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1、旅游時不誠信的現(xiàn)象英語作文【篇一:社會不老實現(xiàn)象英語作文3】 it pays to be honest people share a firm belief that it pays to be honest. however, it is nothing new for us to find dishonesty in our society. for example, some students cheat in the exams and some businessmen sell fake productsto their consumers. there is no doubt th

2、at honesty benefits both the person andothers. for one thing, being honest is an essential requirement to be an upright man. for another, only with honesty can wewin the respects and friendship. many examples can be found to prove the benefits. for example, geogre washington was forgiven and praised

3、 by his father after his permission of cutting the cherry tree. with the virtue and others, he was later electedpresident of the u. s. on the contrary, deviation from honesty would be harmful.people who always lied would be discarded by others somedaythose who sell fake products may make money at fi

4、rst, but consumers wont buy their products anymore. as a result, theywill lose their fortune or even be sent to prison. all mentioned above tells us honesty is always seen as animportant virtue of the human character. those honest peoplewill be rewarded in the long run. so as the saying goes,honesty

5、 is the best policy. 人們分享它支付是老實的堅決信念。然而, 它是沒有什么新的我們,在我們的社會中找到不老實的行為。為 例如中,一些學生作弊的考試和一些 商人賣假-到目前他們的消費者。 毫無疑問誠信效益這兩個的人和 其他人。一方面,老實是一項根本要求 是一個正直的人。另一種,僅以老實為我們可以 贏得尊敬和友誼。很多例子可以被發(fā)現(xiàn) 為了證明好處。 華盛頓是原諒和由他的父親在他權限切割后稱贊 櫻桃樹。與美德和其他人,他后來中選 美國的總統(tǒng)s。 與此相反,從老實偏差會有害。 人總是說謊的人總有一天會被丟棄,其他人 那些銷售假冒產(chǎn)品的人可能會在第一次,賺的錢,但 消費者再也不會買他

6、們的產(chǎn)品。其結(jié)果是,他們 將失去他們的時運或甚至被送進監(jiān)獄。 所有上述告訴我們老實一向視為 人的性格重要的美德。那些老實的人 會在長期回報。所以俗語云, 老實是最好的政策。【篇二:2023年12月英語六級作文預測:旅游誠信問題】 2023年12月英語六級作文預測:旅游誠信問題 近年來,旅游業(yè)越發(fā)熱門,然而,隨之也產(chǎn)生一系列弊端,如旅游誠信問題。黑車,黑社,黑導,宰客等現(xiàn)象屢見不鮮,甚至前段時間還爆出游客因為拒絕購物而遭群毆身亡的悲劇,旅游誠信問題又一次被提上桌面。 作文題目: 題目要求: dishonesty in tourism 1. 近年來旅游行業(yè)中不誠信現(xiàn)象比擬普遍 2. 出現(xiàn)這一現(xiàn)象的

7、原因 3. 我對這一現(xiàn)象的看法和建議 參考范文: dishonesty in tourism since 1980s, the economy of china has developed greatly. with more money in their pockets, people are spending more money on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism. nevertheless, manytravel agencies or agents are reported to cheat their cus

8、tomers and make money in a dishonest way. the reason for dishonesty in tourism is various. first and for most, money is the spur. some travel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get more money. secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have to make enoug

9、h profits. to realize profit maximization, they cheat. last but not least, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their rights. to regulate travel agencies and protect the rights of tourists, the government has issued various laws. however, i think tourists can take the following tips

10、to avoid travel scams. first, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. secondly, use your common sense and keep alert while travelling. finally, defend yourself if your rights are violated. 2023年12月英語六級作文預測:免費下載歌曲 記得小時候,我們想聽歌曲的話必須通過購置磁帶或者光盤來實現(xiàn),而如今互聯(lián)網(wǎng)極其便利,直接可以在網(wǎng)上免費下載歌曲。但是這種行為真的是正確的嗎?作文題目: sh

11、ould free music downloads be banned?1. 越來越多的人開始在網(wǎng)上免費下載歌曲 2. 有人認為這會嚴重影響唱片業(yè)開展,應予以禁止,有些人那么不以為然 3. 我的看法 參考范文: with the development of technology, more and more people are making use of the internet and are enjoying downloading all types of materials. some are especially fond of downloading free music. t

12、hey argue that free music downloads not only eich their lives, but also are good for the music industry because they help increase the popularity of music. however, from my point of view, it is not advisable to allow free music downloads. for one thing, this practice violates the intellectual proper

13、ty rights of musicians. for another, this will exert a negative impact on the sales of musical products such as cds, which may do harm to the whole music industry. without good returns, who would like to invest in the music industry? in order that the music industry will develop healthily, we had be

14、tter ban free music downloads. lets all start to do so ourselves. 2023年12月英語六級作文預測:暈屏癥 距離2023年12月19日的英語六級考試越來越近,新東方在線英語六級頻道為大家整理了英語六級作文預測:暈屏癥,希望可以為大家?guī)韼椭?,預祝大家取得好成績! 隨著智能時代的到來,越來越多的人不自覺的成為了新科技的奴隸,智能手機的使用尤能說明這一點。無論是上下班的路上,還是賦閑在家,無論是休閑娛樂,還是聊天購物,智能手機總是與我們形影不離,對于智能手機帶給人們的便利之處我們不可否認,但是其弊端也日益顯現(xiàn),看看“低頭族“僵尸族這

15、些網(wǎng)絡熱詞吧,從中我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn)無時無刻使用智能手機給我們造成的危害,但這些危害常常為沉迷于智能手機的人們所忽略。分析利弊,是四六級考試中寫作局部的關鍵,只知其利,不知其弊,也不是一篇完美的作文。下面我們就來分享一篇文章刷屏刷到吐你得“暈屏癥了(do you suffer from cybersickness it causes nausea while scrolling on phones),認識到智能手機可能會帶給我們的危害,希望它能警醒我們,讓我們能夠更加合理的使用智能手機。四六級寫作話題:暈屏癥cybersickness 【原文】 do you suffer from cybersic

16、kness it causes nausea while scrolling on phonesthe rise of mobile phones has been blamed for a number of social ills, but your smart phone may also be making you physically sick as well. scientists have identified a condition called “cybersickness, which they say is the digital version of motion si

17、ckness. the phenomenon, which affects up to 80 percent of the population who own smartphones or tablets, leads to feelings of nausea and unsteadiness. it is caused by seeing fast motion on a screen and covers anything from a car chase in a film to scrolling through web pages on your phone. the more

18、realistic the visual content is, the higher your chances of getting cybersickness. the condition was identified in a piece in the new york times in which british and us experts said that it needed addressing. cyriel diels, a cognitive psychologist and human factors researcher at coventry universitys

19、 centre for mobility and transport, said: “its a fundamental problem thats kind of been swept under the carpet in the tech industry. “its a natural response to an unnatural environment. motion sickness leaves sufferers feeling ill because they feel movement in your muscles and your inner ear but do

20、not see it. the mismatch in digital sickness is the oppositeyou see movement on the screen but do not feel it. the effect is the same and the symptoms include a headache, wanting to throw up, confusion and the need to sit down. often cybersickness manifests itself in a subtle way and sufferers put i

21、t down to stress or eyestrain.steven rauch, a professor of otolaryngology at【篇三:旅游中的不誠信現(xiàn)象】 旅游中的不誠信現(xiàn)象 on dishonesty in tourism nowadays,隨著經(jīng)濟的開展和時代的進步,人們逐漸富有起來。當人們有了財富,他們便想要開始豐富自己的精神世界,for instance,他們?nèi)キh(huán)球世界看看大千世界的美景,買文學詩集來充足自己的內(nèi)心世界 inner world and so on?;诖?,近年來旅游行業(yè)中不誠信現(xiàn)象比擬普遍,許多旅行社代理欺騙顧客,一個不老實的方式掙錢。 我認為出現(xiàn)這種不老實的現(xiàn)象的原因有很多,第一,旅游社盡最大努力騙取消費者來得到很多錢,使得自己的旅行社能夠在眾多的旅行社中存活下來,有一片立足之地。 with the development of economy and the advance of age, people increasingly become richer th


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