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1、青少版新概念英語2A第一階段測試Listening (聽力部分)(10C. swimmi ngC. yoursC.denyC. carryC. putB . It next to the river.B . He is draw ing a pictureB . You must nt fish here.4.A . There are some kites in the sky.B . There are some boats in the river.5.B . Its 673 km.A . Its 376 km.三單詞聽寫。(10Part n Writing (筆試部分)根據(jù)漢語提示寫出

2、正確的單詞。(10)1.Turn the TV(打開)。2.Good on Sunday!幸運(yùn),運(yùn)氣)3. is this mobile? It 誰的s.(4.Give it to (我).5.Now, Paul, walk this way. Pick up your 金牌).It s yours.選擇填空。(20)( )1.1 am in the coffee bar the Arrival exit.A .for B. i nto C. next to D. at( )2.Let introduce Paul BruceA. I B. my C. to me D. me( )3. Thi

3、s is your first Marathon, ?A. isn t heB. arent they. isn t itD. arent you()4. Whose book is it? It isnt.It is Pauls.A. myB. mi neC. ID. me()5. You mustn tcold.A. beB. goC. getD. have()6. Pick up your medal. It s !A. yourB. youC. to youD. yours()7. Why are youan ts?A. look ing atB. look ing upC. look

4、i ng toD. looki ng for( )8. -You win the game. A. Co ngratulatio ns. B. OK. C. You win. D. Ha, ha.( )9. This English book me.A. bel ongs to B. looks like C. looks forward to( )10. -1 m music. How about you?-l m drinking coffee.A. liste ning B. liste ning to C. hear D. heari ng( )11.A: are you, and a

5、re you doing ,David?B: I am drinking a cup of coffee in the coffee bar.A: What; where B: Where; what C: How ; what( )12. A: What is Tina doing there ? B: She is wait ing her mother.A: for B: to C: of()13. A:Who the meat in the kitchen now ? B:Mum .A: cooks B: is cook ing C: cook()14. A: What do you

6、often do Saturday ?B: I ofte n go swimmi ng with my mother.A: on B: at C: inn ews .)15. A: What are you readi ng,Tom ? B:l am readi ng,B: Yes ,l am .)19. A:What are Mary and Mike doing over there ?bel ongs to Jim .A. They) re playing football.B. It )s ten to five.從A欄中找出與B欄句子相配的句子。(10)1.Whe n does sh

7、e usually come home?2.What are you waiting for?4.What are the children doing in the garden? D. She)s writing some emailsF. At twenty past four.1.What/ doi ng /today?/ are/ the boys2.Paul and/ frien ds/ look ing/ to/ the Marath on./ forward/ his/ are3.Are /you/ a bus/ a taxi? /wait ing for/ or4.Can /

8、you /that picture? /take dow n5.beside/ me./ Hes/ here/ sta nding6.are /you /the /top /three /perce nt /in7.is /the /Trade Fair /This/ the /Lon don /Marathon /of8.pocket /why /is /earth /in /the /on /note /my五閱讀理解。(10)Spring is coming. The trees are gree n; The flowers are bloomi ng.We are going to

9、take a trip on Saturday. We are going to Zhongshan Park at 8:00 in the morning. I am going there on foot, because my home is n ear. Some go there by bike. Lucy and Lily are going to climb mountain there. Tom and Mike are going to fly kites. I an going to pla nt trees there. I thi nk we will have a n

10、ice day.1.In , we are going to take a trip.A spri ng B summer C fall2.We are going to the park in the morni ngA at 8:00 B at 10: 00 C at 9:003.I am going to the park A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot4 .What is Tom going to do there? A He is going to climb moun ta inB He is going to fly kitesC He is goin


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