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1、Chinaa-Afrrica Tradde annd Innvesttmentt ReporrtSino-Afriica TTradee1.1 TTradee ScaaleSino-Afriica ttradee staartedd at $12.14 mmilliion iin 19950. At ppreseent, Chinna iss thee larrgestt bussinesss paartneer wiith AAfricca, aand AAfricca iss onee of the mostt deccisivve immportt souurcess of Chinna

2、.Durinng 20003 tto 1HH20133, Siino-AAfricca trrade keptt rissing desppite of sslighht flluctuuatioons. In 22006 it exceeededd $500 billlionn forr thee firrst ttime. Furrtherrmoree, inn 20008, $100 billlion tradde voolumee bennchmaark wwas bbrokee thrroughh. In 22009, Chiina bbecamme Affricaas NNo. 1

3、1 traade ppartnner. Even duriing tthe sslackk gloobal econnomicc reccoverry inn 20112, tthe qquanttity jumpeed too $1998.488 billlionn, inncreaasingg 19.3% yyear-on yyear. Of tthis, US$85.3319 bbilliion cconsiistedd of Chinnas expoorts to AAfricca, uup 166.7%, andd US$113.171 billlion was conttribuu

4、ted by CChinaas iimporrts ffrom Afriica, up 221.4%. Tootal Chinna-Affricaa traade vvolumme, CChinaas eexporrt voolumee to Afriica aand CChinaas iimporrt voolumee froom Affricaa alll reaachedd neww higghs.2012 Chinna Trrade withh Worrld MMajorr ReggionssTradee Vollume ($1000 Miil.)Year-on-yyear groww

5、th RRate (%)TotallExporrtImporrtTotallExporrtImporrtgrosss386677.6204899.35181788.2Asia204499.3100699.63103799.677.5123.4Africca1984.8853.991131.7119.316.721.4Europpe6830.63964.242866.36-2.5-4.1-0.2Latinn Ameericaa2612.431352.171260.2Northh Ameericaa5363.23801.31568.2O

6、ceannia1364.87448.88916.0075.19.073ASEANN4000229.299204277.19195822.09EU5460.433339.882120.55-3.7-6.20.4APEC246877.44130622.61116244.8Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom Stattistiics.In thhe fiirst halff of 20133, thhe Siino-AAfricca trrade amouunt wwas $105.65 bbilliion, unprreceddenteed

7、ly peneetratting $1000 billlionn in 6 moonthss, inncreaasingg 7.11% yeear-oon-yeear. Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom Statiisticcs.Thouggh the Sinoo-Afrrica tradde ammountt doees noot doominaate CChinaas fforeiign ttradee marrket, it grrows fastt andd steeady. Durring the 10 yyearss perriod, thee perrcentta

8、ge Sinoo-Afrrica tradde acccounnted for totaal Chhinesse fooreiggn trrade greww froom 2.2% tto 5.3%, incrreasiing by moore tthan 2%Speciificaally, thee prooporttion conssistiing oof Chhinas immportts frrom AAfricca upp froom 2.47% to 66.23%, annd thhat oof Chhinas exxportts too Afrrica fromm 2.002%

9、tto 4.16% fromm 20000 too 20113, acccordiing tto Chhina-Afriica EEconoomic and Tradde Coooperratioon (22013).Sourcce: CChinaas NNatioonal Bureeau oof Sttatissticss.On thhe Affricaan siide, the channges are evenn morre reemarkkablee. Frrom 22003 to 20122, thhe prroporrtionn of Chinna-Affricaa traade

10、vvolumme ass a ppart of AAfriccas totaal fooreiggn trrade voluume iincreeasedd froom 5.38% to 116%, inncreaasingg morre thhan 110%.Accorrdingg to Chinna-Affricaa Ecoonomiic annd Trrade Coopperattion (20113), fromm 20000 too 20112, thee prooporttion conttribuuted by AAfriccas expoorts to CChinaa up f

11、romm 3.776% tto 188.07%, annd thhat bby Affricaas iimporrts ffrom Chinna frrom 33.88% to 14.111%.Sourcce: CChinaas NNatioonal Bureeau oof Sttatissticss; Woorld Tradde Orrganiizatiion SStatiisticcs.1.2 CChinaas Immportt froom AffricaaIn geeneraal, CChinaa-Afrrica tradde fiigurees arre reelatiivelyy b

12、allanceed siince Chinnas traade aadverrse bbalannce iis neegliggiblee commpareed wiith ttotall traade vvolumme. HHowevver, Chinna-Affricaa traade sstruccturee remmainss connsideerablly unnevenn bothh in termms off prooductts sttructture and geoggraphhicall disstribbutioon. 1.2.11 Impporteed Produuct

13、s fromm Afrrica to CChinaaResouurce and primmary prodductss stiill ddominnate Chinnas impoorts fromm Afrrica, andd thee commmodiitiess strructuure iis geeneraally susttaineed annd stteadyy.The ttop 110 prroduccts iimporrted fromm Afrrica in 22012 weree minnerall fueel, oores, slaag annd assh, ccoppe

14、er, nnoblee mettal, wood, cottton, steeel, ggrainns, ttobaccco aand ootherrs, aaccouuntinng foor 977.07% of all impoorts fromm Afrrica (seee chaart2).Top 110 Prroduccts IImporrted fromm AfrricaProduuctsExporrt($1100 MMil.)Perceentagge (%)Growtth (%)2010201120122010201120122012/20111All AAfriccan PPr

15、oduucts668.996931.4401130.874.805.356.2221.422Minerral FFuel414.775490.773560.88462.00052.69949.59914.299Otherr34.011159.226289.4415.0817.10025.59981.722Ores, Slag and Ash88.644126.220113.22013.25513.55510.011-10.330Coppeer 40.87745.24449.2446.114.864.358.83Noblee Mettal24.07734.72238.9003.603.733.4

16、412.044Wood 12.08811.50014.4881.811.241.2825.900Cottoon4.648.1712.4880.690.881.1052.644Steell11.64414.2229.681.741.530.86-31.995Grainns4.385.025.160.660.540.462.71Tobaccco1.623.334.420.240.360.3932.533Totall636.770898.4411097.8095.18896.48897.07722.199Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom.In 20012, mineeral fuel

17、l, maainlyy cruude ooil, consstituuted 49.559%, almoost hhalf of aall tthe iimporrts. Crudde oiil immportted ffrom Afriica vvalueed $553.8 billlion, acccountting ffor 224.411% off Chiinass tottal ccrudee oill impportss, oveertaking AAmeriica tto beecomee thee no.1 deestinnatioon off Afrricas oiil ex

18、xportts.In teerms of mmetalllic ore impoorts, Chiinas amoount was $11.32 bbilliion, occuupyinng 8.47% of tthe ttotall minnerall impportss of Chinna. IIron ore, thee majjor ccompoonentt, acccounnted for 63.336% iin 20012. Folllow bbehinnd weere mmangaanesee, chrrome ore and coppper, occuupyinng 8.855

19、%, 8.009% aand 55.95% resspecttivelly.Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom.It iss nottablee thaat Siino-AAfriccan ttradee in agriicultturall prooductts haas grrown quicckly in rrecennt yeears. Froom 20009 tto 20012, Chinnas agriicultturall impportss froom Affricaa greew frrom UUS$1.16 bbilliion tto USS$2.886 bi

20、illioon, aa 1466% inncreaase. Mostt impporteed aggricuulturral pproduucts are non-foodd iteems, inclludinng coottonn, heemp, silkk, oiilseeeds aand ootherr succh prroduccts.A majjor rreasoon foor thhe raapid incrreasee in Chinnese impoorts of AAfriccan aagriccultuural prodductss is the zeroo-tarriff

21、 poliicy tthat the Chinnese goveernmeent aadoptted iin 20005 ffor ssome Afriican prodductss. Aggricuulturral pproduucts are a maajor cateegoryy bennefitting fromm thiis poolicyy andd, ass a rresullt, tthe eexporrt off speeciallty AAfriccan aagriccultuural prodductss to Chinna haas grrown rapiidly.1.

22、2.22 Afrricann Expporteers tto ChhinaAt thhe coountrry leevel, Chiina-AAfricca trrade is hhighlly inntenssive.In 22012, topp 10 Afriican expoorterrs too Chiina, in oorderr, weere SSouthh Afrrica, Anggola, Libbya, Conggo (BBrazzzavillle), Conngo (DRC), Zaambiaa, Alggeriaa, Suddan, Equaatoriial GGuine

23、ea annd Maaurittaniaa, acccountting ffor 990.899% off Afrrica totaal exxportts too Chiina, whicch inndicaated a hhigh leveel off geoograpphicaal cooncenntrattion. Top100 Afrricann Expport Counntriees too Chiina iin 20012RankCounttrySharee of Tradde (%)Year-on-yyear Growwth (%)1Southh Afrrica39.42239

24、.1442Angolla29.56634.4333Libyaa5.63209.6694Congoo (Brrazzaavillle)4.02-2.53Congoo (DRRC)3.110.6666Zambiia2.38-3.6117Algerria2.0519.1888Sudann1.8-78.5539Equattoriaal Guineea1.618.5710Mauriitaniia1.31-4.377Totall90.89921.899From the viewwpoinnt off Chinas immportts, ttradiing ppartnners are highhly cc

25、onceentraated on aa feww couuntriies rrichlly enndoweed wiith ccrudee oill andd minnerall ressourcces.Angolla, SSudann, Coongo (Braazzavvillee), LLibyaa, Allgeriia, aand EEquattoriaal Guineea arre Chhinas maain ssuppllierss of crudde oiil. WWhilee Souuth AAfricca maainlyy proovidees Chhina withh iro

26、on orre. CCongoo (DRRC) aand ZZambiia are majoor exxportters of ccoppeer orre too China.It iss notted tthat Libyyan expportss to Chinna suurgedd shaarplyy witth ann inccreasse off 2099.5% parttly ddue tto thhe reecoveery oof itts oiil prroducctionn. Meeanwhhile, thee recconsttructtion afteer Liibyan

27、n civvil wwar bbrougght ggreatt demmand for lighht inndusttry pproduucts and mechhaniccal aand eelecttricaal prroduccts, whicch weere mmainlly immportted ffrom Chinna. 1.3 CChinas Exporrts tto Affricaa1.3.11 Exporrted Produucts fromm Chiina tto AffricaaThe mmajorr prooductts exxportted tto Affricaa

28、are baseed on finiishedd andd semmi-fiinishhed mmanuffactuured goodds, mmainlly cooncenntratting on eelecttroniic prroduccts, mechhaniccal eequippmentt, auuto aand ssteell prooductts. Sourcce: CChinaa CusstomIn 20012, the top 10 pproduucts in eexporrt ammountt werre HYPERLINK app:ds:electrical elect

29、tricaal HYPERLINK app:ds:products produucts, mecchaniical equippmentt, auto, steeel pproduucts, HYPERLINK app:ds:knitted knittted HYPERLINK app:ds:goods goodss, furrnituure aand bbeddiing, plasstic and its prodductss, shoess, shipss andd cottoon, acccountting for 60.557% off alll expportss to Afriic

30、a.Amongg thee topp 10 prodductss, fuurnitture and beddding enjooyed the fasttest growwing ratee of 121.75% yearr on yearr. Thhe neext wwas kknittted ggoodss witth a yearr-on-yearr groowth ratee of 41.441%.Top 110 Prroduccts EExporrted to AAfriccaProduuctsExporrt ($100 Mil.)Perceentagge (%)Growtth (%

31、)2010201120122010201120122012/20111All PProduucts598.339729.441852.3393.793.844.1616.866 HYPERLINK app:ds:electrical Electtricaal HYPERLINK app:ds:products Produucts93.199103.449105.55215.57714.19912.3881.96Mechaanicaal Equippmentt78.79986.911103.55613.17711.92212.15519.166Auto41.49953.46661.2336.93

32、7.337.1814.522Steell Prooductts32.35536.64443.1775.415.025.0717.833 HYPERLINK app:ds:knitted Knittted HYPERLINK app:ds:goods Goodss25.51130.31142.8774.264.165.0341.411Furniituree andd Beddiing15.13319.04442.2222.532.614.95121.775Plasttic aand IIts PProduucts15.52221.53332.4002.592.953.8050.511Shoess

33、18.14423.30031.2003.033.193.6633.933Shipss39.47743.18827.4996.605.923.23-36.334Cottoon21.57726.42226.5773.603.623.120.57Totall381.115444.228516.22363.69960.19960.57716.199Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom.1.3.22 Chinnas Expoortinng Deestinnatioons to AfriicaIn 20012, Chinnas top ten expoortinng deestinnatioo

34、n coountrries in Affricaa, inn ordder, weree Souuth AAfricca, NNigerria, Egyppt, HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria AAlgerria, Ghanna, AAngolla, LLiberria, Togoo, Morroccoo andd Kennya, accoountiing ffor 770.211% off alll thee Afrricann impportss froom Chhina.Top100 Afrrica Impoort CCounttriess froom Chhina i

35、n 22012RankCounttryPerceentagge (%)Year-on-yyear Growwth (%)1Southh Afrrica17.97714.72Nigerria10.9111.163Egyptt9.6412.9334 HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Algerria6.3521.1115Ghanaa5.6153.8996Angolla4.7445.3997Liberria4.08-29.9918Togo3.9784.7339Moroccco3.672.8410Kenyaa3.2717.722Totall70.2118.08Sourcce: CChi

36、naa Cusstom.Africcan ccounttriess impport capaabiliity hhas aa dirrect corrrelattion withh theeir ddevellopmeent. Accoordinng too Afrricann GDPP datta inn 20110, tthe ttop ccounttriess in ordeer arre Soouth Afriica, Egyppt, NNigerria, HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Algeeria, Morroccoo, Anngolaa, Suudan, L

37、ibbya, HYPERLINK app:ds:Tunisia Tuniisia, HYPERLINK app:ds:Ghana Ghaana aand KKenyaa. Gennerallly, the top 10 AAfriccan ttradee parrtnerrs wiith CChinaa alll heaad thhe liist oof Affricaan GDDP raank. 1.3.22 Top 20 CChineese Expoorterrs too AfriicaIn thhe fiirst halff of 20122, ammong the Top 20 eex

38、porrt coompannies, theere aare 112 SOOEs, 7 prrivatte ennterpprisees annd 1 Joinnt Veenturre. TThe iindusstriees innvolvved aare mmainlly hiigh-techh, maanufaacturre annd meetal tradde.Top 220 Chhinesse Exxportters to AAfricca inn thee firrst hhalf of 22012CompaanyEnterrprisse NaatureeSectoorHeadqqu

39、artter1Shenzzhen Huawwei Commuunicaationn Tecchnollogiees Coo., LLtdPrivaateCommuunicaationn TecchnollogyGuanggdongg2ZTE CCorpooratiionSOECommuunicaationn TecchnollogyGuanggdongg3Chinaa Eleectroonicss Shenzzhen ComppanySOEITGuanggdongg4Gree ElecctriccAppliiancees, II ncSOEManuffactuureGuanggdongg5Ba

40、oshhan IIron & Stteel Co., LtddSOEMetallShangghai6Jianggsu SShagaang CCo., Ltd.Privaate MetallJianggsu 7Guanggdongg Meiidi RRefriigeraationn Equuipmeent CCo., Ltd.Privaate ManuffactuureGuanggdongg8Benxii Iroon Annd Stteel(Grouup)Inteernattionaal Ecconommic AAnd TTradiing CCo., LtdSOEMetall/TraadeLia

41、onning9Anganng Grroup Inteernattionaal Trrade CorppopattionSOEMetall/TraadeLiaonning10Chinaa Briilliaant SSupplly Chhain Servvice Co., LtddPrivaate TradeeGuanggdongg 11Chinaa Pettroleeum TTechnnologgy Annd Deeveloopmennt CoorporratioonSOEManuffactuure/TTradeeBeijiing12Shenzzhen One Toucch Buusineess

42、 SServiices Co. Ltd.Privaate HYPERLINK /db/guild/ o 查看該行業(yè)的其它公司 TradeeShenzzhen13Cheryy Auttomobbile Co., LtddSOEManuffactuure/TTradeeAnhuii14Xugonng Scciencce Tecchnollogy Co., Ltdd.SOEManuffactuure/TTradeeJianggsu15Benxii Beiiyingg Iroon & Steeel Grroup Imp.& Exxp.Coo., LLtd.SOE

43、HYPERLINK /hy-536.shtml Metall/TraadeLiaonning16Greatt Walll Mootor Comppany LimiitedPrivaate ManuffactuureHebeii17Xinliikangg Co., Lttd Privaate TradeeShenzzhen18Chinaa Shoouganng Innternnatioonal Tradde Enggineeeringg Co.LtdSOEManuffactuureBeijiing19Nokiaa Tellecommmuniicatiions LtdJointt Vennture

44、eCommuunicaationn TecchnollogyBeijiing20Tangsshan Steeel Grroup Coopperattion LtdSOEMetallHebeii Sourcce: HYPERLINK wwww.askkci.ccom Surpllus CCounttriess andd Defficitt CouuntriiesChinaas traade ddeficcit wwith Afriica hhas kkept expaandedd, esspeciiallyy durring the lateest 33 yeaars. In 22010, th

45、ee defficitt wass $7.138 billlion, whiile iit sooaredd to $2788.50 biillioon inn 20112, nnearlly a fourrfoldd risse. In 22013, Chiina eexporrted $44.65 bbilliion tto Affricaa andd impporteed $660.999 froom Affricaa, leeadinng too a ddeficcit oof $116.344 billlionn.The ddeficcit rresullted fromm thee

46、 groowth ratee of Chinnas immportts frrom AAfricca (aaveraage aannuaal grrowthh ratte off 28.555%) eexceeedingg thaat off Chiinas exxportts too Afrrica (aveeragee annnual growwth rrate of 26.559%). In thhe fuuturee, thhe addversse baalancce wiill ggrow sincce Chhina has a maassivve deemandd forr Afr

47、ricann eneergy and mineeral resoourcees annd otther primmary prodductss. Beesidees, CChinaa govvernmment has carrried out prommotinng meeasurres, likee zerro taarifff andd traade ffairss, too proomotee impportss froom Affricaa. Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom Stattistiics.In geeneraal, tthe ooccurrrencce o

48、ff cruude ooil aand mmetalllic ore has deciisivee inffluennce oon trrade balaance of AAfriccan ccounttriess. Chhinas Affricaan paartneers wwith tradde suurpluuses geneerallly arre maain eexporrtingg couuntriies oof crrude oil and mineeral. Whiile ddeficcit ppartnners withh Chiina aare ccounttriess w

49、itth muuch lless natuural resoourcees enndowmment.In 20012, top 10 ssurpllus AAfriccan ccounttriess witth Chhina, in ordeer, wwere Angoola, Soutth Affricaa, Coongo (Braazzavvillee), LLiberria, Conggo (DDRC), Zammbia, Guiinea-Bisssau, Maurritannia, Sierrra LLeonee andd Gabbon. Theiir suurpluuses were

50、e $299.4144 billlionn, $229.2881 biillioon, $4.0334 biillioon, $3.9776 biillioon, $2.677 billlionn, $11.9922 billlionn, $11.46 billlion, $1.029 billlion, $0.257 billlion and $0.1191 bbilliion rrespeectivvely.Whilee thee topp 10 tradde deeficiit Afriican counntriees wiith CChinaa, inn ordder, weree N

51、iggeriaa, Eggypt, Ghaana, Togoo, Liibya, HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Alggeriaa, Keenya, Morroccoo, Bennin aand TTanzaania. Theeir ddeficcits weree $8.041 billlion, $6.904 billlion, $4.147 billlion, $3.299 billlion, $3.251 billlion, $3.098 billlion, $2.737 billlion, $2.568 billlion, $2.152 billlion and

52、$1.7709 bbilliion rrespeectivvely. Sourcce: CChinaa Cusstom.From Chinnas persspecttive, Afrrica may be aa strrateggic ssuppllier of nnaturral rresouurcess. Buut a far greaater numbber oof Affricaan coountrries reprresennt exxportt desstinaationns foor Chhina, witth coonsidderabble mmarkeet pootentti

53、al. 2. Siino-AAfricca Innvesttmentt2.1 CChineese OOFDI in AffricaaFrom 20033 to 20122, Chhinesse non-finaanciaal ouutwarrd fooreiggn diirectt invvestmment (OFDDI) tto Affricaa greew frrom lless thann $1000 miillioon too $2.9 biillioon, eenjoyying an uupwarrd trrend desppite of ssome flucctuattionss,

54、 whhich is iin coonsisstentt witth thhe trrend of wworldd nonn-finnanciial OOFDI to AAfricca. At ppreseent,Afriica iis noow Chhinas maajor impoort ssourcce, sseconnd laargesst ovverseeas cconsttructtion projject conttractt marrket and fourrth llargeest iinvesstmennt deestinnatioon. Durinng thhe 100-

55、yeaar-peeriodd, Chhinesse non-finaanciaal OFFDI floww to Afriica ggraduuallyy ticcked up iin thhe fiirst 5 yeears befoore iit sttrikiinglyy peaaked at $5.4991 biillioon inn 20008.Howevver, affeectedd by the globbal ffinannciall criisis, it droppped tto $11.44 billlion in 22009 and slowwly rrebouunde

56、dd in the folllowinng 2 yearrs too $1.07 bbilliion aand $3.177 billlionn resspecttivelly. IIn 20012, the non-finaanciaal OFFDI fflow reduuced modeerateely to $22.9 bbilliion, accuumulaatingg tottal stocck too $200 billlionn. Sourcce: CChinaas FForeiign DDirecct Invesstmennt Statiisticcal BBulleetinF

57、rom a glloball perrspecctivee, Chhina inveestedd $777.22 billlion in 44,4255 oveerseaas ennterpprisees inn 1411 oveerseaas coountrries and regiions in 22012, maiinly Asiaa, Laatin Amerrica and Euroope. Howevver, Chinnese non-finaanciaal OFFDI tto Affricaa connstittutedd merrely a smmall propportiion

58、 oof tootal, whiich sstabiilizeed inn thee rannge bbetweeen 22% annd 6% froom 20003 tto 20012 wwith a nootablle exxcepttion of nnearlly 100% inn 20008.As off 20112, Chiina ccontrributted nnon-ffinannciall OFDDI off $2.9 biillioon too Afrrica, onlyy acccountting ffor 33.76% of Chinnas tootal outbboun

59、dd dirrect inveestmeent.At thhe saame ttime, Afrricann invvestmment in CChinaa greew stteadiily. As oof 20011, the stakke off Chiina fforeiign ddirecct innvesttmentt froom Affricaa achhieveed $112.9 billlion, invvolviing aareass of petrrocheemicaal enngineeerinng, mmechaatronnics and trafffic commmu

60、niccatioon ettc.Howevver, it iis diifficcult to bbe acccuraatelyy certtain abouut thhe leevel of CChinaas nnon-ffinannciall OFDI floww, ass esttimattes ffrom diffferennt soourcees vaary wwidelly annd Chhinesse innvesttmentts arre offten channneleed thhrouggh offf-shhore entiitiess reggisteered in pp


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