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1、- -七年級英語上冊重點句型對話 Starter Unit1-3 1. Good morning/afternoon /evening. 2. What color is it. -It s blue. What color is the key?-The key is yellow. 3. -How are you. m fine/ok, thanks. I 4. -Whats this in English. It s an orange. Spell it, please.O-R-A-N-G. -Thank you. 5.-Whats this in English. -It s a m

2、ap. -Spell it, please./ How do you spell it. /Can you spell it. -M-A-P. 6.-What is this in English. -It s a ruler. Thank you very much/a lot. You are wele.=That all right.=That OK.=It s a/my pleasure. 7. The key is yellow.=It a yellow key. The pen is black. This is a white eraser. 8. - Nice to meet

3、you.-Nice to meet you, too. 9. -How do you do.-How do you do. Unit 1 - . word.zl- -1. -Whats your name. My name is Gina.=I Gina. 2.- Whats his name.-His names Tom. 3. -Whats her name.Her name is Lily. 4. Whats her telephone number. 她的是多少 -Her telephone number is 535-2375. 5. Whats his family/last na

4、me.他姓什么?His family/last name is Brown.他姓布朗;6. -Whats her first name. 她的名字是?Her first name is Linda. 7. -Whats your first name. -My first name is Jack. 8. -Whats your last/family name. 你姓什么-My last/family name is Green. /Its Green. 9. -Whats your/his/her phone number. -My /His/Her phone number is 234

5、-4567. 10.What s his ID card number. 他的是多少?11. -I m Tony Brown. -Whats your full name. 你全名 是?-My full name is Tony Brown. -My first name is Tony. -My last name/family name is Brown. - . word.zl- -Unit2 1. That is his sister. 那是他的姐姐This is my friend Tom.這是我的伴侶湯姆2. These are my two brothers. 這是我的兩個哥哥s

6、 Mike.Those are my parents. 那是我的父母3. -Is she your friend. -Yes, she is. /No, she isn t.-Is he your brother. -Yes, he is. /No, he isn t.-Is he Jack. -Yes , he is. -No , he isnt. His name4. -Thanks for the photo of your family.你的全家福-Here is my family photo. -This is my family photo.這是我的全家福5. -Whos you

7、r sister. -This/She is my sister. -I see.我知道了6. Have a nice/good day. Have a good time. 玩的高興,過的開心7. -Is this your pen.Yes, it is. -Is that your book.-No, it isn t.8. Who s he. Hes my brother. Whos she. Shes my sister.Whore they. They re my grandparents.9. in the lost and found case在失物招領(lǐng)箱里10. call Al

8、an at 495-3539給艾倫打 495-3539 Call me/him/her/them. 給我 / 他/ 她/ 他們打- . word.zl- -Call 4953539 撥打 4953539 Call sb. at + 撥打 找某人 11. school ID card校牌 12. a set of keysa set of + 名詞復(fù)數(shù)Unit 3 1. Is this your pencil. Yes, it is. Its mine.-No, it isn t.It s hers.2. family tree家譜 3.Thanks for the photo of your

9、family.你的全家照;4.Here is my family photo.這是我的全家福;5.a photo of your family=your family photo你的全家福 6take photos 拍照7. -Is thatyour schoolbag. -Yes, it is. / No, it isn t . It s his.8. -Are theseyour books. -Yes, they are. / No, they aren t.They re hers. 9. -Is that your puter game in the lost and found c

10、ase. -Yes, it is. /No, it isn t.10. Thanks for your help= Thank you for helping me你的幫忙11. Is this his green pen. Yes, it is. /No, it isn 12. -Are those her keys . t. The blue pen is his. -Yes, they are. / No, they aren t.They re mine. word.zl- - - Unit4 -Where is the schoolbag. It s under the table.

11、 Wheres the map. Its in your grandparents room. 2. Where are my books. re on the desk. They 3. Where are his keys. They re on the sofa. 4. Is it on the floor.它在地板上嗎?No, it isn t.It s under the chair. On the wall 在墻上 外表圖片等 In the wall 在墻里 嵌入窗戶等 5. Sorry, I dont know. 對不起,我不知道 6. Are they on the chair

12、.Yes, they are. 7. The CDs are in the drawer.光盤在抽屜里;8. -Please take these things to your sister. 9. -Can you bring some things to school. 10. take sth to there/him/+ 地點 把 帶去 bring sth to here/me/+ 地點 把 帶來 11. -Are they on the bed. -Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. word.zl- - -12. -Are these/those y

13、our books. -Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. Unit5 1. -Do you have a ping-pong ball. Yes, I do.-No, I dont. I have a baseball.-Do they have a basketball. -Yes , they do. -No , they donThey have a soccer ball.2. I/We/You/They have a basketball. 3.I/We/You/They dont have a basketball. 4. Does he have

14、 a soccer ball. Yes, he does.-No, he doesn t. He has two ping-pong balls. 5. He/She/Tom has a soccer ball. 6. He/She/Tom doesn t have a soccer ball. 7.watch them on TV通過電視看它們他只是通過電視觀看他們. He only watches them on TV. 8.have a great sports collection有大量的體育收集品9. I play volleyball every day. 我每天打排球10. -L

15、et s play ping-pong. -It s boring. -That sounds good.聽起來不錯-Let s watch TV. 讓我們一起看電視吧-That sounds boring. 聽起來很無聊- . word.zl- -play+球類 表示“ 踢,打,玩 .play football play +the+樂器 表示“ 彈奏 樂器 play the piano 11. I dont have a ping-pong ball. 我沒有乒乓球 12. He/She doesn t have a volleyball.他她沒有排球 她他有大量的體育收集品 13. She

16、/He has a great sports collection. 14. We have many sports clubs. 15. She plays sports every day. 她每天做運動 16. -Want to do sth 想要做某事 I want to buy a sweater.我想買件毛衣 17. -Like doing sth 喜愛做某事 -Like to do sth 喜愛做某事 I like swimming. 我喜愛游泳 She likes to eat hamburgers. 她喜愛吃漢堡包 18.-let sb. do sth. 讓某人干某事 Let

17、 me help you.讓我?guī)湍?19. You dont have a sister.你沒有姐妹 She has a brother. 她有個弟弟 My sister doesn thave a pencil box. 我妹妹沒有鉛筆盒 Unit 6 1. Do they like apples. Yes, they do. -No, they dont. word.zl- - -2. They /I/We like hamburgers.他們/ 我/ 我們喜愛漢堡包;They /I/We dont like hamburgers. 他們/ 我/ 我們不喜愛漢堡包;3. She likes

18、 ice cream. She doesn like vegetables. 4. Does she like ice cream. Yes, she does. -/No, she doesn t.5. I like salad. 我喜愛沙拉 I dont like bananas.They dont like tomatoes. 他們不喜愛西紅柿 . 6. Do you like bananas. -Yes , do. - No , I dont.7. They dont like tomatoes. 8. I like healthy food.我喜愛安康的食物I like orange

19、s. We like rice. He likes pears. 9. My sister likes strawberries. 我妹妹喜愛草莓10. His brother doesn t like ice cream. 11. -Does her father like vegetables. -Yes ,he does - No ,he doesnt.12. Let have some chicken. 我們吃一些雞肉吧;13. Does it like carrots. 它喜愛胡蘿卜嗎14. Let s have some fruit. 15. I dont like salad o

20、r ice cream. 我不喜愛薩拉和冰淇淋16. He doesn t like vegetables, but he likes fruit. 他不喜愛蔬菜,但是他喜愛水果- . word.zl- -17. She doesn t like playing volleyball. 18. She has hamburgers, eggs and pears for dinner. 她吃漢堡,雞蛋和梨作為晚餐;19. What does your father have for lunch. 你爸爸午餐吃什么?Unit 7 - How much is this T-shirt. - It

21、s 28 dollars. -Whats the price of this T-shirt. - It s 28 dollars. 2.- How much are these black trousers. -They are 10 dollars. -Whats the price of these black trousers. - They re ten dollars. 3. -How much is that brown sweater. -It s eight dollars. -What is the price of that brown sweater. -It s ei

22、ght dollars. 4. -How much is the red sweater. -It s eight dollars. . word.zl-Whats the price of the red sweater. - - - -It s eight dollars. How much are those socks. They re two dollars. 詢問價格 How much + is/are + 物品名稱? 多少錢?What s the price of+ 物品名稱?It s/They + 價格 5. You can buy socks for only $1 each

23、. The girl in red is my friend. The green shorts are on sale for $25. 6.我能幫忙嗎?- Can I help you. = What can I do for you. - Yes, please. I want a sweater. 7.我想買一件毛衣 . -I want to buy a sweater. -I want a sweater. 8.你想要什么顏色的?-What color do you want. -Blue-Here you are. 給你 9. -How much is it. -Nine doll

24、ars. - I ll take it. . word.zl-10.我將買下它 . -I ll take it. 11.我將買下它們 . -I ll take them. - - -12.不用客氣 . - Youre wele. 13.快來為你自己買衣服吧! -e and buy your clothes for yourself. 14. Anyone can afford our prices. 15.快來買衣服吧!華興衣服大減價了 . s great sale. -e and buy your clothes at Huaxing 16.我們有價格優(yōu)惠的毛衣,只賣 15 元. -We h

25、ave sweaters at a very good price - only 15 dollars. 17.你需要運動包嗎? -Do you need bags for sports. 18.我們有女士體恤衫紅色,綠色和白色的,只賣 18 元. For girls, we have t-shirts in red, green and white for only 18 yuan. 19.綠色短褲只賣 20美元. The green shorts are only 20 dollar 20.我們有各種顏色的毛衣每件僅售 15 元;We have sweaters in all colors

26、 for 15 yuan each. Unit8 1. 你的生日是什么時候?When is your birthday. My birthday is on May 2 nd . 2. 你媽媽的生日是什么時候? When is your mother s birthday . Her birthday is on April 21st. - . word.zl- -3.她多大了 . How old is she. 4. 你多大了 . 我十五歲; How old are you . I mfifteen.I fifteen years old. 5. 祝你生日歡樂! Happy birthday

27、 to you. 6. 二月是一年中的其次個月份; February is the second month of a year. 7.每年的最終一個月份是 12 月;The last month of a year is December. 8.你們學(xué)校有校慶日嗎?Do you have a school day at your school. 9.他的生日是 8 月 14 日; His birthday is on August 14th. 10.我們在 11 月 22 日進展郊游; We have a school trip on November 22nd. 11.你的年齡是多大 .

28、Whats your age ./ How old are you./What s the age of you. 12.你們學(xué)校有藝術(shù)節(jié)嗎? Do you have an art festival at your school. 13.今日是 11 月 23 號;- . word.zl- - It is November 23rd. 14. When is her birthday. Her birthday is on November 11th. When is Liu Ping s birthday. Her birthday is on September 5th. When is his birthday. It s in Aujust. 月份前用介詞 in


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