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1、句子語調(diào)第一堂單詞重音一、重音在名詞上,修飾語+名詞,名詞前修飾語有冠詞、介詞、所 有格、形容詞、分詞、名詞等。例如:1、a coke 一份可樂 2、themorning 3、on duty4、 at table 5、 her car6、our family 7、 in the downtown8、 in the river9、nice day 10、 sweet girl 11、 six sexy girls 12、a funny old man 13、 glass bottle 14、 fried potato二、頻率副詞+動詞,重音在動詞上,例如:1、always _eat2、usual

2、lyswim3、 never do動詞+介詞、副詞,重音在介詞、副詞上,例如:1、put off 2、turn on 3、calm down 4、go quickly 5、speak again 6、go there三、重音在感嘆詞上,例如:1、Wow! 2、Oh 3、Yeah四、數(shù)字的重音,通常在最后一個詞上。例如1、39 thirty-nine 2、686 six hundred and eight-sjx 3、38 three-eighths 4、2.5 two point five五、錢的重音一般落在最后一個字上,如果數(shù)目巨多,則落在說時停頓的那個字上。如:1、$11.52 eleve

3、n dollars and fifty-two cents2、$850 eight hundred and fifty dollars六、外國人名,重音在姓上,如: 1、John Brown2、Bill Clinton七、地址重音落在 road、lane、avenue上,若有 street貝U落在 street 的前一個詞上,若有城市名,最后那個單詞也重讀。如:1、11 World road 2、200 Ross Street ,Buffalo ,New York練習(xí):1、her baby 2、their country 3、by bus 4、in door 5、a woman 6、some

4、people 7、on the desk 8、in a week 9、five strong man 10、small red car 11、kind woman 12、poor boy 13、pqper box 14 broken cup 15 take off 16 hurry up 17 alwaysjate 18、 seldom meet 19、75 seventy-five 20、168 one hundred and sixty-eight 21、2/3 two thirds 22、1.5 one point five 23、$1.05 one dollar and five ce

5、nts 24、 $51.25 fifty-one dollars and twenty-five cents 25、ShellyWhjie 26、Jessica Brown 27、83 Wooster Street 28、258 Lindley Avenue第二堂句子重音I love sweets我喜歡糖果(強(qiáng)調(diào)糖果) I love sweets我喜歡糖果(強(qiáng)調(diào)喜歡) Llove sweets我喜歡糖果(強(qiáng)調(diào)我) I love sweets我喜歡糖果(叫喊的語氣) I take a cold shower every morning|!c#M12?7H5nzj What was your gr

6、eat ambition when you were a kid? 10、If I had money ,I would marry you.11、The boy is so young that he can t go to school.12、Whenever I quarrel with my husband ,I send the children for a wark.13、Are you going to eat here orout?14、I only eat chicken ,soup andsalad.15 All I need to do is to eat , play

7、and sleep.16、Do you think it s going to rain or snow?17 I need a watch ,a necklace and a ling. 18、I see strength . courage /kindness and despair on your face.19、The apartment has a kitchen ,a living room.20、 two bedrooms ,and a bathroom.21、You are beautiful .You areadorable.22 You are sweet ,fine ,a

8、nd wonderful.23、The problem isnt easy ,but I solved it.24、I ate the food ,but I wasnt hungry.25、The coach teaches his men to swim ,but he cant swim.26 The dress is very expensive ,but itcosts.27s The man is ,rich ,but he lives a simplelife.28、tom was not good at English ,but he passed the exam lucki

9、ly.29、Its as easy asA/B,C.30 Hes as strong as abull.31、This car is longer than that bne.32、English is easier than math 33、 Woman lives longer than man,句子語調(diào)第三堂The skirt is beautiful.A,B,C,D,EEGOne: two, three, four Right ,left , right,leftKate: Ben: Mary/ John Cat, dog, cock, duckArm , hand,leg,footW

10、nana , apple/ tomato, orange Catch it!Show me how to use it.Call meSee youGot itIs she nice?I m so happy.Are you ready.Any good news?18.I mean it.He wants it.She took it.He passed it.What s your job ?Catch the bus.Take yourcoat.Tell me that.The movie was extremely good.Pony ,pony ,pony ,polly wants

11、a pony for her birthday party.句子語調(diào)第四堂Are you sure?Do I look like a bear?Do you enjoy traveling?Will he win the game?Do you miss that chanc0Could you tell me your name?Good morning.Hello!Feel better?He likes fishing very much.The early bird catches the worm.Y)u can t please everyone.She likes that pi

12、cture very much.Mary is a pretty girl.My goodness!.What a sweet smile!.How cute the twins are!.How difficult it is!.How terrible!.Merry Christmas!.Give me a call.Congratulations on your first job!.Merry Christmas!.Turn off the TV.Let s go to the park.What are you drawing?.Why did you come so late?.W

13、hat subject are good at?.What are you crying for?.What makes you so popular?.Why does woman live longer than man?.Does your husband have a new suit?.No ,he doesnt.Well ,something s different ,isnt it?.怡s ,it is. Its a new husband.Dont you smoke?.No ,I dont smoke.Do you drink?.No ,I dont drink.No ,I

14、dont kiss.What do you do for fun?.Throw eggs into an electric fan.Is he waiting for Mary now?.怡s ,hes been waiting for an hour.Do you agree with me?.Completely.That s a lovely drawing ,isnt it?.Y)u cant catch the bus but I can.She sings better than Kate.How did you divede the dirty things and clean

15、ones?.He caught the lase chance but you missed.We all get there on time but John doesnt.She caught the last bus while I missed.54.What s your choice ,fish ,chicken , orbeef ?55.Is your car blue or white?56.Shall we walk or go by bike?.Where would you like to go to? Korea ,Japan or Singapore?.Will yo

16、u come here today or tomorrow?.Who do you think sings better ,Jim or John?.Thank you ,I don t smoke.Tom went, but Lucy didnt.He is over there ,under that tree.Most people have dogs or cats as pet, but Jane has a pig.Thanks ,I ve had enough.Y)ur cat is lying there ,under your bed.Y)u drink wine ,dont

17、 you?.Y)u keep a cat as pet ,dont you?.He is from Australia ,isnt he?.Let s go to the beach ,shall we?.She is pretty, isn t she?.怡s ,sir.Good afternoon ,ma am!.Excuse me, may I pass?.Pardon me, sir!.Excuse me for being late ,Mr Green.This way ,Please.Tickets ,please.Show me your picture ,please.Tell

18、 me why ,please.Pass me the paper ,please.Keep quiet, please.Pass me the paper ,please.Check ,please.Y)ur order ,please.85.I got it.86.I am a white-collar.87.It s two o clock now.I get there on foot.Mary seems to be quite shy.Y)u made it!.Pardon me?.Guess what?.Why dont you find a job?.Y)u recognize me, do you?.Apple ,pear


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