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1、托業(yè)TOEIC2012 年高頻詞匯英漢雙解1. adjustTo change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond 改變以適應(yīng)=alterTo adjust (a garment) for a better fit 修改2. adjoiningNeighboring; contiguous 接臨的=neighboring3. adapionSomething, such as a device or mechanism,t ischanged or changes so as toe suitable to a new or spelappli

2、cation or situation 改裝=modification4. acuteExtremely sharp or severe;ense=enseKeenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating 聰明的=sharp5. accustomedBeinghe habit of的=used to6. accumulateTo gather or pile up; amass 收集,堆集;積累=collect7.panyTo beo wis a companion 陪伴=travel with8.panimentSomething, such as a

3、 situation,tpaniessomething else; aitant 伴隨狀況; 伴隨發(fā)生的事物=attendantAnpanying thing or circumstance; aitant 伴隨物;伴隨的事物/情況9.modateTo provide for; supply with 供應(yīng)=lodgeTo provide with temporary quarters, espelly for sleng 提供住處10.acclaimedTobepraisedenthusiasticallyandoftenpublicly;applauded 喝彩地,贊賞地=praised1

4、1. accelerateTo cause to develop or progress morequickly 使加快=increased12. abundanceFullness to overflowing 豐富=profu.The se of being profuse 豐富;大量13. absurdContrary to nature, reason, or common sense 荒謬的Ridiculouslyincongruousorunreasonable荒 誕 的 , 荒 唐 的=preterous14. abandonTo give up by leaving or ce

5、asing to operate or inhabit,espelly as a result of danger or other impending threat 離棄=give up15. awarenesshaving knowledge or cognizance 意識; 認(rèn)識=realization16. availablePresent and ready for use; and; acsible(現(xiàn)實)可用邊的;可獲得的=acsible17. attributeA quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed tosome

6、one or something 品質(zhì)、屬性=characteristic, trait18. attireClothing or array; apparel 服裝、盛裝;服飾=clothing19. attachTo fasten, secure, or join 系,貼或連接=fasten, stick to20. assortmentA collection of various kinds; a variety 多種多樣=variety21. astonishingFilling with sudden wonder or amazement 驚奇的,奇怪的=startling22.

7、 astoundingTo be astonishing and bewildering的,迷惑不解的=surprising23. assembleTo bring or call togethero a group or whole 召集; 集合=gathering24. ascendTo slope upward 爬坡傾斜而上=climb of25. ascribe toame to be true 認(rèn)為是26. arduousDemanding great effort or labor; difficult的=difficultTestingseverelytheersofendura

8、nce;strenuous艱苦 的=strenuousRequiring great effort, energy, or exertion 艱巨的27. aridLacking moisture, espelly having insufficient rainfall tosupport trees or woody plants 干旱的; 缺乏水分的=dry28. aptlyExactly suitable; appropriay 合適的=appropriay29. approachTo come near or nearer, as in space or time 接近靠近=near

9、30. appealTheer of attracting or of arousingerest=attraction31. apart fromWith the exception of; besides 除外;除外還=exceptfor32. anonymousshaving an unknown or unacknowledged name的=unknown33. annuallyRecurring, done, or performed every year; yearly 每年的=yearly34. annihilateTo defeat decisively; vanquish

10、戰(zhàn)勝=conquerTo defeat or subdue by force, espelly by force of arms 征服35. alloyTo combine; mix 融合;混合=blend, mix36. altitudeThe height of a thing above a reference level, espellyabove sea level or above the earthrface 高度=elevation37. affluentGenerouslyd with money, property, orsess;prosperous or rich 富裕

11、的=wealthy38. afflictTo inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on 折磨=problem39. affectTo have or show a liking for 喜歡=fondness40. aestheticallyArtistically 有藝術(shù)的,在藝術(shù)上的=artistically41. adverseActing or serving to ope; antagonistic的=ope,ill42. adverselyMarked by or exhibiting features, such as ho

12、stility,tcannot be deemeditive or constructive的Harmfully or unfavorable 有害/不利的=negatively43. advocateTo speak, plead, or argue in favor of 擁護(hù)=urge,preachOnet argues for a cause; a supporter or defender 支持者或保護(hù)者=proponent44. adornTo lend beauty to; decorate 使美觀為 增添美; 裝飾=decorate45. adoptTo take on or

13、ame 采取采用或接受=take on46. brillianceThe se or quality of being brilliant 光輝=radiant47. boundarySomethingt indicates a border or limit 邊界=dividingline48. breachA violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or apromise 破壞,違犯=violation49. boostTo increase; raise 增加;拔高To raise or lift by push

14、ing up from behind or below 推、舉=raise50. blendTo combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of aparticular character, quality, or consistency 把摻在一起混合=combine,arreStrikinglyunconventionalandfar-fetchedinstyleorappearance 古怪的=odd52. biasA preference or an inclination, espelly onet inhi

15、bitsimpartial judgment 偏見=prejudice53. beamA ray or shaft of light 光柱,光束=ray54. be characterized bydistinguish 以為特征55. barrenLacking vegeion, espelly useful vegeion 不毛的=infertile56. balmyMild and pleasant 溫和的=mild57. compriseTo consist of; be comed of 由=consist of, makeup58. conceptionSomething conc

16、eived in the mind; a concept, plan,design, idea, or thought 概念、計劃、設(shè)計或=notionA mental image or represenion; an idea or conception 心理形象/象征;想法/構(gòu)思59. comed of To create or produce (a literary/musical piece)創(chuàng)作/制作=create60. componentA constituenement, as of a system 組成要素=element,part61. comparableSimilar

17、or equivalent 相似的;相當(dāng)?shù)?similar62. compileTo put together or come from materials gathered fromseveral sour匯編=put together63. communityA group of plants and animals living anderactingwithoneanotherinaspecificregionunderrelativelysimilarenvironmental conditions 共生動物群的一群植物和動物=settlement,societySociety as

18、 a whole; the public 作為整體的社會;大眾64. commoditySomething usefult can be turned to commerl orother advantage 商品=goods65. coincideTo happen at the same time or during the same period 同時發(fā)生=occur at the same time66. coheThe act, pros, or condition of cohering 結(jié)合=unity Thecombination or arrangement of parts

19、o a whole; unification67. clusterTo gatherrowo bunches 叢生=concentrate68. classifyTo arrange oranize according to class or category 分類=categorize69. cling to v.依附,依靠,堅持=stick to70. cite To mention or bring forward apport, illustration, or proof 引證把作為支持、說明或證明而提及或提出=mention71. check To check the qualit

20、y or content of (an electronic audio orvisual signal) by means of a receiver,收聽= monitorTo check by means of an electronic receiver for significant content,such as military, political, or illegal activity72. celestialOf or relating to the skyor the heavens天空的=astronomical73. ceaseTo put an end to; d

21、iscontinue 使停止;中止=stop74. capabilityThe quality of being capable; ability 能力=ability75. crawlTo move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging thebody along the ground; creep 爬行=creep76. crisscrossTo move back and forth through or over 交叉移動77. core The basic or most important part; the essence,本質(zhì)

22、=center78. concealTo keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered 隱藏=hide79. countartA copy or duplicate of a legal pr品=verAn adapion of a work of art or literatureo another medium orstyle 版本80. counteractTo ope and mitigate the effects of by contrary action;check,抵消=negate81.conventionalCon

23、formingtoestablishedpracticeoracceptedstandards 傳統(tǒng)的=traditional82. contribute to To present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute 捐贈;捐獻(xiàn)=donate83. consumptionThe act or pros of consuming 消耗=eating84. constrao keep within close bounds; confine=boundTo set a limit to; confine 限制85. constituteTo foun

24、d (an institution, for exle)創(chuàng)建=make up86. constituentServing as part of a whole; component 組成的 =component87. constantlyContinually occurring; persistently 持續(xù)的=continuously88. conspicuousAttracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable;noticeable 值得注意的=noticeable89. consort with To keep compan

25、y 陪伴=assote81. conserveTo protect from loss or harm; preserve 保存,保護(hù)=retain留住;保住82. consequenomethingt logically or naturally follows from anaction or condition 結(jié)果=result83. conjectureA sement, an opinion, or abased onguesswork 猜想=based on guessing84. congestionTo be overfilled or overcrowded 堵塞=over

26、crowded,crowded85.ingTo be oping; different 對立的,不同的=oping,contrary86. confrontTo come face to face with, espelly with defianceorhostility(與)面對面的=faceTo confront with complete awareness 面對87. confine to To keep within bounds; restrict 限制=limit, crRestrict; narrow 受限制;只限于88. confederacyA union ofs, pa

27、rties, or ses; a league=allyOnet is ald winother, espelly by treaty者89. cumbersome Troublesome or onerous 麻煩的=burdensome90. dramaticallyArresting or forceful in appearance or effect 引人注目的=striking91. durableLasting; stable 持久的;穩(wěn)定的=lasting92.s計域=fields93. domesticTame or domesticated. Used of animals

28、 馴養(yǎng)的=tame94. dominateTo enjoy ading, controllingition in 占支配地位=be prevalent in95. divergenceDifference, as of opiniondifference96. diverseMade up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements 多種多樣的=various97. dogmaAn authoriive principle, bef, or sement of ideas oropinion, espelly one consider

29、ed to be absoluy true 信條=bef98. distinctionThe condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct 差別=difference99. distinctReadily distinguishable from all others; discrete 有區(qū)別的,不同的=different, separate, definite100.disputeToargueabout; debate就 進(jìn)行爭論=argument,disagreement101. disseminateTo spread abroa

30、d; promulgate 散布=spread, distribute102. disalThe act or pros of getting rid of something 除掉=getrid of103. discreteConstituting a separate thing; distinct 分離的=separateExisting as an independent entity 單獨的104. discardTo throw away; reject 丟棄,拋棄=get rid of105. diffuseToe widely dispersed; spread out 散布

31、=travelTo be transmitted, as light or sound; move or pass 傳送106. differentiateTo constitute the distinction betn 區(qū)分=distinguishTo perceive as being different or distinct 區(qū)分107. diceTo prescribe wiuthority; ime 命令To ie orders ords 命令=determineTo reach a deci; resolve 解決,決定,=prescribeTo set down as a

32、ruleuide; enjoin 指定,規(guī)定108. devaseTo lay waste; destroy 變成廢墟,荒蕪;破壞=ruin109. deviceA contrivance or an invention serving a particular pure,espelly a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks機器=instrumentA device for recording, measuring, or controlling, espelly such adevice functioni

33、ng as part of a control system 儀表110. devoid of free of 無的,免于的;擺脫了的111.destructionTheactorprosofwreckingordestroying,espelly destruction by explosives.摧毀破壞The act of destroying=demolition112. detectTo discover or ascertahe existence, presence, or fact of 查明;發(fā)現(xiàn)=discover, senseToe aware of; perceive 感

34、覺113. detectableCan be discovered or ascertained the existence, presence,or fact 可查明;可發(fā)現(xiàn) apparent, measurable, sizable114. deriveTo obtain or receive from a source 得到=obtain,To ie from a source; originate于=stem from115. depresAn areat ink below itrroundings; a hollow 下陷處=low116. depressedLow in spir

35、its; dejected 情緒低落的;沮喪的=saddened117. deitTo put or set down; place 放置=place, lay118. depleteTo decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out 消滅,用完,用光=exhaust, run out119. denseHard to penetrate; thick 濃厚的=thick, heavy120. delicateMarked by sensitivity of discrimination 敏銳的=sensitiveEasily broken or

36、damaged 脆弱的=fragile121. delicateConsiderate of the feelings of others 體貼的=careful,entionally122. deftQuick and skillful; adroit 靈巧的=skilled123.extractTo remove for separate consideration or publication;exct 摘錄=remove124.extendTo stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullestlength 延伸=increa

37、se, stretch, outspread125. extensiveLarge in extent, range, or amount 廣大的=wide, far fromreaching126. exponentialContaining, involving, or expressed as an exponent 指數(shù)的=ra, increase127. exertTo bring to bear; exercise 對施加=applyTo puto action 使用,運用,=cause128. exhibitionThe act or an instance of exhibit

38、ing 展覽=display129. exorbitantExceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness 過高的,昂貴的=expensive130. expandTo increase the size, volume,ty, or scope of; enlarge擴大=increase131. exsiveExtending farthe norm 過分的Exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit 過量的=extreme132. excluThe condition or fac

39、t of being excluded.排除或被排除的狀態(tài)Keep out of 躲開;置身于之外133. execution制作=create134. exaltedLofty; sublime; noble 高的,崇高的;高貴的=superiorOf great value or excellence; extraordinary 價值巨大或品質(zhì)優(yōu)越的;突出的135. exceedTo be greatern; surpass 比更好;超過=surpass136. excelTo show superiority; surpass others 勝過=be superior137.exce

40、ptionalWellaboveaverage;extraordinary杰 出 的=extraordinary138. exceptionallyDeviating widely from a norm, as of physical ormental ability 特殊的=abnormally,Being an exception;mon 例外的=extremely139. evidentEasily seen or understood; obvious 顯然的=apparentReadily understood; clear or obvious 顯然的140. evolveTo

41、undergo gradual change; develop 發(fā)展=develop141. erodeTo wear (something) away by or as if by abra腐蝕,侵蝕142.equivalentEqual,asinvalue,force,ormeaning相 等的=erchangeablet can beerchanged 可以相互交換的143. entitySomethingt exists as a particular and discrete unit 實體=objectSomething perceptiby one or more of the

42、senses, espelly byvior touch; a material thing 物體144. enormousVery great in size, extent, number, or degree 巨大的=tremendous, huge145. emitTo give or send out matter/energy 發(fā)射=give off 發(fā)出,放出(蒸汽、氣味等)146. employTo put to use or service 投入使用=use147. enactmentTo act (something) out, as on a stage 扮演=perfo

43、rmance,pass148. emergeTo comeo existence 發(fā)生使出現(xiàn)=appear, spring up149. embedTo cause to be anegral part of a surrounding whole 包埋=encaseTo enclose in or as if in a case 把裝箱150. elaborateToe elaborate 變得復(fù)雜=complicateTo make ore complex or plexing 使復(fù)雜或令人困惑151. elaborayPlanned or executed with painstakin

44、g attention tonumerous parts or details 精心制作的=done in great detail152. fuseTo mix (constituenements) together by or as if by melting;blend 熔合=combine153. furnishTo supply; give 供應(yīng);提供=provide154. fragmentA small part broken off or detached.碎片=piece A portionor parts been separated from a whole155. fo

45、rbidTod against theng or use of (something);prohibit 嚴(yán)禁=ban156. forageTo wander in search of food or provis 搜索糧食=feedTo give food to; supply with nourishment 給予食物157. floatTo move from place to place, espelly at random 漂移=driftalong158. fertileRichaterial needed to sustain plant growth 肥沃的=richAboun

46、ding, espelly in natural resour肥沃的;豐富的159. factionA group ofs forming a cohesive, usually contentiousminority within a larger group 小=sideOne of two or more oping individuals, groups, teams, or sets ofopinions 派160. grazeTo feed on (herbage) in a field or on pastureland 放牧=feed161. geousDazzlingly b

47、eautiful or magnificent 耀眼的;美麗的;眩目艷麗的=magnificent, beautiful162. globalOf, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide 全球的=worldwide163. give way to 讓路,讓步=be replaced by=turno164. geneticAffecting or affected by genes 影響的或被影響的=heredityTetic transmisof characteristics from parent to offspri

48、ng遣傳165. gapAn opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach 豁口=openingA breach or anrture 缺口166. houseA structure serving as a dwelling for one or mores,espelly for a family 房屋=dwelling,To contain; harbor 收容;隱藏=contain.To have within; hold 包含;容納167. homogeneousUniform in structure or c

49、omition throughout 同質(zhì)的=uniformUnvariedexture, color, or design 均質(zhì)的168. heraldTo proclaim; announce;宣布=announce169.heritageSomethingtispasseddownfromprecedinggenerations; a tradition 遺留物,傳統(tǒng)=tradition170. harshnessBeing extremely severe or exacting; stern嚴(yán)厲=acidBiting, sarcastic, or scornful 尖刻的171. h

50、arnessTo bring under control and direct the force of,管理,支配=utilizeTo put to use, espelly to find a profitable or practical use for 利用172. hailTo greet or acclaim enthusiastically 喝彩=acclaim173.egrateTo makeo a whoy bringing all parts together 使結(jié)合=unify174.egralEssential or nesary for completeness; c

51、onstituent 必須的;應(yīng)有的=essential Basic or indispensable; nesary 基本的,必須的175. institutionAn establishedanization or foundation, espellyone dedicated to education, public service, or culture 機構(gòu)=establishmentA public or private institution, such as a hospital or school 私人或公共機構(gòu)176. insightThe capacity to dis

52、cern the true nature of a situation;penetration 洞察力=understandingThe faculty by which one understands;elligence 理解力177. inspireTo affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence 使受神靈的;感召的=fire the imagination of178. ingredientAn element in a mixture or compound; a constituent 成份=componentA constituenem

53、ent, as of a system 成分系統(tǒng)的組成要素179. inhabitTo live or reside in 居住=occupy.To dwell or reside in 居住180. inhabitantOnet inhabits a place, espelly as a permanentresident 居民=resident181. inhibitTo hold back; restrain 抑制;限制=hinderToerfere wiction or progress 阻礙,= curbTo check, restrain, or control as if wi

54、curb; rein in 抑制182. innumerableToo numerous to be counted; numberless 無數(shù)的=countless183. influxA mass arrival oring 匯集=arrival184. inevitablyImsible to avoid or prevent 必然的,不能規(guī)避或避免的=unavoidably185. inclinationA characteristic disition to do, prefer, or favor onething rathern another; a propensity去做=

55、preference The se ofbeing preferred 偏愛186. inadequateNot adequate to fulfill a need or meet a requirement 不足的=deficient, insufficient187. imeTo apply or make prevail by or as if by authority 強制實行=demandTo ask for urgently or peremptorily 要求迫切或?qū)M要求188. implemenool or an instrument used inng work 工具=t

56、ool189. immunityThe quality or condition of being immune 免除,免疫=protection190. illustrateTo make a visible represenion of 展示To provide (a publication) with explanatory or decorative features 圖解=picture191. identifyTo ascertahe origin, nature, or definitive characteristicsof 確認(rèn)=spotTo detect or discer

57、n, espelly visually; spy 辯認(rèn)192. joltTo disturb suddenly and severely; stun 使=shockSomethingt jarsthe mind/emotions asif with aviolent,unexpected blow193. myn unverified story handed downfrom earr times,espelly one popularly beved to be historicalA fictitious story, or thing=legend194. noxiousHarmful

58、 toliving things; injurious to health 有害的=harmful195. narrateTo give an account or a description 敘述或描繪=recountTo narrate the facts or particulars of 詳細(xì)敘述196. over taxed過高的=heavily burdened 負(fù)擔(dān)沉重的197. outbreakA sudden increase 突然發(fā)生=beginningThe act or pros of bringing or being broughto being; a start

59、開端198. originateTo comeo being; start 出現(xiàn);開始=initial, genesis,pioneerTo bringo being; create 創(chuàng)造=invent,199. punctureTo pierce wipoed object 刺用帶尖的物體=pierce200. protrudeTo jut out 突出;伸出=project.To extend forward or out;jut out 突出201. prospectSomething expected; asibility 期待被期望的某物;可能性202. prosperityThe

60、condition of being prosperous 繁榮=wealthThe se of being rich; affluence 富裕203. proponentho argues in support of something; an advocate 倡導(dǎo)者=supporter204. propertyA characteristic trait or peculiarity, espelly orvingto define or describe itssessor 特性=characteristic,A piece of real ese 地產(chǎn);不動產(chǎn)=ese205. pr


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