Unit 1 單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí) 2022-2023學(xué)年江蘇牛津譯林版英語八年級上冊無答案_第1頁
Unit 1 單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí) 2022-2023學(xué)年江蘇牛津譯林版英語八年級上冊無答案_第2頁
Unit 1 單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí) 2022-2023學(xué)年江蘇牛津譯林版英語八年級上冊無答案_第3頁
Unit 1 單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí) 2022-2023學(xué)年江蘇牛津譯林版英語八年級上冊無答案_第4頁
Unit 1 單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí) 2022-2023學(xué)年江蘇牛津譯林版英語八年級上冊無答案_第5頁
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1、8AU1單選詞匯句子強(qiáng)化練習(xí)一、單項(xiàng)選擇Its getting hot. You need to drink _water.one more B. another more C. some more D. any moreThe teachers often make us _in class, and life here makes us_.laugh; happy B. to laugh; to happy C. to laugh; happy D. laugh; to laugh3. My sister is kind _her friends. Shed like_ things_ t

2、hem.A. with; to share; to B. with; sharing; withC. to; to share; with D. to; sharing; to4. Linda often helps us_ my English homework. Shes really_.A. doing; clever B. in; happy C. with; helpful D. with; interesting5. -What do you think of Michael Jackson? -Oh, he sings beautifully. I think no one ca

3、n sing_.A. good B. well C. better D. best6. -What _your new friend_? -She is quite and shy.A. does; look B. does; like C. does; look like D. is; like7. We should do _work with_ time and _people.A. more; fewer; less B. more; less; fewer C. less; less; fewer D. fewer; ;less; less8. -Is there _ in toda

4、ys newspaper? -No, theres_.A. anything special; something unusual B. special anything; nothing unusualC. anything special; nothing unusual D. special anything; unusual nothing9. -Wheres the moon? -_behind the clouds.A. It maybe B. Maybe its C. Its maybe D. It may10. -What took you so long? -I got lo

5、st. I have no _of direction.A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense11. When trouble_ you, you shouldnt _it all the time.A. worries; worried about B. worries about; worry aboutC. worries; be worried about D. worries about; be worried about12. The panda _100 grams at birth. But now its _is 100 kil

6、ograms.A. weighs; weight B. weighed; weighs C. weight; weighs D. weighed; weight13. -Just now, Lily_ something to you and then you laughed so much. -Oh, yes. She _ a funny joke.A. said; told B. told; said C. spoke; told D. said; spoke14. He is the fattest _ all the boys _ our school.A. of; of B. amo

7、ng; of C. in; of D. in; in15. Last week when she walked _the lake, she saw someone _ in it.A. past; swim B. passed; swim C. passed; swimming D. past; swimming16. China is larger than _ in Asia.A. any country B. any countries C. any other country D. any other countries17. All of them can take the job

8、, but I want to know who is_.A. careful B. more careful C. the most careful D. carefully18. The dish doesnt taste as _ as it looks. I will not try it any more.A. good B. badly C. well D. bad19. The trousers are too long for me. Can I change them for_?A. a short one B. a shorter one C. a short pair D

9、. a shorter pair20. -Do you mind if I take the dog away? -_.A. Yes, please. B. Yes, of course you can.C. No, go ahead D. No, please dont.21. What_ honest boy! And he is _ best student of all.a; a B. an; the C. a; the D. the; the22. We all think _ is kind _ you to give your seat to a young lady with

10、a baby in her arms yesterday.that; for B. it; for C. it; of D. that; of23. -You look very sad. What are you_? -My mothers health problem _me a lot.worrying about; is worried about B. worrying about; worriesC. worried about; worries about D. worrying; worries24. The smile on his face makes him _reall

11、y_.A. looks; kind B. look; kindly C. to look; kindly D. look; kind25. Nobody _what he says because he often_ lies.A. trusts; tells B. believes; tells C. believes in; talks D. believes; speaks26. Therere a lot of books for beginners_and they can take _book they like.A. to choose from; any B. to choos

12、e; someC. to choose; any D. to choose from; some27. My best friend can share things _me and help people_need.A. with; with B. in in C. with; in D. in; with28. Youd better be careful_ the vase _the floor.A. not to knock; onto B. not knocking; off C. not to knock; into D. not knock; down29. Most of us

13、 think the meals at school are not _those at home.A. as good as B. so well as C. less good than D. better than30. She has _close friends so that she really doesnt know_.A. many; who to talk B. few; who to talk to C. much; what to do D. little; how to do31. -Do you have enough men to carry these chai

14、rs? -No, I think we need _men.A. another B. other two C. more two D. two more32. -Laura didnt join in their dancing last night, did she? -_, because she fell off her bike and hurt her leg.A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. Yes, she didnt. D. No, she did.33. -Would you like _camping with me? -Id l

15、ike to. But Im busy _my homework.A. to go ; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing34. This morning Jack came to school_ than_ student in his class.A. much later; any B. much later; any other C. more later; any D. more later; any other35. Which colour do you like_, white, red _yellow?A

16、. more; and B. better; and C. best; or D. very much; or36. Our head teacher is always patient _us and kind_ us as well.A. to; which B. with; to C. for; to D. for; with37. A. The _ you cross the road, the _you will be.A. more careful; more safe B. more carefully; saferC. carefuler; more safer D. more

17、 carefully; more safe38. -The room is _clean_ it was yesterday. -Sorry, I forgot to clean it.A. as; as B. so; as C. not so; as D. more; than39. The red skirt _ your shirt very well. But the shoes dont _ you at all.A. matches; fit B. fits; match C. suits; match D. matches; match40. Youd better try di

18、fferent ways you can think of_ maths problems. Its good for you to learn maths well.A. work out B. to work out C. working out D. is working out41. Jack is a happy boy. He does everything_ a smile_his face.A. has; in B. has; on C. with; in D. with; on42. -Your brother often disagrees with you, _he? -

19、_. We often have different opinions.A. does; Yes B. doesnt; Yes C. does; No D. doesnt; No二、詞匯運(yùn)用The Universe Exploring is one of my fathers favourite _(雜志).Are you able to draw a _(筆直的)line without a ruler?My mother often encourages me to take part in more _(競賽)at school.Mr. Lee said those words with

20、 his _(微笑的)face and made me feel so warm.No one in the village _(信任)David because he often tells lies.Being _(有耐心的)is his first rule when dealing with problems about the old.Cindy is the _(苗條的)girl among the six girls.We have about one mouth to hold quite a few_(競賽)before New Year is upon us every y

21、ear.At 324 meters in_(高),the Eiffel Tower took only two years to build.The topic made the children _(無聊)and none of them showed interest in it.-How was the trip last month? -It couldnt be _(糟糕)!The students_(選擇)him as their monitor because they liked him.Hes learning how to be even_ to others than h

22、is classmates.(慷慨)Is he so _that he can make all the people laugh? (幽默)Kate is one of the _students in her class. (杰出的)The most famous landmark building in Pairs, the Eiffel Tower is 1,063 feet in _(high).Tom got more tried and _(thirsty)when he kept walking in the forest.Its important for students

23、to talk_(polite) to their teachers.Are you feeling better today? No, Im feeling much_(bad).David, you should care more about others than _(you).A lot of students dream of being_(sing) when they grow up.These well-made suits are those_(swim).Smiles on the _(swim)faces showed how they enjoyed the race

24、.He is never _to the old. Thats why they like the boy very much. (polite)Your bedroom is in a mess. It looks so _.(tidy)The Great Wall in China is one of _places of interest. (famous)三、動(dòng)詞填空1. Are you all willing _(help)the old people in the home for the elderly?2. -Please dont park your car here, si

25、r? -Sorry, I _(not see) the sign.3. We all know that sixty seconds _(make) a minute.4. We will go camping if it _(not rain)this afternoon.5. Listen! How beautiful the music_(sound)!6. We are all looking forward to _(hear) from you soon.7. Julie is quite shy, but she always _(worry) too much.8. He sa

26、id he spent two hours _(play)the piano every day when he was a child.9. Jim asked us what _(happen)in the small town two years ago.10. Doctor Liu cant answer the phone at the moment as he _(have) a meeting.11. Wearing ties usually _(make) me uncomfortable when I worked in that company.12. -_John_(st

27、udy) in America when he grows up? -No, he isnt.13. You must be very careful when _(cross)the busy street.14. -Whats your plan for the coming holiday? -I _(visit) Beijing if possible.15. If he _(not be) careful, he will make the same mistakes.16. Sound _(travel) through air at a speed of about 340 me

28、tres per seconds.17. Im sorry that I didnt answer your phone. I _(listen)to music and didnt hear the ring.18. -Whats that noise? -Oh, I forgot to tell you. The neighbours _(prepare) for a party.19. -Why is the little girl crying sadly?-Because her classmate a moment ago_(make) her very sad.20. If it snows tomorrow, he _(be) quite happy.21. _(save) more money, he takes the underground to work.22. Tom, _(not shout) when you are in the reading room.23. Her eyes make her _(look) very friendly and pretty.24. Who do y


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