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1、溝通策略講義What is MC?MC is the whole process of the communicator sending information in exchange for the audiences reaction and response. (sending information to get things done)管理溝通是指溝通者為了獲取溝通對象的反應(yīng)和反饋而向?qū)Ψ絺鬟f信息的全部過程。 People often confuse the act of communicating with the process of communication.sentrece

2、ivedunderstoodComplied BUTReally a straight line? 圖2.1 A Model of MC Strategies Communicator strategy 溝通者策略 Audience strategy 聽眾策略 Message strategy 信息策略 Channel choice strategy 渠道選擇策略 Culture strategy 文化策略Successful business communication depends on answering a few crucial questions: Have you master

3、ed and organized all the relevant information? Have you taken into account the personal and organizational context? Have you defined a clear, achievable objective? Have you considered the needs of your audiences? Have you expressed yourself as clearly, vividly, and forcefully as possible? Have you c

4、hosen the right communication channels? 有效管理溝通的檢核表你是否已經(jīng)掌握并組織好溝通過程中所有相關(guān)的信息?你是否了解或掌握好了有關(guān)個體和組織的背景資料和環(huán)境狀況?你是否明確要實現(xiàn)和能實現(xiàn)的目標?你是否清楚聽眾的需要?你是否清晰、生動和有說服力地表達你的觀點?你是否選擇了正確的溝通渠道? 第一節(jié) 溝通者策略 Communicator strategy Who am I?Why am I doing this?How am I going to do it? Case 1: You are fresh from university and new in

5、the company. Today you have the honor to make a speech on behalf of the new recruits at the welcome meeting which is to be attended by both the new comers and other staff members of the company, including the senior management. You are fully aware that this speech could be extremely important for yo

6、ur future development in the company and you cannot afford to make any mistake. But you have never made a speech on such a big occasion and now you have sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach. How would you prepare for this speech and what questions would you ask about yourself to ensure a suc

7、cess?Communicator strategy Discussion:Ex. 1. Am I the same in other peoples eyes? Objective:Discrepancy in perception of self imageIn this exercise you work in small groups (5-7). Each person has a pencil and several sheets of paper; at the top of each sheet each individual writes the name of one of

8、 the other members of the group (including him/herself).2. Each individual then writes on the relevant sheet of paper either: 5 personal attributes, or 5 strengths/weaknesses which he / she perceives in each of the members of the group (including him/herself) .3. The relevant sheets are then distrib

9、uted to each member of the group.4. Each member in turn then reads out: (a) the perceptions by others of him/herself, and may ask for clarification where necessary; (b) his/her perception of him/herself.5. The group discusses the discrepancy in perception which emerge, and the reasons for these. Ex.

10、 2. Am I a good communicator? (1)評價標準:非常不同意/不符合(1分) 不同意/不符合(2分)比較不同意/不符合(3分) 比較同意/符合(4分)同意/符合(5分) 非常同意非常符合(6分) 測試問題:1I consider my audiences personality and other characters when I give them opinions and comments.2I help them reflect on their own problems when I try to persuade.3I try to be honest e

11、ven when I give them negative feedback.4Instead of being people-oriented, I try to be fact-oriented when I talk about problems with others.5I try to be objective when I criticize.6Our relation is not undermined after the problem is solved.7I encourage in my audience a sense of self esteem and respec

12、t when I communicate with them.8I show sincere interest in what people say even if I dont agree with them.9I dont show arrogance or self superiority to people subordinate to me.10I try to find common grounds when I communicate with people with different opinions.11I try to be clear about my point an

13、d avoid ambiguity when giving feedback;12I try to communicate in an equal and respectful manner;13I use “I think” instead of “people think” when giving my own opinions;14In discussion, I tend to tell my own understanding of the matter rather than make direct suggestions or advice;15I exchange ideas

14、with my friends and colleagues on a regular or irregular basis. Self Diagnosis Self Assessment:If you get:80一90 you are an excellent communicator;7079 you are above the average but still need to improve in certain regards;70 or less you need good training to become a good communicator Identify the 6

15、 items where you score the lowest and work on them as your key tasks for this section. !Ex. 2. Am I a good communicator?(1) Self Diagnosis 評價標準:非常不同意非常不符合(1分) 不同意/不符合(2分)比較不同意比較不符合 (3分) 比較同意比較符合(4分)同意/符合 (5分) 非常同意非常符合(6分)測試題: (1) I frequently exchange ideas with others about my own strengths and wea

16、knesses in communication.(2) I dont feel offended or angry when other people give me negative opinions or feedback.(3) I am willing to reveal my feelings and share them with others.(4) I am clear about my personal style of collecting information and making decisions. (5) I am clear about my purpose

17、and demands when initiating relations.(6) I have good intuition when dealing with ambiguous or uncertain issues.(7) I have a set of codes and principles to guide and regulate my behavior. (8) I am always ready to take due responsibility for whatever confronts me, be it good or bad.Ex. 3. Am I a good

18、 communicator?(2) (9) I seldom feel anger, depression or anxiety before I know the reason. (10) I am clear about the reasons for possible conflicts and fraction between me and other people. (11) I have at least one close friend with whom I can share information and feelings. (12) I ask others to do

19、something only when I think it is worthwhile myself. (13) I dont do something before I make thorough analysis about how it will affect myself and other people. (14) I insist that every week I have sometime of my own for self reflection. (15) I exchange ideas and thoughts with my close friend(s) on a

20、 regular or irregular basis. (16) I only pay attention to major opinions and facts when I communicate with my friends. (17) I always focus my attention on the major topic and try to understand the speakers ideas. (18) While listening, I try to understand the speakers logic and reasoning. (19) I keep

21、 listening and dont interrupt even if I dont agree with the speaker. (20) I try my best to think rationally before I answer, disagree with or comment on other peoples ideas. Self Diagnosis Self Evaluation 100 or higher: you are among the top 25% communicators; 9299: you are among the second best 25%

22、 communicators;8591: you are a fairly good communicator but still need improving in many regards;84 or less: you need training to become a better communicator; Identify the 6 items where you get the lowest marks and work on them as your key tasks for this section.自我溝通技能診斷Ex. 3. Am I a good communica

23、tor?(2) ! 1. Communicators credibility Initial credibility:Your audiences perception of you before you even begin to communicate; Acquired credibility: Your audiences perception of you after the communication has taken place How to promote your credibility ? rank (身份地位) goodwill (良好意愿) expertise (專業(yè)

24、知識) image (外表形象) shared values (共同價值)Self-cognition FACTORS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CREDIBILITY FactorBased onInitial Credibility Stress byAcquired Credibility Increase byRankHierarchical powerEmphasizing your title or rankAssociating yourself with someone of high rank (countersignature, introduction)Goo

25、dwillPersonal relationship, “track record”TrustworthinessReferring to relationship or “track record”Building goodwill by citing audience benefitsAcknowledging conflict of interest;offering balanced evaluationExpertiseKnowledge, competenceIncluding a biography or resumeAssociating yourself with or qu

26、oting someone your audience considers expertImageAttractiveness, audience desire to be like youEmphasizing attributes audience finds attractiveBuilding your image by identifying yourself with your audiences benefits; using nonverbal and language your audience considers dynamicShared valuesMorality,

27、standardsEstablishing a common ground and/or your similarities, at the beginning of the communication; tying the message to your shared values表2.1 影響可信度的因素和技巧 TV commercials: Clip1: safety beltClip2: 汽車1Clip3: 寶馬Clip4: AccordWhat are the credibilities you saw in these commercials? Question 2: Why am

28、 I doing this? (objective: as a result of this communication, )ObjectivesGeneral objectiveAction objectiveCommunication objective許三多,How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life -By Alan Lakein (Best-seller 2007)EXAMPLES OF OBJECTIVES表2.3 目標實例Discussion: 1. What are your objectives in case discussi

29、on 1? 2. 某公司為了實現(xiàn)研究部門、制造部門、市場部門的有機協(xié)調(diào),總經(jīng)理決定三個部門的負責人每月舉行一次例會,共同討論在研究開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、市場幾個部門間的高效協(xié)調(diào)對策,你作為總經(jīng)理,你的總體目標、行為目標與溝通目標是什么?總體目標:為了實現(xiàn)公司內(nèi)部各部門間的溝通行動目標:要求各部門每個月協(xié)調(diào)討論一次溝通目標:要求各部門負責人能夠了解各部門工作的實際情況,并讓各部門負責 人領(lǐng)會公司各個階段的意圖In tell/sell situations:You have sufficient informationYou do not need to hear others opinions, idea

30、s, or inputsYou need or want to control the message content yourselfYou need to show your power and authority and controlIn consult/join situations:You do not have sufficient informationYou need to hear others opinions, ideas, or inputsYou need or want to involve your audience in coming up with the message contentYou need to create a sense of participation and involvement (讓別人服


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