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1、Nice to see you !Lesson 3 Sorry, sirWhere there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。English Proverb Now or never.機(jī)不可失,失不再來。Review1. Excuse me 對不起,打擾一下 2. Pardon 請再說一遍 4. 介紹一樣?xùn)|西This is+東西肯定句: This is my handbag.否定句: This is not my handbag.疑問句:Is this your handbag?回答: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.要想變否定,is/a

2、re 后加 not.要想變疑問,is/are 放句首,放句首. 3. 這是什么? Whats this? 這是誰的手提包? Whose handbag is it? New words & ExpressionsUmbrellaNew words & ExpressionsPlease 請A cup of Coffee, please.請給我一杯咖啡。there /e/adv. 那里 Here is my umbrella.這是我的傘。here /hi/adv. 這里 New words & ExpressionsMy & Mine我的The bag is mine.My bag is blu

3、e. This is my book. 這是一本書。 This is my pen. 這是一支筆。Number /nmb/ n.數(shù)字,號碼NO. 2 =Number 2第二中學(xué) NO.2 Middle School2路車 NO.2 Bus2班 NO.2 Classfive /fav / num.五one two three four fivesix seven eight nine tenSorry /sr / v. 對不起注意:sorry與excuse 的區(qū)別Sorry 與Excuse me的區(qū)別Excuse me通常在說或者做可能令人不悅的事情之前使用。Sorry通常在說或者做這種事情之后

4、使用,表示歉意。Eg:Excuse me, may I borrow your pen? Oh. Sorry, you cannot.Sir /s/ n.先生Cloakroom /klkrum/ n. 衣帽存放處Cloakroom What did you put in the cloakroom?Supermarket When do we usually say sorry?Today our story is about two men and an umbrella.Question: What does the man put in the cloakroom? Lesson3Sor

5、ry, sirMore questions for you !2.Does the man get his umbrella back?3.What colour is the mans umbrella?1.What is the number of the mans ticket?Do some marks:重讀 停頓 / 升調(diào)降調(diào)My coat /and my umbrella please.Here /is my ticket.Lesson 3 Sorry, sirThank you, sir.Number five.Heres your umbrella/ and your coat

6、.This /is not my umbrella.Sorry, sir. Is this your umbrella?No, it isnt. Is this it?Yes, it is.Thank you /very much.Language Points中山職業(yè)教北外外語培訓(xùn) TEL:88877016My coat and my umbrella please.請把我的大衣和傘拿給我。=pls give my coat and my unbrella to me.例子:在餐廳的時候你對waiter說:Coffee pls. 請給我咖啡。在英語口語中,如果希望別人給自己“出示”什么東西時

7、,通常是“要什么直接說什么”。Your +東西,please= give me your+東西 / give +東西 +to me. 例如:請出示你的票。 Your ticket, please. 請讓我看看你的護(hù)照。 Your passport, please. 請告訴我你的名字。 Your name, please.Here is my ticketHere 這里1.那里 There Eg:His coat is there.他的外衣在那里。2.在那邊 Over there Eg:My son is over there. 我的兒子在那邊。倒裝句正常語句:My ticket is here

8、.作用:強(qiáng)調(diào)是這,而不是那。Heres 是Here is 的縮寫,意思是“這是”。 英文中有許多的縮寫:一般都是Be動詞(am, is, are)的縮寫。如:youre=you are Im= I am hes= he is shes=he is its= it isBE動詞肯定縮略形式She is_ He is_It is_We are_I am_You are_They are_8.Here is_9.Here are_ShesWereImYoureTheyreIts HesHeresHerereis not= isnt are not=arent am not永遠(yuǎn)沒有縮略形式!否定:中山

9、職業(yè)教北外外語培訓(xùn) TEL:88877016This is not my umbrella.否定句的變法在be動詞后加not如:This is your pen. This is not your pen. That is my pencil. That is not my pencil.思考:怎么把以上陳述句變成疑問句?怎樣進(jìn)行肯定和否定的回答?Is this your pen?-Yes,it is. 肯定回答-No, it is not. 否定回答This is not my umbrella.肯定句This is my umbrella.疑問句Is this your umbrella?

10、回答Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.要想變否定,is/are 后加 not.要想變疑問,is/are 放句首,放句首.Sorry=I am sorry.注意sorry 同excuse 的區(qū)別:事情發(fā)生前用excuse, 事情發(fā)生后用sorry.如:你撿到一張票,詢問前面的人-Excuse me! Is this your ticket?-Sorry, it is not my ticket.Is this it?it 指代前面的umbrella.如果一個東西在前文出現(xiàn)一次,第二次時則用it指代:That is my pen. Pls give it to me.那是我的筆,請

11、把它給我。英語小貼士在以下情況下,英文字母要使用大寫形式:1. 一個句子開頭第一個單詞的首字母要大寫。Eg:This is my son.2.單詞I 是“我”的意思,它放在句子的任何地方都要大寫。Eg:I love you so much.3,姓名中,“姓”和“名”的首字母都要大寫。Eg:George W.Bush 喬治.W.布什4.國家,城市名稱以及其他專有名詞的首字母要大寫。Eg: Japan 日本 China 中國5.表示“國籍”的單詞永遠(yuǎn)大寫。Eg:American 美國人 Chinese 中國人6.表示“職務(wù)”或者“稱呼語”的單詞首字母要大寫。Eg:President Hu Jint

12、ao 1. 如果希望別人給自己“出示”什么東西時 Your +東西,please.= give me your+東西 / give +東西 +to me. 2. Here is my ticket. 這是我的票。反義詞,那里/在那邊正常語句縮寫3. Sorry 與Excuse me的區(qū)別4. 介紹一樣?xùn)|西This is+東西句子的轉(zhuǎn)換否定句:This is not my umbrella.肯定句:This is my umbrella.疑問句:Is this your umbrella?回答:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 要想變否定,is/are 后加 not.要想變疑問

13、,is/are 放句首,放句首.Lesson 4 Is this your?Numbers drillNew words & ExpressionsSuit n. 一套外衣;西裝,套裝;訴訟;懇求suit /sut/ n.一套衣服school /sku:l/n. 學(xué)校小學(xué)和中學(xué)用是school 大學(xué)用:university /junvst/ 幼兒園用:kindergarten/knd,gt()n/ teacher/tit/n. 老師son與daughterson /sn/ n. 兒子daughter/dt/ n. 女兒 New words & Expressionsfamily 家庭 pare

14、nts 父母 child 孩子 male 男的 female 女的 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子 father 父親 mother 母親 son 兒子 daughter 女兒 grandchildren 孫輩 grandson 孫子,外孫 granddaughter 孫女,外孫女 brother 兄弟 sister 姐妹 twin 雙胞胎的 grandfather 祖父 grandmother 祖母 granny 奶奶,外婆 grandma 奶奶,外婆 grandpa 爺爺,外公 great-grandfather 曾祖父 great-grandmother 曾祖母 son-in-la

15、w 女婿 daughter-in-law 兒媳 father-in-law 岳父(公公) New words & Expressionsmother-in-law 岳母(婆婆)father-in-law 岳父(公公)sister-in-law 嫂子,弟媳,妯娌brother-in-law 小叔, 大伯,姐夫,妹夫,堂兄弟stepfather 繼父 stepmother 繼母 stepson 繼子 stepdaughter 繼女 stepbrother 異父(母)之兄弟 stepsister 異父(母)之姐妹 foster father 養(yǎng)父 foster mother 養(yǎng)母 adopted son 養(yǎng)子 adopted daughter 養(yǎng)女 uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父 aunt 嬸母,伯母,舅母,姑母 nephew 侄兒,外甥 niece 侄女,外甥女 cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹 offspring 后代,后輩 ancestor 祖先 Oral English practiceThis isnt myIs this your?Yes,it is. / No it isnt.Exercises1.I am Rice.(改為否定句)2.His son is a teach


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