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1、2022屆四川省高三第三次診斷性考試英語試題完形填空分類匯編完形填空2022屆四川省成都市高三第三次診斷考試英語試題第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。Through the Friendship Network, people who suffer from mental diseases found each other: some have invited new network friends to their homes. 41 friendship, some have fo

2、und love.Cohen 42 the Friendship Network in1991, when her son was suffering from mental illness. She 43 a support group for families and learned how 44 many adults with mental illness feel. “Loneliness is not the word,” she said. “The only thing they have is their doctor.” 45 , Cohen was determined

3、to form a matching service for people stable enough to 46 . She mostly paired applicants from her home. When asked how she 47 them, she said, “I would go by age, by the way they spoke.”“Often individuals 48 mental illness feel uncomfortable in terms of social 49 ,” said Dr. John Kane, an expert in m

4、ental diseases. “Taken as a shame, such illness might affect a persons 50 about reaching out to people and making new 51 .”With due respect, Cohen doesnt ask for 52 about a members illness; she 53 that to their mental health professionals, like Kane. Instead, Cohen provides care and 54 for the membe

5、rs.“Cohens my 55 support,” said Mark, “Shes not my family, but almost like family to me.” “Shes amazing! Shes brought people who 56 need friends together, giving them a little 57 to move forward,” said Eric, who has anxiety issues.The Friendship Network has brought lots of changes. “Im now 58 myself

6、 out of bed, taking a shower and socializing,” said Elizabeth, “That might seem really 59 , but for someone who has mental 60 , thats huge.”41. A. Instead ofB. Regardless ofC. Due toD. Apart from42. A. launchedB. betteredC. combined D. joined43. A. enjoyedB. attendedC. promoted D. admired44. A. craz

7、yB. boredC. disconnected D. uneasy45. A. MoreoverB. ThusC. However D. Instead46. A. socializeB. applyC. compete D. share47. A. changedB. identifiedC. commented D. matched48. A. struggling withB. escaping fromC. dealing with D. researching on49. A. developmentB. statusC. relationships D. attitudes50.

8、 A. achievementB. confidenceC. reflection D. responsibility51. A. friendsB. ideasC. plans D. tries52. A. requirementsB. suggestionsC. detailsD. remarks53. A. offersB. recommendsC. tells D. leaves54. A. amusementB. encouragementC. satisfactionD. devotion55. A. finalB. publicC. emotionalD. physical56.

9、 A. suddenlyB. probablyC. really D. unfortunately57. A. pushB. understandingC. serviceD. relaxation58. A. draggingB. keepingC. discouragingD. helping59. A. unsafeB. reasonableC. hopeless D. small60. A. conflictsB. powerC. illness D. blocks2022屆四川省眉山市、樂山市高三第三次診斷性考試英語試題第一節(jié) (共20小題;每小題1. 5分, 滿分30分)閱讀下面短

10、文, 從短文后各題所給的 A、B、C和 D四個選項(xiàng)中, 選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。John and Stella settled down in Seal Beach, California in 1979. Theyve been 41 the local people to affordable and delicious donuts(甜甜圈)in their donut shop, and the people 42 them. Last month some of their regular customers noticed something 43. John was sti

11、ll boxing and bagging donuts behind the counter, but Stella was 44 . Later they knew that she had suffered a rare disease, leaving her unable to 45 or move. Now she was still in a(n) 46 center, and John went to be with her every day after 47. So their neighborhood decided to help them 48 more time t

12、ogether. It all started when local Dawn Caviola learned about Stellas 49. She got the idea to 50 her neighbors to help John finish work at the shop sooner, so he could be with his wife. Then she posted her 51 on neighborhood networking site Nextdoor, and the response has been 52 . Johns donuts have

13、been selling out around three hours 53 than usual, and he sometimes gets to close as early as 9:00 am, allowing him to stay with Stella 54.Theyre such sweet people, working extremely hard to keep their 55 open to support their family, local Marc Loopesko said. We will always support them, even more

14、so in their time of 56. It was 57 heartwarming that one customer even offered to set up a crowdfunding page to 58_ money for Stellas recovery, but John refused. We are so 59, said. She is a lot better and can speak now. All I need is time to 60 .41. A. leadingB. treatingC. trickingD. addicting42. A.

15、 loveB. ignoreC. envyD. protect43. A. specialB. importantC. touchingD. unusual44. A. worryingB. confusingC. missingD. embarrassing45. A. seeB. communicateC. stayD. stand46. A. recreationB. experimentC. rescueD. recovery47. A. selling outB. getting upC. coming backD. settling down48. A. saveB. treasu

16、reC. spendD. arrange49. A. secretB. conditionC. disappearanceD. experience50. A. inviteB. gatherC. employD. urge51. A. storyB. photoC. diseaseD. idea52. A. amazingB. disappointingC. variousD. controversial53. A. moreB. fasterC. laterD. longer54. A. in the meantime B. all the timeC. almost the dayD.

17、from then on55. A. doorsB. eyesC. windowsD. hands56. A. departureB. absenceC. dangerD. need57. A. narrowlyB. graduallyC. particularlyD. slightly58. A. raiseB. borrowC. makeD. pay59. A. guiltyB. regretfulC. richD. thankful60. A. awakeB. cureC. accompanyD. comfort2022屆四川省宜賓市普通高中高考適應(yīng)性考試(三診)英語試題第一節(jié)完形填空(

18、共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給四個選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。Candice was pushed to her limit last night. Her 41 downstairs neighbor, Tommy, was putting on music yet again, this time 42 almost deafening songs until four in the early morning. She didnt go next door to 43 or call the po

19、lice. Instead, she wrote her neighbor a short 44 and baked him a cake, and was 45 later with a good face-to-face conversation. She 46 her story on Twitter, which quickly 47 widespread attention. “Hi! I hope youre well. We havent 48 met,” the note began. “When you come home every evening and play mus

20、ic, Ive come to 49 it. Sometimes, its 50 Ive never heard before. To be fair, youve allowed me to enjoy great music. ”“But last night.Were you hosting a 51 ? 3:00 am was just too 52 to be that loud, ” She wrote. “ At 3:30, I decided to bake a cake for you. At 4:07, you 53 . I really appreciated that.

21、 As youre hosting your music party next time, please 54 the rest of us. As a peace 55 , I hope you will enjoy this pound cake. ”Later she saw that both the letter and the cake were 56 . Three days later, she met her neighbor. “He apologized for the 57 , promised to invite me to the next party and mo

22、st importantly, he said my pound cake was 58 ! ” she wrote, posting a picture of the pair 59 together. “It was a gentle 60 that it is always best to lead with kindness,” she concluded. 41. A. creativeB. loudC. hospitable D. careless42. A. hearingB. composingC. enjoyingD. playing43. A. yell B. begC.

23、yawnD. fight44. A. emailB. letterC. storyD. diary45. A. criticizedB. encounteredC. rewardedD. encouraged46. A. containedB. postedC. coveredD. kept47. A. distractedB. turnedC. deservedD. earned48. A. occasionallyB. hardlyC. formallyD. frequently49. A. expectB. allowC. realizeD. know50. A. anythingB.

24、nothingC. everything D. something51. A. partyB. meetingC. dinnerD. festival52. A. properB. lateC. timelyD. ready53. A. counted downB.went on C. settled downD. performed on 54. A. rememberB. believeC. noticeD. stand55. A. decisionB. solutionC. intentionD. offering56. A. goneB. lostC. leftD. untouched

25、57. A. cakeB. dialogueC. noiseD. conflict58. A. exciting B. annoyingC. disturbingD. amazing59. A. complainingB. accompanyingC. smilingD. quarreling60. A. suggestionB. reminderC. warningD. push四川省雅安市2022屆高三第三次診斷性考試英語試題第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1. 5分, 滿分30分)閱讀下面短文, 從短文后各題所給的四個選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中, 選出可以填入空白 處的最佳選項(xiàng), 并在

26、答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。In 1946, 23-year-old John Goodenough headed to the University of Chicago. When he arrived with a dream of studying physics, a professor 41 him that he was already too old to succeed in the 42 . Recently, Dr. Goodenough 43 me that story and then laughed. He 44 the professors advice and at 9

27、4, caused a heated 45 in the tech industry with his strong creativity. He and his team 46 a patent (專利)on a new kind of battery that, if it 47 as promised, would be so cheap, lightweight and safe that it would change electric cars greatly and 48 petroleum (石 油)-fueled vehicles. This was not the firs

28、t time Dr. Goodenough had been 49 discussed. In 1980, at age 57, he coin vented the lithium-ion battery (鋰電池). In 2019, he was 50 the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. When I asked him about his late-life 51 , he said, Some of us are turtles (烏龜);we crawl and 52 along, and we havent maybe figured it out by

29、 the time were 30. But the turtles have to 53 walking. Dr. Goodenough started in physics and got 54 with chemistry and materials science, while 55 keeping his eye on the social and political trends. You have to draw on a fair amount of experience in order to be able to put 56 together, he said, Im g

30、rateful for the 57 that have been opened to me in different periods of my life. At just the 58 moment, when I was looking for something, it walked in the door. We tend to assume that creativity 59 with age. However, Dr. Goodenoughs story suggests that some people actually become more 60 as they grow

31、 older. 41. A. teasedB. taughtC. threatenedD. warned42. A. regionB. jobC. fieldD. experiment43. A. showedB. readC. toldD. brought44. A. hatedB. ignoredC. valuedD. took45. A. discussionB. disagreementC. argumentD. quarrel46. A. looked forB. searched forC. applied forD. waited for47. A. helpsB. develo

32、psC. provesD. works48. A. blow upB. spread outC. kill offD. speed up49. A. formallyB. happilyC. widelyD. suddenly50. A. electedB. titledC. sentD. awarded51. A. successB. hobbyC. effortD. belief52. A. hesitateB. struggleC. getD. come53. A. give upB. set aboutC. keep onD. dream of54. A. involvedB. bor

33、edC. satisfiedD. pleased55. A. alreadyB. onlyC. alsoD. never56. A. newsB. ideasC. chancesD. choices57. A. windowsB. roadsC. heartsD. doors58. A. possibleB. specialC. secretD. right59. A. fadesB. improvesC. increasesD. connects60. A. ambitiousB. creativeC. attractiveD. famous2022屆四川省南充市高三下學(xué)期適應(yīng)性考試(三診)

34、英語試題第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,共30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入下列空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。In one Nebraska teen running race before graduating from high school, Brandon Schutts personal best turned out not to be about marking the fastest time but displaying the biggest heart.During the race, he knew he had the p

35、otential to 41 for the upcoming state meet, so he slowed to a comfortable 42 that would allow him to simply enjoy the moment and the day. Meanwhile, aiming to 43 his own personal record, after a fast start, Blake Cerveny continued to push himself 44 . With less than 400 meters to go, Cerveny got a c

36、ramp (抽筋) in his legs and they 45 him. 46 to finish, Cerveny rose from the ground and continued on, only to 47 again after another 150 meters and again. This time hed 48 it only 25 meters more before going down. With tremendous effort, the young runner pulled himself up and with a ( an ) 49 pace, mo

37、ved forward for one final push. It wasnt enough. Less than 100 meters from the finish line, he lay curled on the ground. His legs had simply 50 .Brandon Schutt, who was at his side, 51 a helping hand. His first 52 to get Cerveny up failed, but like Cerveny, he too refused to 53 . With a second hard

38、pull, Cerveny was 54 . With Cerveny holding Schutt for support and Schutt 55 Cerveny maintain balance, the two 56 the final 75 meters. Schutt even made sure the injured runner crossed the finish line first, securing his 57 a faster time.In todays 58 world in which the emphasis in athletics is so often put on breaking records, it is 59 to see that for an athlete like Brandon Schutt, the value of true sportsmanship still has legs. And for others, like Blake Cerveny, knowing that finishing the race, no matte


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