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1、名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案Unit1 Topic2 Section D參考教案Section DThe main activities are 1 and 5. 本課重點(diǎn)活動(dòng)是 1 和 5;. Teaching aims and demands 教學(xué)目標(biāo) 1. Learn the phonetic alphabets: /, / /, /, / 2. Review some useful sentences: 1Excuse me, are you Jane. Yes, I am./No, I not. m 2Whats your name.My name is Sally. 3Whats your

2、telephone number.My telephone number/It is 6800-3553. 3. Review some personal pronouns: I, we, you, he, she, it, they 4. Review the useful short forms: isn t=is notaren t=are notshe=she is hes=he isthey re=they arewhats=what iswhos=who iswheres=where is5. Review questions and their answers with am/i

3、s/are: 1Where are you from. I m from Canada.t.t.2Is she Jane. Yes, she is./No, she isn3Is he Li Ming. Yes, he is./No, he isn 4Who are they. They are Maria and Jane. 5Are you from Japan. Yes, we are./No, we arent. Teaching aids 教具單詞卡片 /自制名片 /教學(xué)掛圖 /音頻設(shè)備 /小黑板或投影儀 /照片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學(xué)方案St

4、ep 1 Review 第一步復(fù)習(xí) 時(shí)間 :10 分鐘名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案鞏固數(shù)字的讀法及升降調(diào)的用法,為導(dǎo)入新課做預(yù)備;1. 讓同學(xué)把家庭作業(yè),即找到的固定電話號(hào)碼、手機(jī)號(hào)碼、門牌號(hào)碼、車牌號(hào)碼、郵編等都展現(xiàn)出來(lái),兩人一組相互提問;目的是鞏固數(shù)字的讀法; T: Read the numbers in pairs. 2. 老師出示句子讓同學(xué)標(biāo)升降調(diào),檢查同學(xué)語(yǔ)調(diào)的把握情形;師生共同朗讀,核對(duì)答案; T: Read the sentences and mark the intonation. Example: A: What s your name. B: My name is Kangkang.

5、 A: Are you from China. B: Yes, I am. A: What s your telephone number. B: My telephone number is 0106267-6790. 3. 利用同學(xué)自制的名片,師生互動(dòng),進(jìn)行綜合才能考查;目的是準(zhǔn)時(shí)發(fā)覺同學(xué)的學(xué)問弱點(diǎn),并賜予指導(dǎo);先師生問答,后同學(xué)與同學(xué)之間操練; T: What s your name.S1: My name is T: Where are you from. S1: I m from T: Whats your telephone number.S1: My telephone numb

6、er is Step 2 Presentation 其次步出現(xiàn)時(shí)間:8 分鐘 學(xué)習(xí)特別電話號(hào)碼的含義, 豐富生活常識(shí); 練習(xí)元音字母 a 和 e分別在開閉音節(jié) 中的發(fā)音,培育同學(xué)的拼讀才能;1. 出示 2 圖片,讓同學(xué)觀看并說(shuō)出相應(yīng)的電話號(hào)碼,完成2; s T: Boys and girls, what should we do when we meet the different troubles. Letlook at the pictures in 2 and youll know the answers.2. 老師拿出預(yù)備好的卡片,a 和 e 用不同顏色寫出; 名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案T:

7、Can you read this word.出示寫有 Jane的卡片; Ss: Yes. /. T: Please read it.出示寫有 name的卡片; Ss: /. T: Please read it.出示 cake并讓同學(xué)試讀; Ss: / /.老師幫忙回答; 讓同學(xué)找出 a 的讀音,并試發(fā)音 / /; T: Do they have the same vowel.老師翻譯; Ss: Yes, / /. 老師教讀 / /,并讓同學(xué)留意口型, 然后讓同學(xué)觀看這三個(gè)單詞的拼寫規(guī)章,老師幫忙歸納發(fā)音規(guī)章,并說(shuō)明開音節(jié); Ss: 元音字母 +輔音字母 +不發(fā)音的 e. T: OK. How

8、 do you read this one then.出示 same的卡片; Ss: /.幫忙回答; T: This one.出示 take 的卡片; Ss: /. 用同樣的方法教學(xué)字母a 在閉音節(jié)中的讀音; T: Youre great, now lets read again.再讓同學(xué)讀 / /, / /和相應(yīng)單詞; 以同樣的方法教學(xué) e 的發(fā)音規(guī)律; 3. 老師用投影儀或小黑板展現(xiàn)一些單詞,讓同學(xué)按開音節(jié)和閉音節(jié)歸類,并試著拼讀; grade, cake, same, she, desk, these, that, be, ten 老師更正讀音,并領(lǐng)讀; 4. 播放 1 錄音,讓同學(xué)認(rèn)真

9、聽并跟讀,完成 1; Step 3 Consolidation 第三步鞏固時(shí)間 :10 分鐘 復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)學(xué)問和重點(diǎn)句型,培育同學(xué)綜合運(yùn)用語(yǔ)言的才能;1. 老師先將各人稱代詞做成單獨(dú)的小卡片, 讓同學(xué)在黑板上找它們的搭檔 am, is, are; T: Now let名師精編優(yōu)秀教案s match the subject pronouns with am/is/are. I he we am she you it they is are 2. 讓同學(xué)依據(jù)上表造句,要求使用確定句、否定句、一般疑問句、確定、否定回答及以 who, where 開頭的特別疑問句; Example: I am Ma

10、ria. I am not Maria. Are you Maria. Yes, I am./No, Im not.Who is he. He is Tom. Where is he from. He is from 3. 讓同學(xué)看 3a語(yǔ)法,老師歸納并領(lǐng)讀;師生對(duì)話,把握所給出的縮寫詞和問答句型,完成 3a; 4. 完成小黑板上的對(duì)話, 讓同學(xué)綜合練習(xí)人稱代詞, be動(dòng)詞及以 who,where開頭的疑問句; 用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空完成對(duì)話; A: Good morning. B: . A: you Jane. B: Yes, am. A: Where are from. B: I from Can

11、ada. A: are they. B: are Tony and Sally. A: Tony from the U.S.A. B: No, he . 名師精編優(yōu)秀教案is from England. A: is Sally from. B: is from the U.S.A. A: Thanks, goodbye. B: . Step 4 Practice 第四步練習(xí) 時(shí)間 :10 分鐘 讓同學(xué)總結(jié)本單元重點(diǎn)句子,并操練;讓同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí) chant,增強(qiáng)同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)的積極性;1. 讓同學(xué)自主總結(jié)重點(diǎn)句子,老師補(bǔ)充并核對(duì); ll check the answers T: Find out the

12、useful expressions by yourselves. Then wetogether. 2. 師生互動(dòng)操練重點(diǎn)句子,完成 3b; T: Excuse me, are you Jane. S1: No, I m not. Im Wang Wei.T: Whats your name.S2: My name is Sally. T: Whats your telephone number.S3: My telephone number/It is 6800-3553. 板書重點(diǎn)句子,同學(xué)自由練習(xí),然后請(qǐng)同學(xué)到臺(tái)前表演;目的是培育同學(xué)的口語(yǔ)表達(dá)才能及合作精神; 3. 播放 4 錄音;師

13、生互動(dòng), 活躍課堂氣氛; 進(jìn)一步復(fù)習(xí)五個(gè)元音字母, 完成 4; Step 5 Project 第五步綜合探究活動(dòng) 時(shí)間 :7 分鐘 通過(guò)嬉戲活動(dòng)鞏固所學(xué)學(xué)問,培育同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)愛好;1. 進(jìn)行音標(biāo) / / / / /認(rèn)讀嬉戲; 1嬉戲規(guī)章:要求同學(xué)集中留意力看老師的口型,老師讀音標(biāo)但不發(fā)出聲音,讓同學(xué)舉手說(shuō)出是哪一個(gè)音標(biāo); 老師也可以讓舉手最快的同學(xué)來(lái)回答,假如正確就賜予夸獎(jiǎng);2嬉戲之前,老師要強(qiáng)調(diào)這四個(gè)音標(biāo)的發(fā)音口型,并讓同學(xué)齊讀幾遍;T: OK. Boys and girls, lets play a game. First lets review the phonetic alphabets.

14、Ss: OK. 名師精編優(yōu)秀教案T: Let s begin our game. Look at my mouth carefully. 做發(fā)“ / / ”音口型; S1: / /. T: Oh, no. Look at my mouth again. S2: / /. T: Good, you re right2. 完成 5; 1把自己制作的名片拿出來(lái),和伙伴一起對(duì)話; T: Make a dialog with your own name cards. S1: Whats your name.S2: My name is S1: Where are you from. S2: I m fr

15、om S1: Whats your telephone number.S2: My telephone number is 2依據(jù)自己制作的名片,在講臺(tái)前做自我介紹;目的是培育同學(xué)的語(yǔ)言懂得才能和表達(dá)才能; T: Please introduce yourself. Example: Hello. My name is I m from My telephone number is 3. Homework: 1仿照 5 制作三五個(gè)好伴侶的個(gè)人信息卡;2假設(shè)你是一名記者,你的搭檔是個(gè)名人,對(duì)他做一個(gè)采訪,寫一份對(duì)話形式的調(diào)查報(bào)告;3寫一篇關(guān)于自己的短文;板書設(shè)計(jì):Where are you from. Section D 1. / Jane name 名師精編優(yōu)秀教案cake 4Where are you from. / / hand bag map I m from Canada./ me she we 5Who are they. / egg pen dress They are Maria and Jane. 2.1Is she Jane. 6Excuse


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