已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、take on take off take in take into take over take out take up辨 析 By Mark Zhao(一)take on:1.披上,穿上,戴上;呈現(xiàn) (面貌等 );具有(某種性質、 特征等 ):作文佳句: The campus has taken on a new look校.園換了新貌。 The old term has taken on a new meaning這. 個舊詞有了新的含義。開始做,開始執(zhí)行,開始處理;承擔 (責任等 );擔任(工作): He took on the responsibility for collectin

2、g evidence for the trial. 他負責為審判收集證據。作文佳句: She took on a teaching job in 2006. 比較: She began to be a teacher in 2006.注:to take on a teaching job任教開始交往:When did she take on with that man? 她什么時候和那個人開始交往的 ?接納(乘客);裝載;允許進入:The school bus stopped to take on pupils. 校車停下來讓小學生上車。to take cargo on裝貨(開始 )雇用;在某

3、種關系中接受:The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for theChristmas season.這家超市正在招收幾名圣誕節(jié)期間上班的臨時店員to take on apprentices招收學徒采用,采納,采?。篐e took on new ways of life after he got married. 他婚后開始了新的生活方式。增加:She took on 10 pounds 2 months after she went back to China. 回中國后兩個月她體重增加了 10 磅。同(對手)較量;接受

4、的挑戰(zhàn);對付: 作文佳句: Ill take you on at football?pitch 咱們綠茵場上見!(我要和你們踢足球。) He wants to take on that boxing champion. 他想和那個拳擊冠軍較量。裝出(某種樣子 );擺架子;盛氣凌人: He took on not to know me.他假裝不認識我??谡Z(因發(fā)怒等 )激動;大驚小怪;發(fā)作;悲傷: Dont take on so!別那么傷心 !He took on about it. 他對那件事大驚小怪。風行,流行;受歡迎;被接受:(注: take over 也有“流行”義)That love

5、song has really taken on.那首情歌真是風行一時。The high style didnt take on for some time. 這個女裝新款式沒流行多長時間。(二)take off :脫下 (衣帽、鞋子等 ),脫掉;拿掉,取下;He took off his coat and sat down他. 脫下大衣坐了下來。to take off ones glasses摘下眼鏡領走;帶走;帶去 (某物) ;移送 (某處),如: take oneself off 口語使(自己)離開某處;離開;走掉;滾: She took the pupils off to the ar

6、t exhibition. 她帶學生們去看美術展覽。Take yourself off.滾 !出發(fā);匆匆離開:The professor took off for Shanghai this morning. 教授今天上午動身去上海了。Tom took off at the sight of trouble.一看到要出麻煩湯姆就溜走了。將調離工作;休假,休息; 美國方言 缺勤,曠工,曠課: Both students and teachers took Christmas off. 學生和老師圣誕節(jié)都休假。He took two weeks off from work.他歇工兩星期弄死,殺死,

7、奪去的生命:Her father was taken off by Ebola她. 父親死于埃博拉。Take him off! 干掉他!(電影常用語)從去掉,扣除,減去,減 (價 );減損:Our shop is taking 20% off all dresses this week. 我們商店本星期所有的衣服八折出售。Can you take 10 dollars off the price? 你能把價錢減去 10 美元嗎 ?(鳥等 )起跳;跳起來; (飛機等 )起飛:The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards

8、Hong Kong. 飛機從機場起飛往南向香港飛去。減輕(體重):She took off a few pounds in a month. 她在一個月內減輕了幾磅。(價格等 )暴漲: Food costs took off.食品價格暴漲。比喻【商業(yè)】(經濟狀況等 )開始明顯好轉; 開始迅速發(fā)展 (或增長、 活動);(經濟)起飛;開始獲利:The product suddenly took off in September. 該產品在九月份突然熱銷起來。口語開始;開始流行; 突然受到廣泛歡迎, 突然被廣泛使用; (想 法、計劃等 )開始獲得成功:Their first major design

9、 took off in high schools and colleges. 他們的頭一個重要的設計在大中學校流行開來。After a slow start,the plan soon took off and was accepted by all. 計劃開始進展很慢,但很快見成效了,而且被大家接受。 備注: 11,12的意思,皆和飛機起飛的本意有聯(lián)系!不難理解。(三)take in:讓進入;接納,接受;吸收:Our club plan to take in 20 new members. 我們俱樂部計劃吸收 20 名新會員。The ship stopped here to take in

10、 goods. 這艘船在這里停泊裝貨。接待;留宿;收留;收進:The old man took in the lost backpackers for the night. 老人收留迷路的背包客在家里過夜。to take in the homeless收留無家可歸的人收入,進賬:Our shop takes in twice as much money every day as it used to. 我們商店每天的收入是過去的兩倍。敏銳地觀察到;一目了然,一覽無余:作文佳句: The tourists took in the full beauty of the scenery. 游客們充分

11、領略這里的 美景。to take the situation in 看清局勢領會,理解:I could hardly take in what the old man said. 我?guī)缀趼牪欢先苏f了什么。The students couldnt take in the lecture. 學生們聽不懂這個講座??谡Z欺騙,哄騙;使上當:He took the girl in with his story. 他用一套謊言蒙騙了那個女孩。I was badly taken in when I bought that second-hand television set. 買那臺二手的電視機讓我上了大

12、當。(四)。 take into:拿進去;帶進去:He took nothing but a little food, said nothing , but prayed to the Lord to take him into his heaven. 除了一點食物外,他絲毫不取,只祈求主帶他進天堂。考慮到(常用在下列句式): 作文佳句:Take sth into consideration?考慮 ; 考慮到 ; 把某物考慮進去 ; 考慮 某事take something into account?顧及Take Everything Into Consideration?從全盤考慮 take

13、all into consideration?把一切都考慮在 ; 把一切都考慮在內(五)。 take over:接收,接管;接任;接辦:He will take over Class 9801 next week下. 星期他將接管 9801 班。 Johnson took over the chairmanship of the committee yesterday. 約翰遜昨天接任委員會主席一職。把從一地帶到 (或運送到 )另一地,把載送過去:The ferryboat took the passengers over to the island. 渡船將乘客們送到島上。采用;借用;襲用;

14、模仿:What is good and useful should be taken over. 應當繼承好的、有用的東西。Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy but their arts.羅馬人不僅承襲了希臘人的哲學而且還承襲了他們的藝術。取而代之;變成主要的;盛行起來:They saw a new point of view taking over. 他們看到一種新的觀點正在流行。Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day. 縮微膠卷甚

15、至可能有朝一日取代圖書館。(六)take out:拿出,取出,拔出:He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook. 他打開書包,拿出了一個筆記本。to have a tooth taken out拔牙扣除,除去;抽去:There are 22 working days,taking out weekends and holidays. 扣掉周末和假日,還有 22 個工作日。去掉,除掉 (污跡等 );滌除:You can use petrol to take out that stain. 你可以用汽油去掉那個污漬。消除,消滅;摧毀,毀滅 (人、

16、武器、建筑物或其他軍事目標 ) ;抹 去,使完結;【軍事】壓制 (火力等 ):They planned to take out the enemy fort by bombing it. 他們計劃炸毀敵人的碉堡??谡Z邀(某人)出門;帶出去 (游樂等 );帶到公共場所 (或社交場 合);陪同(某人)外出運動 (或游玩):He took his girl friend out to the pictures.(cinema 的替代詞匯) 他帶女朋友出去看電影。Ill take you out to dinner.我要請你出去吃飯。僅考研等需要記: (通過申請等 )取得;領得 (護照、專利權等 );

17、辦理 (保險)手續(xù):She took out a driving licence. 她領到了駕駛執(zhí)照。They took out marine insurance through American insurance firms. 他們通過美國保險公司投保了海上保險。發(fā)泄(與 on 連用):He took out his anger on his secretary. 他朝秘書發(fā)泄怒氣。出發(fā),啟程:They took out for the train station.他們出發(fā)前往火車站。主美國英語 將(餐館飯菜 )買出外吃 (或買回食用 ): Id like a fish and chips

18、 to take out,please. 勞駕,我買一份煎魚和薯條帶走。?。ㄅd等):That takes all the fun out of it.那太煞風景了。(七)take up :1.拿起,撿起,舉起,拔起;拿走:She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. 她拿起聽筒開始撥電話號碼。They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty. 他們拿起武器為信仰和自由而斗爭。2.占去(地方、時間、注意力等 );費(時間);占據 (注意力 ): Im sorry Ive

19、 already taken up so much of your valuable time. 對不起,我占了你這么多寶貴時間。The piano takes up too much space這. 架鋼琴占地方太多。All available accommodation were taken up房. 間都住滿了。僅考研:安 (家),定 (居);在安置下來:He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris. 他和一個法國女人結了婚,并在巴黎定居。to take up ones residence with someon

20、e和某人居住在一起讓(乘客等 )上車; (車等)接納(乘客);(船)承載 (貨物):The school bus stopped to take up pupils. 校車停下來讓小學生們上車。開始從事 (一項事業(yè)、一種職業(yè)等 ),學習(某種知識、技能等 );著 手處理(某事);關注;對發(fā)生興趣;論及:He took up writing after graduation.畢業(yè)后他開始從事寫作。to take up swimming 開始學游泳采納 (信仰、意見等 ),接受;采取 (某種態(tài)度 );承擔:She took up my suggestion enthusiastically. 她熱

21、情地采納了我的建議。He took up a compromising attitude towards the question. 他對這個問題采取了妥協(xié)的態(tài)度。接受 (打賭、挑戰(zhàn)、建議等 ),接受的打賭 (或挑戰(zhàn)、建議等 ):No one dared take up the challenge. 誰也不敢應戰(zhàn)。She took up my offer of a ride into town.她接受我的提議,乘車進城。僅考研:申請;對提出要求: to take up ones social welfare 要求社會福利接著講,接下去說;繼續(xù) (中斷的話 ):The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week. 老師接著上星期停下來的地方把課文講下去。t


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