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1、2023屆高考英語模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng):1答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號碼填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2答題時請按要求用筆。3請按照題號順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試卷上答題無效。4作圖可先使用鉛筆畫出,確定后必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆描黑。5保持卡面清潔,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _your muscles relaxed for over half an hour.

2、Ato leaveBleftCleavingDleave2Be seated, please and Ill make you a cup of tea._. Lets come to the point first.AYou neednt do so BPlease dont bother CYou are welcome DYou are indeed too polite.3Peter survived in the accident when he fell overboard yesterday. He _ escaped drowning.AnearlyBslightlyCnarr

3、owlyDhardly4The cost of living in big cities _ steadily for many years,and it has led some youths to drop out of the big city race.Ais climbingBis being climbedChas been climbingDhas been climbed5The real winners in sport are those who know how to persevere and to behave with _whether they win or lo

4、se a game.Acertainty BcautionCdignity Dindependence6An international team of astronomers announced Wednesday that they _ the first-ever image of a black hole.Ahave capturedBwere capturingChad capturedDwould capture7Is Peter coming?No, he_ his mind after a phone call at the last minute.AchangesBchang

5、edCwas changingDhad changed8 “Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”ANot likelyBNot exactlyCNot nearlyDNot really9The terrible accident is under investigation.Actually, quicker action _ those workers trapped in the mine.Amigh

6、t have savedBmust have savedCshould have savedDcould have saved10He _ whether to set aside the minor differences,then he didAdebatedBpredictedCplottedDcalculated11What does Nickys job involve as a public relations director?_ quite a lot of time with other people.ASpending BHaving spentCTo spend DTo

7、have spent12Will you require anything else? Yes, I like a whisky.AwillBshallCshouldDmight13Don t worry. A number of efforts are being made _ the whole system operating normally.Abeing keptBkeptCkeepingDto keep14The scientist does not study nature _ it is useful to do so. He studies it because he tak

8、es pleasure in it.AuntilBbecauseCthoughDunless15During the 2008 financial crisis,the French president Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide millions of emergency fund aid to help unemploymentAreleaseBresembleCrelieveDrecommend16Scientists have many theories about how the universe into being.AcameBwas co

9、mingChad comeDwould come17 Why are the Woods selling their belongings? They to another city.Ahad movedBhave movedCmovedDare moving18As is known to all, _ opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games held on November 12th in Guangzhou was _ great success. A/; a Bthe; a Cthe; / Da; /19In spite of _ has be

10、en said, quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the state of the countrys economy.AwhatBwhichCthatDas20Im calling to enquire about the position _in yesterdays China Daily.AadvertisedBto be advertisedCadvertisingDhaving advertised第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。21(6分) Losing

11、 a wallet is one of those careless acts most of us have come across, at some point or the other in our lives. While most of us tend to move on after mourning over the lost necessities, there are a few lucky ones who get them back, with the help of the police or the generosity of the person who finds

12、 it.And then there is Hunter Shamatt, who not only got back his wallet but with some added happiness that was tagged along!Hunter was on his way to attend his sisters wedding on a Las Vegas-bound flight when he realized that he has misplaced his wallet, sometime during the journey. Hunters family re

13、ached out to the Frontier flight to enquire if someone had handed it over to them. Unfortunately, there was no sign of the missing wallet.But wait. The story was far from over. Just a week after Hunters sisters wedding, he received a package in his mail. And guess what? There was his wallet! Surpris

14、ingly, the wallet was not the only thing that was inside the package. It also had a handwritten note for Hunter which turned out to be a bonus! The piece of paper read,“Hunter, Found this on a Frontier flight from Omaha to Denver row 12, seat F wedged between the seat and wall. Thought you might wan

15、t it back. All the best.P.S. I rounded your cash up to an even $100, so you could celebrate getting your wallet back. HAVE FUN!”Moved by the touching gesture, Hunters mom, Jeannie Shamatt, decided to write a post on Facebook giving a detailed description of the incident. She also urged everyone to s

16、hare the post as she would like to meet and greet the person behind the act of kindness, personally.Now, thanks to the astonishing power of social media, the post finally reached the man behind the note. The man was identified as Todd Brown and it was one of his co-workers who made sure Jeannie Sham

17、atts post reaches his colleague. Jeannie turned to Facebook again to thank Brown and his family for restoring her faith in humanity.“I try to teach my children to do the right things in life, help people when you can regardless of the outcome. This story is more about restoring faith in people than

18、anything. We hear a lot of bad news but not enough good news. I personally want to thank Todd Brown and his wife for restoring faith that there are amazing people out there.”1、How did Hunter Shamatt get his wallet back?ATodd Brown sent it back.BThe police mailed it back.CHe found the wallet by himse

19、lf.DThe Frontier flight helped him get it back.2、What things were found in the package?AA wallet and a tag.BA wallet and a note.CA note and a tag.DA mail and a tag.3、How did Hunters mom feel after receiving the package?ATouched.BUninterested.CSatisfied.DConfused.4、What does the author intend to conv

20、ey?AFriendship.BFreedom.CKindness.DJustice.22(8分)“One of the reason I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger,” says Lindson-Hawley, who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford.By studying about 700 adult smokers, she found out that mom quit

21、the right way-by stopping abruptly and completely.In her Study, participants were randomly(隨機(jī)地) assigned to two groups. One had to quit abruptly on a given day, going from about a pack a day to zero. The other cut down gradually over the course of two weeks. People in both groups used nicotine repla

22、cement, like gum or spray. They also had talk therapy(療法) with a nurse before and after quit day.Six months later, more people who had quit abruptly had stuck with it-more than one-fifth of them, compared to about one-seventh in the other group. Although these numbers appear low, it is much higher t

23、han if people try without support.And the quit rates were particularly convincing given that before the study started, most of the people had said theyd rather cut down gradually before quitting. “If youre training for a marathon, you wouldnt expect to turn up and just be able to run it. And I think

24、 people see that for smoking as well. They think, Well, if I gradually reduce, its like practice,” says Lindson-Hawley. But that wasnt the case. Instead of giving people practice, the gradual reduction likely gave them addiction and withdrawal symptoms(脫癮癥狀) before they even reached the day, which c

25、ould be why fewer people in that group actually made it to that point. “Regardless of your stated preference, if youre ready to quit, quitting abruptly is more effective,” says Dr. Gabriela Ferreira. “When you can quote a specific number like a fifth of the patients were able to quit, thats acceptab

26、le. It gives them the encouragement, I think, to really go for it,” Ferreira says.People rarely manage to quit the first time they try. But at least, she says, they can maximize the odds of success.1、What dose Lindson-Hawley say about her mother?AShe quit smoking with her daughters helpBShe was also

27、 a researcher of tobacco and healthCShe studied the smoking patterns of adult smokersDShe succeeded in quitting smoking abruptly2、What kind of support did smokers receive to quit smoking in Lindson-Hawleys study?AThey were given physical trainingBThey were offered nicotine replacementCThey were enco

28、uraged by psychologistDThey were looked after by physicians3、How does Dr. Gabriela Ferreira view the result of Lindson-Hawleys experiment?AIt is encouraging BIt is unexpectedCIt is impractical DIt is misleading4、Take the idea of “a marathon” (Para.5) as an example to show that quitting smoking .Ais

29、something few can accomplish Brequires a lot of patienceCneeds some practice first Dis a challenge at the beginning23(8分)Red wolves used to be a common sight across the southeastern United States.But today,there are just 50 left in the wild.The red wolf is one of the most endangered wild canine spec

30、ies(犬科動物)in the world.In the past five years, the species population in the wild has dropped by half.The US Fish and Wildlife Service had been working for decades to reintroduce the species into the wild,but the organization recently put the program on hold.According to Cindy Dohner,the southeast re

31、gional director for the Fish and Wildlife Service,the agency is focusing on our commitment to get the science right and rebuild trust with our neighbors in those communities as we address problems regarding the recovery of the red wolf.But the animal-rights group Defenders of Wildlife said on its we

32、bsite that the decision made by the Fish and Wildlife Service falls well short of what is needed to continue red wolf recovery.The red wolf was declared an endangered species in 1967.By 1980,it had been hunted to extinction(滅絕)in the wild.Some hunters thought the red wolves were coyotes(土狼), so most

33、 people killed them because they believed wolves were dangerous and would attack people.This wrong belief has made it difficult to restore the species, because people are afraid to have red wolves reintroduced near human communities.Experts say that one way to fight these fears is simply to teach pe

34、ople about red wolves.In reality,they are shy animals that they dont get close to humans and hunt mostly at night.According to the Fish and Mildlife Service, captive breeding centers in the US are home to about 200 red wolves.But without continued efforts from the government and private groups,red w

35、olves will continue to suffer.1、The underlined phrase put.on hold in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”.Apaused BpromotedCoverlooked Daccomplished2、What does Defenders of Wildlife think of the Fish and Wildlife Services decision?APractical. BAnnoying.CSatisfactory. DDisappointing.3、The trouble in reintr

36、oducing red wolves near human communities lies in_.Ahumans over-huntingBfears in human beingsCshortage of food in the wildDlack of governmental support4、What can we know about red wolves from the text?AThey dont hunt in the daytime at all.BTheir total population in the world is only 50.CThey keep aw

37、ay from humans due to shyness.DThey are dangerous because they attack people.24(8分) When was the last time you used plastic plates? Next time, why not try some edible ones? Youll help the environment and your guests wont go hungry.“I used to work in school catering and saw a lot of money being throw

38、n away. I thought that was criminal, so I decided to do something about it,” said Italian school chef Tiziano Vicentini.Now, Vicentini has an amazing range of edible plates for schools. The plates are made out of bread dough, so you can eat them afterwards. “These dishes cost a few pennies each and

39、are either eaten by the kids, or go into recycling bins for animal food,” explained Vicentini, 50, of Milan.But now other companies are developing edible plates, too. The Edible Plate Company offers edible plates, bowls, trays and cups. Their products are environmentally-friendly, 100% biodegradable

40、 and can be used for all types of catering and home use. And theyre made from a natural plant. After use, they can be fed to animals or left to degrade naturally. They also have a range of cutlery (餐具)made from corn and potato starch (淀粉).These plates will also help reduce the amount of plastic we c

41、reate. Waste from plastic causes damage to the environment, costing governments millions in waste management. Plastic bags often end up in landfill sites. And the burning of plastic waste causes toxic gases that pollute the air.In response to this, governments around the world are introducing tough

42、recycling regulations. And many shops are offering biodegradable plastic bags and eco-safe packaging on their products. To help matters, the International Organization for Standardization (the ISO) has also developed a system to evaluate the biodegradability of products, with a certification and log

43、o scheme. Meanwhile, how about a nice plate for lunch?1、Which of the following is not the advantage of edible plates?AThey are expensive.BThey can degrade naturally.CThey are environmentally-friendly.DThey are made from natural plant.2、Which of the following statements is true?ATiziano is from Germa

44、ny.BEdible plates are only used for school catering,CCorn and potato starch can be used to make cutlery.DThe Edible Plate Company doesnt produce edible bowls.3、What does the underlined word “this” refer to?AThe air pollution.BThe edible cutlery.CThe toxic gases caused by the burning of plastic.DThe

45、damage to the environment caused by plastic waste.4、What is the main idea of this passage?AThe measures to stop the pollution.BThe ways to reduce the plastic waste.CHow to make edible plates from natural plants.DThe plate solution to eating and environmental problem.25(10分) Sally Dawly is a woman fr

46、om Auburn, California. Over the last three and a half years, the anti-littering woman has spent most of her free time picking up cigarette butts (煙頭) from the streets of her home city.Called the “Butt Lady” by her local community, Dawly began her mission to rid the streets of her city of cigarette b

47、utts in October, 2014. The woman looked for cigarette butts, picked them up and threw them in the trash. To keep a count of how many butts she picks up, the Butt Lady has been using a tablet, and earlier this month, she hit a historic milestoneone million cigarette butts.“I got tired of going on my

48、walks and seeing cigarette butts everywhere,” Sally Dawly said. “Im just shocked that I had to pick up so many. Ive ever picked up 3,000 butts in one day,” she said. “Dont throw away your butts; better yet, stop smoking.”With so many cigarette butts littering the streets, can one persons efforts rea

49、lly make a difference? Surprisingly, the answer seems to be yes. Soon after the Butt Lady of Auburn started her mission and word of her efforts spread, cigarette cans started appearing around bars and restaurants in the city. Members of the local community even came out to cheer her on as she approa

50、ched her one-million-butt milestone.Sally knows her citys cigarette butt littering problem wont be solved anytime soon, but she hopes her work will inspire people to at least think twice before dropping cigarette butts in the streets. She has decided to continue cleaning up after irresponsible smoke

51、rs, and already has a new milestone in her sightstwo million cigarette butts.Word of the Butt Ladys efforts to keep the streets cigarette butt-free has reached neighboring communities as well, and CBS Sacramento reports that other cities have started seeking her help as well.1、Why does Sally Dawly c

52、arry an iPad with her while picking up the butts?ATo entertain the crowds.BTo monitor the smokers.CTo attract peoples attention.DTo record the number of butts.2、How did Sally Dawly feel when picking up cigarette butts?AExcited but upset.BShocked and sorryCFrightened but content.DAstonished and despe

53、rate.3、From the text. what can be inferred about Sally Dawly?AShe picks up nearly 3,000 cigarette butts every day.BShe will work in other cities in California in the future.CShe has set a new goal of picking up two million cigarette butts.DShe picked up one million cigarette butts with members of he

54、r community.4、What is the text mainly about?ACalifornias “Butt Lady”.BFighting against smoking.CCalifornians health problems.DSmoking problems in California.第三部分 語言知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)26(30分)New genetic analysis has revealed that many Amazon tree spe

55、cies are likely to survive human-made climate warming in the coming century, contrary to previous findings that temperature increases would cause them to die out. A study, 1 in the latest edition of Ecology and Evolution, reveals the 2 age of some Amazonian tree species - more than 8 million years -

56、 and 3 shows that they have survived previous periods as warm as many of the global warming imagined periods 4 for the year 2100. The authors write that, having survived warm periods in the past, the trees will 5 survive future warming, provided there are no other major environmental changes. 6 extr

57、eme droughts and forest fires will impact Amazonia as temperatures 7 , the trees will stand the direct impact of higher temperatures. The authors 8 that as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the risk of drought and fire, conservation policy should remain 9 on preventing deforestat

58、ion(采伐森林)for agriculture and mining. The study disagrees with other recent researches which predicted tree species extinctions 10 relatively small increases in global average air temperatures. Study co-author Dr Simon Lewis (UCL Geography) said the 11 were good news for Amazon tree species, but warn

59、ed that drought and over-exploitation of the forest remained major 12 to the Amazons future. Dr Lewis said: “The past cannot be compared directly with the future. while tree species seem likely to 13 higher air temperatures than today, the Amazon forest is being transformed for agriculture and 14 ,

60、and what remains is being degraded by logging, and increasingly split up by fields and roads. “Species will not move as freely in todays Amazon as they did in previous warm periods, when there was no human 15 . Similarly, todays climate change is extremely fast, making comparisons with slower change


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