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1、 附 錄附錄 A.Manual TransmissionIts no secret that cars with manual transmissions are usually more fun to drive thanthe automatic-equipped counterparts. If you have even a passing interest in the act ofdriving, then chances are you also appreciate a fine-shifting manual gearbox. But how doesa manual tra

2、nsmission actually work?A history hows that manual transmissions preceded automatics by several decades. Infact,up until General Motors offered an automatic in 1938, all cars were of theshift-it-yourself variety. While its logical for many types of todays vehicles to be equippedwith an automaticsuch

3、 as a full -size sedan, SUV or pickupthe fact remains thatnothing is more of a thrill to drive than a tautly suspended sport sedan, snort coupe ortwo-sealer equipped with a precise-shifting five-or six-speed gearboxWe know whicn types or cars have manual trannies. Now lets take a loo k at howthey wo

4、rk. From the most basic four-speed manual in a car from the60s to the mosthigh-tech six-speed one in a car of today, the principles of a manual gearbox are the same.The driver must shift from gear to gear. Normally, a manual transmission bolts to a clutchhousing (or bell housing), in turn, bolts to

5、the back of the engine. If the vehicle hasfront-wheel drive, the transmission still attaches to the engine in a similar fashion but isusually referred to as a transaxle. This is because the transmission, differential and driveaxles are one complete unit. In a front-wheel-drive car, the transmission

6、also serves as partof the front axle for the front wheels. In the remaining text, a transmission and a transaxlewill both be referred to using the term transmission.The function of any transmission is transferring engine power to the driveshaft andrear wheels (or axle halfshafts and front wheels in

7、a front-wheel-drive vehicle). Gearsinside the transmission change the vehicles drive-wheel speed and torque in relation toengine speed and torqueLower(numerically higher) gear ratios serve as torque multipliersand help the engine to develop enough power to accelerate from a standstill.Initially, pow

8、er and torque from the engine comes into the front of the transmissionsand rotates the main drive gear (or input shaft), which meshes with the cluster or counter shaft geara series of gears forged into one piece that resembles a cluster of gears. Thecluster-gear assembly rotates any time the clutch

9、is engaged to a running engine ,whetheror not the transmission is in gear or in neutral.There are two basic types of manual transmissions. The sliding-gear type and theconstant-mesh design. With the basicand now obsoletesliding-gear type,nothingis turning inside the transmission case except the main

10、 drive gear and cluster gear when thetrans is in neutral. In order to mesh the gears and apply engine power to move the vehicle,the driver presses the clutch pedal and moves the shifter handle, which in turn moves theshift linkage and forks to slide a gear along the mainshaft, which is mounted direc

11、tly abovethe cluster. Once the gears are meshed, the clutch pedal is released and the engines poweris sent to the drive wheels. There can be several gears on the mainshaft of differentdiameters and tooth counts, and the transmission shift linkage is designed so the driver hasto unmesh one gear befor

12、e being able to mesh another. With these older transmissions, gearclash is a problem because the gears are all rotating at different speeds.All modern transmissions are of the constant-mesh type, which still uses a similargear arrangement as the sliding-gear type. However,all the mainshaft gears are

13、 in constantmesh with the cluster gears. This is possible because the gears on the mainshaft are notsplined to the shaft, but are free to rotate on it. With a constant-mesh gearbox, the maindrive gear, cluster gear and all the mainshaft gears are always turning, even when thetransmission is in neutr

14、al.Alongside each gear on the mainshaft is a dog clutch, with a hub thats positivelysplined to the shaft and an outer ring that can slide over against each gear. Both themainshaft gear and the ring of the dog clutch have a row of teeth. Moving shift linkagemoves the dog clutch against the adjacent m

15、ainshaft gear, causing the teeth to interlock andsolidly lock the gear to the mainshaft.To prevent gears from grinding or clashing during engagement, a constant-mesh, fullysynchronized manual transmission is equipped with synchronizers. A synchronizertypically consists of an inner-splined hub, an ou

16、ter sleeve, shifter plates ,lock rings(orsprings)and blocking rings. The hub is splined onto the mainshaft between a pair of maindrive gears. Held in place by the lock rings ,the shifter plates position the sleeve over thehub while also holding the floating blocking rings in proper alignment.A synch

17、ros inner hub and sleeve are made of steel, but the blocking ringthe part of the synchro that rubs on the gear to change its speedis usually made of a softermaterial, such as brass. The blocking ring has teeth that match the teeth on the dog clutch.Most synchros perform double dutythey push the sync

18、hro in one direction and lockone gear to the mainshaft. Push the synchro the other way and it disengages from the firstgear, passes through a neutral position, and engages a gear on the other side.Thats the basics on the inner workings of a manual transmission. As for advances,they have been extensi

19、ve over the years, mainly in the area of additional gears. Back in the60s, four-speeds were common in American and European performance carsMost ofthese transmissions had 1:1 final-drive ratios with no overdrives. Today, overdrivenfive-speeds are standard on practically all passenger cars available

20、with a manual gearbox.Overdrive is an arrangement of gearing that provides more revolutions of the drivenshaf(t the driveshaft going to the wheels)than the driving shaft(crankshaft of the engine).For example, a transmission with a fourth-gear ratio of 1:1 and a fifth-gear ratio of 0.70:1will reduce

21、engine rpm by 30 percent, while the vehicle maintains the same road speed.Thus, fuel efficiency will improve and engine wear will be notably reduced. Today,six-speed transmissions are becoming more and more common. One of the first cars sold inAmerica with a six- speed was the 89 Corvette. Designed

22、by Chevrolet and ZahnradfabrikFriedrichshafen(ZF)and built by ZF in Germany, this tough-as-nails six-speed wasavailable in the Corvette up to the conclusion of the 96 model year. Today ,the Corvetteuses a Tremec T56 six-speed mounted at the back of the car.Many cars are available today with six-spee

23、ds, including the Mazda Miata, PorscheBoxster S and 911, Dodge Viper, Mercedes-Benz SLK320, Honda S2000, Toyota CelicaGT-S and many others. Some of these gearboxes provide radical 50-percent (0.50:1)sixth-gear overdrives such as in the Viper and Corvette, while others provide tightly spacedgear rati

24、os like in the S2000 and Celica for spirited backroad performance driving. Whilethe bigger cars mentioned above such as the Viper and Vette often have two overdriveratios(fifth and sixth)the smaller cars like the Celica and S2000 usually have oneoverdriven gear ratio(sixth) and fifth is 1:1.Clearly

25、a slick-shifting manual transmission is one of the main components in afun-to-drive car, along with a powerful engine,confidence-inspiring suspension andcompetent brakes. 附錄 B.手動變速器相對于自動變速箱的車手動變速箱汽車開起來有更好的駕駛樂趣這是眾所周知的。哪怕你對駕駛僅有一點興趣,那么你也會對一個齒輪變速器的完美工作刮目相看。那么手動變速器到底是怎么工作的呢?手動變速器在幾十年以前就被自動變速箱所取代了,事實上從前的車

26、都是配備的手動變速箱,直到 1938 年通用汽車公司推出第一款自動變速車。今天的諸多車輛像轎車、越野車、小型載貨汽車采用自動變速是很符合邏輯的,因為沒有任何事會比駕駛一個配有 5-6 個檔的手動變速箱的車更令人緊張不安了?,F在讓我們看看他們是怎么工作的。從 60 年代的四速手動到今天的最高六速變速器的基本原理是沒有改變的。駕駛員仍然要操縱齒輪使其相互嚙合。通常,變速器與離合器殼連接,離合器的另一面再同發(fā)動機相連。如果是前輪驅動的車仍然是這種簡單的連接方式,但要稱其為驅動橋,這是因為變速箱和驅動軸是一個整體的機構。在前驅車上變速箱也是前輪驅動橋的一部分。在過去的概念中變速器跟驅動橋被統(tǒng)稱為變速驅


28、安裝在輸入軸上的相應齒輪沿輸入軸移動。一旦齒輪嚙合,釋放離合器踏板后發(fā)動機動力就會傳給驅動輪。輸入軸上會有多個不同直徑不同齒數的齒輪。因為換檔是聯(lián)動的所以駕駛員必須使已經嚙合的齒輪分離才能使另一對齒輪嚙合。 由于齒輪嚙合時的速度不同,老式變速箱會有換檔沖擊的問題。現代的變速箱都是常嚙合型的,齒輪布置是沿用滑動型的布置方式。然而所有主軸上的齒輪與中間軸上齒輪都是常嚙合的,這是因為主軸上的齒輪在軸上是可以來回移動的而不是用花鍵鏈連接的。即使變速箱處于空檔狀態(tài),常嚙合型變速箱上的各個 齒輪都是在轉動的。主軸上每個齒輪旁邊都有一個爪式離合器(接合套),花鍵轂用內花鍵連接在主軸上的花鍵上。主軸上的齒輪和接合套的外環(huán)都有花鍵。當操縱換檔桿時就會使接合套對著主軸齒輪移動,最終使接合套與齒輪互鎖從而使齒輪嚙合隨主軸轉動。為了避免齒輪換檔同步前嚙合時產生的接合齒間沖擊,手動變速器上安裝了同步器。同步器由花鍵轂、套筒、撥叉、彈簧、鎖環(huán)等組成。花鍵轂位


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