



1、飛屋環(huán)游記金句賞析飛屋環(huán)游記講述了一個老人曾經(jīng)與老伴約定去一座坐落 在遙遠南美洲的瀑布旅行,卻因為生活奔波一直未能成行,直到政府要強拆自己的老屋時才決定帶著屋子一起飛向瀑布,路上與結(jié)識的小胖子羅素一起冒險的經(jīng)歷。I.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand. Its abouthaving each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love w

2、hen you need love.幸福,不是長生不老,不是大魚大肉,不是權(quán)傾朝野。幸福 是每一個微小的生活愿望達成。當(dāng)你想吃的時候有得吃,想被愛的時候有人來愛你。promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!我發(fā)誓要活捉這野獸,成功以前我絕不回來!Adventure is out there!Look out!探險就在眼前!Paradise Falls, a land lost in time.天堂瀑布,時間迷失之地。Good,you promised. No backing out.很好,你答

3、應(yīng)了,不許反悔。What? That7 s it? I came all this way here to get stuck at the wrong end of this rock pile?什么?居然這樣?我千里迢迢來到這兒,難道就困在這個碎石樁的另一頭?An explorer is a friend to all, be it a plant,a fish or a tiny mole.探險家是所有東西的好朋友,不論是植物、魚甚至是小輾鼠。Sometimes years go by between sightings.歲月總是在尋覓中就消逝了。Well,it / s been a w

4、onderful evening, but we7 d better be going.今宵雖歡樂,但我們該走了。This is none of my concern. I didn / t ask for any of these!這不關(guān)我的事,這些都不是我想要的。Now, whether you assist me or not,I am going to paradise falls, if it kills me!不管你幫不幫忙,即使拼了命,我都要去天堂瀑布。Why, our subject today.那就是-無所不能的。Is footage never before seen by

5、 civilized humanity.尚未被文明世界知曉的奇異景觀。.We have so much more to talk about!我都等不及知道最后的結(jié)局了.Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit?誰敢踏足這片裊無人煙的蠻野之地呢。.Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen.我覺得你看起來不像會危害公共安全的人。.Lurking in the shadow of majestic Paradise Falls.這里有現(xiàn)代科學(xué)未曾造訪的奇珍異木、飛禽走獸。.Never apart from his fa

6、ithful dogs.身隨其后的是與他形影不離,無比忠誠的狗伙伴們。.We, ll want her in good shape for my return.我要把它完好無損地帶回去。.10、Look at this stuff.Wow!You / re going on a trip?看看這個東西,哇,你將要開始旅行嗎?.ever apart from his faithful dogs, Muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort.他構(gòu)想出適合犬類搭乘的航天器。2.It / s a veritable floating palace in t

7、he sky,complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker.這是個真正懸浮空中的宮殿內(nèi)置狗狗浴缸和犬類跑步機。.The beloved explorer lands his dirigible the Spirit of Adventure,in New Hampshire this week, completing a yearlong expedition to the lost world.這位敬愛的探險家駕駛他的飛船“冒險之魂” 本周著陸于新罕布什爾州。.This lighter-than-air craft was des

8、igned by Muntz himself andis longer than 22 prohibition paddy wagons placed end to end.這艘輕便的飛艇由Muntz本人設(shè)計它比22輛頭尾相連的警車 還長。.No matter what you do, you are stuck with the original design.不論您做出何等努力,都會受困于最初的設(shè)計。.I will promise you anything if only you bring back my ball.只要你把我的金球拿回來,我什么都答應(yīng)你。.Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee.還有把房子搬到天堂瀑布的老頭。.Paradise Falls, a land lost in t


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