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1、62、這里是接待處,可以為您效勞嗎? Heres the reception. What can I do for you?64、早上好! Good morning! 65、下午好! Good afternoon! 66、明天見(jiàn)! See you ! 67、歡送您! You are welcome 68、見(jiàn)到您很快樂(lè)! Im very glad to meet you 69、請(qǐng)這邊走! This way, please 70、請(qǐng)里邊坐! Come in and sit down please 71、請(qǐng)您休息一下! Take a rest, please 72、請(qǐng)飲用一杯茶。 Have a cu

2、p of tea, please 79、還要?jiǎng)e的嗎? Anything else?83、對(duì)不起,讓您久等了。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.84、好,馬上就來(lái)。 Yes, right away85、好,請(qǐng)稍等。 Ok, just a minute. 86、向左拐。 Turn left please 87、向右拐。 Turn right please 88、一直往前走。 Straight on please 94、請(qǐng)問(wèn)廁所在哪里? Where is the toilet?95、先生,請(qǐng)問(wèn)您預(yù)訂過(guò)座位嗎? Do you have a reser

3、vation, sir?96、夫人,請(qǐng)這邊走。 This way, please, Madam.97、先生,請(qǐng)跟我來(lái)好嗎? Would you please follow me, Sir? 98、夫人,這是您的座位。 This is your table, Madam. 99、請(qǐng)坐。 Sit down, please100、請(qǐng)等一等,我馬上給您安排。Wait a moment, please, Ill be with you, right away.101、請(qǐng)問(wèn)一共幾位? How many people in all, please? 102、您喜歡坐這里嗎? Would you like t

4、o take this table? 103、這里有一張空臺(tái),先生。 Here is a vacant table, Sir. 104、請(qǐng)坐在那里,先生。 Sit there, Sir.105、對(duì)不起,您能跟這位先生女士,小姐合用一張臺(tái)嗎?Excuse me, would you like to share this with that gentleman? 106、對(duì)不起,這里有空位嗎?Excuse me, Do you have a free table, Sir?107、已經(jīng)有人招呼您了嗎? Are you being served? 108、茶上好了。 Tea is ready109、

5、這里有點(diǎn)心。 Here are some cakes. 110、請(qǐng)吸煙。 Help yourself to a cigarette.111、先生請(qǐng)問(wèn)您這個(gè)團(tuán)共多少人?How many are there in your party, Sir?112、先生,對(duì)不起暫時(shí)沒(méi)有空位了。Im sorry, Sir. Theres no vacant table for the moment118、先生,來(lái)杯茅臺(tái)酒嗎? How about a cup of Maotai, Sir? 120、你要哪種? Which may I bring you? 121、您吃點(diǎn)什么? What are you going

6、 to take? 122、您喜歡喝什么酒? What wine would you like, Sir? 123、先生,請(qǐng)慢用。 Enjoy your dinner, Sir.124、這茶還很燙,請(qǐng)小心。The tea is still too hot, be careful, please.125、現(xiàn)在上菜好嗎? May I serve you now?126、抱歉,耽誤了您的時(shí)間。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting127、實(shí)在對(duì)不起,我們馬上替您重做。Im very sorry. We will make another portion for you

7、shortly.128、對(duì)不起,我馬上問(wèn)清楚再告訴您。Im sorry. Ill make it clear and inform you as soon as possible. 129、請(qǐng)隨意用 Help yourself.134、要我給您上點(diǎn)新鮮的水果嗎? Shall I help you some fresh fruits?137、我可以撤掉這些盤(pán)子嗎? May I clear away the dishes, Please?138、我們可以清理臺(tái)面嗎? May I clear the table, Sir? 139、現(xiàn)在可以為您結(jié)帳嗎? Sir,the bill please?140

8、、這是您的找頭,謝謝。 Its your change. Thank you very much.141、請(qǐng)您簽字 Please sign your name, Sir. 142、請(qǐng)付現(xiàn)款好嗎 Pay your bill by cash, Please. 143、先生,這是您的賬單。 Heres your bill, Sir.144、您可以用現(xiàn)金或信用卡付賬。You can either pay in cash or in credit card.146、先生,這是您的收據(jù)。 Heres your check, Sir.150、謝謝,歡送再來(lái),謝謝。Thank you very much, S

9、ir. Do come again, Please!154、效勞員,請(qǐng)拿帳單來(lái)! Waiter,bill,Please! 155、請(qǐng)把我的帳單開(kāi)好。 Please make out my bill. 156、一共多少錢(qián)? What will it be altogether?220、在接待臺(tái)。 On the reception, please.1Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 請(qǐng)坐,給您菜單。先生,您要點(diǎn)菜嗎?4Its our chefs recommendation.這是我們大廚的拿手菜。5 He

10、re is the bill. Please sign it.這是您的賬單。請(qǐng)簽字。7You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave.您可以簽帳單。離店時(shí)會(huì)給您結(jié)帳。9Have you anything in mind as to decidedwhat to drink?您決定了喝什么嗎?12Pardon? 對(duì)不起,請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f(shuō)一遍。13Sorry, sir ,but I dont understand what you mean.很抱歉,先生,我沒(méi)有聽(tīng)懂您的意思。18could you please repeat a

11、 little more slowly?您能再慢點(diǎn)兒說(shuō)一遍嗎?19Its delicious and worth a try.它鮮美可口,值得一試。20Many guests give high comments on the wine.許多賓客對(duì)這種酒贊賞備至。23please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.如果你有什么問(wèn)題,請(qǐng)隨即和我們聯(lián)系。24youll regret if you dont have a test.如果您不嘗一下,您準(zhǔn)會(huì)懊悔。25Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 很

12、抱歉,讓您久等了。26Im really sorry, but I seem to have misserved a dish.真對(duì)不起,我好似上錯(cuò)了一個(gè)菜。27I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上錯(cuò)了湯,真抱歉。Next to the lift 在電梯旁Turn Right then turn left 向左拐然后向左拐Walk along this road 沿著這條路一直走Go straight ahead and turn left at the end of the road.一直向前走,走到底向左轉(zhuǎn)菜單鍋底類(lèi)秘制九宮格麻辣火

13、鍋 House special nine boxes spicy hot pot小鍋 small pot 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鍋 standard pot 特辣鍋 a lot of spicy hot pot牛油菌湯鴛鴦鍋Butter and mushroom in double flavoured hot pot牛油甲魚(yú)鴛鴦鍋Butter and soft shelled turtle in double flavoured hot pot牛油蹄花鴛鴦鍋Butter and pork leg in double flavoured hot pot肚包雞鍋Pit stomach cotain chicken

14、in hot pot清湯鍋Clear soup bases鴛鴦鍋Dual hot pot soup bases自助調(diào)料 Self- service condiment雪域毛肚 snow region鮮豬黃喉 fresh pork aorta草原毛肚 tripes of the prairies手工黑豆腐 Handmade black bean curd香天下筍片 bamboo shoot slice鮮鴨腸 fresh duck intestines農(nóng)家酥肉 countryside crispy meat極品鵝腸 special goose intestine現(xiàn)劃土鱔魚(yú) fresh local

15、specialty eel-pieces手切嫩羊肉 Fresh mutton slices鮮毛肚 Fresh tripes鞭走鞭愛(ài) fresh ox penis鳳尾大蝦 phoenix tail prawns鮮牛舌 fresh oxtongue草原羔羊肉 kidlet of the prairies手工羊肉卷 Handmade mutton roll slices上腦肥牛 Oxbrains雪花肥牛 fresh snow beef極品五花肉 Top - class安格斯肥牛 Augus Fat beef slices牛羊肉拼盤(pán) beef and mutton cold dishes飛菱牛肉 fe

16、i ling beef鵪鶉蛋 quail eggs脆皮腸 crispy intestine鮮牛蛙 Fresh bullfrog蝦餃 Shrimp dumplings腦花 brains午餐肉 spam meat 蟹肉棒 Crab slick五香肥腸 spiced fatty intestines嫩滑鮮豬肝 fresh pork liver smooth滴脆腰花 pork kidney pieces大刀腰片 sliced kidneys鮮鴨血 fresh duck blood curds鮮鴨胗 fresh duck gizzard琥珀牛肉 amber beef黑魚(yú)片 black fish fill

17、et麻辣鯰魚(yú)片 spicy and hot catfish slice毛肚上上簽 beef omasum slick串串口口脆 chick gizzard slick牛肉上上簽 beef slick黃辣丁 yellow cartfish基圍蝦 shrimp無(wú)骨鴨掌 Boneless Duck feet 一心一意 chicken lung撒尿牛丸 soup meatballs首相丸子 meatballs served with cilantro水晶蝦丸 Crystal shrimp meatballs墨魚(yú)丸 cuttle meatballs魚(yú)滑 fish smooth蝦滑 shrimp smoo

18、th墨魚(yú)滑 savory cuttle fish smooth滑丸組合 combination of fish smooth,shrimp smooth and meatballs平菇 shitake mushrooms雞腿茹 goprinus comatus fungus杏鮑菇 abalone fungus香菇 champignon金針菇 needle mushrooms黑木耳 black agaric fungus百靈菇 cathe lasma ventricosum松茸菌粉絲 straw mushroom菌類(lèi)拼盤(pán) mushroom cold dish牛頭肉 cow meat牛舌 oxto

19、ngue牛大肚 tripes牛雜大拼盤(pán) beef offal in big dish油面筋 fried gluten puff鮮豆腐 fresh bean curd豆皮 peel of bean curd中百葉 middle many plies凍豆腐 iced bean curd豆芽 beansprouts冬瓜 winter gourd蘿卜 white turnip菠菜 spinach生菜心 lettuce油麥菜 lettuces土豆粉 potato powder龍口粉絲 long kou vermicelli娃娃菜 napa cabbage西紅柿 tomatoes海帶 seaweed天下寬

20、粉 house special wide vermicelli寬粉 wide vermicelli豆苗 bean seedling蒿仔菜 chinese tarragon leaf花菜 broccoli(西蘭花 菜花:cauliflowers)蓮藕 lotus root年糕 rice cake山藥 cinnamomvine苗寨紅薯粉 red potato powder茼蒿菜 garland chrysanthemum土豆 potatoes萵筍 asparagus lettuce時(shí)蔬拼盤(pán) vegetable cold dish天府老壇子 sichuan old crock jar 山椒木耳 bl

21、ack fungus in wild pepper雞絲涼面 cold noodles with chicken slices川北涼粉 tossed clear noodles with chili sauce有機(jī)冰草 organic wheatgrass紅油耳片 hot pig ears夫妻肺片 pig lungs水晶皮蛋 crystal preserved egg茶香豬耳 pig ear with tea鹵鴨頭 spiced duck head鹵金錢(qián)肚 spiced ox tripe鹵鴨脖 spiced duck neck鹵牛肉 spiced beef鹵豬舌 pigs tongue紅糖糍粑

22、brown sugar glutinous rice cake成都鐘水餃 pock dumplings in chengdu style紅燒牛肉面 beef stew noodle soup旦旦面 dandan noodles卡通豬仔包 steamed stuffed bun in catoon pig style四川泡菜 kraut in sichuan style蔬菜小籠包 small steamed bun with vegetable青菜炒飯 fried rice with vegetables白米飯 white rice1)3) tigerHeinekenTsing tao beer shikumen(red mark) shikumen(black mark)strong wineWuliangye Feitian moutai Jian nan chunEmperior of tang (house special)Luzhou first-grade classics18) xiao hu tu xian


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