河南省中考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān) 第十講 八上 Unit 9-10講義_第1頁(yè)
河南省中考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān) 第十講 八上 Unit 9-10講義_第2頁(yè)
河南省中考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān) 第十講 八上 Unit 9-10講義_第3頁(yè)
河南省中考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān) 第十講 八上 Unit 9-10講義_第4頁(yè)
河南省中考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān) 第十講 八上 Unit 9-10講義_第5頁(yè)
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1、中考英語(yǔ)2019第一部分考點(diǎn)知識(shí)過(guò)關(guān)第十講 八年級(jí)上 Unit 9Unit 10CONTENTS目 錄PART 01真題幫PART 02考點(diǎn)幫PART 01真題幫河南歷年中考真題回顧2018全國(guó)中考真題優(yōu)選命題點(diǎn)河南歷年中考真題回顧 真題幫1.2015河南,23Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she cant keep it toand wants to share it with her friends. A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself2.2011河南,23I have some problems with my

2、English writing. Can you give me some ? A. advice B. decisions C. information D. messagesDA命題點(diǎn)2018全國(guó)中考真題優(yōu)選真題幫1.2018福建A卷改編I dont know how to use the app Fun Dubbing. Ask Jimmy for help.He has lots of in doing it. A. experience B. troubleC. courageD. doubt2.2018隨州Some people wont realize the importanc

3、e of their health they lose it. A.because B.after C.when D.until3.2018襄陽(yáng)Excuse me, sir. Are you sure the umbrella in your hand belongs to you? Oh, sorry, I took it. Mine is over there under the chair. A. at once B. on timeC. by mistakeD. in allACD命題點(diǎn)2018全國(guó)中考真題優(yōu)選真題幫4.2018海南Li Leis motherhim because h

4、e went out to play in the rain. A. was angry withB. was pleased with C. was proud ofD. was strict with5.2018宜昌Mum, Ive signed for a big box by Future Express(快遞). Whats in it? Im not sure. It be a present from your brother. A. mightB. mustC. shouldD. will6.2018南充When is the school art festival? It w

5、ill be held on time if it next Monday. A. dont rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. didnt rain AACPART 02考點(diǎn)幫考點(diǎn)1 prepare 的用法考點(diǎn)2 accept 的用法考點(diǎn)5 reply 的用法 考點(diǎn)4 invite 的用法考點(diǎn)3 hear from 的用法考點(diǎn)6 advice 的用法 考點(diǎn)7 experience 的用法考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫prepare 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 I have to prepare for an exam.我得為考試做準(zhǔn)備。考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7Hope fo

6、r the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最壞的打算。Have you prepared to go on a trip?你做好旅行的準(zhǔn)備了嗎?Mom is preparing dinner for us in the kitchen.媽媽正在廚房為我們準(zhǔn)備晚餐。prepare作動(dòng)詞,意為使做好準(zhǔn)備;把準(zhǔn)備好??键c(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫prepare 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線1.What do you think of your school, Linda? Its a good place for us to ourselves f

7、or the future. A. provideB. praiseC. prepareD. protect2.Shall we take a walk outside? Sorry, Im too busy preparing the coming exam. A. atB. forC. in D. withCB考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫accept 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 Will you accept my invitation?你會(huì)接受我的邀請(qǐng)嗎?考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7accept作動(dòng)詞,意為接受。如:He has decided not to accept the job.他決定不接受這份工

8、作。accept/receiveaccept意為接受,指主觀上愿意接受。He received a gift but he didnt accept it.他收到了一份禮物,但是他沒(méi)有接受。receive意為收到,指客觀上收到,但主觀上不一定接受。妙辨異同考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫accept 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7accept(主觀上愿意接受)receive(客觀上收到)accept的反義詞為refuse,意為拒絕,常見(jiàn)用法:He refused the gift.他拒絕了禮品。He refused to help me.他拒絕幫我。歸納拓展3.His family are worri

9、ed about him because they havent letters from him for a long time. A. accepted B. received C. writtenD. collected4.I offered James a hand. However, he it. Maybe he can do it alone. A. receivedB. returnedC. repeatedD. refused5.Karen, the task is not easy to complete. Why dont you Jerrys help? I want

10、to try it myself first. A. accept B. thank C. mention D. share考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫accept 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線BDA考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫hear from 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 I look forward to hearing from you all.我期待著收到你們所有人的回復(fù)??键c(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7hear from sb.意為接到(某人的)信、電話等。如:I heard from him last week.我上周收到了他的信。I havent heard anything from him f

11、or years.我好幾年都沒(méi)有他的音信了??键c(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫hear from 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7得分巧記hear還可與of或about連用,表示聽(tīng)說(shuō);hear后還可跟賓語(yǔ)從句,表示聽(tīng)說(shuō)。如:Have you ever heard of/about this place?你聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)這個(gè)地方嗎?Andy hears that she will leave for Australia. 安迪聽(tīng)說(shuō)她要去澳大利亞。6.收到你的信太棒了。我已經(jīng)等你的信等很久了。 Its great to you. I have waited for your letter for a long tim

12、e.7.我不太認(rèn)識(shí)這本書的作者,但是我之前聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)他。 I dont know the writer of this book well, but I have him before.考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫hear from 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線fromhearheardof/about考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫invite 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No. 9 High School.我想邀請(qǐng)您來(lái)參加第九中學(xué)新圖書館的落成典禮??键c(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7invi

13、te作動(dòng)詞,意為邀請(qǐng)。常用搭配:He invited my family this morning.今天上午他邀請(qǐng)了我的家人。I invited her to have dinner with us.我邀請(qǐng)她和我們共進(jìn)晚餐。He invited me to his house for his birthday party.他邀請(qǐng)我去他家參加他的生日派對(duì)。8.My friend invited me the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure. A. joinB. to join C. joinedD. joining 9.Have you got

14、 Kathys to her concert? Yes. Id like to go and enjoy it. A. inventionB. instructionC. invitation D. introduction考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫invite 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線BC考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫reply 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th.請(qǐng)于12月20日周五之前以書面形式回復(fù)此邀請(qǐng)。 考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7(1)作動(dòng)詞,意為回答;答復(fù)。I a

15、sked Jack where he was going, but he didnt reply.我問(wèn)杰克到哪兒去,但他沒(méi)有回答。Has Jenny replied to your letter yet?詹妮給你回信了嗎?The salesgirl replied with a smile.女售貨員報(bào)以微笑。Lisa replied that she has changed her mind.麗薩回答說(shuō)她已經(jīng)改變主意了??键c(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫reply 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7(2)作名詞,意為回答;答復(fù)。如: We still havent received a reply to o

16、ur letter.我們的信還沒(méi)有得到回音。reply多指經(jīng)過(guò)考慮而作出答復(fù)。He replied that he knew nothing about the accident.他回答說(shuō)關(guān)于那起事故他什么都不知道。answer多指對(duì)問(wèn)題的回答,還可以表示接聽(tīng)(電話)或?qū)﹂T鈴等聲響作出反應(yīng)等。You havent answered my question yet.你還沒(méi)有回答我的問(wèn)題。妙辨異同10.Lily, how was your job interview? Terrible. I was so nervous that I couldnt the questions well. A.

17、replyB. speakC. answerD. tell11.Our teacher asked us who wanted to be the first to stand on the stage, but nobody replied him. A. toB. forC. byD. with考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫reply 的用法 考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線CA考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫advice 的用法 語(yǔ)境拓展 Can you give me some advice please?能請(qǐng)你給我一些建議嗎?考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7advice作名詞,意為勸告;建議,為不可數(shù)名詞

18、。常用搭配:give sb. some advice (on sth.)(就某事)給某人一些建議ask sb. for advice向某人征求建議take/follow ones advice聽(tīng)取某人的意見(jiàn)We gave him some advice on what to choose.我們對(duì)于挑選什么給了他一些建議。Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam.向你的老師咨詢一下如何準(zhǔn)備考試。He followed his doctors advice and went on a low-fat diet.他聽(tīng)從了醫(yī)生

19、的建議,采取了低脂飲食。 考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫advice 的用法 考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7妙辨異同 advice/suggestionadvice為不可數(shù)名詞,表示一條建議時(shí)可用a piece of advice;而suggestion為可數(shù)名詞。如:Let me give you two pieces of advice.=Let me give you two suggestions.讓我給你兩條建議吧??键c(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫advice 的用法 考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7歸納拓展She advised leaving early.她建議早點(diǎn)動(dòng)身。The doctor advised

20、 me to take more exercise.醫(yī)生建議我多鍛煉。advice對(duì)應(yīng)的動(dòng)詞為advise。常見(jiàn)用法:12.Your is very helpful. I guess Ill take it. A. secret B. advice C. promise D. purpose13.Our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading. A. to develop B. develop C. to developing D. developing14.Why not buy a second-ha

21、nd car first if you dont have enough money? Thats a good . A. saying B. questionC. suggestionD. decision考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫advice 的用法 考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7好題在線BAC考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫experience 的用法語(yǔ)境拓展 Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are always there to help them.學(xué)生們經(jīng)常忘記父母有更多的經(jīng)驗(yàn),并且隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備幫助他們。考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)

22、3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7n.作可數(shù)名詞,意為經(jīng)歷,通常指具體的經(jīng)歷,親身見(jiàn)過(guò)或做過(guò)的事。作不可數(shù)名詞,意為經(jīng)驗(yàn)。v.意為經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)受;遭受。He has a lot of experience in teaching.他在教學(xué)上有很多經(jīng)驗(yàn)。Please tell me about your experiences while you were in Australia.請(qǐng)告訴我你在澳大利亞的經(jīng)歷。Children need to experience things for themselves in order to learn from them.兒童需要親身經(jīng)歷事情以便從中學(xué)習(xí)。考點(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)

23、幫experience 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)3考點(diǎn)4考點(diǎn)5考點(diǎn)6考點(diǎn)7提分速記英語(yǔ)中有許多名詞既可用作可數(shù)名詞,也可用作不可數(shù)名詞,但意義卻大不相同。名詞作不可數(shù)名詞作可數(shù)名詞例句exercise運(yùn)動(dòng);鍛煉練習(xí);練習(xí)題Doing exercise is a must.運(yùn)動(dòng)是必須要做的事。I was doing math exercises.我在做數(shù)學(xué)練習(xí)題。success成功;好結(jié)果成功的人或事Nothing succeeds like success.一事成功萬(wàn)事順利。The activity is a great success.這個(gè)活動(dòng)非常成功??键c(diǎn)1考點(diǎn)幫experience 的用法考點(diǎn)2考點(diǎn)


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