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1、2019學度第二學期年中檢測題37中七年級 英語說明:1、本試卷包括第I卷(分聽力部分和筆試部分,共 75分)和第n 卷(35分)。兩卷為必做題。全卷滿分為110分,考試時間為100 分鐘。2 、請考生將第I卷(除聽取信息外) 全部答案的編號在答題卡上用 2B鉛筆涂黑,第n卷的答案用黑色簽字筆或者鋼筆按要求寫在 答卷上。第I卷(共75分) 聽力部分(共25分) 說明:1、本部分共四大題,請檢查題數。2、第四大題聽取信息的答案請用黑色簽字筆或者鋼筆按要求寫在答卷相應的位置上,否則不得分。一、聽錄音選圖(共 5小題,每小題1分,共5分)根據你所聽到的句子在 5秒鐘內從題中所給的 A、B C項中選出

2、正確 的圖片,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。每個句子只讀一遍。A B C二、情景對話(共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)根據你所聽到的句子在 5秒鐘內從題中所給的 A B C項中選出正確 的答句,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。每個句子只讀一遍。A. Thank you. B. You are welcome. C. I amsorry to hear that.A. He is 40. B. He is cheerful. C. He is a doctor.A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don t.A. Good idea. B. I like goin

3、g. C. Not very good.A. No thanks. B. You are welcome. C. I like it.三、聽力理解(共 10小題,每小題1分,共10分)聽下面各段對話,根據各段播放內容及相關小題,在 5秒鐘內從題中 所給的A、B C項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。每段對 話讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話回答第11-12題。When is Mother s Day?A. Last Sunday. B. This Sunday. C. Next Sunday.What is Tom going to buy for his mum?A. A watch. B.

4、A CD. C. A flower.聽下面一段對話回答第13-14題。Which bus should Tony take to go to the new house?A. No.1 bus. B. No.7 bus. C. No.11 bus.Where is Maria s new house?At the bus stop.Between two red buildings.A red house on the Guangming Road.聽下面一段對話回答第15-17題How will the man go to Beijing?A. By train. B. By plane.

5、C. By bus.Can the man get the tickets close to the window?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can t. C. We don t know.How much should the man pay for the tickets?A. 1,200 yuan. B. 120 yuan. C. 2,400 yuan.聽下面一段對話回答第18-20題How many places did the man visit in America?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.Which place is fam

6、ous for its historic sites?A. Hawaii. B. San Francisco. C. Washington D.C.Which following is wrong?The people in Chinatown are friendly.New York is busy.The man won t go to Hawaii next time.四、聽取信息(共5格,每格1分,共5分)聽下面一段獨白,請根據題目要求,從所聽到的內容中獲取必要的信息,填入答卷中標號為A- E的空格中。聽錄音前,你將有 15秒鐘的閱題時間。錄音播放兩遍,你將有80秒鐘的作答時間。Tr

7、ees can tell somethingProvide us with somethingTrees give usA , fresh air,rubber and many other things.We can know howBtrees arebecause they have rings.When the weather is wet and good for trees, the rings are much C . Tell us somethingWhenthe weather is dry or cold, trees D slowly and the rings are

8、 thin.If we look at the rings on the Bristlecone Pines. We can learnaboutthe weather overE years ago.筆試部分(共50分)五、語音(共5小題,每題1分,共5分)A.從各題所給的 A日C D項中,找出劃線部分發(fā)音不同的選項。A. hear B. near C. pear D. yearA. catch _ B. schoolCJeachD. changeA. orange _ B. oxygen C. guitar D. imagine_B.從各題所給的A、B C D項中,找出重讀音節(jié)不同的選項。

9、A. member B. perfect C. finish D. produceA. convenient B. successful C. excellent D. container六、單項選擇(共 10小題,每小題1分,共10分)從各題所給的 A B、C、D項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。There is pen on the desk.pen is mine.A. a, A B. the, The C. a, The D. the, AHe studies hard,he often gets A grades.A. and B. but C. or D. so- Can you

10、 see the picture the sofa?-Yes. Is it the one on the wall? It s nice.A.on B. above C. under D. inMrs. Smith says, Help to some fruit, children.”A. yourself B. yourselves C. themselves D. himself- Where is your sister?-She in the room.A. played B. will play C. is playing D. playsThe crown( 皇冠)is made

11、 gold. It looks nice.A. of B. from C. for D. inThey cut down trees every year.A. ten millions B. ten millions ofC. million of D. millions ofIt me an hour to finish the work.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. tookThe students are busy their homework.A. to do B. does C. doingD. didThere are many kinds of pol

12、lutionaround us noisepollution, air pollution and the water pollution.A. for example B. such as C. and so on D. in fact七、語法選擇(共 10小題,每小題1分,共10分) 閱讀下面短文,按照句子結構的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,從各題 所給的A、B、C、D項中選擇可以填入相應空白處的最佳答案。I have visited many countries in my free time. Thailand is one of them. I didn t know much abou

13、t the country at first. Bangkok is 36 capital of Thailand. I visited it only 37 clothes were cheap there, and shopping is something I really enjoy 38. I flew there with my friend two years ago. Westayed in a hotel near the shopping centre.39_our way to Bangkok, the plane ride was good. And I had som

14、e chicken and some juice. When we landed, it was two o clock in theafternoon. We 40 the hotel in a taxi. Then we had some rest anddecided 41 out for dinner. We42 the next two days going sightseeing. Wevisited temples, shops and I 43 nice clothes there. What I enjoyed most was the zoo tour. I played

15、with a baby elephant. It could eat bananas 44.I also liked the tiger and crocodile show there.When it was time to go home, I was happy that I came to Bangkok.I 45_to visit it again when I am free.36. A. aB. anC. theD. /37. A. butB. ifC. soD. because38. A. doB. to do C. doingD. did39. A. OnB. InC. By

16、D. Of40. A. gotB. arrived C. arrived at D. arrived to41. A. goB. to go C. goingD went42. A. spent B. took C. costD. had43. A. buyB. buys C. bought D. buying44. A. themselves B. itself C. itselfs D.themselfs45. A. likeB. am liking C. likes D. liked八、完形填空(共 10小題,每題1分,共10分)通讀下面短文,掌握大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C D項中

17、選擇可以填入相應空白處的最佳答案。A seeing-eye dog is a special dog. It helps blind people 46 along _ the streets and do many other things. Wecall these dogs “seeing-eye dogs because the dogs are the“ 47 of the blind men and they helpthem see. These dogs go to special 48 _ for several years to learn to help blind pe

18、ople.One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a 49 It was full of people and there were no spare 50 . One_man, however, soon gotup and left .The dog took the blind man to the seat but there was only 51 space for one person. The dog began to push the people on each side with his nose. He pushe

19、d and pushed 52 the people moved down and finally there was enough space for two. The blind man sat down and the dog got upon the seat 53 the blind man. Everyone on the bus smiled at the 54 dog in making space for the blind man and at the same time for 55. _ 46. A. runB. walkC. swimD. climbA. legsB.

20、 earsC. eyesD. armsA. parks B. schools C. factories D. cinemas 49. A. bike B. car C. bus D. train 50. A. seats B. bags C. boxes D. beds 51. A. some B. much C. more D. no 52. A. before B. after C. until D. when 53. A. behind B. under C. next to D. on 54. A. lazy B. clever C. small D. bad 55. A. himse

21、lf B. ourselves C. yourself D. myself 九、閱讀理解(共15分,每題1分)根據短文內容,從各題所給的A、日C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。AThe Bilbies An Exciting New Musical Comedy for ChildrenStarring: Gaza Galah, Bettina BunnyFamily Fun at Good Price!Child:$10, Adult:$14, Family: $38 (4 people)Special Discount (折扣) for Group of 10 or moreShowing

22、Time January 2013Pilgrim City Theatre262 Pitt St City (1 minute walk from Town Hall Station)2nd to 21st January, Tuesday to Sunday 10 :00 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. Parramatta Town HallOne day only: Saturday, 23rd, January 10:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.The Bilbies is .A. a place B. a musical comedy for child

23、renC. a concert D. a bookThere is a play at Parramatta Town Hall .A. on Tuesday, 23rd January B. from 2nd to 21st JanuaryC. from Tuesday to Sunday D. 10 :00 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.If a group of twelve children went to The Bilbies, they wouldhave special seatsspend less moneyhave to buy family ticketshave t

24、o buy the tickets on TuesdayPilgrim City Theatre is .near Parramatta Town Hall1 minute drive from Town Hall Station1 minute walk from Town Hall Stationfar from Parramatta Town HallWhich of the following is true according to the passage?There is only one starring in the performance.There are two play

25、s on 23rd, January.There is no play on Monday.There is a special discount for group of 8 people.BMary knew she was different from other children and she didn tlike it. She was born with a cleft palate (唇裂) and somebad children always made fun of her. She thought that no one outside her family could

26、ever love her until she went to Mrs. Leonard s class.Mrs. Leonard had a warmsmile and everyone in her class liked her. In the 1950s, teachers would give their students a“Whisper test ”every year. In the “ Whisper test ” , a child would walk to the classroom door, turn around, cover one ear with one

27、hand, and then repeat something that the teacher whispered.However, there was something wrong with one of Mary s ears. She didn t want other children to know about this, so each year, Maryturned her good year to her teacher and covered her bad ear. She knew that teachers would often say things like,

28、“ The sky is blue. ” or“ What colour are your shoes? ”But that day, Mrs. Leonard words changed Mary s life. When the“ Whisper test ” came, Mary heard the words, “ I wish you were my little daughter. ”Why did Mary think she was different from other children?Because she was clever.Because she studied

29、hard.Because she had a cleft palate.Because only her parents loved her.Who was Mrs. Leonard ?She was Mary s sister.She was Mary s friend.She was Mary s mother.She was Mary s teacher.Howoften did the teacher give their students a “Whisper test ” ? A. Every day. B. Every year. C. Every month. D. Every

30、 week. 64. What s wrong with Mary s ears?A. Both are good.B. Neither is good.C. One of them is good. D. Someone hurt them.What is the best title for this passage?A. A bad teacher B. A clever girlC. An interesting game D. The WhisperCTen top tips for your travelsForget fashion! Always wear comfortabl

31、e clothes whengoing on long journeys.Travelling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to wear sunglasses and sun block( 防曬霜 ).Or, if you are going somewhere cold, remember your warm clothes!Always take a camera with you to capture t

32、hose special moments.Be careful with your belongings whenever you go to busy places.There are often thieves there!Always leave room in your bag for buying souvenirs(紀念品 ) whenyou come back home.Most countries have discount prices for students, so if you have one, take your student card to save money

33、.Bus tours often stop at expensive shops, so buy souvenirs(紀念品) at the local shops.If you travel abroad, remember to take your passport. Don t lose it.Most importantly, always remember to have fun-that s what holidaysare for!What should you wear if you want to go on a long trip?A. Fashion clothes. B

34、. Comfortable clothes.C. Warm clothes. D. Cool clothes.If you go to Hainan for a trip in the hot summer, remember totake with you.A. books B. sunglasses C. student cards D. passportsWhy should we pay attention to the belongings when you are at some busy places?Because it s interesting to take the be

35、longings.Because thieves are at the busy places.Because you can buy some souvenirs( 紀念品 )there.Because you can take some photos there.What is the most important thing for your holidays?A. Money. B. Heath. C. Fun. D. Camera.Which of the following is true according to the passage?Bus tours often stop at cheap shops.The passport isn t important when you are abroad.Student cards can save money in any countries.You should leave some room in


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