1、書信作文模板書信作文十大類型1.投訴信(抱怨信)(Letter of Complaint)寫作流程圖I提出抱怨并表示遺憾I闡述問題妗牛的經(jīng)過提出批評堆皿1橢懦1和對方采取措施第一部分:提出抱怨并表示遺憾 套語:(i)很抱歉打擾您,但我必須鄭重提出投訴。I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.(2)我很遺憾地告訴你投訴有關(guān) .的事由。I am sorry to tell you that there should be cause to complain abou t -(
2、3)我真的很討厭抱怨,但最近有一件事情確實令人煩心。I really hate to complain, but one thing is really disturbing now.第二部分:闡述問題發(fā)生的經(jīng)過套語:無第三部分:指出問題引起的后果套語:(1)噪音影響我的睡眠,使得我在上班時間無法集中精力。結(jié)果這些天我已經(jīng)搞錯了好幾次The noise disturbs my sleep so that I can concentrate on my work during the work time, and as a result, I have made several mistakes
3、 these days.(2)在這樣(嘈雜)環(huán)境下我無法進行研究,我需要一間安靜的房間。For me this environment is very difficult to make studies and I need a quiet room.第四部分:提出批評及處理的意見或敦促對方采取措施 套語:(1)我認為是你認識到 的時候了。I think its high time that you realized .(2)我們深知你們并不經(jīng)常出錯,但我們希望能確保這類差錯不再發(fā)生。We know that you are not generally careless, but we sho
4、uld like your assurance that this will not happen again.(3)我必須正告貴方,除非對目前狀況采取措施,否則我將被迫訴諸法律。I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation, I will be forced to take legal action.(4)坦率地所,我不再準備忍受這種狀況。Frankly, I am not prepared to put up with the situation any more.(5)如果您能盡快調(diào)查此事,我將不勝感激。
5、期待您盡快回復。I would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible. And I am looking forward to an early reply.2.咨詢信(Letter of Inquiry)寫作流程圖說明寫信的目的 第一部分:說明寫信的目的套語:介紹背景(1)我是,暑期個劃到貴校學習。*I am a and planning to study in 0* unversity this summer.(2)我是一名中國學生,想到貴校學習十我計劃下個學邛開始上課,如果您能告表示謝
6、意,期盼回復知一些必要的信息,我將不勝感激。I am a Chinese student who wishes to study at your university. My plan is to start my course from the next term, and I would be grateful if it s so kind of you to give me some essential information.我寫信是要詢問I m writing to ask if 第二部分:介紹背景 套語:(1)我獲得高校的學士學位。畢業(yè)后便開始在 工作I received a B
7、achelor of degree in- After graduation, I began working- -.(2)是我的朋友建議我寫這封信的。他去年畢業(yè)于貴校,熱情地向我推薦貴校。I am writing at the suggestion of a friend who graduated from your university last year and has warmly recommended it to me.(3)我已經(jīng)取得了生物學學士學位,并希望能在貴校繼續(xù)學習。I have had a bachelo rs degree in biology and wish t
8、o continue my study at your university.第三部分:詢問詳情套語:(1)您能向我介紹一下貴校的 情況嗎Could you please tell me something about your (2)能否寄給我一份申請表及與申請有關(guān)的其他必要的材料Would you please send me an application form and other materials necessary for my application您能盡快告知這些信息并郵寄給我相關(guān)表格嗎非常感謝!Would you please send me all the informa
9、tion and t(4)如果你能告訴我那些必須經(jīng)過的程序,我將不勝感激。I would be much obliged to you if you let me know the procedures I have to go through.第四部分:表示謝意,期盼回復套語:(1)很抱歉打擾您,對您的友善幫助不勝感激。Sorry to bother you, your kind help would be greatly appreciated.如果您能回復,我將感激不盡。I will appreciate it very much if you can give me a reply.建
10、議信 (Letter of suggestion)寫作流程圖說明寫信的目的介紹詳情、說明原因提出建議第一部分:說明寫信的哥“希望采納建議,并表示謝意,盼望回復套語:(1)來信收到,得知你下個月要對中國進行一次為期十天的訪問,我建議 I have received your letter saying that you plan to have a visit to China for ten days next month. I recommend tha t(2)寫此信是要提出我對飯店管理進一步提高和改進的建議一一建立我們自己的網(wǎng)站來吸引更多的客戶。I am writing to you t
11、o present what I think on the further improvement of our hotel so as to establish a website of our own to attract more clients.第二部分:介紹詳情、說明原因套語:無第三部分:提出建議我建議I d like to suggest that -May I suggest that-In my opinion I would like to make a recommendation tha tI am writing to advise you of If I were y
12、ou, I would 第四部分:提出希望采納建議,并表示謝意,盼望回復(1)對你就此事的關(guān)注不勝感激。Thank you for your attention.(2)請仔細考慮我的建議,謝謝。Please take good consideration of my advice. Thanks.申請信(Letter of Application)寫作流程圖第一部分:說明寫信的目的1說明寫信目的介紹自我(包括:學歷、工作簡套語:(1)茲申請刊登在上的.工作。I am writing to apply for the post of advertised in (2)見上刊登的貴公司廣告,我謹申
13、請應(yīng)聘貴公司的職務(wù)。In reply to your advertisement in ,I beg to apply for the post of in your company.(3)看到貴公司在報上招聘 的廣告,我馬上感到這正是我這段時間所要尋找的工作,并且我能勝任。Immediately I saw your advertisement in the paper for -I felt it was just the kind of post for which I have the qualifications and for which I have been looking f
14、or some time.(4)我想申請入貴校學習。I would like to apply for admission to your college.(5)我想在貴校系繼續(xù)深造。I would like to further my studies in - department of your university.第二部分:介紹詳情套語:我的專業(yè)愛好是,我了解貴校在上述領(lǐng)域有極好的計劃。My major interest is ,and I understand your university has a good program in those fields.(2)年,我出生于.o
15、.年,我畢業(yè)于.大學.專業(yè)。畢業(yè)后一直在.工作,因此積累了該領(lǐng)域豐富的知識和經(jīng)驗。Born in in ,I graduated from University majoring in I have been working in since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.(3)畢業(yè)后,我先擔任 ,隨后擔任,現(xiàn)任職于.oUpon graduation, I first worked as The following job was and cu
16、rrently I am working for (4)我現(xiàn)在就讀于北京第二外國語學院,即將畢業(yè)于英語專業(yè)I am now studying at Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute and will soon be graduated as an English major.第三部分:說明申請職位或?qū)W位的原因套語:貴公司目前從事的這種工作特別使我感興趣。The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me.(2)我認為我具備了報上刊登的貴公司 一職
17、所要求的必要條件和經(jīng)驗。I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of - advertised in the newspaper.(3)對我來講,這些經(jīng)驗加上我的學歷,使我具備了擔任貴公司一職的條件。It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to assume the role o fin a firm such as yo
18、urs.受我所學課程的影響,我對飯店、酒店管理產(chǎn)生了濃厚的興趣。Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I have developed a special interest in Restaurant and Hotel Management.第四部分:懇請招聘單位或所申請的學??紤]自己的申請,并表示謝意,期望 回復套語:(1)如能盡快回復,將不勝感激。Your prompt response will be much appreciated.(2)希望貴校能給我寄來空白申請表。I hope you will kindly send
19、me an application form.如能收到所需的申請表和有關(guān)入學的指南我將十分感激。I would greatly appreciate receiving copies of the required application forms and any instructions you may be so kind as to give me regarding my possible admission. (4)希望同意面試,屆時我可以更詳細地說明我的條件。I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my q
20、ualifications more fully.(5)我將樂意在您方便時接受面試,屆時我將進一步介紹自己。I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give you further details concerning myself.祝賀信(Letter of Congratulations)祝賀信模板Date:Dear,(1)I have learned with delight that you. (1狀悉值得祝賀的消息,說出祝賀事由(2)I would like to
21、 extend to you my utmost(2)表達祝賀congratulations on.(3)You must be very proud of your.(3描述對方的心情(4)And I feel very happy for you.(4)表達自己的心情(5)is quite exciting news! (5獨祝賀人所取得的成績(6)You are really . (6對對方的贊美(7)I know this is surely owing to .(7)對方取得成績的原因(8)It is a reward you richly deserve for your. (8)
22、寸對方取得成績的肯定,說出被祝 賀人的優(yōu)點With your, I am sure that you will be (9)被祝賀人的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì),表達 對對方的祝福a success in whatever you undertake. (10)Kindly let me (10F 詢對方的情況和時間 know when you _.(11) I hope (11表達愿望(12)My best wishes for your further success. (1涼達自己真誠的祝福Sincerely yours,Signature.感謝信(Letter of Thanks)感謝信常用措詞有:I
23、am deeply grateful to you for your kind help.I can never thank you enough for the favor you did.I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness.I have no words to thank you enough.Be please to accept my warmest thanks for the great kindness you have shown to me.稱謂.具體原因.從反面說明1. 結(jié)句5.落款感謝信模板D
24、ear (1),Thank you very much for (2) .Without your help (3) .(4) . I appreciate it more than I can say.Yours faithfully, (5).邀請信(Letter of Invitation)寫作流程圖第一部分:說明寫作目的 發(fā)出套語:說明*由(1)我懷著極其愉快的心情給您寫信,誠懇地邀請您來.It is with the greatest pleasure thRt I write to cordially invite you to .(2)十分高興能邀請您來 說明活動1點和時間一It
25、 gives me the greatest pleasureto invite yoj to如果您能我們將不勝感激表示期待和感謝We should be very grateful if you could .第二部分:說明事由及活動地點和時間套語:(1)10月10日星期天網(wǎng)上8時您和史密斯夫人能來北京飯店與我們共進晚餐嗎Will you and Mrs. Smith give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the tenth, at eight oclock(2) 10月10日星
26、期天網(wǎng)上8時我們在北京飯店舉辦晚宴,屆時您和史密斯夫人能光臨嗎There will be a dinner party to be held at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the tenth, at eight o clock. Will you and Mrs. Smith come and join us若您無其他安排,敬請光臨我們在二月一號晚七點舉辦的英語晚會。I hope that you have no previous engagement and can join us for the English Evening at 7:0
27、0 pm on February st.第三部分:表示期待和感謝套語:殷切希望能夠光臨。I do hope that you will be able to come.(2)如果您能出席我們將欣喜萬分。We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company.邀請信寫作模板. 稱謂.具體說明邀請的原因.說明時間、地點、方式.結(jié)句.落款Dear (1),We would like to invite you to ( .Everyone is going to catch (3) .224)I hope you will be able to c
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