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1、2022-2023學年高考英語模擬試卷請考生注意:1請用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應位置上,請用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應的答題區(qū)內。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項,按規(guī)定答題。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1On the surface of the water _, which spoiled the beautiful scenery of the park.Asome dead leaves did floatBsome dead leaves floatedCfloated some

2、 dead leavesDdid some dead leaves float2The engineer is thought to be capable and modest, so his promotion to manager is a popular _.AachievementBappointmentCcommitmentDemployment3You look sleepy today._ not to miss the flight, I didnt dare to close my eyes the whole night.ARemindedBBeing remindedCR

3、emindingDHaving reminded4Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears _Aat no time Bat one timeCin no time Dfor the time being5Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorrow?Pity he _ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.Awas sent Bhas been sentChad been sent Dwould be sent6 Who recommended Nancy

4、 for the post? It was James _ admiration for her was obvious.AwhoBthatCwhoseDwhom7 , he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.AA quiet student as he mayBQuiet student as he may beCBe a quiet student as he mayDQuiet as he may be a student8The famous book Frankenstein, _ by British noveli

5、st Mary Shelley, is the first work of science fiction.AwritingBhaving writtenCwrittenDwas written9If you go to buy the top best-selling CD, please get _ for me.AoneBitCthisDthat10Russias cutting off the gas supply raised a major concern to the European Union, a number of member states are increasing

6、ly dependent on one single supplier.AwhoseBthatCwhereDwhich11Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, _has been predicted, is fruitful.Awhat BwhichCas Dthat12Now the worlds attention _ the stocking markets, as they have great influence on the worlds economy.Ais fixing

7、on Bis being fixed onChas fixed on Dhad been fixed on13When the admission letter from Harvard University arrived, Bens parents were and threw a big party.Ain the red Btickled pinkCas white as a sheet Din a blue mood14 How do you find your new classmate? Oh, she is really _ of a musician, who can not

8、 only sing very beautifully, but also compose skillfully.AsomethingBsomebodyCeverythingDeverybody15Frankly, I still feel confused about _ he could manage without access to the Internet for such a long time.AwhatBwhyCthatDhow16Thanks to the efforts in environmental protection, the wetland has been _

9、to its original appearance.Arestored BdeliveredCtransferred Ddrafted17Not until he went abroad to further his study_ the importance of English.Ahas he found B he has found Cdid he find D he had found18She got her first science fiction published. It turned out to be_.When was that?It was in 2009 _ sh

10、e was still in college.Asuccess; thatBa success; whenCsuccess; whenDa success; that19Shall we turn to the boss for a longer holiday?Hell probably say no, _ its worth asking.Aso BwhileCunless Dthough20At the end of the historic area,Wilmington displayed its _ as a working port city:large warehouses a

11、nd a few other dated office buildingsAachievementBreputationCcharacterDstandard第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分) Blue Planet IIs latest episode focuses on how plastic is having a disastrous effect on the ocean and slowly poisoning our sea creatures. Researchers recently also fo

12、und that sea creatures living in the deepest place on Earth, the Mariana Trench, have plastic in their stomachs. Indeed, the oceans are drowning in plastic.Though it seems now that the world couldnt possibly function without plastics, consumer plastics are a remarkably recent invention. The first pl

13、astic bags were introduced in the 1950s; the same decade that plastic packaging began gaining in popularity in the United States. This growth has happened so fast that science is still catching up with the change. Plastics pollution research, for instance, is still a very early science.We put all th

14、ese plastics into the environment and we still dont really know what the outcomes are going to be. What we do know, though, is disturbing. Ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species, including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by it. O

15、ne in three leatherback turtles, which often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, have been found with plastic in their bellies. Ninety percent of seabirds are now eating plastics on a regular basis. By 2050, that figure is expected to rise to 100 percent.And its not just wildlife that is threatened

16、by the plastics in our seas. Humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat. I could understand why some people see ocean plastic as a disaster, worth mentioning to the same degree as climate change. But ocean plastic is not as complicated as climate change. There are no ocean trash denier

17、s (否認者), at least so far. To do something about it, we dont have to remake our planet energy system.This is not a problem where we dont know what the solution is. We know how to pick up garbage. Anyone can do it. We know how to dispose (處理) of it. We know how to recycle. We can all start by thinking

18、 twice before we use single-use plastic products. Things that may seem ordinary, like using a reusable bottle or a reusable bagwhen taken collectively, these choices really do make a difference.1、Why is plastics pollution research still a very early science?AThe plastics pollution research is too di

19、fficult.BPlastics have produced less pollution than coal.CThe world couldnt possibly function without plastics.DPlastics have gained in popularity too fast for science to catch up.2、How did the author support his opinion in Paragraph 3?ABy statistics.BBy quotations from leading experts.CBy using exa

20、mples from his own experience.DBy comparison and contrast.3、What can we infer about climate change?AClimate change is caused by human activities.BSome people hold some doubts about climate change.CClimate change is less important than ocean pollution.DOcean plastic is more complicated than climate c

21、hange.4、What is the main idea of this passage?AOcean plastic is a global issue.BThe oceans become choked with plastic.CBlue Planet II has left viewers heartbroken.DPlastics gain in popularity all over the world22(8分)Eighty-five-year old Chinese pharmacologist(藥理學家) Tu Youyou became Chinas first winn

22、er of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine when it was announced that she was one of three scientists awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in developing effective drugs against parastic diseases.Tu was honored for developing artemisin(青蒿素),a drug for malaria tha

23、t has saved millions of lives across the globe,especially in the developing world,the Nobel Assembly at karolinska Institue disclosed on its website on Monday.Tu,a Chinese trained pharmacologist and a researcher at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing,went to Stockholm,Sweden in

24、December to receive her award,according to Cao Hongxin,the science and techology department head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.She was calm and said she has received lots of congratulatory calls. Cao told China Daily on Monday after he telephoned Tu to congratulate her.

25、Its an overdue(遲來的)honor for Tu and the worlds recognition of traditional Chinese medicine, he said.Tus breakthrough in winning the Nobel Prize in a natural science is the pride of the whole nation and the whole Chinese scientific community, said Zhou Dejin,spokesman of the Chinese Academy of Scienc

26、e,Chinas national research body that consists of more than one hundred research insistutes,universities and research branches,The achievement of discovering artemisinin was made in the 1970s,but it only received international recognition in later years ,which suggests that we might have more achieve

27、ments that have reached the Nobel Prize level but have not been recognized. Zhou said.1、Why was Tu Youyou awarded the Nobel Prize?AShe made a breakthrough in the Chinese scientific communityBShe came up with a revolutionary theory about medicineCShe devoted her whole life to medicine researchDShe de

28、veloped a very effective drug in the 1970s2、What do we know about Tu Youyou ?AShe secretly accepted the Nobel Prize by herselfBShe s the second Chinese to win the 2015 Nobel PrizeCShe has an ordinary heart though winning the Nobel PrizeDShe won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with thr

29、ee scientists3、What can we infer from the last paragraph?AChina lacks talented scientists like Tu YouyouBTus achievement was recognized by the world a long time agoCChinese scientists should work harder to win more Nobel PrizesDMore Chinese scientific achievements should be acknowledged4、What type o

30、f writing does this passage belong to?AA scientific report BAn official documentCA news report DA medical record23(8分)For many foreigners who have visited or worked in China, one of their strong impressions is that the country is very safe. Here , you can go out alone late at night to eat at a food

31、stand without feeling nervous. You can also let your younger children ride public transport all by themselves without worrying about their safety.This year, 2018 , marks 8 special anniversary of the launching of the reform and opening up policy, which took place two score years ago in China. Over th

32、e past few decades, the country has achieved fast economic growth, while social peace and stability have been maintained(維護) to the fullest extent at the lowest cost. Of course, there are still unsolved problems. However, from the overall aspect, Chinese society remains harmonious and safe. In my ey

33、es , this should be attributed(歸于) largely to the cultural ;economic and political environment of the country.A society can be stable and orderly only when its people can lead a prosperous(繁榮的) life. After the introduction of the reform and opening up policy, China achieved fast economic growth and

34、significant scientific and technological progress. In the meantime, the Chinese government has taken various measures such 2s those to fight corruption, reduce poverty and promote the rule of law, in order to uphold social equity. Thanks to these efforts, the potential factors that might cause socia

35、l problems have been greatly reduced.Apart from government departments including the police and judicial(司法的) departments , the general public also contributes much to social governance. The development of information technology has created new ways of linking the police and the public. By jointly f

36、ighting crimes in such ways, the public and the police have developed an ever-increasing level of mutual trust and positive interaction.The safety and stability in China did not come easily. Rather; it should be attributed to the efforts made by 1.3 billion people. For both Chinese and foreigners li

37、ving in the country, the sense of safety and security is very precious.1、The main idea of the passage is that .AChina has achieved fast economic growth and people are becoming richBthe Chinese government has taken various measures to fight social problemsCthe police and judicial departments work mor

38、e effectively to maintain social stabilityDvarious factors contribute to the stability and safety of present China2、In which year was the reform and opening up policy launched in China?AIn 1968.BIn 1978.CIn 1988.DIn 2008.3、Which of the following can be concluded according to the passage?AMost foreig

39、ners lack a sense of safety when staying in China.BGovernment departments rather than the general public play an important role in keeping social peace and stability.CPeoples prosperous life in a country can lead to a stable and orderly society.DFour basic reasons are listed throughout the passage f

40、or Chinas stability and safety.4、What is the tone of the text?ANegative.BPositive.CHumorous.DDoubtful.24(8分)Free Online Creative Writing WorkshopSuitable for the students of all LevelsDream of writing poetry, short stories, or novels? Ever watched a movie or a play and felt the desire to write a scr

41、ipt of your own? If so, take our course online. Not only will we bring you techniques all forms of creative writing need most, we will also touch on the challenges and techniques that make your writing unique while getting your brainand your handmoving.Lesson 1: Small StepsAs a student of this cours

42、e, and as a creative writer, you will be writing. Decide where your words will go. Will you write longhand or will you type your words on a keyboard?Lesson 1 Video Complete Assignment: An Introduction Complete: Assignment 1: Starting Small Complete Exam: Lesson 1: Small StepsLesson 2: Getting Out of

43、 Your Own WayIf you long to write creatively, but you have a hard time getting started, you are not alone. There are far more people in the world who wish they were writers than those who actually write.Lesson 2 Video Review 2 Articles: Being Held Back by Your Fear of Writing?Online Writing Groups a

44、nd Writing Communities Complete: Assignment 2: Combatting Fear Complete Exam: Lesson 2: Getting Out of Your Own WayStudent recommendations“Great job. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to learn about and try some writing experiences Id never thought I might like.” -Dot S.“The writing assignments a

45、nd the instructor feedback were most helpful. I have taken two classes from this instructor, and I learned a great deal in both.” -Karen R.“The course had many suggested activities and exercises. The more of these I did the better experience I had with each lesson.” -Mel T.602、What is the passage de

46、signed for?AIntroducing some writing skills to children.BAttracting more students to attend the course.CPersuading students to write more creatively.DArousing the childrens enthusiasm in literature.1、What problem can Lesson 2 help people to solve?AWriting longhand.BFinishing assignments.CBeing afrai

47、d of writing.DBeing too shy to join groups.2、The student recommendations make the course more .AconvincingBchallengingCrecognizableDpractical25(10分)Ferry Services Fare TableEffective from 1st April 2019.Cash Only is accepted onboard our Ferries.Return Fares for Mainland to Bressay;Mainland to Whalsa

48、y;Mainland to Yell;Yell to Unst.All Fares are RETURN - Payable on outbound journey onlyPassengerAdult5.50OAPs (With SIC Pass) & Children up to 191.00Disabled Concessionary SIC Pass Holders0.00Adult 10 Multi Journey Ticket22.70Vehicles - Fares include driverVehicles up to and including 5.50m Return13

49、.60Motorcycles Return11.00Motorhome 5.5m - 9m20.50Motorhome 9m - 12m23.50Motorhome 12m +27.00Vehicle (5.5m) 10 Journey Ticket90.00Motorcycle 10 Journey Ticket72.00*For Yell to Unst, the fare payable is the same as the other “return fare” routes. However if your journey originated on the Mainland (yo

50、u have had to use two ferries on the same day or after 18:00 from the day before) then you will only be charged the one fare on Yell. Please retain the ticket you were sold on the Yell ferry for presenting on the Unst ferry.685、How will you pay for your ticket on the ferry?AIn cash.BBy credit card.C

51、With SIC Pass.DAll of above.1、Which of the following is true?AThe information above is not effective on Childrens Day,2019.BIts free for the disabled without an SIC pass.CThe vehicles fares vary in the sizes of them.DYou can see the fare information for 3 routes in the table.2、Jack (10 years old) an

52、d his parents will travel from mainland to Whalsay in their car, how much will they pay?A12.00B25.60C20.10D21.003、The best meaning of the underlined word “return” is _.AThe act of giving, putting or sending something back.BPayment or reward for something.CA change back to a previous state.DA ticket

53、for a journey from one place to another and back again.4、How much will be charged if you go from mainland to Yell, then to Unst on the same day?A11.00.B5.50.C6.50.D22.70.第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分)“Elsa, its you!” It was the four-year-olds sur

54、prise birthday party, and her favorite Disney character, Elsa from Frozen, had 1 . The two 2 began to sing the movies big song, “Let It Go”, and were soon 3 by four other fairy-tale princesses. You would swear you were celebrating at the most 4 place on earth.But this wasnt Disney World. It was a ca

55、ncer center at a childrens 5 in New York. And the princesses were college students who 6 for “A Moment of Magic”, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to lift the spirits of 7 children.It all 8 with a family movie night featuring Frozen. Maggie, now 23, 9 that she and Elsa had matching blond ha

56、ir and big blue eyes. Maggie and her friend Kylee then were 10 a new community project to work on, ideally one with kids. That sparked a(n) 11 dressing up as Disney princesses and visiting young patients. “Its nice to give the kids in hospital 12 to get some magic,” says Maggie.In 2015, after 13 $2,

57、000 on a GoFundMepage to pay for 14 and travel expenses, Maggie and Kylee gave their first 15 . They dressed as Elsa and her sister, Anna, to the screaming 16 of the girls and blushing smiles from the boys. They spent nearly three hours singing songs, taking pictures, and traveling from one bedside

58、to the next 17 they had visited and chatted with every one of the fifty 18 . “To see the kids believe in me, my character It was life changing,” says Maggie.Of course, a princess cannot work so many miracles at one time, 19 Maggie and Kylee recruited (招募) their peers. Today, “A Moment of Magic” has

59、400 volunteers from 11 colleges and a 20 kingdom of fans. These girls give young patients the moment of imagination, freedom, and happiness of dreaming.1、Aleft Barrived Cstopped Descaped2、Anoisily Bcuriously Canxiously Dexcitedly3、Ajoined Borganized Cdismissed Dpraised4、Afrightening Bmagical Cprimit

60、ive Ddistant5、Acampus Breserve Chospital Dcommunity6、Avolunteered Bvoted Cwaited Dstudied7、Aabandoned Bgenerous Csick Dwell-behaved8、Aended Bsettled Cmoved Dbegan9、Astressed Bnoticed Cconcluded Dadmitted10、Asearching for Bcatching up Ccheering for Dmaking up11、Asuggestion Bprinciple Cidea Dpicture12


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