選修七 4.7《Unit 4 Reading》學習參考培訓課件_第1頁
選修七 4.7《Unit 4 Reading》學習參考培訓課件_第2頁
選修七 4.7《Unit 4 Reading》學習參考培訓課件_第3頁
選修七 4.7《Unit 4 Reading》學習參考培訓課件_第4頁
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1、新課標人教版課件系列高中英語選修(模塊)7-4.7Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion Reading Act 1 Fateful meetings Pre-readingThis play was also made into a film called My Fair Lady. Have you seen the film? If you have, did you like it? Do you know the famous actress? She is regarded as the one of the most elegant ladies in the world

2、. Whats her name? Can you name some films which she acted in?MY FAIRLADY窈窕淑女個人檔案英文姓名:Audrey Hepburn出生:1929年5月4日忌日:1993年1月20日,因乳腺癌病逝于瑞士出生地:比利時布魯塞爾家庭:父親是一名富裕的英國銀行家,母親是一名荷蘭女男爵身高: 五呎七吋 (170公分)體重: 110磅 (50公斤)發(fā)色: 棕色愛好:芭蕾最喜愛的顏色:白色最難忘的景色:瑞士的白雪最難忘的事情:獲得奧斯卡獎 1953年她輕松通過了由威廉惠勒導演的羅馬假日的試鏡,并與好萊塢名影星格利高里派克一起主演了這部影片。

3、該片風靡世界,她扮演的楚楚動人的安妮公主一頭黑色短發(fā),外貌優(yōu)美脫俗,體態(tài)輕盈苗條,在金發(fā)性感女郎風行的年代,一下子吸引了觀眾的目光。赫本不僅俘虜全世界億萬青少年的心,同時連評論家們也都不知不覺被她吸引,該片令她獲得當年奧斯卡最佳女演員獎從50年代到60年代,赫本完成自身的轉型,結束了她幻想的純潔世界生活階段,逐漸從虛幻世界走到了現(xiàn)實生活中。1954年9月,赫本與美國著名男演員Mel Ferrer結婚。在事業(yè)上,她開始嘗試飾演不同類型的角色。她主演了許多影片,如戰(zhàn)爭與和平(1956年)、甜妞兒(1957年)、黃昏之戀(1957年)、綠廈(1957年)、孩子們的時刻(1962年)、謎中謎(1963

4、年)巴黎假期(1964年)、窈窕淑女(1964年),其中那些儀態(tài)萬方、典雅淳厚的女性形象,給人印象最為深 My Fair Lady won eight Oscars including Best picture, Director, Actor, Cinematography(電影攝影術) and Score(電影配樂). It also won for sets(道具), costumes(服裝) and sound.My Fair Lady 內容簡介窈窕淑女 英文名:(My Fair Lady) 主演:Audrey Hepburn 導演: George Cukor 第三十七屆(1964年)

5、奧斯卡最佳影片 窈窕淑女獲十三項提名奪得最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳彩色片攝影、最佳彩色片美工、最佳彩色片服裝設計、最佳音響、最佳改編音樂八項大獎 伊莉莎是個賣花女,講著一口在上流社會聽起來覺得格外刺耳的英語。教授希金斯是個貴族氣的語言學家。教授的朋友皮克林和他打賭,如果讓伊莉莎以貴夫人的身份出席6個月后將舉辦的大使游園會而不被人識破真相,那么皮克林愿意承擔一切試驗費用和伊莉莎的學費。希金斯欣然接受了挑戰(zhàn)。他是不甘示弱的,他從最基本的字母發(fā)音開始教起。希金斯是個精力旺盛和講究科學的學者,對每一感興趣件事都能廢寢忘食。他胸懷坦蕩、絲毫不懷任何惡意,但他又象孩子一樣,毫不顧及他人的感情,對

6、伊莉莎嚴加訓練。 有一次,希金斯帶伊莉莎去參加母親的家宴時,年輕的紳士弗雷迪被伊莉莎的美貌和談吐自若的神情深深打動,一見傾心,竟然絲毫也認不出她就是曾經(jīng)在雨中向他叫賣的骯臟的賣花姑娘。 希金斯已經(jīng)40多歲,還未結婚,他從來看不上年輕姑娘,可現(xiàn)在在生活上竟然離不開伊莉莎了。然而使伊莉莎氣惱的是希金斯簡單粗暴的脾氣。他教她溫文爾雅的用語,卻從不用溫文爾雅的態(tài)度對待她。 6個月后,希金斯?jié)M懷信心地帶伊莉莎和皮克林一起出席希臘大使舉辦的招待會。伊莉莎是以皮克林上校的養(yǎng)女的身份參加這次大使的招待會的,她全力以赴,談笑自若,風度翩翩,光彩照人。當她出現(xiàn)在大家面前時,人們停止了交談,欣賞著她令人傾倒的儀態(tài)。

7、 她的待人接物圓熟而老練,而又恰到好處,希金斯的第一個學生尼波姆克用盡看家本領與伊莉莎周旋,卻被伊莉莎弄得暈頭轉向,失敗而歸,希金斯成功了。 但當回到家里后,由于希金斯對疲憊不堪的伊莉莎隨意亂嚷,伊莉莎自尊心受到了傷害,委屈之下,憤然離開了希金斯的家。最后二人終于和解,伊莉莎回到了希金斯身邊。 Reading.Fast reading: Act One 1. This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _. A. Professor Higgins B. Colonel Pickering C. Pr

8、ofessor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D. a gentleman2. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _. A. ask him to buy some flowers from her B. talk with him C. ask him to teach her D. beg some money from him3. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _. A. she thought Professor Higgins would arrest him B. t

9、he gentleman didnt give her some money C. Pickering beat and scolded her D. there was no reason4. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _. A. his appearance B. his action C. his conversation D. his manners5.What does Professor Higgins mean to do when he meets the crying girl?A.H

10、e wants to buy all the flowers from the girl.B.He wants to have a talk with her.C.He means to marry her.D.He wants to help her improve her English.Comprehending:CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaComprehending:CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaBehaviour:Lower cla

11、ssrespectful to people of higher classLanguage: calls gentleman “sir” and “capin” (or captain) which is a compliment CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsBehaviour:Middle class rude (and patronizing) to lower class;

12、 polite to same or upper classLanguage: calls Eliza “you silly girl” and Pickering “my dear man” (an equal and friend)CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringBehaviour:Upper classgenerally confident and polite;

13、 but ignores ElizaLanguage: prepared to begin a conversation with Henry, whom he does not know; generous with praise to himRelationships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins: 1 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the statement true? Relationships between char

14、actersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins: 1 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the statement true? 1 Yes; 2 Yes 1. respects his professional work as a phonetician; calls him sir and my dear man 2. watches her; notes her reactions; talks about her in front of her; calls her

15、silly girl Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playColonel Pickering:1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the statement true? Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playColonel Pickering:1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the state

16、ment true? 1 Yes ; 2 Yes 1 appreciates his expertise; praises him; asks his opinion; happy to befriends2 ignores her; does not stop Henry when he talks about Eliza in front of her (which is very rude)Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playEliza: 1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitu

17、de to Colonel Pickering (H) Is the statement true?Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playEliza: 1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H) Is the statement true? 1 Yes; 2 Unclear1 anxious; eager not to do the wrong thing; ambitious to improve herself; respectfu

18、l and curious about Henrys expertise2resents not being included in the conversation when talked aboutimpatient, rude, confident, superior, self-importantkind, polite, generous, enthusiastic, eager, confident anxious, eager, emotional, ambitious, unsureSuppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve

19、her use of the English language.Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc,so that she can use them properly.1. Come overere ,capin, and buy me flowers off a poor girl. _2. I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentlemen. _3. I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.

20、 _4. How do I know whether ou took me words down right? _5.A shop assistant? Now that sommat I want,that is! _Come over here, captain, and buy some flowers from a poor girl.I havent done anything wrong by speaking to that gentleman.I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise.How do I know wheth

21、er you wrote down what I said accurately?A shop assistant? Now that is something I would like to be!Using about language EX 1Bernard Shaw was very interested in the way people spoke. He argued that this showed their level of _ and therefore their position in society. He always said that he was never

22、 _ about peoples _ after hearing them talk. In fact he _himself on his ability to decide whether they belong to a lover, middle or upper class after listening to their conversation. He never _in his view that in England the _ of one person to another depended upon their cationmistakenstatu

23、scongratulatedhesitatedreactionsHe thought that good grammar and pronunciation were the most important things you needed to be accepted as a (an)_ member of the upper or middle class. So no one should be _ about the message he wrote in this play.authenticconfusedEx2. in return in trouble in disguise

24、 in amazement in pain in delight in shock1.The man we regarded as a policeman was actually _.2.The boy who got the first prize looked around him _. 3. She started at the priceless antique ring _.4. After the terrible accident, she was _.in disguisein delightin amazementin shockEx2. in return in trou

25、ble in disguise in amazement in pain in delight in shock5. After George slipped and broke his leg, he was _ for many weeks.6.He gave me a musical box at my birthday party, and I gave him a wonderful new coat _. 7.When Sam broke his older brothers cellphone, he knew he was _.in painin returnin troubl

26、eRevising useful structure.Ex1.1once educated to speak properly , the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. For the second and third sentences various answers are possible. Here are two possibilities.2.Once taught by me, she will become an upper cla

27、ss lady.3. Confused by the question she didnt know what to say.Ex2.1.Being taught by the two gentlemen, great progress was made by Eliza.Taught/Being taught by the two gentlemen, Eliza made great progress.2.Having been awarded so many prizes in literature, Georges years of effort was well deserved.,George felt that his years of efforts were well deserved.3.Bitten by the snake in the bush, we sent Susan back to the camp., Susan


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