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1、上饒縣中學2021屆高一年級下學期第一次月考英語試卷(自招班)第I卷(三部分,共 115分)第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最選項, 并標在試卷的相應位置。 聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。 每段對話僅讀一遍。1.Who does the man want to talk to?A. Tammy.B. Dr. Maxwell. How will the woman go to her piano lesson?A. On foot.

2、B. By bike.When is the woman s school usually over?A. At 5:30pm.B. At 6:00pm.What is the man going to do next Saturday?A. Attend a party.B. Stay at home. How does the woman probably feel now?A. Excited.B. Tired.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)C. Emmy Simpson.C. By car.C. At 6:30pm.C. Visit his grandparent

3、s.C. Sad.聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出 5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。 聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題。.What class did the woman like best?A. Science.B. Physics.C. Singing.What is the man probably doing?A. Making a survey.B. Asking for permission.C. Offering

4、advice.聽第7段材料,回答第8至9題。.How does the man like the novel?A. Interesting.B. Disappointing.What will the woman probably do next?A. Watch a play.B. Read a novel.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。.What is the man most probably?A. A guide.B. A painter.What was called an “ apple by jazz musicians?C. Imaginary.C. Go home.C.

5、A businessman.A. The concert they played.C. A jazz club.C.The city where they performed.The local man they came cross .Where does the woman suggest going?A. The man s neighbourhood. B. A museum.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。.Why does the man say Hisense TVs are of high quality?A. Because of their functions.B. Be

6、cause of their appearance.C. Because of their pictures.What will the woman get if she buys a TV now?A. A free DVD.B. A cheap DVD.C. A big discount.How much should the woman pay in total?A. $2,000.B. $ 3,650.C. $4,000.What do we know about the woman?A. She lives in the city center.B. She works on Mor

7、ning Sun Street.She d like to pay her bill in cash.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。Which grade is the audience in?A. Grade One.B. Grade Two.C. Grade Three.What is the second piece of advice about?A. A quiet place.B. An effective method.C. A good partner.How often should students rest during study time?Ten minutes

8、 per hour.Twenty minutes per hour.Ten minutes every two hours.What does the speaker advise the audience to do at last?Spend over a week preparing for exams.Reward themselves when their goals are reached.Go to the concerts regularly to relax themselves.第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 46分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分36分)閱讀下列短

9、文,從每題所給的四個選項( A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。ADo you need to search on the Internet for school work? If you do, read on.Sort FixSort Fix ( HYPERLINK ) provides well-chosen search results. By analyzing the keywords thatusers type in, it provides some other keywords to better show users searching purpose. Then user

10、s cchoose freely to focus on or remove certain keywords. Basically it is like an advanced search on Google, but it is more fun, and much more user-friendly for younger users.Fact MonsterHomework help is always on hand with Fact Monster ( HYPERLINK ). It is suitable forelementary and middle school st

11、udents and the results are always focused and to the point. The homeworkcenter is designed to give you all the help you need to complete the hard homework. There are also games, quizzes, spelling tests and more for you to have some fun.Middle spotThis search engine ( HYPERLINK ) returns your search

12、results as a series of small images.These pictures are live screen shots of the websites in your search results. You can read the text summaryfor each on the left hand side of the screen. Best of all, you can save your results. This lets you save the best results to share with others or for future u

13、se.Ask KidsAsk Kids ( HYPERLINK ) is a great site for students to safely find the information they needfrom the web. As well as being a useful and reliable safe search engine, Ask Kids also has a useful image and video search function that allows students to find images or videos that may be useful

14、for their information search. The Schoolhouse section even has a list of educational websites that are greatresources for students and teachers.Who would most probably love to use Fact Monster?Users wanting to watch different kinds of videos.A middle school student to find answers of a test.A high s

15、chool student to compete in a spelling test.Young students having trouble in doing homework.You would advise a user who wants to find videos to useA. Sort FixB. Ask KidsThe text is meant roduce some search enginesC. tell students how to study betterC. Middle spotD. Fact Monstercompare several

16、search enginesD. show students how to search for informationBMike Hayes of Rochelle, Illinois, proved he was smart in his first year at college. In 1987, while he was a student in the first year of the University of Illinois, he had gotten $2,500 from a job working at a store, but that money would n

17、ot go far to pay the four years of tuition and college expenses that added up to around $28,000. His middle-class family had already put his older brothers through college. While Mike s parents would have helped him to pay, Mike decided he did not want his parents going into debt for him. He came up

18、 with an idea to solve this problem.Mike wrote to Chicago Tribune writer Bob Greene. He wanted each of the newspaper s readers tosend him a penny . Greene thought the idea sounded fu n and agreed to do it. He shared Mike s letter withhis readers on September 6, 1987.“Just one penny, Mike said. A pen

19、ny doesn t mean anything to anyone. If everyone who is reading your reports looks around the room right now, there will be a penny on the corner of the desk, or on the floor. That s all I m asking. A penny from each of your readers.”In less than a month, the Many Pennies for Mike fund had around $23

20、,000. Donations were received from every state in the United States, and even Mexico, Canada, and the Bahamas. So, Mike achieved his $28,000 goal and went on to learn food science from the University of Illinois.In the end, Mike had this to say about the whole thing, “ Ijust want to express my thank

21、s to everyone . right now I m feteenwotrldtis a pretty great place.”What troubled Mike when he was in his first year at college?A.He failed to find a part-time job.B. He couldn t afford his tuition.C. His parents were unwilling to help.D. His parents had huge debts to pay off.Why did Mike write to G

22、reene?A. To ask for help.C. To express his thanks.D. To introduce himself.B. To send his greetings.What can we infer from Paragraph 4 about Mike?A. His fund needed more donations.B. He became rich and successful.C. His plan really worked.D. He asked for too much.What s the best title for the text?A.

23、 Pennies for readersB. The value of educationC. Mike s business in collegeD. The one penny college fundCIn our life, it s not uncomdeiolrwtith someone who is stubborn. You may not like such people because they don t easily listen to you or follow your advice. Well, some stubbornness is really annoyi

24、ng. I m sure you ve ever met a very stubborn person and thought why he / she wasojissu sborn.Stubbornness has a time and place, you might think. Standing your ground on important issues that are rooted in your personal values is a good use of being stubborn. Standing your ground and shouting “Santa

25、Claus isn t real! ” at a yovngea reat use of being stubborn. But a new study suggests being generally stubborn might have some major health benefits.A new study by the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the University ofRome La Sapienza, published in International Psychogeriat

26、rics, aimed to find out psychological ( 心理的) characteristics that may lead to a longer life. The research had a study group of 29 participants, aged 90-101 years old, in small villages in Italy. At the end of the study, it was found that even though all the participants were in worse physical health

27、 than their younger family members (aged 51-75), their mental well-being was much better.The obvious characteristics shared by the group of 29 included a stubborn character, strong work principles, strong family connection, a sunny attitude to life, and a preference for rural life. Researchersbeliev

28、e that stubbornness, in particular, helped participants stay mentally energetic because they were lesslikely to care about what others thought of them and, in turn, would have less stress from it. _“I am always active. I do not know what stress is, a study participant said in a test,“ Life is what i

29、t isand must be faced . always. So next time you meet stubborn people, you can share the soodhnewthem. Well, just tell them not to be too stubborn.What do we learn about stubbornness from Paragraph 2?A. It has two sides.B. It can be very dangerous.C. It means not listening to others.D. It is hardly

30、shown by younger people.What does the new study mainly want to find out?Why some people are stubborn.Whether stubbornness can benefit our health.How psychological effects work on our bodies.What psychological features can lead to a long life.What does the underlined word “it 濟 Paragraph 4 refer to?A

31、. Mental stress.B. Caring about others opinions.C. Stubbornness.D. Being connected with others.What does the study mainly show?Happy people are usually stubborn.Stubborn people are more energetic.People are stubborn for different reasons.Stubbornness might help people live longer.DAt Zhongshuge, a b

32、ookstore and library in Yangzhou, China, the books go on forever. Or, at least, that what it looks like, thanks to some amazing design. When you walk into Zhongshuge, you re surrounded on all sides by an endless“tunnel of books. They fill the ceiling, walls and the floor, someeven appearing to be in

33、 the air. For book lovers, it s a greaSplhowldoesoth曲eragicalbookshop do it? Well, an architectural studio called X+Living designed the inside of Zhongshuge. The shelves are designed in arc shapes to create the tunnel-like appearance.The floor is covered with black mirrors, reflecting the shelves ab

34、ove and making people feel that the bookshelves continue down past the floor you re standing on. And there yhe hbuseon (幻覺) 一that the rows of books never end. As it turns out, the bookstore s design has more meaning than just ;illusion. It has been designed in honor of the literary ( 文學的)history of

35、the city of Yangzhou. Yangzhouis full of canals and rivers, and many of China lserary masters had their great works because of the flowing water. The X+Living, therefore, had this idea with Zhongshuge and tried to create the feel of being in a “ river of books.Once you ve picked out a book from the

36、seemingly endless number, head into the equally beautiful reading room. It has huge ceilings and many comfortable places to sit and read a book. As if all of those weren t enough, Zhongshuge has an amazing space for childrenThe bbokreas wdll. s section isinviting and colorful, with a ceiling full of

37、 tiny lights just like stars. The bookshelves are shaped like houses, clouds, and even a hot air balloon.When one walks into Zhongshuge, he/she may notice that.A. there are too many people in itB. it s easy to reach each book thereC. the books there are not normally placedD. there are too many unusu

38、al books in itWhat can we learn about the bookstore from Paragraph 2?It was built by the X+Living.It can t give visitors comfortable feelings.It seems that the row of books are endless.It has more books than any other bookstore.The bookstore was designed that way.mainly to create a fun illusionmainl

39、y to attract more touriststo draw people s attention to literary mastersto show respect for the literary history of the cityWhat does the bookstore allow people to do?A. Play with kids there.B. Read books comfortably there.C. Enjoy views of a river.D. Buy books at a low price.EThe “ Boomerang Kids y

40、oung adults who leave to go to college, get married or just show off their independence are moving back in with mom and dad. Boomerang Kids can be a mixed blessing for parents, both emotionally and financially.Especially during hard economic times, adult children head for home. According to a survey

41、, about 40 percent of 2017 graduates still live with their parents. Moreover, 42 percent of the 2015 graduates surveyed said they are still living at home.The reasons are many, the first being economics. While the recession( 衰退)has touched Americans of all ages, it has been very hard for young adult

42、s. This has sent many kids back home. Plus, there is the matter of debt, especially college loans. For many recent graduates, it makes smart economic sense to move back in with their parents where life is comfortable and rent is either low or nonexistent. Then, of course, some return for personal re

43、asons, such as recovering from a divorce or an illness.Parents are often glad to help out, both emotionally and financially. As a result, the arrangement often works to everyone s satisfaction. However, there are risks, especially for the parents. These include not only family tension and misunderst

44、andings, but also money. The return to the family can become a financial burden that can affect the parents plans and their financial future, especially their retirement, asthey try to do too much for their children.From the passage, we know Boomerang Kids.A. return to live with parents after gradua

45、tion B. have problem with their marriageC. graduate from college in advanceD. like to show off their independenceThe underlined words in Paragraph 1 mean something that.A. is very useful and beneficialB. has advantages and disadvantagesC. will have a good resultD. worries people a lotWhat can we lea

46、rn from the passage?It is a tough choice for young adults to move back home.Children face fewer financial problems than ever.Parents may have to deal with extra financial burden.Most graduates choose to live with their parents.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,選項中有兩項為多余 選項。What can y

47、ou do with a simple piece of paper? 39 However, if you learn a few basic folding techniques (折名氏技巧 ),you could make many interesting objects, such as a ship, a truck or even a giraffe.Origami is the art of folding paper into 3-D models of people, animals and objects. The word origami is Japanese. It

48、 comes from the word oru, meaning to fold, and kami, meaning paper. 40 Some historians believe that it was first practiced in China around 2,000 years ago. Others think that it was begun several hundred years later in Japan. 41 The paper is usually white on one side and colorful on the other side. I

49、t is also thin, which allows it to be folded many times.Beginners are often taught several folds which are the starting shapes for other more difficult things. 42 These folds are used to create things such as a kite, fish, bird or frog. As a folder has learned these basic folds, he or she can move o

50、n to more difficult objects.43 Others view it as an art form and a means of creative expression. Some people spend a great deal of time creating original pieces. For example, one man created an origami model of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek. It took him a month to design the piece.For some

51、people, origami is a hobby.However, the start of origami is unclear.You could write a note to a friend or type a story.What we do know is that it was developed in Japan.Some basic folds include the mountain fold and rabbit ear.Modern-day folders have experimented with many other things.Origami begin

52、s with special paper that is 15cm long on each side.第三部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45分)第一節(jié):(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項( A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的 最佳選項。During a mid-autumn holiday with my family at a fishing spot, I witnessed a fish being 44 , hopping(跳躍)out of the water s surface, making every effort t

53、oI could see that the fisher was an expert 46 he decided to 47 it struggling ( 掙扎)in the water so as to work off its 48 . Right at that moment, I held my 49 . With every move it made, I became more and more 50 .Finally, the fish, the fighter, ran out of power 51 it was caught in the expert s fishing

54、 net. When itwas thrown out of the net, it 52 started to struggle with all of its strength. Still, the expert fisherman was there to wait for it to become 53 . The fighter stopped hopping in only a couple of minutes. My feelings were _54. I appreciated its strength and braveness but at the same time

55、 felt sorry about its sad 55_Suddenly, I heard a sound of something dropping into the 56 : the fighter itself had turned the tables!Yes, the fish 57_ After pretending that it had run out of all of its strength, it had rolled back into the river.I _58_ for the fighter from the bottom of my heart when

56、 it made it. Of course not every fish is as 59 as this one. However, they all 60 hard just to survive. Even though they can be more 61 hurtcompared to us human beings, Im struck by how such a little fish tried so hard tOs own life. Whyt people who docan t we human beings cherish(惜)our life just as t

57、hese little creatures do? Wouldn realize the 63 of life feel ashamed after seeing such creatures struggle to survive?44. A. eatenB. killedC. freedD. caught45. A. moveB. surviveC. huntD. recover46. A. forB. ifC. thoughD. before47. A. bringB. imagineC. leaveD. stop48. A. timeB. angerC. weightD. energy

58、49. A. opinionB. breathC. planD. record50. A. carefulB. surprisedC. nervousD. disappointed51. A. andB. butC. whileD. until52. A. justB. alsoC. onceD. again53. A. deadB. exhaustedC. afraidD. hungry54. A. mixedB. terribleC. unclearD. familiar55. A. newsB. choiceC. endingD. feeling56. A. netB. waterC.

59、seaD. cave57. A. rememberedB. failedC. regrettedD.succeeded58. A. thankedB. lovedC. clappedD. trusted59. A. luckyB. specialC. freshD. beautiful60. A. learnB. fightC. pullD. hop61. A. quicklyB. directlyC. repeatedlyD. easily62. A. saveB. finishC. enjoyD. improve63. A. truthB. purposeC. importanceD. h

60、ardship第F (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。Rice 64. (believe) to have been first grown in China or possibly somewhere else in eastern Asia around 10,000 years ago. 65. earliest evidence of rice farming comes from a 7,000-year-old site near the lower Yangtze River village of H


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