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1、Part A(i)罷Tricol 罷plc巴Flexed 熬Budget般For Jun扳e吧Origina疤l Budge芭t昂2,000 u辦nits敗Flexed 皚Budget吧1,600 u跋nits爸Actual 版results頒1,600 u熬nits骯Varianc版e伴F/A壩霸半藹搬Direct 百Materia頒l稗80,000哎64,000岸61,600捌2,400氨F隘Direct 佰Labour埃36,000霸28,800板35,200翱6,400柏A矮Variabl隘e Produ霸ction O敖verhead跋s白4,000哀3,200奧3,200辦0藹In

2、suran鞍ce Cost艾s挨2,200扮2,200佰2,400阿200擺A百Depreci把ation擺1敗5背,000佰1,500拌1,500挨0疤Rent an把d Rates頒2,500盎2,500般2,500埃0擺Adminis愛tration捌 Overhe吧ads巴2,000背2,000芭2,200搬200奧A稗Total案104,200板108,600耙4,400板A(ii)俺Direct 俺materia絆l total瓣 varian擺ce矮(standa拔rd unit擺s of ac皚tual pr八oductio罷n斑熬standar昂d price挨) 藹藹 (a

3、ctua案l quant盎ity愛澳actual 氨price)拌(4kg八唉1600)佰佰10 啊敗61600般= 6400叭0 挨癌61600白=2400 盎( F )拜The rat稗e for d盎irect m壩aterial澳 total 唉varianc芭es is 吧扮 2,400/哎扮 64,000安啊100%=3.埃75%辦3%啊Direct 胺materia襖l price鞍 varian拔ce俺 actu岸al quan拌tity矮叭( stand叭ard pri辦ceactu愛al pric跋e)壩 =560百0kg胺把( 10- 按11)昂 =560霸0kg拜奧1罷

4、 =560氨0 (A)皚The rat盎e of di疤rect ma癌terial 般price v笆ariance艾 is 拜佰 5,600/癌案 64,000半胺100%=8.把75%爸3%敗Direct 擺materia叭l usage唉 varian稗ce版 stan伴dard pr背ice敖柏(standa瓣rd unit礙s of ac澳tual pr安oductio胺n-actua耙l units艾)啊 =10扮邦(4kg昂耙1600-56隘00kg)襖 =10翱鞍800kg矮 =80艾00 (F)唉 The 盎rate of哎 direct吧 materi澳al usag跋e

5、 varia礙nce is 白壩 8,000/八熬 64,000佰吧100%=12襖.5%柏3%瓣Note: W搬hen add拔ing the扒 price 啊and usa凹ge vari盎ances t骯he resu唉lt must扮 equal 藹the tot啊al vari伴ance. T伴herefor辦e, 560靶0(A) (p艾rice)傲8000(F)挨 (usage愛) = 24矮00(F) (叭total).百Direct 礙labour 疤total v傲ariance邦 ( sta擺ndard h敖ours of氨 actual哎 produc吧tion搬壩st

6、andar暗d rate 癌ph) (佰actual 胺hours拜案actual 懊 rate 皚ph)暗 (2h般耙1600)佰奧9 (熬3520h搬靶10)暗 =(320敗0h巴吧9)35皚200耙 =288擺00 35巴200白 =640版0(A)藹The rat按e of di疤retc la唉bour va捌riance 敗is 6400搬/28800隘爸100%=22般.2%般3%扒Direct 吧labour 胺rate va背riance伴 actua爸l hours絆佰( stand隘ard rat跋e phac盎tual ra熬te ph)白 3520h靶壩(910埃)盎

7、 =3520半h巴扮1捌 =352跋0(A)哎The rat俺e of di癌rect la矮bour ra靶te vari哀ance is爸 半耙 3,520/啊奧 28,800拜暗100%=12矮.2%挨3%澳Direct 矮labour 俺efficie版ncy var岸iance叭 stand拔ard rat哎e ph 安疤( stand壩ard hou伴rs of a愛ctual p百roducti艾on八 actua拌l hours靶)拌 9靶安2h熬俺160035笆20h案 =9斑巴(3200h跋3520h)扮 =9昂靶320h熬 =288八0(A)敖The rat巴e of d

8、i稗rect la版bour ef矮ficienc凹y varia絆nce is 昂盎 2,880/矮氨 28,000百爸100%=10耙%耙3%扮Note: W搬hen add辦ing rat奧e and e頒fficien啊cy vari佰ances t跋he resu拔lt must奧 equal 凹the tot扮al vari八ance. T昂herefor胺e, 352挨0(A) (r白ate)2背880(A) 拔(effici靶ency) =白 6400(捌A) (tot愛al).伴Overhea隘d total襖 varian白ce案 (stan壩dard in藹surance

9、藹 costa懊ctual i背nsuranc搬e cost)埃(stand捌ard adm板inistra襖tion 爸 overh翱eadsac襖tual ad拔ministr瓣ation o熬verhead辦s)拜 (220襖02400扮)(200背02200按)瓣 =200板(A)20翱0(A)傲 =400矮(A)案The rat伴e of ov扮erhead 擺total v案ariance搬 is 隘胺 400/唉襖 4,200氨背100%=9.拔52%敖3%(iii)辦Analysi澳s捌Materia哎l varia澳nce敖From th辦e actua皚l budge拔t,

10、 we c襖an see 霸that th骯e direc疤t mater皚ial tot壩al vari疤ance is拜 2,400埃(F). Th頒e Direc版t mater愛ial usa哀ge vari癌ance is啊 8,000阿 (F),th鞍e Direc艾t mater阿ial pri吧ce vari奧ance is熬 (5,60扒0)(A).埃The pos壩sible r芭easons 班for mat半erial u搬sage va半riances靶 are in唉clude:邦Use new哎 machin瓣ery.哎Use hig鞍her qua哎lity扮T

11、he pos埃sible r般easons 藹for mat佰erial p哀rice va胺riance:昂Change 扮supplie八rs.般Use hig愛her qua叭lity ma凹terial.奧Loss of般 discou邦nt藹Labour 斑varianc唉e挨The dir哎ect lab隘our tot昂al vari癌ance is絆 (6,40般0) (A) 昂,the Di敖rect la按bour ef凹ficienc埃y varia霸nce is 扒(2,880扳) (A) a背nd the 氨Direct 奧labour 熬rate va矮riance

12、 案is(6,4唉00) (A)奧. 伴The pos壩sible r皚eason f哎or dire班ct labo案ur effi案ciency 跋varianc叭e:耙Lower g哀rade wo暗rkforce敗Shortag靶e of sk斑illed l安abor 艾The pos昂sible r罷eason f傲or dire百ct labo扮ur rate搬 varian奧ce啊Higher 罷grade w捌orkforc伴es瓣Shortag捌e of sk辦illed l澳abour斑Overhea阿d varia熬nce扳The tot壩al over凹head va

13、案riance 叭is (40白0)(A). 安The Ins按urance 八and Adm艾inistra耙tion va岸riances稗 are (佰200)(A)般. The t佰otal ov半erhead 傲varianc矮e is (唉400)(A)疤.鞍The pos哀sible r襖easons 昂for ove翱rhead v艾ariance岸s:艾Using n斑ew mach辦inery爸Increas挨ed admi背nistrat鞍ion cos暗t藹To conc盎lude a 胺higher-版than-ex疤pected 伴wage se巴ttlemen絆t

14、 for p辦roducti襖on oper案ates.絆Difficu岸lt trad安ing con敗ditions熬Intense阿ly comp壩etition胺Recomme絆ndation巴Accordi矮ng to a拌bove an骯alysis,傲 we can骯 easily八 unders敗tand th拜e organ埃ization搬俺s curre吧nt situ搬ation. 白In orde絆r to ac昂hieve t岸he lowe邦r costs皚 and hi岸gh prof擺it here伴 some r哀ecommen熬dations盎 divid

15、e皚d in th襖ree sec八tions w鞍hich in八 clued 辦materia敖l varia藹nces, l邦abour v稗ariance霸s as we霸ll as t疤he over皚head va敗riances伴.爸The rec巴ommenda跋tion fo翱r mater瓣ial var敗iances:案Investi霸gate th案e cheap版er mate版rial.愛Hold a 皚staff t白raining昂 progra胺m to in癌crease 罷their w霸ork eff疤iciency挨. 哎Negotia瓣te with

16、斑 curren頒t suppl斑ier in 懊order t吧o achie矮ve lowe藹r price把. 靶The rec礙ommenda吧tion fo愛r labou稗r varia愛nces:版Provide皚 traini氨ng prog邦ram to 吧staff f跋or high氨er skil半l of op搬erating胺 the ne拜w mater白ial. 翱Conside挨r about安 the lo背wer gra矮de labo鞍ur扮The rec矮ommenda唉tion fo按r overh搬ead var艾iances:暗try to 矮d

17、ecreas跋e the a敖dminist哀ration 阿cost 把Teach t笆he staf傲fs scie俺ntifica胺lly use襖 these 巴overhea跋d in or叭der to 叭make it艾 longer翱-used. Part B絆Payback白 period安 method八:礙Year 背Anuual 昂cash fl懊ow骯Cumulat礙ive 埃0翱(1,000,礙000)頒(1,000,辦000)把1艾160,000佰 艾(840,00吧0)安2癌160,000哀 爸(680,00藹0)壩3礙320,000板 埃(360,00隘0)暗

18、4胺320,000斑 芭(40,000安)埃5(1/8 o藹f 320,0板00)扮40,000 隘NIL 愛5(7/8 o板f 320,0安00)背280,000八 哀240,000敖 凹 熬 稗P佰ayback 辦will ta唉ke 4 ye班ar 1.5m跋onths.壩Net pre把sent Va敖lue安Annual辦Cash Fl版ow昂Present按 Value案Factors疤at 10岸氨Present敗Value叭隘笆巴礙Year 0矮(1,000,班000)挨1.000板(1,000,俺000)愛1叭160,000邦0.909扒145,440百2暗160,000昂0

19、.826瓣132,160敖3伴320,000拔0.751矮240,320昂4疤320,000霸0.683胺218,560俺5稗320,000半0.621叭198,720啊935,200癌Net Pre按sent Va罷lue頒(64,80耙0)翱The pre背mise of般 paybac頒k perio斑d metho襖ds 擺Identif隘y all o佰f the c皚osts of擺 initia唉l inves壩tment. 把Assume 邦that th矮ey will壩 be pai岸d now拌. 跋Find th擺e cash 傲inflow 扳for eac俺h pr

20、oje八ct巴. 熬Add up 扒cash fl啊ows eac伴h year 邦until c艾ost of 礙project拜 covere把d笆. 隘Pick th笆e proje疤ct with叭 the sh哎ortest 氨payback拌 period笆. 耙If the 胺payback擺 period礙 is onl拜y one y搬ear the懊n it sh八ould be白 compar翱ed with辦 an int搬ernal f百igure俺The pre鞍mise of鞍 鞍discoun氨ted cas捌h flow 胺techniq敖ue啊Uncerta

21、敗inty do暗es not 百exist俺.翱 There 盎is no i昂nflatio芭n搬.柏 The ap昂propria藹te disc百ount ra凹te to u凹se is k八nown, t氨o avoid耙 unnece埃ssary c哎alculat岸ions. W阿hen und敗ertakin搬g DCF q隘uestion扮s, the 傲discoun哀t rates矮 have b啊een com八puted f挨or you,扮 and ar胺e given靶 in the捌 discou捌nt tabl叭es 柏.襖Unlimit佰ed fund愛s

22、 can b斑e raise岸d at a 班competi吧tive ra疤te疤.艾Analyz哎ing隘 paybac霸k perio礙d跋 method盎A背ccordin鞍g to th癌e 矮payback皚 矮period霸 method翱, the o邦riginal吧 capita埃l that 伴the com芭pany in暗vest is皚 叭安1,000,0壩00 and 吧there a阿re 5 ye版ars for翱 the co礙mpany t哎o get t翱he retu襖rn that背 is the搬 澳budgete搬d payba澳ck peri吧

23、od矮. 拜A辦ccordin骯g to th絆e progr壩am, 4 y巴ears an哎d 1.5 m隘onths t盎hat the斑 compan哎y will 安get 氨its捌 all in阿vestmen邦ts. 板A捌t the l暗ast yea暗r, 叭company癌 will g半et the 叭return 哀about 拜罷280,000鞍. 扳A百s a res拜ult, ba巴sed on 按the 藹period半 method胺, 唉the pro熬ject 白will拌 be pro拜fitable笆 and is背 worth 盎to inve罷s

24、t矮.埃Analyz礙ing 傲discoun罷ted cas搬h flow 敗techniq敖ue八I矮f the 暗company白 uses艾 the 按discoun昂ted耙 cash f藹low tec瓣hnique,芭 accord岸ing to 熬the peo板gram, t癌he 斑investm叭ent is 拌背1,000,0瓣00,安 and th拔e 斑net pre愛sent va背lue is 凹10%. Th扳e budge版ted pay暗back pe艾riod is埃 5 year案s.邦 霸After 百5 years愛, the N跋PV for 扒

25、the pro瓣ject wi跋ll be把 板皚-熬64,800俺. 半I皚t shows巴 that t搬he retu敗rn is l罷ess 八than襖 the in絆vestmen半t. 按I案t will 頒be the 愛loss唉 of 扳半64,800扒 to inv安est thi骯s proje白ct. 氨S芭o this 奧project瓣 will n疤ot be 礙profita澳ble襖 and is扮 not wo礙rth to 扳invest哀.邦Recomme案ndation耙A白ccordin佰g to th擺e two m扒ethods,瓣 it is

26、 艾not dif霸ficult 八to find艾 that t翱he comp頒any wou扒ld bett奧er to c岸hoose t岸he payb阿ack per白iod met唉hod. 芭T百he comp矮any cho霸oses pa壩yback p邦eriod m靶ethod c盎ould ge傲t the p昂rofit o耙f 矮280,00愛0 and l胺ess 5 y背ears co襖uld get扮 the al半l inves伴tment. 埃A罷nd for 拌the 案discoun氨ted cas跋h flow 疤techniq壩ue, it 阿w

27、ill co皚st 5 ye扳ars and百 loss 岸頒64,800哎 at las班t of th邦e proje阿ct. 跋S白o, base霸d on th笆e profi跋t, the 哎company半 would 佰better 擺to choo瓣se the 叭payback吧 period吧 method癌.霸Conside百ration 版of othe笆r facto背rs 柏F唉irst, t芭he 氨environ芭ment鞍 is one唉 factor爸 that t頒he mana版gers sh熬ould to絆 隘conside半r擺. 叭Tricol絆 makes 扮a range按 of fur藹niture 傲and kit暗chenwar爸e. 哀I背t may m斑ake 奧pollute叭 during絆 the pr把oducing爸. 扮I凹f the c跋ompany 澳does no跋t pay a哀ttentio瓣n to th伴e envir罷onment,傲 it may敗 get so奧me fine翱. 絆Technol哎ogy巴 is one把 factor耙 that t稗he mana盎gers sh俺ould


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