



1、這個組合已延續(xù)千年之久這景致已為世人所熟悉那是中國水墨永恒的主題和旅人永遠的勝地中國南部是片有英國國土九倍之大的廣闊土地這里是山雨的國度這里一年之中有250天在降雨到處都是積水在揚子江的澇原黑尾鶴在泥濘中尋索著蟲子美麗中國(Wild China)第一集 龍之心 Heart of the Dragon永波:我們的中國探索之旅始于南方的亞熱帶Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south漓江的漁人和魚鳥棲坐在竹筏上On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo raf

2、tsa partnership that goes back more than a thousand years This scenery is known throughout the worlda recurring motif in Chinese paintings and a major tourist attractionThe south of China is a vast areaeight times larger than the UKIts a landscape of hills but also of waterIt rains here for up to 25

3、0 days a yearand standing water is everywhereIn a floodplain of the Yangtse Riverblack-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms并非只有野生動物在這樣的環(huán)境下茁壯成長現(xiàn)在是交配的季節(jié)Its the mating season中國池鷺是個饕餐掠食者 就算在耕作過的稻田中央 也會上演喙與爪的血腥劇目 或許這看上去像一場屠殺 但每只池鷺一次只能吞噬一只蛙雄禾田蛙們?yōu)榱宋愋远u力高鳴and male paddy frogs are competing for

4、the attention of females但這并非總能為你吸引來關注的目光But it dosent always pay to draw too much attention to youselfThe Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predatorEven in the middle of a ploughed paddy fieldnature is red in beak and clawThis may look like a slaughterbut as each heron can swallow only one frog at a

5、 time此時剩余的多數(shù)派得以逃生并獲得了明日再度高歌的機會the vast majority will escape to croak another day元陽縣這樣廣泛種植水稻的Terrace paddies like those of YunYang county are found across much of southern China 梯田橫貫中國南音 BThis whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation苗族人在炎熱的貴州發(fā)展了高度發(fā)達的水稻種植海軍:In hilly Guizhou province the M

6、iao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture苗族人把木屋建立在陡峭低產(chǎn)的山壁上With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation用其余每寸豐饒的土地來種植水稻the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides 所有東西在中國農(nóng)村都自有其用處In Chinese rural life everything has a use牛棚里的肥料在太陽下曬干用作

7、煮飯的燃料dried in the sun manure from the cowsheds would be used as cooking fuel中午時分宋家人正飽餐以米和蔬菜為主的中飯Its midday and the Song family are tucking into a lunch of rice and ve getables 老祖父宋古永置身于天倫之樂外Oblivious to the domestic chitchat尋思著重要的事情granddad Guyong xiu has serious maters on his mind春季是稻禾生長的伊始時節(jié)Spring

8、 is a start of the rice growing season莊稼的長勢決定了來年宋家人的生計the success of the crop will determin how wel l the family will eat next year 因而選擇合適的時機進行耕作是至關重要的so planting at the right time is critical時機的選擇取決于當年的天氣情況The ideal date depends on what the weather will do this year而這些卻是永難估料的never easy to predict但是

9、身邊就存在著貝占心/、幫手But there is some surprising help at hand宋家廳堂房梁上的是一對剛從冬季遷徙中歸來的金腰燕On the cielling of the Songs living room a pair of red-rumped swallow, newly arrive from their winter migration他們正在為裝潢新一年度的宅邸而忙碌is busy fixing up last years nest在中國動物們被賦予獨特的象征意義并被細心呵護In China , animals are valued as much f

10、or their symbolic meaning as for any good they may do苗族人篤信成雙燕終身相伴不離不棄Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life 因此他們的存在被視為so their presence is a favor and a blessing幸福生活與美滿婚姻的象征bringing happiness to a marria ge and good luck to a home如大多數(shù)苗人一樣宋家起居室的窗子可以眺望見成片的梯田Like most Miao dwel

11、lings, the Songs living room windows look out over the paddy fields從早春起一扇窗子便為了方便燕子往返穿飛而敞開From early spring, one of these windows is always left open to let the swallows come and go freely古老爹知曉每年燕子歸來的確切時間Each year granddad Gu notes the exact day the swallows return苗族人堅信這些鳥兒的歸來預示著春季的來臨Miao people beli

12、eve the birds arrival predicts the timing of the season ahead 然而今年 他們姍姍來遲This year, they were late因而古老爹和其他族中長老一致認為今年的插秧應當推遲so Gu and the other community elders have agreed that rice planting should be delayed accordingly 當苗族人為了插秧而整備田地時As the Miao prepare their fields for planting燕子們或搜集修整巢穴用的泥巴the sw

13、allows collect mud to repair their nests或穿越新耕的稻田追逐昆蟲and chase after insects across the newly ploughed paddies海軍:相當于法國和西班牙國土加起來那么大This vast area of southwest China的中國西南的廣闊土地the size of France and Spain combined因為宛如被干燥中空的谷地隔離開來的巨大蛋盒般is famous for its clusters of conical hills連綿的錐形山脈而聞名于世like giant upt

14、urned egg carton seperated by dry empty valleys這就是喀斯特地貌This is the karst, a limestone terrain石灰石地貌儼然成為南部中國的標志性特征which has become the defining image of southern China喀斯特地貌通常以突起的裸巖狀態(tài)分布Karst landscapes are often studded with rocky outcrops這迫使當?shù)剞r(nóng)民只得在破碎的小塊土地上耕作forcing local farmers to cultivate tiny fiel

15、ds當?shù)厝耸侵袊钬毟F的居民之一The people who live here are among the poorest in China在毗鄰的云南省遍布著石灰石這就是著名的石林無數(shù)年侵蝕作用的產(chǎn)物造就了無數(shù)的狹道與巔峰In neighboring Yunnan provincelimestone rocks have taken over entirelyThis is the famous Stone Forestthe product of countless years of erosion producing a maze of deep gullets and sharp-e

16、dged pinnacles石灰石有一個獨性那就是能被雨水分解Limestone has a strange property that is dissolves in rain water在數(shù)千年的漫長光陰中水的侵蝕深入到巖床的心臟地帶Over many thousands of years, water has corrode its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself這一自然奇觀成為了著名的旅游景點每年的訪客數(shù)量多達 200萬人中國人特別喜好奇形怪狀的巖石并以為嶙峋怪石冠上千奇百怪的名字為樂但沒人來猜測這個塊怪石的名字但百聞不如置身

17、這片奇妙山地親身一見This natural wonder has a famous tourist spot receiving close to 2 million visitors each year The Chinese are fond of curiously shaped rocks and many have been given fanciful names No prices for guessing what this one is calledBut there is more to this landscape than meets the eye在中國醒目的喀斯特

18、地貌下China has literally thousands of mysterious caverns隱匿著無數(shù)的神秘洞穴concealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst這些隱秘世界大多不為世人所知Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyes而現(xiàn)在他們將被展現(xiàn)在世人眼前And its only just now being explored火盛:國南方洞穴不僅用于遮蔽 他們也能為當?shù)厝藥矶骰?數(shù)代的人持續(xù)受到洞穴的恩澤洞穴地底覆蓋了滿滿鳥糞僅僅十分鐘時間就能

19、讓農(nóng)人滿載而歸In southern China, caves arent just used for shelter they can be a source of revenue for the community People have been visiting this cave for generationsThe cave floor is covered in guanoso plentiful that 10 minutes work can fill these farmers baskets 這是種寶貴的天然月日料This used as a valuable sourc

20、e of fertilizer鳥糞的源頭能聽到河水上空的鳥鳴A clue to the source of the guano can be heard above the noise of the river 噪音因為山洞而被放大The sound originates high up in the roof of the cave入口 處聚滿了雨燕The entrance is full of swifts他們是社交性動物They are very sociable birds約200000多的共享貴州南部的洞穴more than 200,000 of them share this ca

21、ve in southern Guizhou province 中國最大的雨燕棲息地The biggest swift colony in China如今 中國的家燕多數(shù)將巢穴建在建筑物的屋頂These days, Chinese house swifts mostly nest in the roofs of buildings 但其實在房屋被發(fā)明出來之前but rock crevasses like these were their original home這樣的巖縫才是他們原本安家的地方long before houses were invented盡管雨燕依靠洞穴遮蔽Though t

22、he swifts depend on the cave for shelter他彳門去口必定在日落前歸巢they never stray further than the limits of daylight然而洞穴深處是一群更適應地下 隱秘生活的居民因為他們的眼睛無法在黑夜中看清事物as their eyes cant see in darkHowever, deep inside the cavernother creatures are better equipped for subterranean life群蝙蝠剛剛醒來A colony of bats is just waking

23、 up他們運用超聲波在黑夜中確定自己的方位using ultrasonic squeaks to orientate themselves in the darkness 夜晚是狩獵時間Night is the time to go huntingRickett鼠耳蝠是亞洲蝙蝠中唯一Ricketts mouse-eared bat is the only bat in Asia which specializes in catching fishes通過在水面依靠聲波對漣漪的反射追蹤游魚的蝙蝠種tracking them down from the sound reflection of ri

24、pples on the water surface這種非凡的技巧僅在數(shù)年前被發(fā)現(xiàn)This extraordinary behavior was only discovered in the last couple of years 現(xiàn)在首次被記錄下來展示給世人and has never been filmed before志君:蜿蜒在張家界的山峰間清澈見底的溪流 居住著一種中國最奇怪的生物Winding between Zhangjiajies peakscrystal clear mountain streams are home to what is perhaps Chinas strangest creature這種奇異的動物This bizarre animal屬于蛛螂的一種is a type of newt中國大鯨the Chinese Giant Salamander在中國 它被稱之為娃娃魚In China, it is known as the baby fish這名稱源自當他悲傷時發(fā)出的類似嬰兒哭泣的聲音be


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