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新冀教版八年級上冊英語Lesson 24 I Need a Map!課件_第5頁
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1、Unit 4 My NeighbourhoodLesson 24 I Need a Map!學(xué)習(xí)目標了解郵件的寫法。學(xué)習(xí)一些用于介紹生活與活動的句式:This week, I got to know my neighbourhood.Yesterday I got lost.Luckily, a lady showed me the way.新課導(dǎo)入She had the flu.So her parents took her to the hospital.Its about one mile from her house.Its across from her house.新課導(dǎo)入思 考

2、What do you think of the neighbourhood?新課講解Is it easy to live in a new place?What do you do if you get lost? 新課講解Language point 1I have to tell you that I had the flu. 我不得不告訴你我得了流感。flu意為“流感”,是非正式用語,指流行性感冒;cold意為“傷風(fēng),感冒”,一般泛指因著涼而傷風(fēng);have the flu意為“患流感”。類似的短語還有:have a cold(得感冒),have a headache(頭疼),have

3、a cough(咳嗽)。e.g. How do you know when you have the flu? 你如何知道你得了流感?新課講解Language point 2This week,I got to know my neighbourhood. 這周,我逐漸認識了我的社區(qū)。get to know是瞬時性動作,意為“知道,了解,逐漸認識”,強調(diào)從不認識或不了解到認識或了解的漸進過程。在肯定句中不能和表示一段時間的狀語連用;know表示“認識”,是延續(xù)性動詞。e.g.We have known each other for many years. 我們認識很多年了。 When did

4、you get to know Nick? 你是什么時候認識尼克的?新課講解Language point 3Across from the bookstore, theres a beautiful park.書店的對面有一個美麗的公園。across from意思是“在對面”,相當于opposite。e.g.They live across from us. 他們住在我們對面。 Across from the bank is the post office. 郵局就在銀行對面。新課講解Language point 4Tomorrow Im going to buy a map of the c

5、ity because I dont want to get lost again. 明天我打算買一副這座城市的地圖,因為我不想再次迷路。get lost意思是 “迷路”,表示動作;be lost 意思是 “迷路”,表示狀態(tài)。e.g.I got/was lost in the forest. 我在森林里迷路了。新課講解書信格式英語書信一般分三部分:稱呼、正方、結(jié)束語(落款)。稱呼對方可以用Dear, 結(jié)束語用Yours、Love等。信封的寫法:收信人的姓名和地址寫在信封中央或偏右下角, 發(fā)信人姓名和地址寫在信封左上角,也可以在信封正面寫收信人的姓名和地址,信封背面寫發(fā)信人的姓名和地址。新課講解

6、Listen and answer the questions.1. What did Jenny and Brian do on Monday?2. How far is the school from Uncle Davids home?3. What happened to Brian yesterday?4. What will Brian do tomorrow? Why?5. What did Brian do on Thanksgiving Day?They walked to school on Monday.The school is about one mile from

7、Uncle Davids home.He got lost yesterday.He will buy a map of the city because he doesnt want to get lost again.He met all of his Canadian cousins.Lets Do It!新課講解Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.go by across from on our way get lost1. We go to the bakery. It is _ to school.2. You will _

8、 a grocery store when you e to my home.3. The movie theatre is _ the museum.4. I need a map of the city because I dont want to _again.on our waygo byacross fromget lost新課講解Choose the correct answers.1. Were going to have _.A lot of fun B a lot of fun2. A: What is the way _ the factory?B: Turn left _

9、 the second turning.Ato; at B of; to3. Go down this street until you _ the end of the street.Areach B arrive4. Twenty minutes _, the old woman finally found her grandson.A in B later5. It was very dark last night. Jimmy _.A got lost B lost 當堂小練詞語運用She couldnt go to school because she _ (得了流感) Its only two m_ away from my school. There is a flower shop _(一邊到另一邊f(xié)rom the video store. She is_(很好). He is a good worker, so he does his work_.(好) had the flu ilesacross fromdoing wellwell歸 納課堂小結(jié)重


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