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1、渠縣靜邊初級中學教師集體備課教案Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?單 元 總 覽類別課程標準要求掌握的項目單元話題Talk about animals in a zoo:In this unit, students learn to how to describe animals and express preferences.重點單詞1. tiger (n.)2. elephant (n.)3. panda (n.)4. lion (n.)5. giraffe (n.)6. cute (adj.)7. lazy (adj.)8. smart (adj.) 9. be

2、autiful (adj.)10. scary (adj.) 11. kind (n.)12. Australia (n.)13. south (adj.&n.)14. Africa (n.) 15. pet (n.) 16. leg (n.)17. cat (n.) 18. sleep (v.&n.) 19. animal (n.) 20. friendly (adj.) 21. shy (adj.) 22. save (v.)23. symbol (n.)24. flag (n.) 25. forget (v.) 26. place (n.)27. water (n.)28. danger

3、 (n.) 29. cut (v.)30. down (adv. & prep.)31. tree (n.) 32. kill (v.)33. over (prep.)34. zoo (n.)重點詞組1. kind of 2. South Africa 3. cut down 4. be in (great) danger5. walk on two legs6. a symbol of7. get lost8. walk for a long time重點句式1. What animals do you like?I like koalas.2. Why do you like koalas

4、?Because theyre very cute.3. Where are koalas from?Theyre from Australia.單元語法1. why / what / where引導的特殊疑問句及其回答;2. because引導的原因狀語從句;3. 學習動物名稱和常見的描述動物的形容詞。課 時 分 解渠縣靜邊初級中學教師集體備課教案Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?主備教師王 飛小組教師王飛、韓燕、徐麗蓉、張云峰上課教師科 目英 語班 級上課時間年 月 日 星期累計課時1 總第24課時課 題Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

5、第一課時 Section A(1a 2d)教學目標知識目標重點單詞tiger (n.) 老虎 elephant (n.) 大象koala (n.) 樹袋熊;考拉 panda (n.) 熊貓lion (n.) 獅子 giraffe (n.) 長頸鹿cute (adj.) 可愛的;機靈的 lazy (adj.) 懶惰的;懶散的 smart (adj.) 聰明的 beautiful (adj.) 美麗的;美好的 scary (adj.) 嚇人的;恐怖的 kind (n.) 種類Australia (n.) 澳大利亞 south (adj.) 南方的 (n.)南;南方Africa (n.) 非洲 pe

6、t (n.) 寵物 leg (n.) 腿 cat (n.) 貓 sleep (v.&n.) 睡覺重點詞組kind of (非正式)稍微;有點兒South Africa南非重點句式1. Lets see the lions.咱們?nèi)タ纯椽{子。Why do you want to see them?你為什么想去看他們?Because theyre interesting.因為他們是有趣的。2. Why dont you like the cat?你為什么不喜歡這只貓呢?Because shes kind of boring.因為她有點令人討厭。能力目標描述動物,談論喜好。提高學生的聽說能力。情感目標

7、1.培養(yǎng)學生對動物的喜愛之情。2.極度熱情,高度責任,全力以赴,在小組合作交流中享受學習的快樂。教學重點掌握祈使句、why引導的特殊疑問句及because表原因;熟練運用教學難點會熟練運用目標句型的新單詞談論動物及特質(zhì)教學方法及措施指導預習,合作探究,點撥總結 直觀教學法課 堂 環(huán) 節(jié)修訂、增減、備注自主學習方案學生自學新單詞(教材P25-26的單詞),看誰記得又快又準。(2 分鐘)1. tiger 老虎2. elephant大象3. koala 樹袋熊;考拉4. panda 熊貓5. lion 獅子6. giraffe長頸鹿7. cute可愛的;機靈的8. lazy 懶惰的;懶散的9. sm

8、art聰明的10. beautiful美麗的;美好的11. scary 嚇人的;恐怖的12. kind種類13. Australia澳大利亞14. south 南方的;南;南方15. Africa非洲16. pet寵物17. leg 腿18. cat貓19. sleep睡覺20. kind of (非正式)稍微;有點兒21. South Africa南非【新詞自查】根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成句子。1. Pandas are cute. They only live in China.2. Giraffes are interesting. They have long necks.3. Koal

9、as are from Australia. I think theyre kind of interesting.4. Some doctors and nurses works at night and sleep in the day.5. Do you like monkeys? Yes, they are so smart.6. I like watching scary films. Its really exciting.7. Bob is lazy, he never does housework at home.8. Look! The panda is dancing on

10、 two legs.9. The film is kind of (有點)boring. I dont like it at all.10. Elephants are from South Africa(南非). They have long noses. They eat leaves and grass.課堂導學方案Step 1 情景導入Teacher: Good morning, everyone!We are going to learn Unit 5 Why do you like koalas? We are going to learn the names of some mo

11、re animals. Well also learn how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them. First, lets name as many animals as possible in English.播放一段動物園影像資料,要求學生盡量記住所見到的動物名稱,播放完畢以后,請學生用英語說出所見到的動物名稱。再次播放,補充學生不會表達的動物名稱。(tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, etc.)Students: St

12、ep 2 完成教材1a-1c的任務【操作案例】1. 認真觀察la圖片,完成1a的任務。(1分鐘)Teacher: Look at the pictures of the six animals. And say what animals they are.2. 認真聽錄音,完成1b的任務。(1分鐘)Teacher: Im going to play tapes. Listen carefully, find the animals you hear in 1a.3. 大聲朗讀并結對練習1c中的小對話,最熟練的一組要到講臺上展示。(2分鐘)4. 仿照1c中的小對話,先由師生之間進行口語訓練,然后

13、讓同學們自己編寫并表演對話,完成1c的任務。(3 分鐘) Teacher: Work in pairs with your partner. First, payattention to the six description words (cute, interesting,fun, smart, lazy, beautiful).Teacher: Then pay attention to the example conversation.You can make conversations about animals. Your conversations can be like the

14、 example. Use these description words.A: Lets see the elephants.B: Why do you want to see them? A: Because theyre smart.5. 小結訓練(2分鐘)發(fā)給每個同學一張表格,學生以小組為單位,設計調(diào)查表(如圖),并根據(jù)自己的喜好在表格中打,也可以在表格最后一欄填寫自己喜歡的動物以及喜歡的原因。AnimalsCuteSmartInterestingbeautifulPandasKoalasLionsTigersGiraffesElephants每個同學就表格中所填的內(nèi)容跟各自的搭檔進行

15、對話。如:A: What do you think of pandas?B: I think they are cute.What about you?A: I also think theyre cute.What do you think of tigers?B: They are scary.Step 3 完成教材2a-2d的任務【操作案例】1. 仔細觀察圖片,閱讀動物的描述詞和國家名稱,認真聽錄音,完成2a的任務。(2分鐘)Teacher: You will hear a recording of a conversation. Listen carefully. Then write

16、 the names of the three animals you hear and draw a line from the animals to the description words and the countries they are from. 2. 再聽一遍錄音,完成2b中的句子。(2分鐘)Teacher: You will hear the recording again. This time please complete the conversation with the words in 2a.3. 根據(jù)2b中的對話,結對談論另外兩種動物,并要求多個小組上臺展示,完

17、成2c的任務。(3分鐘) Teacher: Now, you can talk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner. Do John and Julie them? Do you like them? Why or why not?4. 分角色朗讀2d中的對話內(nèi)容,解釋重點短語和句子并讓多個小組上臺展示。然后讓學生大聲朗讀對話內(nèi)容。(3分鐘)Teacher: 5. 小結訓練(2分鐘)為自己的同學選擇生日禮物。調(diào)查同伴最喜愛和不喜愛的小動物及原因,然后為他/她準備一份動物玩具作為生日禮物。可使用表格如下:NamesAnimals he

18、/she likesReasonsAnimals he/she dislikesReasons然后,匯報為同學選取生日禮物的情況,并將自己的調(diào)查結果寫在作業(yè)本上?!咀灾鳈z測】:I、精挑細選( )1. Which kind of animals have long legs and neck?A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes( )2. _ is the biggest animal on the earth. A. An elephant B. A koala C. A giraffe( )3. Why do you like koalas? _ they ar

19、e cute and smart.A. So B. But C. Because( )4. There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa. A. a; the B. an; the C. an; An( )5. _ see the giraffes. A. Lets me B. Lets C. Let weII、“譯”展身手 1. 歡迎來到動物園! _ _ the zoo! 2. 讓我們先看熊貓吧!_ see the pandas _! 3. 你為什么想去看獅子? _ do you _ _see lions?【學習體會】 成

20、功&收獲: 失敗&不足: Step 1 情景導入環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過播放一段動物園影像資料,讓學生能夠身臨其境地體驗參觀動物園的經(jīng)歷,激發(fā)學生的學習熱情,調(diào)動學生的學習積極性,從而很自然地導入本單元的話題。Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任務環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過學習1a,讓學生熟悉動物名稱;通過1b,讓學生掌握常見的描述動物的形容詞;通過1c的訓練,讓學生學會表達個人對動物的喜好,同時鞏固所學的語言知識。知識梳理:1. Why dont you like the cat? 你為什么不喜歡貓呢?另外,Why dont you + 動詞原形,一種提建議的句型。 意為“為什么不呢?”相當于:Why not do sth?/Lets do sth.


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