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1、 / 6Unitl世界在發(fā)展,文化在交融,英語已經(jīng)成為人們溝通的橋梁。怎樣學好英語是我們一直在探索的問題。幾年的學習經(jīng)歷,你一定積累了許多成功的經(jīng)驗,請從聽、說、讀、寫四方面談 你的建議。要求:1.詞數(shù)為80-100 ,開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。2.字跡工整,語言流暢,表達正確,邏輯清晰。How to learn English wellEnglish is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are mysuggestions .First, we should often listen to the tap

2、es, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible .Don t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you ll make. We d better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we c

3、an read more English newspapers and magazines. It s good for us. At last, we should ecite some good passages and keep diaries.In a word ,as long as we do more listening , speaking , reading and writing , we will learn English well.Unit 2以My favorite Festival為題寫一篇小短文,說一說自己最喜歡的節(jié)日,并說出自己喜歡這一節(jié)日的理由。要求:不少于

4、 100詞,字跡工整,邏輯清楚。My favorite FestivalThere are many traditional festivals in China .As for me , my favorite festival is the Spring Festival, which is also the most important festival in China.Now I d like to tell you why Ilike it/First of all, the Spring Festival is a festival of reunion and happines

5、s. People will try theirbest to go home and meet their family before the New Year s Eve no matter how far theyare from their home. People are all relaxed and very happy during the festival. Many problems and troubles are left out for the moment, and people just enjoy their time with family and frien

6、ds.Unit 3請根據(jù)下列漢語提示寫一篇日記,記錄5月1日,周五,你和父母去參加科學博物館的事。天氣:晴朗;距離: 5000米,乘公交車去:早晨 8: 00出發(fā)。10:30離開博物館,看 到很多照片實物、模型等。要求:運用日記格式,詞數(shù) 80詞以上。May 1st, Friday,Today my parents and I went to visit Science Museum. It s about fivkilometers away from my home. We decided to go there by bus. We set off at 8 o clock incthe

7、nm. Atthe museum we saw many photos, models and other old but interesting things. We learned a lot and knew more about Chinese science history. I saw a lot of children with their parents, students with their teachers and some foreigners. At ten thirty we left the museum for home, We had a wonderful

8、day and I made up my mind to study hard. I wantto be a scientist in the future.Unit4假如你們學校正在開展研究性學習( exploring learning strategies ),請你根據(jù)下列信息, 寫一篇短文,讓更多的學生了解你校開展研究性學習的一些情況。注意:1.短文應包括提示的所有內容,可適當發(fā)揮;2.詞數(shù)為100左右。開頭已給出,但不計入總詞數(shù)。過去現(xiàn)在課堂老師講解知識點,學生聽講,記筆記,沒有足夠的時間獨立思考問題。老師提出問題,學生互相討論,并學會與他人合作,從而找出找出解決問題的辦法。課后 做大

9、量的作業(yè)。 豐富多彩的課外活動,如讀自己喜歡的書,去圖書館或上網(wǎng)查資料等。個人感受Great changes have taken place in our studies since our school began to carry on exploring learning strategies.In the past, teachers kept on explaining the language pointsin class. We students just listened and took some notes. So we didn t have enough time t

10、othink about problems by ourselves .We had to do much homework after class. But now teachers show the problems to us first, then we discuss them for a while in pairs or groups.We try to find out the ways of solving problems, through which we veowarnworkwith others. After class, we can have different

11、 activities. For example, we can read bookswe like, go to the library or surf the Internet for useful information and so on.In a word, now we are the owners of our study and we re happy.Unit 5每個人都有自己的夢想,你的夢想是什么?你的父母支持理解你嗎?你對此有何感想?請寫一篇80詞左右的文章。My DreamEvery one has his dreams. My dream is to be a dan

12、cer when grow up. I want to be a dancer because I like dancing very much. I think dancing can make me happy.It not easy to become a dancer, so from now on I must study hard and try to learn more about dancing. And I also have to do lots of practice ever day. I think if I put my heart into it, nothin

13、g is impossible. And I am sure I can be a famous dancer one day.Unit 6因特網(wǎng)的出席是信息傳輸劃時代的革命,網(wǎng)絡在我們的日常生活和工作中發(fā)揮著重要作用。請根據(jù)下面提示,以The most useful invention , the Internet為題,寫一篇英語短文,談談因特網(wǎng)給我們的生活帶來的便利。要點提示:1.讓我們更容易和朋友保持了解;.幫助我們更好更快地完成工作;.讓我們更好地了解外部世界;.網(wǎng)上購物節(jié)省時間和金錢。參考詞語:keep in touch with 和、保持了解;do shopping online

14、網(wǎng)上購物Of all the inventions , I think the Internet is the most useful.First, the Internet makes it easier to keep in touch with our friends . We can talk withthem online and even can see them. Second, we can finish our work faster and better than before. It helps us save lots of time. Third, we can ge

15、t almost all kinds of information that we need from the Internet. It s a good way to know about the outside world. Last , we can do shopping online without leaving home. We can save much time and money to buy things in this way.The Internet makes our life more colorful and interesting. It s really a

16、 useful invention.Unit 7假設你是班長,學校圖書管理員要你根據(jù)下列提綱向你們班的同學宣布閱覽室的一些規(guī)定:.閱覽室開放時間:星期一至星期五下午5:006:00 , 星期六上午8:0011:30.不準在閱覽室內大聲朗讀。.不準在閱覽室里吃零食。.不準在閱覽室里使用手機。.不準在閱覽室里吸煙。.不準把書和雜志帶出閱覽室。要求:1.詞數(shù)為80左右;2.開頭和結尾已寫好,不計人詞數(shù)。Attention, please! I d like to tell you some things about the rules of the school reading room. The

17、reading room is open between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday. It is also open between 8:00 am and 11:30am on Sundays. After you enter the reading room, you should keep it clean and quiet. Firstly, you are not allowed to read aloud or have smacks. Secondly, you are not allowed to use your c

18、all phones or smoke. Finally, you are not allowed to take the books or magazines out of the reading room.I hope everyone can obey the rules. That s all Thank you .Unit 8.最近,同學們發(fā)現(xiàn)教室經(jīng)常被打掃的干干凈凈。大家在猜,這是誰在做好事呢?請參考下列表中的信息寫一篇80詞左右的短文。文章開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Kate Might be Eric Warm-hearted and helpfulMark Could be

19、John A volunteerCathy Might be Julia Always do homework in the classroom after schoolRecently, the students often find that the classroom is very clean. Everyone is guessing who cleans it. Different students have different opinions about this matter. Kate thinks it might be Eric, because he is a war

20、m-hearted and helpful student.He often helps the students who are in trouble. But Mark doesn t think so. He thinks it could be John, for John has been a volunteer for almost a year. Maybe he cleaned the classroom after class.Cathy thinks it might be Julia, the best student in our class. She often se

21、es Julia do homework in the classroom after class.Unit 9音樂在我們的日常生活中扮演這很重要的角色。請根據(jù)以下提示以“The role of music為題寫一篇100字左右的文章。.音樂可以使我們放松身心,緩解壓力;.音樂可以振奮并鼓舞人心;.音樂可以撫慰我們的心靈,幫助我們走出困境;.音樂可以幫助我們更好地了解別的文化。注意:不可逐句翻譯,可根據(jù)自己對音樂的理解適當發(fā)揮和拓展。The roles of musicMusic plays an important role in our life. First, it can make u

22、s feel relaxed both mentally and physically, thus helping us reduce our pressure at work and life. Second, music can excite and encourage us whenever we meet troubles an d feel sad. What s more, music can have a comforting effect when we are worried and help us step out of difficulty. In addition, m

23、usic, as a universal language, can be of great help on the way to learn another culture.As far as I m concerned, music is o)art of our life. We can t live a happy life without music.Unit10假如你是劉英,你白一位美國筆友Bob來信說今年寒假要來中國度假,并向你詢問中國的禮儀。根據(jù)下面的問題和提示詞語給他寫一封回信,詞數(shù)為 80左右。問題:1.What s he supposed to do and say wh

24、en she meets a friend for the firs t time ?2.How should he behave at the table?提示詞語:be supposed to do, shake hands, use chopsticks, pick up , not talk too muchDear Bob,I m glad to receive your e -mail. Now I want to tell you something about Chinese table manners.In China the host or hostess won t ea

25、t any dish until the guests and elders start.You can t tap bowls with the chopsticks. You shouldn t reach across the table or to the front ofothers .To get something to eat, you can t start to eat until everyone is at the tabe.Also, you should toast good health or success of the host or the hostess.

26、Welcome to China!Yours, Liu YingUnit 11幸福是什么?是下雨時媽媽送來的一把傘,是難過時朋友安慰的幾句話,或是幫助他人后 會心的一笑,還是其實幸福很簡單,幸福就在你身邊。請你以“Happiness”為題寫一篇英語短文,讓我們分享你的感受。詞數(shù)為 80左右。短文中請勿使用真實姓名、 地點或所在學校名稱。提示詞: umbrella 雨傘;treasure 珍惜;comfort 安慰;share 分享 HappinessWhat is happiness? In my opinion, being with friends is happiness. Friend

27、s are just like sunshine. They warm my heart and light my life. When Im happy, they laugh with me, and when I feel sad, they cry with me. If I need a hand, my friends are always right there by my side. I enjoy sharing my secrets and dealing with difficulties together with them. For these reasons, I

28、think my friends are the source of happiness. To treasure friendship is to enjoy happiness.(Words: 85)HappinessDad has been away from our city since he found a job in Guangzhou years ago.He seldom comes back home except on Spring Festival. I stay with Mom and Grandma in the countryside. They care fo

29、r me a lot. When I meet something difficult, I prefer to talk with Dad on the phone. Grandma also enjoys our chatting online. No matter where Dad is, my family is always full of happiness. How I wish next Spring Festival would come soon so that the whole family can get together!Unit12每個人都有不同的生活習慣,養(yǎng)成

30、良好的生活習慣,會使我們擁有健康的體魄。良好的生活習慣有哪些呢?例如:每天按時起床和睡覺;飯前洗手;多吃水果和蔬菜,不吃垃圾食品; 多參加體育鍛煉;不亂扔垃圾和隨地吐痰;不要在馬路上玩耍,橫過馬路注意交通安全等。根據(jù)以下提示,以 how to Develop Good Living Habits為題寫一篇英語短文。要求:意思連貫、表達準確,詞數(shù)6080.提示:before meals (飯前);junkfood (垃圾食品);rubbish (垃圾);spit (吐痰);exercise (鍛煉);cross the road (橫過馬路);lights (交通燈)How to Develop

31、 Good Living HabitsEveryone has different living habits , Good habits can make us Keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do ?In my opinion, everyone should get up and sleep on time every day. Don t play or watch TV all night. That is bad for healthy and affect our work. We should eat more vegeta

32、bles and fruit , and eat less meat. I advise everybody to take more physical exercises . Don t eat junk food,for example instant noodles.Don t litter and spit. Don tplay on the road. Remember to obey the traffic rules. No jaywalking. In a word, if we want to keep healthy and happy, we must develop g

33、ood living habits .Unit 13.保護環(huán)境是每一個人的義務。請你寫一篇以 Lower Carbon (低碳),Happier Life為題的 英語短文。短文要點如下:.自己走路或騎自行車上學,父母騎車上班;( on foot , ride a bike).節(jié)約用水,用電;(save , turn off, electricity ).將用過的課本留給低年級學生;(old books, next grade students).購物時帶上籃子,別用塑料袋。 (basket, plastic bags)要求:1.詞數(shù)為80左右。文章開頭、結尾已給出,不計人總詞數(shù);.必須包括全部

34、要點,但不能逐詞翻譯;.在文中不要提及真實的校名和姓名。Lover Carbon, Happier LifeIt s our duty to protect the environment.The environment is becoming worse and worse. We must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment .First, we ca ride to school or go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving the car. Second, we should save water and electricity by turning off the taps and lights in time


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