名詞性從句 復習_第1頁
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名詞性從句 復習_第5頁
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1、關于名詞性從句 復習第一張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Enjoy a MV, please.第二張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1. I dont care who you are. ( _從句 ) 我不在乎你是怎樣一個人 2. How you got me blind is still a mystery. 你為何能使我如此盲目仍是個謎 。( _從句 )3. Every little thing (that youve said and done)feels like its deep within me. ( _從句 )所有你說過的話和做過的事都深深的烙印在我心里 4

2、. I have no idea what you did. ( _從句 ) 我對你所做過的事一無所知。賓語主語表語同位語第三張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 一、相關概念二、種類三、常見引導詞四、六大常考考點 名詞性從句 noun clause第四張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月一. 什么叫“名詞性從句”?名詞性從句在功能上相當于名詞主語 His job is important.What he does is important.表語This is his job.This is what he does every day. 第五張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年

3、6月賓語 I dont like his job.I dont like what he does every day.同位語 I dont know about the man, Mr. White.I dont know about the fact that he is a teacher.第六張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Summary 相關概念1.名詞:表示人或事物的名稱的詞2.名詞的句法作用:名詞在句中主要作主語,賓語,表語和同位語。另外還可以作定語,狀語。3.名詞性從句: 在英語的句子結構中,本來該由名詞充當?shù)闹?語、賓語、表語和同位語,由一個句子來充當,這個句子就叫

4、:名詞性從句。第七張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.When we will start is not clear.2.Mrs Black wont believe that her son has become a thief.3. My idea is that we should do it right now.4.I had no idea that you were her friend.主語從句賓語從句表語從句同位語從句二、 名詞性從句的種類(動詞、介詞、形容詞之后的賓從)第八張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月三、常見引導詞1)從屬連詞that只引導,本身無意義

5、,僅起引導作用。(引導賓語從句時可省,但是如果是并列的多個賓語從句,只能省第一個)2)連接代詞who,whom,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever等,有意義,作成分3)連接副詞where,when,how,why等,有意義,在句中作狀語4)從屬連詞 if, whether(是否,if 不是如果的意思)(if 只能引導動詞、形容詞之后的賓語從句)第九張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月主語從句賓語從句表語從句同位語從句動賓介賓that不能省可省禁用不能省不能省whetherif 句首whetherwhether if只能whether只能whethe

6、r只能whether代詞what-物,who/whom-人副詞when-時間,where-地點,why-原因,how-方式注意:所有句子均為陳述語序第十張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月四、名詞性從句七大常考考點第十一張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月考點1:連接詞: that 與 what 的區(qū)別 That (a new teacher will come to our school ) is true . What we cant get seems better than what we have .that 只起連接作用,無意義,在從句中不 充當任何成分 what 既有

7、連接作用, 又要在從句中作成分( 主語,賓語, 表語)( 的東西;物;話;時間;地點;人物;數(shù)目等不同概念)第十二張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月I lived in _ you call Ancient Greece. 2._ he said at the meeting made us angry. 3._ he failed in the exam made his father angry.4. China is no longer _ it used to be. 4._ the earth is round is known to us all.5. I cant ima

8、gine _ my hometown will look like in the future. whatwhat whatThatThat what第十三張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1)_ you dont like him is known to everyone. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 高考題選萃第十四張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2)_ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A.What B. That C. The fact D. The mat

9、ter3) Theres a feeling in me _ well never know what a UFO is . A. that B. which C. of which D. what 第十五張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.他犯了那樣一個錯誤真是遺憾。_ is a pity .2.他來不來不重要。_doesnt matter._ doesnt matter _ he will come or not.That he made such a mistake_ is a pity _ he made such a mistake.考點 2 :_作形式主語,形式賓語的用法

10、 作形式主語Whether he will come or notItthatitItwhether第十六張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 It is well known/reported/ thought/said that It is clear/necessary/certain/true that It is a pity/a shame/an honor that It doesnt matter whether It seems that It happens that第十七張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 1. _is known to all, Taiwa

11、n belongs to China. A. As B. That C. Which D. What 2. It is known to all_ Taiwan belongs to China.A. as B. that C. if D. for 3. It was on Sunday _ I met him. A. that B. when C. what D. which (非限制性定語從句)(強調句)第十八張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 * (2) it 指代后面從句所敘述的內容, 常用于這些動詞后, like/dislike/love/hate /appreciate/m

12、ake+it 后常跟if 或when從句. it 作形式賓語*(1) make /find/ feel / consider / think it + adj / n + that / to doI hate it when people laugh at the disabled .*(3) depend on it that 第十九張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1. I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. one2.You may depend o

13、n _ that you parents will help you whenever you need it. A. them B. yourself C. it D. me 第二十張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月考點3 語序問題1.The photographs will show you _ A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like 第二十一張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2.You can hardly imagine _when he heard the news .A. h

14、ow he was excitedB. how was he excitedC. how excited he wasD. he was how excited第二十二張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3.He asked_for the bill.A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 在名詞性從句中,除了關聯(lián)詞要提到句首之外,一律要用陳述句語序第二十三張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4.What time do you think _?will Be

15、sty come here B.Besty will come hereC.is Besty coming hereD.can Besty get here疑問詞+do you thinksuggestbelievesuppose +陳述語序第二十四張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月考點4 同位語從句和定語從句的區(qū)別同位語從句一般跟在名詞: fact, news, word (消息)promise, truth, belief, thought, idea, answer, information, knowledge, doubt, hope, law, opinion, plan,

16、 suggestion后面, 用以說明或解釋前面的名詞的內容.定語從句:對先行詞起修飾限制作用第二十五張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月The news that she passed the exam excited her parents .The news that we know from her excited all of us .解釋說明;that在從句中不充當成分但是不能省。修飾限定;that在從句中有成分、作賓語時可以省。同位語從句定語從句第二十六張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.The suggestion that he should not go t

17、here is of great value.2. The suggestion that he made is of great value.3.The fact that he won the first place cant be denied.4.The fact that he told me excited me.同位語從句同位語從句定語從句定語從句第二十七張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月注: 1. 同位語從句多用that 引導2. 在have no idea 之后常用wh-引導同位語從句. I have no idea where he has gone.I have

18、no idea when he did it.I have no idea what he did.第二十八張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月考點5.用if 或whether 填空1. I dont know _Ill be free tomorrow.2. The question is _ this book is worth writing.whether / ifwhether第二十九張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3. It depends on _ we will have enough money.4. _ they can do it matters litt

19、le to us.a.主語從句、表語從句、同位語從 句、 介詞后面的賓語從句只能用whether, 不能用if ;b.后面緊跟 or not 時, 用whetherc.賓語從句是否定結構時只用ifwhetherWhether第三十張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 1._ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If B.Whether C. That D.Where第三十一張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.在order,suggest(建議),demand,request,advise,insist(堅持應該

20、)等所接的賓語從句中用should 型虛擬語氣。should 常省略。 2.在order,suggestion等名詞后同位語從句,表語從句中用should 型虛擬語氣,可省略should3.在as if,as though引導的表語從句中,在必要的情況下應用過去式虛擬語氣??键c6 虛擬語氣問題 第三十二張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4.在主語從句中用來表示驚奇、不相信、惋惜、理應如此等,謂語動詞用虛擬語氣“(should) +do”,常用的句型有:(1)It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc.) that. (2) It

21、is a pity(a shame, no wonder, etc.) that. (3) It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc.) that.如: It is strange that she (should) think so. 第三十三張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.It is necessary that a college student _ at least a foreign language. A. masters B. should master C. mastered D. will master

22、 2.His suggestion was that we_another meeting to discuss the question. A. hold B. would hold C. held D. holding 第三十四張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月5. wish后,從句中的時態(tài)在原本的時態(tài)上退一步,即 wish that did/were(跟現(xiàn)在相反)would +do (跟將來相反)had done (跟過去相反)I wish that I _that film star yesterday.A saw B. had seen C would see D has s

23、een would rather that sb did sth sb had done 第三十五張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Homework Finish the exercises. 第三十六張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Thank you!第三十七張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月五. 高考名詞性從句考題:第三十八張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 做題三步曲:步驟一:首先把主句和從句區(qū)分開來。步驟二:分析從句缺何種成分。步驟三:根據(jù)分析,選擇恰當?shù)倪B詞第三十九張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月福建卷27. _ is known to u

24、s all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. A. It B. What C. AsD. Which湖南卷29. When asked _ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. A. what B. why C. whom D. which第四十張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月山東卷23. _was most important to her, she told me, was her fami

25、ly. A. It B. This C. What D. As 陜西卷8. Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Have you got any idea _ the party is to be held? A. what B. which C. that D. where第四十一張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月重慶卷25. People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years. A. that B. which C. what D. how北京卷30. The co

26、mpanies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A. which B. that C. what D. who第四十二張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月上海卷34. As his best friend. I can make accurate guesses about _ he will do or think. A. what B. which C. whom D. that上海卷36. It has been p

27、roved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life. A. if B. because C. when D. that第四十三張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月五.2007年高考名詞性從句和定語從句考題:1.Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _they can learn simple games and songs.A. then B. there C. while D.w

28、here 2._matters most in learning English is enough practice.A.That B. Why C.What D.Which 第四十四張,PPT共四十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3. We shouldnt have spent our money testing so many people, most of _ are healthy.A.that B.which C.what D.whom 4._he referred to in his article was unkown to the general reader. A.That B. What C. Whether D. W


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