1、六級(jí)寫主講老師:應(yīng)六題型匯2007/12議議2006/122013/6議2012/122005/122012/6議議2011/12議2011/6議2010/12議2010/62009/12議議2009/6議2008/12議2008/6議的提綱類圖畫提綱六級(jí)寫主講老師:應(yīng)六題型匯2007/12議議2006/122013/6議2012/122005/122012/6議議2011/12議2011/6議2010/12議2010/62009/12議議2009/6議2008/12議2008/6議的提綱類圖畫提綱圖表提綱理解型提綱Many students cannot afford a car. The
2、city busMany students cannot afford a car. The city bus service usually passes the university, so those students can get class on the bus. Many universities have a l t is provided for student ion. students like to ride to class on bicycles. This is good exercise. Also, it is easier to find a space t
3、o leave a 解決型提綱1-觀點(diǎn)An to find aparking spacefor a car on acrowded university us.Thosestudentswholiveclosetous on uscanenjoyaleisurelywalktotheirThereare a lotof waystogo to MethodstogotoschoolareMethodsn to find aparking spacefor a car on acrowded university us.Thosestudentswholiveclosetous on uscan
4、enjoyaleisurelywalktotheirThereare a lotof waystogo to MethodstogotoschoolareMethodstogotoschoolareMethods to go to school are enormous. The city bus service usually passes the university, so those students get to class on the bus. Many universities have a l t is provided for student Some students l
5、ike to ride to class on bicycles. This is good exercise. Also, it is easier to find a space to leave n to find a parking space for a car on a crowded university us. Those students who live close cus oron uscanenjoyaleisurelywalktotheir, the fast-food restaurant is good for people who ve a quick bite
6、 because of a busy schedule. thefoodis inexpensiveyet rsoncaneat anenjoyable mealoutand stay withina limitedbudget. the food is usually consistent. For tastes about the same no matter where are getting.le, a cheeseburger from a well-known fast-food restaurant looks he world it is purchased. Conseque
7、ntly, buyers know exactly what Advantagesstfood restaurantare quitea ,thefast-food restaurantisgoodforpeoplewho a quick bite because of a busy schedule. Second, the food is inexpensive yet rson can eat an meal out and stay within a limited budget. Finally, the food is usually consistent. For le, a f
8、rom a well-known fast-food restaurant looks and tastes about the same no matter where in the world it purchased.Consequently,buyersknowexactlywhattheyare1.Ways to getrid of A.o a r B.hold yourbreath to thecount ofC.havesomeonefrightenD.make anmentwithyour2.StepsforplanningaA.purchasing a B.workingC.
9、makinganD.reservinga3.AdvantagesoffsmallA.goodschoolB.easytoC. rto D.B.workingC.makinganD.reservinga3.AdvantagesoffsmallA.goodschoolB.easytoC. rto D.relatively4. Reasons forcar A.fast B.drinkingand C.notfollowingtraffic D.giving5.CharacteristicsofagoodA.efficient B.tastyC.jacket andtie D.在,一家酒店,門前挑著
10、一面旗,上頭寫著五個(gè)字:“三碗不過崗”道:“主人家,快拿酒來吃?!钡馈昂玫模卸飦怼!彼沙粤说溃骸昂镁疲 痹谝娗懊嬗幸粋€(gè)酒店,挑著一面招旗在門前,上頭寫著五個(gè)字道:“三碗不過岡”。接著把哨棒倚了,繼而叫道:“主人家,快把酒來吃?!鄙皂曋灰姷曛魅税讶煌?,和一雙箸,還有面前,然后拿起碗,接著一飲而盡,立刻叫道:“在見前面有一個(gè)酒店,挑著一面招旗在門前,上頭寫著五個(gè)字道:“三碗不過岡”。接著把哨棒倚了,繼而叫道:“主人家,快把酒來吃?!鄙皂曋灰姷曛魅税讶煌耄鸵浑p箸,還有面前,然后拿起碗,接著一飲而盡,立刻叫道:“連著A student acquires knowledge mainly f
11、rom textbook he class. When he graduates from school, he can nothing. Everything is different from what the teachers taught him. He might be ed,He might hemightbeafraidtofacetherealworld.Ouruniversitieshaveturnedoutthepeopleofno A student acquires knowledge mainly from textbook and in the class. Con
12、sequently, when he graduates school, he can do nothing for the t everything is different from what the teachers taught him. He be ed and frustrated. Eventually, he might be afraid to face the real world. Obviously, our haveturned outthepeopleof no 第一現(xiàn)象句模Apublicdebatehasarisen concerningRecently,thep
13、roblemofhasarousedpeoples Itshouldcomeasno surprisetoNowadays,peopleingrowingnumberarebeingtohat OneofthemostseriousproblemsmanypeopletalkentersOneofthepressingproblemfacingournationtodayisNeverbeforeinhistoryhastheeof beenmoren isa newandbitter truth wemustlearn to Thereis a generalthesedays overOn
14、eof thequestionsunderdebate is whether ThereisagrowingworldwideawarenessofWhether is a good thing or not is very popular topic, which is often isa newandbitter truth wemustlearn to Thereis a generalthesedays overOneof thequestionsunderdebate is whether ThereisagrowingworldwideawarenessofWhether is a
15、 good thing or not is very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents by farmers asForyears,extensiveresearcheffortshavebeenfocusedon isadelicateproblemwithwhichourcountryisRecentyearshave been a tincreasingnumberof Perhapsthemostdangerousphenomenonthenationtoday is The pr
16、evalence of has been a big problem in our society. Almost every day r carry articles toproblem.Despitemeasureshavebeenimplementedtodealwiththisproblem,itstillremainsaseriousNotasingledaypassedwithoutthereportofTherehas beenundesirabletrend inrecentyearsRecently,anincreasingnumberofreportsabouthavehe
17、Thereis nodenying the tisan extremelyserious .分析原因Recent years have been a t more and more workers were laid or a series of reforms are he e-owned1:moreandAnaccumulatingnumberAgatheringnumberAincreasingnumberAmushroomingnumberountingAsurgingnumberAnamassingnumber thenumberofison therise/isaccumulati
18、ng/Recent years have been a t an amassing number of workers were laid or a series of reforms or this kind of he thenumberofison therise/isaccumulating/Recent years have been a t an amassing number of workers were laid or a series of reforms or this kind of he e-owned he past, few workers had been la
19、id What brings this1越來越多的)2- 3- Nowadays, one of the most serious problems many people talk enters t an accumulating number collegestudentsarefacingtheincreasingamountof reand Nowadays, one of the most serious problems many people talk enters on accumulating number of studentsareconfrontedwith thein
20、creasingamountofre andBeencumberedButjust10yearsago,universitystudentshadntexperiencedthiskindof 2:not 的不明顯原Hardly/rarely/scarcely/Butjust decadeago,hardlyhadanyuniversitystudents experiencedthiskindof .Whatbringsthisresult?Themain reasonrestswiththefollowing Nowadays, one of the most serious proble
21、ms many people talk enters on accumulating number of students are encumbered with the increasing amount of re and competition. But just decade ago, hardly any university students experienced this kind of followingWhat brings this result? The main reason rests with 原因過渡模Why?Therearea number ctorsacco
22、untingforthisManyreasonsshouldberesponsibleforthisunpleasantThemainreasonshefollowingTheresnoeasyjobtofind thereasonsforthis tendencywhichinvolvesseveralcomplicated Whatisto accountforthis? Nowletme enumeratethehe CouplectorsgaverisetothistendencyExplanationforthis probleminvolvesmany Themainreasonr
23、estswiththefollowingWhatisto accountforthis? Nowletme enumeratethehe CouplectorsgaverisetothistendencyExplanationforthis probleminvolvesmany ThemainreasonrestswiththefollowingSeveralfactorsspawnedthisThe deep root of this shefollowingAmultitude ctorscould contributeto the There has been undesirable
24、trend in recent yearst a decreasing number of people go to libraries to read and to study. But just 2 decades ago, a lot of people went to libraries for knowledge. There are several accountingfor this 3:people citizen, inhabitant, dweller, resident, teenager, youngster, staff, employer, employee, te
25、acher, instructor, student,pupil,individual,adolescence,clerk,officer,entrepreneur 4Alotof A considerable number of, a great deal of, enormous, a mass of, a tremendous amount of, numerous,millionsof,ahugecrowd, abunch ty 5:Goto的替o, o, o, o, o, o, There has been undesirable trend in recent years t a
26、decreasing number of citizens, esp. teenagers libraries to read and to study. But just 2 decades ago, numerous readers knowledge.Thereareseveralreasonsaccountingforthiso the reading room Contemporarily, a new and bitter truth we must learn to face t the relationship n neighbors is worse. However, ju
27、st decades ago, the neighborhood relationship Contemporarily, a new and bitter truth we must learn to face t the relationship n neighbors is worse. However, just decades ago, the neighborhood relationship in china was quite close. The deep root of shefollowing 1.on thecontrary,reversely,by 2. y,y.It
28、s onlythe partof 3.ugly asit4.theother sideof ctureisquiteGetIndifferent,deteriorate,Harmonious,t, Contemporarily, a new and bitter truth we must learn to face t the relationship n neighbors is indifferent. Ugly as it was, just decades ago, the neighborhood relationship in china was quite harmonious
29、. deeproot ofthisshefollowing數(shù)據(jù)Nowadays,itshouldcomeasno surprisetotanaccumulatingnumberofpeoplelike“super-girl7:like的替erestedBefond of-Be crazy InFavor ncy-BeKeenAttract-TakegreatdelightAppealto-culiarfascinationCreateasurgeenthusiasmFindakeenrelish亮點(diǎn) 8:名Befond of-Be crazy InFavor ncy-BeKeenAttract
30、-TakegreatdelightAppealto-culiarfascinationCreateasurgeenthusiasmFindakeenrelish亮點(diǎn) 8:名詞至上。名詞可以使你的語言有別于別人,形成梯度感Can IhelpCanIbe of any help, havetowaitforalongtime fora Istheretoomuch waittobe“super-girl show” exerts a peculiar fascination on an number ofIt should come as no surprise to t “super-girl
31、show” exerts a peculiar fascination on an numberofaudience, esp.on young It should come as no surprise to t “super-girl show”, for my own part, culiar fascination on accumulatingnumberaudience,esp.on young 亮點(diǎn) 9:長Itshould comeas nosurprise tot “super-girl show”, for myown part, culiarfascination onac
32、cumulatingnumberofaudience,esp. onyoung Itshouldcomeasno surprisetotaccumulatingnumberofpeoplelike“super-girl 數(shù)據(jù)模fromaclosestudy,weasanobservationIt should come as no surprise to taccordingto asurvey conducted amonga groupofpeople, arecent investigation t a brief inquiryt allreliableinformationstoth
33、e accordingtothe figuresgiven ina recentpoll, accordingtoaistics,aquestionnaireItshouldcomeas nosurpriseaccordingto asurvey conducted amonga groupofpeople, arecent investigation t a brief inquiryt allreliableinformationstothe accordingtothe figuresgiven ina recentpoll, accordingtoaistics,aquestionna
34、ireItshouldcomeas nosurprisetot “super-girl show”, for myown part, culiarfascination onaccumulating number of audience, esp. on young generation. According to a istics, the audience rating is up 47%high. Whatisto accountfor this?Nowlet meenumerate the heNever before in history has the e of studying
35、abroad been more popular n now. A brief t n 12% of high school students went abroad for further studies. And nearly studentswanttostudyinoverseascountries. Why?Couplectorsgave rise to this tendency 10 :Want的替換WouldTend Be tempted Be inclined Be eagerAttemptBewillingNever before in history has the e
36、of studying abroad been more evident n now. A brief t n 12% of high school students went abroad for further studies. And nearly studentsareinclinedto studyinoverseascountries.Why?Couplectorsgaverisetothistendency 11:4 大黃金副minimally 12.32% of high school students o countries, such as US and UK, furth
37、er studies. And y 57.19% students are inclined11:4 大黃金副minimally 12.32% of high school students o countries, such as US and UK, further studies. And y 57.19% students are inclined to study in overseas countries. Why? Couple factorsgaverisetothistendencyRecent years have been a t parents in growing n
38、umbers would rather find private tutors for children. According to a survey conducted among a group of people, y 74.07% of the primary pupilshave theirprivate 亮點(diǎn) 12:危害性的過渡句,名言警1-Thereisnotdexertedagreatdetrimenton 2-Its knownto t aredangerousharmfultoboth thesocietyandthe3-Allrosehavethorns/Nogarden
39、is4-Everyswordhas2 edges/Everycoinhas2 5-Everyadvantagehasits亮點(diǎn)13:表明觀點(diǎn):替換ve-insist-ain-ytNever before in history has the e of studying abroad been more n now. A brief 利弊銜接1. ismore2.Thedisadvantagefaroutweighthe 3.Its disadvantagescarry more nits 4.Asfaras Iamconcerned,Itrustthe disadvantagesexceedt
40、he 5.It doesmore ngood Recent years利弊銜接1. ismore2.Thedisadvantagefaroutweighthe 3.Its disadvantagescarry more nits 4.Asfaras Iamconcerned,Itrustthe disadvantagesexceedthe 5.It doesmore ngood Recent years have been a t parents in growing numbers would rather find private tutors for children. Accordin
41、g to a survey conducted among a group of people, y 74.07% of the primary pupils have their private instructors. Every coin has 2 sides. schooly opinion, it does more n good There is no denying the fact ernet addiction is an extremely serious problem. All reliable s to the t y 58.13% of netizens spen
42、t minimally 30hours k ernet. There is tdexertedagreatdetrimenton Nowadays, people in growing number are being to hat college English education is quite a failure China. A recent investigation t y 65.97% of graduates cant communicate with let riteinEnglish.SeveralfactorsspawnedthisA recent investigat
43、ion rdly can any, y 65.97% of graduates, communicate foreigners, let riteinLetalone do = not to Nowadays, people in growing number are being to hat college English education is quite a failure China. a recent investigation rdly can any, y 65.97%Letalone do = not to Nowadays, people in growing number
44、 are being to hat college English education is quite a failure China. a recent investigation rdly can any, y 65.97% of graduates, communicate foreigners, let riteinEnglish.Severalfactorsspawnedthis解釋話Abraham Lincolns famous remark, Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend sharpening t
45、he axe. is quite provoking. The saying aims at informing us of a rdly can anyone things perfectly done without adequate preparation. There are sufficient reasons and evidence to testify righteousnessof my Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referri
46、ng to the “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite les to your and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You east150wordsbutno n 200 It is quite provoking to hear an old saying “Happiness is not the absenc
47、e of problems, but the ability to deal them.” The saying aims at informing us of a rdly can anyone heir happiness without Therearesufficientreasonsandevidencetotestifytherighteousnessofmy描述圖We can see from the illustration there is a father talking to his he conversation, sks daughter “how was schoo
48、l today?”,his daughter would l her father to read all about it on her ninform him face to face. This phenomenon face to face ternet communication has changed the Reading this chart, we can t the average number of hours a student spends on the k increasedReading this chart, we can t the average numbe
49、r of hours a student spends on the k increased sharply. According to the istic of the chart, in 1990, it was n 2 hours; and in 1995, increased to almost 4 hours; while in 2000, the number soared to 20 hours. Obviously, students tend to computersmoreandmorenowadays. Thereasonsarelistedas 分析原reason fo
50、r their choice is, they t. Besides, They go on to out . Whats important,theyalsoOne of the most common factors is/is also responsible for the problem. Another contributing isPerhapsthe primaryfactor is Ontheoneside,.Ontheotherside,.Furthermore,Initially,.Whatsworse,.Whatsworst,Foronething,.Foranothe
51、r,.Still,ForthesimpleOntheoneside,.Ontheotherside,.Furthermore,Initially,.Whatsworse,.Whatsworst,Foronething,.Foranother,.Still,ForthesimpleFor one thing, city people are busy to cope with the quick pace and stress of their lives and works. They spendtoo muchtime he For one thing, city residents are
52、 busy with the quick pace and heavy re of their lives and Hardlycantheyspend agreatdealoftimehe Foranotherthing, youwouldntcomeagainifyou didntfindthe booksyou Foranotherthing,you willceasetocomeifyou failedtofindthebooksyou Whats more, with the development of economy and technology, PC is o more an
53、d ordinarys.WecanfindalltheinformationwewantWhats more? With the development of economy and technology, PC is o a greater number ordinarys.Wealltheinformationonline亮點(diǎn) 14:合理的理For one thing, city residents are busy with the quick pace and heavy re of their lives and Hardly can they spend a great deal
54、of time he libraries. For another thing, you will cease to come you failed to find the books you need. Whats more? With the development of economy and technology, alltheinformationonlineis o agreaternumber ofordinary s.We One of the most common factors t most of university students are the only heir
55、 s, theygrewupwithtenderloveand werenevertaughttodealwith One of the most common factors t most of university students are the only heir s, theygrewupwithtenderloveand werenevertaughttodealwith 15 :MostThemajorityAlargesegmentAnoverwhelmingmajorityOne of the most common factors t an overwhelming maj
56、ority of university students are the heir s,sotheygrewup withtenderloveandwerenevertaughttodealwithAnother contributing factor is the high hope from heir children. They lay all their hope on their childand hopetheir futureto be Another contributing factor is the high hope from heir children. They la
57、y all their prospects on onlychildandexpect theirfuturetobe Perhaps the primary factor is the fierce competition. Contemporarily, with the development of economy technology,theesoverwhelminglysevereensifiesstudentsstressasOne of the most common factors t an overwhelming majority of university studen
58、ts are the heir s, so they grew up with tender love and were never taught to deal with re. contributing factor is the high hope from heir children. They lay all their prospects on their only andexpect their future to be promising. Perhaps the primary factor is the fierce competition. Contemporarily,
59、 the development of economy and technology, the studentsstressases overwhelmingly severe To begin with, owing to busy work schedule, city inhabitants have less time to rest, not to mention visiting neighbors. Furthermore, even though they To begin with, owing to busy work schedule, city inhabitants
60、have less time to rest, not to mention visiting neighbors. Furthermore, even though they have a little free time, they prefer to stay alone for a break nbe disturbed. Still, decades ago, the ordinary used to live in the same yard, also called “siheyuan”. Its convenient to call at next y, they o apar
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