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1、Unit 3 This is my sister. Unit 3 This is my sister.Beckhams Family PhotoRomeo BeckhamVictoriaDavid BeckhamIm his wife. Call me Mrs. BeckhamAnd Im his son. daughter-in-lawson-in-lawdaughtersonFamily members (祖父) (祖母) (祖父/母) (公公岳父) (婆婆/岳母)grandfathergrandmothergrandparentsfather-in-lawmother-in-law (父

2、母) (父親) (叔叔,伯伯,) (姨,姑姑) (丈夫) (妻子)parentsfatheruncleaunthusbandwife (兒子) (女兒) (兄,弟) (姐,妹) (堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹)sondaughterbrothersistercousin (侄女,外甥女) (侄子,外甥)niecenephew (孫子) (孫女)grandsongranddaughter姐夫brother- in-law嫂子sister- in -lawFamily Treegrandfather/grandmother(grandparents)father/mother(parents)uncle

3、/auntSon/brotherdaughter/sisterdaughter/cousinNew Words1. family n.家庭 families (pl.)family tree my family photofamily membersMy family is very big.My family are watching TV. 2. friend n. 朋友 friendly (adj.) 友好的a pen frienda pen palmy best friendmake friends with sb.Lets be friends. be friendly to sb.

4、 對某人友好The teacher is friendly to us.A friend in need is a friend indeed.3. thats=that isIm = I am isnt = is notits = it is arent = are notyoure = you arehes = he is shes = she istheyre = they arewhats = what iswhos = who is4.dear1) adj.親愛的Dear Madam / SirDear Mr. Green2)adj. expensivedear反義詞cheap3)

5、int.Oh dear!Dear me!Oh! My god!Oh! My gosh!dear 同音詞deer5.thanks for 為而感謝eg 1.)多謝你的幫助 . Thanks for your help. Thank you for your help.2) 謝謝你幫助我Thanks for helping me.謝謝你回答我的問題。謝謝你的字典。6.great 偉大的;巨大的;精美的;絕妙的 the Great Wallhave a great time=have a good time7.photo=picture photo復(fù)數(shù)photospianopianos加es 的有:

6、negro,hero,potato,tomato黑人英雄愛吃土豆和西紅柿zerozeroes, zeros8.arent同音詞aunt指示代詞thisthatthesethoseTape script of 2aDave: This is my mother. Mom, this is LinHai.LinHai: Nice to meet you.Mom: Nice to meet you, Lin Hai.Dave: And these are my grandparents.Grandparents: Hi, Lin Hai.Lin Hai: Hello.Dave: And this i

7、s my sister, Mary and this is my brother, Jim.Is this/that your sister?Yes, it /she is.No, it/she isnt. Are these/those your friends?Yes, they are.No , they arent. Is he your brother?Yes, he is.No, he isnt. He is. DrillsIs this s cat?1.當(dāng)你向別人介紹某人時,常用的句型歸納如下:1)This/That is2)These/Those are my3)He/She is my4)They are my5)This /That is her/his6)These/Those are her/his7)He/She is his/her8)They are his/her2.當(dāng)你想辨別某人是誰時,常用句型歸納如下:1)Is this/that your?2)Are these /those your?3)


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