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1、跋本協(xié)定簽署國(guó)一唉致同意:芭The cou敗ntries 爸on whos暗e behal半f the p皚resent 板Agreeme八nt is s矮igned a挨gree as敗 follow稗s:耙考慮到在全球化巴背景下,區(qū)域合芭作在推動(dòng)亞洲經(jīng)岸濟(jì)體持續(xù)增長(zhǎng)及拔經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會(huì)發(fā)展岸方面具有重要意八義,也有助于提艾升本地區(qū)應(yīng)對(duì)未埃來(lái)金融危機(jī)和其愛(ài)他外部沖擊的能背力;芭CONSIDE骯RING th稗e impor翱tance o百f regio芭nal coo澳peratio癌n to su鞍stain g安rowth a昂nd prom奧ote eco澳nomic a霸nd soci奧

2、al deve稗lopment盎 of the八 econom拜ies in 暗A(chǔ)sia an瓣d there阿by cont背ribute 哎to regi柏onal re捌silienc扳e again胺st pote岸ntial f跋inancia扮l crise擺s and o靶ther ex愛(ài)ternal 哎shocks 跋in the 捌context柏 of glo骯balizat班ion;艾認(rèn)識(shí)到基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施捌發(fā)展在推動(dòng)區(qū)域耙互聯(lián)互通和一體背化方面具有重要岸意義,也有助于哎推進(jìn)亞洲經(jīng)濟(jì)增艾長(zhǎng)和社會(huì)發(fā)展,皚進(jìn)而為全球經(jīng)濟(jì)埃發(fā)展提供新動(dòng)力辦;奧ACKNOWL藹EDGING 絆the s

3、ig敗nifican芭ce of i柏nfrastr頒ucture 背develop翱ment in般 expand吧ing reg斑ional c襖onnecti擺vity an哀d impro半ving re巴gional 爸integra胺tion, t骯hereby 拜promoti熬ng econ扳omic gr礙owth an襖d susta爸ining s襖ocial d隘evelopm百ent for襖 the pe愛(ài)ople in白 Asia, 敖and con拜tributi挨ng to g盎lobal e艾conomic懊 dynami拜sm;班認(rèn)識(shí)到亞洲基礎(chǔ)伴設(shè)施投資銀

4、行(芭以下簡(jiǎn)稱“銀行拔”)通過(guò)與現(xiàn)有癌多邊開(kāi)發(fā)銀行開(kāi)版展合作,將更好拜地為亞洲地區(qū)長(zhǎng)版期的巨額基礎(chǔ)設(shè)熬施建設(shè)融資缺口敖提供資金支持;靶REALIZI胺NG that扒 the co皚nsidera襖ble lon霸g-term 伴need fo皚r finan皚cing in罷frastru叭cture d八evelopm隘ent in 胺Asia wi班l(xiāng)l be m辦et more柏 adequa鞍tely by壩 a part氨nership柏 among 昂existin擺g multi阿lateral盎 develo愛(ài)pment b巴anks an熬d the A骯sian In按f

5、rastru鞍cture I版nvestme哀nt Bank凹 (herei暗nafter 柏referre扮d to as敗 the B癌ank);佰確信作為旨在支傲持基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施發(fā)展拌的多邊金融機(jī)構(gòu)搬,銀行的成立將版有助于從亞洲域礙內(nèi)及域外動(dòng)員更爸多的亟需資金,癌緩解亞洲經(jīng)濟(jì)體氨面臨的融資瓶頸捌,與現(xiàn)有多邊開(kāi)敗發(fā)銀行形成互補(bǔ)奧,推進(jìn)亞洲實(shí)現(xiàn)跋持續(xù)穩(wěn)定增長(zhǎng);辦CONVINC皚ED that吧 the es拔tablish艾ment of八 the Ba矮nk as a拌 multil百ateral 俺financi吧al inst扳itution氨 focuse耙d on in翱frastru八

6、cture d挨evelopm扒ent wil矮l help 霸to mobi愛(ài)lize mu傲ch need藹ed addi芭tional 擺resourc岸es from搬 inside安 and ou般tside A扳sia and懊 to rem敗ove the般 financ盎ing bot擺tleneck澳s faced八 by the俺 indivi拜dual ec伴onomies澳 in Asi氨a, and 礙will co笆mplemen熬t the e疤xisting礙 multil邦ateral 拌develop半ment ba挨nks, to伴 promot吧e su

7、sta暗ined an瓣d stabl爸e growt疤h in As挨ia;矮同意成立銀行,岸并遵照本協(xié)定所皚做出的如下規(guī)定半進(jìn)行運(yùn)作:癌HAVE AG鞍REED to按 establ阿ish the矮 Bank, 皚which s唉hall op背erate i隘n accor胺dance w稗ith the斑 follow挨ing:般第一章 宗旨、啊職能和成員資格熬Chapter俺 I PURP拔OSE, FU芭NCTIONS埃 AND ME辦MBERSHI礙P昂第一條 宗旨芭Article百 1 Purp懊ose絆一、銀行宗旨在拌于:(一)通過(guò)板在基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施及其傲他生產(chǎn)性領(lǐng)域的壩投資,促

8、進(jìn)亞洲安經(jīng)濟(jì)可持續(xù)發(fā)展爸、創(chuàng)造財(cái)富并改半善基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施互聯(lián)?;ネ?;(二)與靶其他多邊和雙邊敖開(kāi)發(fā)機(jī)構(gòu)緊密合拜作,推進(jìn)區(qū)域合襖作和伙伴關(guān)系,百應(yīng)對(duì)發(fā)展挑戰(zhàn)。澳1. The 壩purpose敖 of the巴 Bank s拔hall be矮 to: (i暗) foste佰r susta擺inable 板e(cuò)conomi扳c devel藹opment,把 create背 wealth懊 and im稗prove i暗nfrastr吧ucture 拜connect唉ivity i矮n Asia 熬by inve壩sting i啊n 搬infrast壩ructure敖 and ot巴her pro凹ducti

9、ve岸 sector襖s; and 巴(ii) pr芭omote r岸egional熬 cooper辦ation a霸nd part敗nership版 in add拔ressing愛(ài) develo皚pment c胺halleng吧es by w傲orking 芭in clos頒e colla埃boratio吧n with 翱other m板ultilat拜eral an盎d bilat板e(cuò)ral de邦velopme扳nt inst靶itution阿s.挨二、本協(xié)定中凡挨提及“亞洲”和唉“本區(qū)域”之處藹,除理事會(huì)另有捌規(guī)定外,均指根哎據(jù)聯(lián)合國(guó)定義所氨指的屬亞洲和大盎洋洲的地理區(qū)劃愛(ài)和組成。拜2

10、. Wher搬ever us背ed in t奧his Agr捌eement,襖 refere昂nces to扒 “Asia”敗 and “r罷egion” 礙shall i啊nclude 爸the geo傲graphic伴al regi啊ons and壩 compos暗ition c哎lassifi安ed as A案sia and把 Oceani八a by th八e Unite擺d Natio凹ns, exc罷ept as 翱otherwi笆se deci版ded by 叭the Boa熬rd of G班overnor皚s.奧第二條 職能哎Article搬 2 Func埃tions矮為履行其宗

11、旨,般銀行應(yīng)具備以下氨職能:班To impl奧ement i疤ts purp邦ose, th板e(cuò) Bank 拜shall h翱ave the礙 follow芭ing fun霸ctions:背(一)推動(dòng)區(qū)域八內(nèi)發(fā)展領(lǐng)域的公佰共和私營(yíng)資本投氨資,尤其是基礎(chǔ)扳設(shè)施和其他生產(chǎn)藹性領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展;霸(i) 皚to俺 promot頒e inves般tment i昂n the r靶egion o盎f publi絆c and p耙rivate 敖capital頒 for de版velopme礙nt purp鞍oses, i頒n parti版cular f矮or deve般lopment百 of inf八rastr

12、uc骯ture an版d other岸 produc唉tive se埃ctors;癌(二)利用其可柏支配資金為本區(qū)辦域發(fā)展事業(yè)提供埃融資支持,包括柏能最有效支持本矮區(qū)域整體經(jīng)濟(jì)和哎諧發(fā)展的項(xiàng)目和拌規(guī)劃,并特別關(guān)伴注本區(qū)域欠發(fā)達(dá)胺成員的需求;盎(ii) to敗 utiliz按e the r哎esource按s at it芭s dispo跋sal for頒 financ班ing suc搬h devel絆opment 頒in the 凹region,翱 includ耙ing tho版se proj奧ects an霸d progr斑ams whi挨ch will氨 contri鞍bute mo班st

13、俺effecti版vely to般 the ha斑rmoniou隘s econo矮mic gro背wth of 靶the reg隘ion as 骯a whole拔 and ha吧ving sp拔ecial r凹egard t岸o the n擺eeds of愛(ài) less d稗evelope啊d membe哀rs in t凹he regi安on;扒(三)鼓勵(lì)私營(yíng)啊資本參與投資有案利于區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)癌展,尤其是基礎(chǔ)把設(shè)施和其他生產(chǎn)奧性領(lǐng)域發(fā)展的項(xiàng)懊目、企業(yè)和活動(dòng)半,并在無(wú)法以合岸理?xiàng)l件獲取私營(yíng)柏資本融資時(shí),對(duì)芭私營(yíng)投資進(jìn)行補(bǔ)哎充;并且,氨(iii) t斑o encou斑rage pr氨ivate i愛(ài)n

14、vestme唉nt in p般rojects哎, enter拌prises 岸and act邦ivities佰 contri霸buting 懊to econ靶omic de隘velopme胺nt in t靶he regi版on, in 藹particu伴lar in 板infrast哎ructure邦 and ot搬her pro跋ductive盎 sector靶s, and 岸to supp隘lement 稗private氨 invest芭ment wh俺en priv藹ate cap辦ital is芭 not av頒ailable唉 on rea翱sonable佰 terms 班and c

15、on扮ditions疤; 邦and鞍(四)為強(qiáng)化這把些職能開(kāi)展的其傲他活動(dòng)和提供的暗其他服務(wù)。拜(iv) 氨to胺 undert吧ake suc安h other百 activi拔ties an爸d provi凹de such胺 other 巴service捌s as ma吧y furth把er thes版e funct埃ions.愛(ài)第三條 成員資罷格板Article霸 3 Memb暗ership敖一、銀行成員資罷格向國(guó)際復(fù)興開(kāi)安發(fā)銀行和亞洲開(kāi)罷發(fā)銀行成員開(kāi)放拜。捌1. Memb敗ership 捌in the 八Bank sh澳all be 吧open to壩 member柏s of th巴e

16、Inter安nationa隘l Bank 版for Rec稗onstruc邦tion an澳d Devel疤opment 扳or the 隘Asian D佰evelopm凹ent Ban昂k.俺(岸一愛(ài)) 域內(nèi)成員是吧指列入附件一第疤一部分的成員及隘依照第一條第二拜款屬亞洲區(qū)域的頒其他成員,其余捌則為域外成員。笆(a) Reg笆ional m爸embers 巴shall b柏e those伴 member襖s liste藹d in Pa搬rt 白A絆 of Sch百edule A白 and 八other m埃embers 襖include擺d in th俺e Asia 暗region 埃in

17、acco頒rdance 愛(ài)with pa八ragraph安 2 of A艾rticle 盎1. All 辦other m啊embers 熬shall b安e non-r班egional白 member白s.艾(二) 創(chuàng)始成哎員指已列入附件挨一、在第五十七版條規(guī)定的日期當(dāng)班日或之前簽署本襖協(xié)定并在第五十盎八條第一款規(guī)定傲的最終日期前已笆滿足所有成員條芭件的成員。懊(b) Fou辦nding M懊embers 八shall b百e those疤 member礙s liste芭d in Sc岸hedule 頒A扮 which,隘 on or 哎before 叭the dat隘e speci翱fied

18、 in霸 Articl啊e 57, s疤hall ha跋ve sign壩ed this挨 Agreem把ent and按 shall 傲have fu藹lfilled百 all ot邦her con罷ditions藹 of mem隘bership岸 before埃 the fi俺nal dat扒e speci懊fied un爸der par岸agraph 絆1 of Ar傲ticle 5疤8.擺二、國(guó)際復(fù)興開(kāi)拌發(fā)銀行和亞洲開(kāi)奧發(fā)銀行成員,如耙未能依照第五十拌八條規(guī)定加入銀澳行,可依照第二岸十八條規(guī)定經(jīng)理罷事會(huì)特別多數(shù)投版票同意后,遵照哎銀行決定的加入靶條件成為銀行成疤員。啊2. Memb阿er

19、s of 爸the Int岸ernatio澳nal Ban柏k for R矮econstr伴uction 拜and Dev白elopmen隘t or th頒e Asian挨 Develo案pment B耙ank whi埃ch do n背ot beco澳me memb案ers in 拔accorda按nce wit爸h Artic艾le 58 m哎ay be a愛(ài)dmitted靶, under霸 such t搬erms an板d condi襖tions a礙s the B搬ank sha氨ll dete般rmine, 盎to memb翱ership 頒in the 隘Bank by邦 a Spe

20、c暗ial Maj案ority v耙ote of 辦the Boa板rd of G絆overnor靶s as pr俺ovided 巴in Arti暗cle 28.奧三、不享有主權(quán)暗或無(wú)法對(duì)自身國(guó)敗際關(guān)系行為負(fù)責(zé)邦的申請(qǐng)方,應(yīng)由岸對(duì)其國(guó)際關(guān)系行板為負(fù)責(zé)的銀行成皚員同意或代其向拌銀行提出加入申敗請(qǐng)。傲3. In t疤he case捌 of an 辦applica胺nt whic懊h is no奧t sover翱eign or隘 not re拜sponsib盎le for 巴the con按duct of絆 its in白ternati罷onal re藹lations翱, appli扮cation

21、礙for mem辦bership爸 in the辦 Bank s壩hall be捌 presen壩ted or 凹agreed 班by the 埃member 敗of the 搬Bank re隘sponsib八le for 辦its int擺ernatio熬nal rel胺ations.昂CHAPTER埃 II CAP傲ITAL把第四條 法定股笆本笆Article芭 4 Auth辦orized 拜Capital拜一、銀行法定股啊本為百壹仟億氨美元,分為壹佰敗萬(wàn)股,每股的票吧面價(jià)值為拾萬(wàn)美伴元,只供成員依板照本協(xié)定第五條版的規(guī)定認(rèn)繳。唉1. The 凹authori翱zed cap盎ital s

22、t柏ock of 班the Ban俺k shall半 be one挨 hundre霸d billi板on Unit板e(cuò)d Stat盎es doll敗ars ($1拌00,000,絆000,000懊), divi傲ded int懊o one m案illion 礙(1,000,扳000) sh百ares ha半ving a 白par val般ue of 1吧00,000 班dollars暗 ($100,氨000) ea暗ch, whi襖ch shal礙l be av笆ailable凹 for su拌bscript熬ion onl壩y by me拔mbers i哎n accor頒dance w絆it

23、h the百 provis敗ions of爸 Articl把e 5.扮二、初始法定股跋本分為實(shí)繳股本拌和待繳股本。實(shí)翱繳股本的票面總拔價(jià)值為貳佰億美柏元,待繳股本的捌票面總價(jià)值為捌凹佰億美元。邦2. The 矮origina八l autho隘rized c爸apital 矮stock s礙hall be靶 divide矮d into 半paid-in拔 shares佰 and ca鞍l(fā)lable 敗shares.爸 Shares拌 having吧 an agg懊regate 胺par val敗ue of t敖wenty b疤illion 凹dollars艾 ($20,0柏00,000,拔000

24、) sh骯all be 愛(ài)paid-in靶 shares八, and s案hares h隘aving a靶n aggre啊gate pa傲r value氨 of eig礙hty bil把lion do疤llars (搬$80,000版,000,00挨0) shal佰l be ca瓣llable.哀三、理事會(huì)可依把照第二十八條規(guī)八定,在適當(dāng)時(shí)間昂按適當(dāng)條件,經(jīng)靶理事會(huì)超級(jí)多數(shù)胺投票同意后,增哀加銀行的法定股疤本,包括實(shí)繳股靶本和待繳股本之埃間的比例。伴3. The 半authori熬zed cap辦ital st懊ock of 哎the Ban板k may b哀e incre背ased by矮

25、the Bo頒ard of 跋Governo胺rs by a阿 Super 拔Majorit安y vote 把a(bǔ)s prov吧ided in拌 Articl隘e 28, a啊t such 背time an傲d under凹 such t把erms an頒d condi搬t(yī)ions a霸s it ma笆y deem 暗advisab癌le, inc藹luding 笆the pro矮portion白 betwee隘n paid-拔in and 耙callabl案e share矮s.昂四、本協(xié)定凡提懊及“美元”及“凹$”符號(hào)均指美跋利堅(jiān)合眾國(guó)的法邦定支付貨幣。哀4. The 芭term “d邦oll

26、ar” 罷and the傲 symbol敗 “$” wh稗erever 懊used in暗 this A邦greemen岸t shall半 be und般erstood爸 as bei把ng the 凹o(jì)fficia阿l curre稗ncy of 俺payment柏 of the拔 United拌 States邦 of Ame安rica.艾第五條 股本認(rèn)耙繳叭Article爸 5 Subs捌criptio按n of Sh把a(bǔ)res霸一、每個(gè)成員均鞍須認(rèn)繳銀行的股阿本。認(rèn)繳初始法挨定股本時(shí),實(shí)繳辦股本與待繳股本胺之間的比例應(yīng)為暗2:8。依照第骯五十八條規(guī)定獲瓣得成員資格的國(guó)哎家,其初始認(rèn)繳伴股份

27、數(shù)按本協(xié)定岸附件一執(zhí)行。壩1. Each襖 member唉 shall 捌subscri柏be to s柏hares o澳f the c骯apital 盎stock o唉f the B半ank. Ea斑ch subs扳criptio艾n to th絆e origi擺nal aut敗horized半 capita把l stock瓣 shall 礙be for 扳paid-in壩 shares澳 and ca愛(ài)llable 鞍shares 熬in the 佰proport白ion two凹 (2) to扮 eight 癌(8). Th靶e initi扳al numb吧er of s俺hares a

28、奧vailabl氨e to be稗 subscr疤ibed by愛(ài) countr阿ies whi癌ch beco胺me memb霸ers in 隘accorda按nce wit昂h Artic阿le 58 s半hall be罷 that s搬et fort愛(ài)h in Sc吧hedule 皚A.捌二、依照本協(xié)定邦第三條第二款加啊入的成員,其初瓣始認(rèn)繳股份數(shù)應(yīng)芭由理事會(huì)決定;俺若其認(rèn)繳將使域扮內(nèi)成員持有股本白在總股本中的比靶例降至百分之七艾十五以下時(shí),除拌非理事會(huì)依照第霸二十八條規(guī)定經(jīng)拌超級(jí)多數(shù)投票通把過(guò),否則不予批瓣準(zhǔn)。藹2. The 啊initial爸 number壩 of sha拌res t

29、o 唉be subs瓣cribed 辦by coun傲tries w傲hich ar阿e admit氨ted to 隘members跋hip in 俺accorda啊nce wit扳h parag翱raph 2 安of Arti絆cle 3 s哀hall be襖 determ搬ined by昂 the Bo疤ard of 胺Governo背rs; pro版vided, 案however癌, that 扮no such藹 subscr岸iption 岸shall b藹e autho熬rized w阿hich wo頒uld hav拜e the e氨ffect o澳f reduc哎ing the傲

30、percen敗tage of稗 capita斑l stock隘 白held by捌 region懊al memb阿ers bel疤ow seve阿nty-fiv扮e (75) 鞍per cen按t of th熬e total柏 subscr叭ibed ca爸pital s胺tock, u熬nless o阿therwis扳e agree礙d by th班e Board背 of Gov熬ernors 岸by a Su柏per Maj澳ority v般ote as 瓣provide俺d in Ar頒ticle 2岸8.愛(ài)三、理事會(huì)可以岸應(yīng)某一成員要求懊,依照第二十八挨條規(guī)定,經(jīng)超級(jí)辦多數(shù)投票通過(guò),凹

31、同意該成員按照八確定的條件和要扒求增加認(rèn)繳;若版其認(rèn)繳使域內(nèi)成傲員持有股本在總昂股本中的比例降礙至百分之七十五罷以下時(shí),除非理翱事會(huì)依照第二十?dāng)“藯l規(guī)定經(jīng)超級(jí)壩多數(shù)投票通過(guò),拜否則不予批準(zhǔn)。矮3. The 邦Board o挨f Gover柏nors ma巴y, at t笆he requ班est of 骯a membe白r, incr辦ease th絆e subsc案ription般 of suc般h membe扒r on su凹ch term案s and c背onditio八ns as t癌he Boar斑d may d壩etermin吧e by a 艾Super M藹ajority霸 vot

32、e a罷s provi矮ded in 扳Article擺 28; pr癌ovided,搬 howeve盎r, that笆 no suc拜h incre霸ase in 搬t(yī)he sub氨scripti愛(ài)on of a班ny memb八er shal般l be au跋thorize頒d which爸 would 靶have th八e effec哀t of re澳ducing 邦the per襖centage扒 of cap巴ital st絆ock hel胺d by re拌gional 壩members板 below 伴seventy擺-five (昂75) per凹 cent o礙f the t胺

33、otal su搬bscribe壩d capit拌al stoc熬k, unle瓣ss othe半rwise a盎greed b柏y the B扒oard of皚 Govern唉ors by 哀a Super八 Majori艾ty vote啊 as pro埃vided i熬n Artic背le 28.挨四、理事會(huì)每隔襖不超過(guò)五年對(duì)銀盎行的總股本進(jìn)行柏審議。法定股本芭增加時(shí),每個(gè)成翱員都將有合理機(jī)熬會(huì)按理事會(huì)決定擺的條件進(jìn)行認(rèn)繳扳,其認(rèn)繳部分占骯總增加股本的比笆例應(yīng)與此次增資搬前其認(rèn)繳股本占拜總認(rèn)繳股本的比傲例相同。任何成按員均無(wú)義務(wù)認(rèn)繳胺任何增加股本。斑4. The 背Board o擺f Gov

34、er礙nors sh愛(ài)all at 愛(ài)interva疤ls of n啊ot more熬 than f扮ive (5)板 years 半review 岸the cap百ital st吧ock of 把the Ban柏k. In c拌ase of 辦an incr按ease in案 the au八thorize奧d capit安al stoc百k, each扒 member背 shall 岸have a 岸reasona巴ble opp扒ortunit絆y to su阿bscribe芭, under搬 such t懊erms an哀d condi斑tions a暗s the B背oard of霸

35、Govern耙ors sha俺ll dete扮rmine, 靶to a pr皚oportio安n of th搬e incre跋ase of 班stock e翱quivale按nt to t熬he prop暗ortion 佰which i把ts stoc奧k there搬t(yī)ofore 辦subscri奧bed bea愛(ài)rs to t鞍he tota壩l subsc把ribed c斑apital 捌stock i埃mmediat叭ely pri笆or to s皚uch inc傲rease. 哀No memb艾er shal昂l be ob吧ligated埃 to sub艾scribe 頒to an

36、y 埃part of爸 an inc伴rease o礙f capit芭al stoc拌k.唉第六條 對(duì)認(rèn)繳隘股本的支付癌Article瓣 6 Paym捌ent of 皚Subscri敖ptions百一、依照第五十伴八條獲得成員資辦格的本協(xié)定簽署皚方,其初始認(rèn)繳俺股本中實(shí)繳股本案分五次繳清,每瓣次繳納百分之二骯十,本條第五款熬中特殊規(guī)定的除鞍外。第一次繳付辦應(yīng)在本協(xié)定生效頒后三十天內(nèi)完成敗,或在第五十八伴條第一款規(guī)定的奧批準(zhǔn)書(shū)、接受書(shū)按或核準(zhǔn)書(shū)遞交之巴日或之前繳付,耙以后發(fā)生者為準(zhǔn)礙。第二次繳付在礙本協(xié)定生效期滿絆一年內(nèi)完成。其吧余三次將相繼在愛(ài)上一次到期一年芭內(nèi)完成。耙1. Paym挨ent

37、of 凹the amo把unt ini半tially 哎subscri扳bed by 按each Si斑gnatory拜 to thi啊s Agree敗ment wh叭ich bec凹o(jì)mes a 皚member 拔in acco半rdance 暗with Ar岸ticle 5巴8 to th襖e paid-板in capi霸tal sto爸ck of t盎he Bank扮 shall 昂be made背 in fiv罷e (5) i癌nstallm啊ents, o百f twent罷y (20) 澳per cen澳t each 盎of such板 amount板, excep拔t as pr壩

38、ovided 敗in para凹graph 5擺 of thi襖s Artic跋le. The敗 first 矮install版ment sh耙all be 搬paid by暗 each m絆ember w俺ithin t扳hirty (伴30) day唉s after熬 entry 安into fo扒rce of 笆this Ag白reement拔, or on靶 or bef吧ore the愛(ài) date o靶f depos叭it on i壩ts beha安lf of i擺ts inst翱rument 氨of rati安ficatio叭n, acce翱ptance 昂or appr半oval

39、 in埃 accord扮ance wi搬t(yī)h para傲graph 1啊 of Art拔icle 58暗, which耙ever is愛(ài) later.昂 The se愛(ài)cond in皚stallme爸nt shal哎l becom暗e due o唉ne (1) 班year fr矮om the 艾entry i罷nto for爸ce of t奧his Agr扒eement.拔 The re疤maining版 three 氨(3) ins哀tallmen扮ts shal矮l becom疤e due s啊uccessi阿vely on敗e (1) y懊ear fro扒m the d疤ate on 昂

40、which t搬he prec擺eding i岸nstallm鞍ent bec跋omes du皚e.班二、除本條第五安款規(guī)定之外,對(duì)哎初始認(rèn)繳中原始愛(ài)實(shí)繳股本的每次疤繳付均應(yīng)使用美把元或其他可兌換唉貨幣。銀行可隨搬時(shí)將此類繳付轉(zhuǎn)岸換為美元。如若骯到期未能完成繳版付,則相應(yīng)的實(shí)叭繳和待繳股本所耙賦予的權(quán)利,包半括投票權(quán)等都將叭中止,直至銀行阿收到到期股本的罷繳付。辦2. Each拔 instal辦lment o艾f the p傲ayment 百of init斑ial sub岸scripti阿ons to 骯the ori跋ginal p疤aid-in 癌capital襖 stock 氨shall

41、 b把e paid 拔in doll柏ars or 骯other c敗onverti版ble cur艾rency, 阿except 把a(bǔ)s prov班ided in阿 paragr把a(bǔ)ph 5 o艾f this 跋Article柏. The B骯ank may胺 at any澳 time c敗onvert 扳such pa擺yments 班into do按llars. 吧All rig笆hts, in搬cluding哎 voting白 rights耙, acqui爸red in 耙respect案 of pai瓣d-in an阿d assoc皚iated c盎allable按 shares斑

42、for wh捌ich suc傲h payme斑nts are案 due bu敗t have 襖not bee瓣n recei按ved sha靶l(wèi)l be s昂uspende百d until半 full p岸ayment 愛(ài)is rece傲ived by昂 the Ba俺nk.啊三、銀行的待繳扳股本,僅在銀行啊需償付債務(wù)時(shí)方耙予催繳。成員可隘選擇美元或銀行罷償債所需貨幣進(jìn)翱行繳付。在催繳扮待繳股本時(shí),所鞍有待背繳傲股份的催繳比例靶應(yīng)一致。安3. Paym氨ent of 骯the amo隘unt sub愛(ài)scribed班 to the凹 callab隘le capi唉tal sto百ck of t

43、挨he Bank奧 shall 骯be subj辦ect to 敖call on愛(ài)ly as a傲nd when礙 requir罷ed by t傲he Bank八 to mee隘t its l辦iabilit瓣ies. In班 the ev藹ent of 埃such a 吧call, p哎ayment 拜may be 捌made at把 the op扒tion of佰 the me皚mber in捌 dollar白s or in吧 the cu擺rrency 扳require哀d to di盎scharge癌 the ob辦ligatio拜ns of t班he Bank佰 for th氨e p

44、urpo隘se of w澳hich th霸e call 罷is made靶. Calls拌 on unp凹aid sub昂scripti爸ons sha啊ll be u柏niform 拌in perc壩entage 懊on all 吧callabl隘e share罷s.罷四、本條提及的頒各種繳付的地點(diǎn)辦由銀行決定,但暗在理事會(huì)舉行首氨次會(huì)議之前,本翱條第一款所指的爸首次付款應(yīng)支付辦給銀行的托管方叭,即中華人民共笆和國(guó)政府。鞍4. The 澳Bank sh奧all det凹ermine 愛(ài)the pla哀ce for 皚any pay斑ment un哀der thi靶s Artic壩le, pr

45、o爸vided t翱hat, un礙til the百 inaugu氨ral mee奧ting of白 the Bo稗ard of 白Governo稗r(nóng)s, the笆 paymen辦t of th爸e first啊 瓣install絆ment re佰ferred 耙to in p把a(bǔ)ragrap半h 1 of 安this Ar愛(ài)ticle s板hall be白 made t敗o the G拔overnme唉nt of t懊he Peop矮le癌笆s Repub癌lic of 拔China, 愛(ài)as Trus爸tee for斑 the Ba伴nk.啊五、就本款而言笆,被認(rèn)定為欠發(fā)鞍達(dá)國(guó)家的成員在芭

46、繳付本條第一款背和第二款所規(guī)定挨的股本時(shí)可選擇啊以下任搬一鞍方式完成,即:暗5. A me昂mber co吧nsidere按d as a 罷less de拜veloped扮 countr霸y for p扳urposes八 of thi凹s parag跋raph ma扒y pay i捌ts subs八criptio埃n under熬 paragr壩aphs 1 佰and 2 o敖f this 奧Article佰, as an跋 altern耙ative, 扒either:絆(瓣一笆) 可全部使用皚美元或其他可兌骯換貨幣,最多分般十次繳付,每次白繳付金額相當(dāng)于皚總額的百分之十柏,第一次和第二愛(ài)次繳

47、付的到期日澳參照第一款規(guī)定拔,第三次至第十俺次的繳付應(yīng)在本板協(xié)定生效兩年內(nèi)拌及之后每滿一年啊內(nèi)相繼完成;或懊者矮(a) ent頒irely i耙n dolla鞍rs or o爸ther co澳nvertib隘le curr氨ency in爸 up to 皚ten (10鞍) insta辦llments盎, with 愛(ài)each su邦ch inst稗allment挨 equal 熬to ten 懊(10) pe捌rcent o半f the t凹o(jì)tal am拔ount, t熬he firs靶t and s擺econd i八nstallm俺ents du捌e as pr暗ovided 癌in p

48、ara按graph 1啊, and t皚he thir哎d throu靶g(shù)h tent熬h insta般llments盎 due on熬 the se啊cond an挨d subse霸quent a傲nnivers哎ary dat柏es of t奧he entr百y into 爸force o哎f this 叭Agreeme絆nt; 艾or扮(二) 每次繳皚付中,成員可在翱部分使用美元或啊其他可兌換貨幣澳的同時(shí),使用本傲幣完成其中不超挨過(guò)百分之五十的跋繳付,并按照本癌條第一款規(guī)定的藹時(shí)間完成每次繳瓣付,同時(shí)此類繳爸付應(yīng)符合以下規(guī)壩定:哀(b) 襖with骯 a port霸ion in 頒dol

49、lars板 or oth辦er conv爸ertible按 curren安cy and 埃a porti翱on of u百p to fi吧fty (50霸) per c藹ent of 敖each in暗stallme吧nt in t板he curr壩ency of啊 the me笆mber, f氨ollowin班g the 吧schedul笆e of in捌stallme吧nts pro氨vided i百n parag敗raph 1 傲of this哎 Articl皚e. The 挨followi暗ng prov跋isions 阿shall a挨pply to挨 paymen拜ts unde扮

50、r this 耙sub-par跋agraph 班(b):癌1、成員應(yīng)在本靶條第一款規(guī)定的笆繳付時(shí)間向銀行按說(shuō)明其將用本幣矮繳付的金額比例拔;鞍(i) The背 member伴 shall 矮advise 拌the Ban艾k at th罷e time 罷of subs笆criptio般n under辦 paragr叭aph 1 o百f this 埃Article凹 of the跋 propor襖tion of艾 paymen安ts to b敗e made 八in its 隘own cur矮rency.安2、依照本條第拌五款規(guī)定完成的矮每次本幣繳付金把額應(yīng)由銀行按照藹與美元完全等值擺的金額計(jì)算。

51、首扳次繳付版時(shí)成員癌可自行確定應(yīng)繳靶付金額,但銀行澳可在付款到期日澳前九十天內(nèi)做出笆適當(dāng)調(diào)整,以使般所繳付金額與按佰美元計(jì)算的金額矮完全等值。安(ii) Ea襖ch paym稗ent of 芭a membe巴r in it按s own c艾urrency背 under 安this pa啊ragraph鞍 5 shal疤l be in芭 such a捌mount a敖s the B斑ank det傲ermines襖 to be 礙equival愛(ài)ent to 笆the ful芭l value敖 in ter唉ms of d稗ollars 皚of the 吧portion敖 of the八 sub

52、scr白iption 懊being p矮aid. Th佰e initi百al paym巴ent sha凹ll be i敗n such 案amount 跋as the 熬member 唉conside霸rs appr哀opriate扒 hereun班der but把 shall 絆be subj把ect to 辦such ad背justmen矮t, to b絆e effec絆ted wit捌hin nin頒ety (90斑) days 佰of the 笆date on敗 which 礙such pa耙yment w氨as due,霸 as the案 Bank s扒hall de背termine礙

53、 to be 奧necessa皚ry to c昂onstitu稗te the 疤full do敖llar eq藹uivalen霸t of su熬ch paym暗ent.氨3、無(wú)論何時(shí),把只要銀行認(rèn)為一伴個(gè)成員的貨幣已骯大幅貶值,該成拌員應(yīng)在一段合理芭期限內(nèi)向銀行繳佰付額外的本幣金熬額,以確保銀行艾賬面持有的該成奧員以本幣認(rèn)繳股吧本的價(jià)值不變。凹(iii) W般henever翱 in the扮 opinio絆n of th皚e Bank,拌 the fo八reign e板xchange矮 value 傲of a me搬mbers 拔currenc翱y has d埃eprecia按ted to 板

54、a signi靶ficant 扮extent,捌 that m百ember s跋hall pa敖y(tǒng) to th拜e Bank 凹within 絆a reaso版nable t昂ime an 懊additio翱nal amo按unt of 絆its cur案rency r昂equired笆 to mai暗ntain 6安 the va疤lue of 捌all suc奧h curre半ncy hel鞍d by th暗e Bank 皚on acco邦unt of 辦its sub版scripti隘on.懊4、無(wú)論何時(shí),氨只要銀行認(rèn)為一扳個(gè)成員的貨幣已愛(ài)大幅升值,銀行伴應(yīng)在一段合理期八限內(nèi)向該成員退扒

55、付一定數(shù)量的本拔幣金額,以調(diào)整氨銀行賬面持有的暗該成員以本幣認(rèn)跋繳股本的價(jià)值。半(iv) Wh敗enever 鞍in the 把opinion傲 of the氨 Bank, 皚the for疤eign ex懊change 哎value o隘f a mem襖bers c氨urrency鞍 has ap罷preciat唉ed to a矮 signif稗icant e矮xtent, 安the Ban佰k shall挨 pay to鞍 that m俺ember w笆ithin a翱 reason澳able ti背me an a稗mount o傲f that 扮currenc笆y requi癌red t

56、o 巴adjust 扒the val敗ue of a艾ll such俺 curren絆cy held爸 by the版 Bank o八n accou芭nt of i扒ts subs爸criptio擺n.壩5、銀行可放棄鞍本項(xiàng)第3目賦予伴的償付權(quán)利,成辦員可放棄本項(xiàng)第礙4目賦予的償付皚權(quán)利。懊(v) The挨 Bank m拌ay waiv絆e its r俺ights t拌o payme安nt unde邦r sub-p般aragrap盎h (iii)百 and th敖e membe胺r may w皚aive it唉s right癌s to pa鞍yment u疤nder su罷b-parag班ra

57、ph (奧iv胺).艾六、銀行接受任靶何成員使用該成案員政府或其指定昂的存八托機(jī)構(gòu)靶所發(fā)行的本票或案其他債券繳付該百成員依照本條第伴五款第(二)項(xiàng)唉規(guī)定的以本幣繳扒付金額,前提是拌銀行在經(jīng)營(yíng)中不皚需要使用上述金敖額的成員貨幣。笆上述本票或債券般應(yīng)為不可轉(zhuǎn)讓、吧無(wú)息并可罷應(yīng)銀行胺要求按面值見(jiàn)票埃即付。按6. The 奧Bank sh昂all acc靶ept fro哎m any m安ember p阿aying i擺ts subs癌criptio罷n under伴 sub-pa凹ragraph扮 5 (b) 笆of this癌 Articl佰e promi俺ssory n艾otes or芭 othe

58、r 埃obligat襖ions is瓣sued by奧 the Go稗vernmen伴t of th襖e membe敗r, or b拔y the d捌eposito芭ry desi邦gnated 唉by such跋 member笆, in li邦eu of t按he amou盎nt to b笆e paid 芭in the 背currenc壩y of th柏e membe壩r, prov盎ided su般ch amou襖nt is n案ot requ頒ired by瓣 the Ba啊nk for 骯the con叭duct of佰 its op版eration疤s. Such俺 notes 罷o

59、r obli罷gations藹 shall 吧be non-氨negotia罷ble, no懊n-inter敗est-bea啊ring, a拜nd paya佰ble to 鞍the Ban熬k at pa埃r value敗 upon d八emand.敖第七條 股份繳昂付條件艾Article按 7 Term耙s of Sh芭ares熬一、成員初始認(rèn)拌繳股份應(yīng)按面值白發(fā)行。其他股份佰也應(yīng)按照面值發(fā)頒行,除非理事會(huì)瓣在特殊情況下依挨照第二十八條規(guī)伴定經(jīng)特別多數(shù)投耙票通過(guò),決定以愛(ài)其他條件發(fā)行股巴份。疤1. Shar班es of s稗tock in扒itially鞍 subscr笆ibed by挨 m

60、ember襖s shall斑 be iss胺ued at 擺par. Ot案her sha擺res sha爸ll be i奧ssued a奧t par u翱nless t佰he Boar頒d of Go頒vernors邦 by a S奧pecial 敗Majorit安y vote 翱as prov耙ided in斑 Articl敗e 28 de熬cides i爸n speci背al circ澳umstanc昂es to i凹ssue th八em on o疤ther te敗rms.奧二、股份不得以版任何形式進(jìn)行質(zhì)半押或抵押,且僅澳可以向銀行轉(zhuǎn)讓拌。懊2. Shar岸es of s柏tock sh


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