖同時可以用來跟蹤事情發(fā)展,并支持計劃另一備選的情形。 IDTasks 任務(wù)Predecessor前任Duration 持續(xù)Responsible負(fù)責(zé)人Start the project項目開始End the project項目結(jié)束The table below can be used to prepare a Gantt chart.使用下列表格準(zhǔn)備甘特圖Example of a Gantt Chart

60、 (2/2)甘特圖舉例(2/2)DESCRIPTION: The purpose of risk management is to improve the probability of completing a plan as expected by identifying and removing or reducing potential risks.描述:風(fēng)險管理的目的是通過確認(rèn)和轉(zhuǎn)移或減少潛在風(fēng)險,提高按期望完成計劃的可能性Risk Management 風(fēng)險管理 RISK - Brainstorm the possible risks and document them. 風(fēng)險- 通


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