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1、2.Maths 數(shù)學(xué)6.Art美術(shù) lO.Tuesday 星期二 14.Saturday 星期六 18.tree 樹 22.spring 春天 26.warm溫暖的 30.coat夕卜套 34.gloves 手套 38.happy高興的 42.thirsty 渴的 46.fever 發(fā)燒 5O.dinner 晚飯 54.easy簡(jiǎn)單的58.mum媽媽 62.school 學(xué)校 66.hear 聽到4. Music 音樂8 .Sunday星期日12.Thursday 星期四16.boat 小船20Jake 湖24.autumn 秋天28.cool涼爽的32.shirt 襯衫36.shorts短褲

2、4O.ill生病的44.cold 感冒48.breakfast 早飯52.match 比賽56.whose誰的6O.them 他們64.see看見68.at school 在學(xué)校期末單詞l.Chinese 語文5.PE體育9. Monday 星期一13. Friday星期五17.flower 花21.river 河25.winter 冬天29.cold 冷的33.sweater 毛衣37.trousers 褲子4Lsad傷心的45.cough 咳嗽49.1unch 午飯53.draw 畫57.dad爸爸61.park 公園65. homework家庭作業(yè)姓名3.English英語7.Scien

3、ce 科學(xué) ll.Wednesday 星期三 15.get up 起床19.hill 小山23.summer 夏天27.hot熱的3Ldress連衣裙35.jeans牛仔褲39.hungry 餓的43.tired 累的47.headache 頭疼51. homework家庭作業(yè)55.difficult 難的59.usually 通常63.subject 課程67.take care 保重期末短語l.Welcome back to 歡迎回到l.Welcome back to 歡迎回到2.after school 放學(xué)后4.What a pity!真遺憾6.get up起床8.have lunch

4、 吃午飯 lO.play football 踢足球 12.in the evening 在晚上 14.watch TV 看電視16.go to bed 睡覺18.go boating 去劃船20.go climbing 去爬山22.1 think so.我想是。24.Good night 晚安26.take care 保重28.See you tomorrow 明天見30.Not so good 不太好32.have a swimming lesson 上一節(jié)游泳課3.What day is it today ?今天星期幾5.in the morning 在上午7.go to school 上

5、學(xué)9.in the afternoon 在下午ll.go home 回家13.have dinner 吃晚飯15.at night 在夜里17.Good idea 好主意19.go swimming去游泳(兩個(gè)m)21.go skating 去溜冰23.Whaf s the matter?怎么了 ?25 e to school 來學(xué)校27.Fm fine, thank yon .我很好,謝謝。29.See you 再見31.at school 在學(xué)校.We don have any lessons on Sunday.我們隹星期天沒有課。.Can you draw them ?Sures ea

6、sy .禰能畫他彳門嗚?當(dāng)林,這很容易。. If s difficult, but I can ti*y.這很難,但我可是試一試。.Sam 9here are your shoes ,please try them.塞姆,這里有你的新鞋子。請(qǐng)?jiān)嚧┧鼈儭?Sunday is the first day of a week.星期天是一周的第一天。.Pm sorry to hear that .聽到這個(gè)消息我很難過。.My hand hurls.我的手受傷 了。三只山羊重點(diǎn)單詞)l.goat山羊5.scared害怕的9.wet潮濕的2.grass 草6.troll 巨怪10. nice善良的3.cr

7、oss 越過7.mean兇惡的ll.sleepy困乏的4.bridge 橋8.horns 角12.their他們的二.判斷題。正確的寫T錯(cuò)誤的寫F(T )1. The goats are hungry.(F )2. The is not lots of grass on the hill.(T )3. The Goats want to cross the bridge .(T )4. There is a troll under the bridge .(T)5. The troll isju線!i (兇惡的).(F )6. The Little Goat is scared on the

8、bridge .(T )7. The Middle Goat is not scared on the bridge .(T )8. The troll is hungry.(F )9. The Big Goat is scared on the bridge .(T )10. The troll is a nice troll atlast.(最后)(T )11. The three goats are sleepy atlast (最后)(F )12. The three goats are not hungry o(T )13. The troll is under the bridge

9、 at first (起初)。(F )14.Big Goafs horns are very small.(F )15.The troll isn9t mean in the river.(T )16AUat, the three goats are sleepy三.連線題l.There are threeon the hill2.The goats3 There is lots of gras4. There is a trore hungryunder the bridge四.翻譯下面的句子,并且排序。(2 ).The troll is on the bridge .But Big Goa

10、t isnt scared. 巨怪在橋上,但是大山羊不害怕。(4 ).The Goats are on the hill. Theyre sleepy.山羊們?cè)谏缴?,他們很困?3 ).one. two. three! The troll is in the river. 一二三 , 巨怪掉進(jìn)河里了。(l).Big Goat is on the bridge 大山羊在橋上。五.翻譯下面的句子,并且排序。(2 ).There is a troll under the bridge ,he is mean . 在橋下有一只 巨怪, 它很兇惡。(5 ).The troll is in the riv

11、er ,he is wet and sad .巨怪掉到河里了,它潮濕又難過。(1 ).There are three goats ,they are hungry .有三只三羊,它們很餓。(3 ).Middle goat is on the bridge ,but he isn;t scared . 中三羊在橋上, 但是它不害怕。(4 ).The troll is on the bridge ,but the Big Goat isnt sacred .巨怪在橋上,但是大山羊不害怕。(6 ).The three goats arent hungry ,they are sleepy now.

12、三只三羊不餓了,它們現(xiàn)在困了。5- 8單元短語第五單元短語1in spring在春天12like spring喜歡春天2in summer在夏天13a fine day晴朗的一天3in autumn在秋天14eat ice creams吃冰淇淋(復(fù)數(shù))4in winter在冬天15have picnics 野餐(復(fù)數(shù))5four seasons四個(gè)季節(jié)16your jacket你的夾克衫6fly kites放風(fēng)箏(復(fù)數(shù))17whose coat誰的外套7go swimming去游泳(兩個(gè)m)18on a sunny day在一個(gè)陽光燦爛的日子(有day就用on)8go climbing 去爬山

13、19like summer喜歡夏天9go skating 去溜冰(skate 要去 e 加 ing)20Whose bag is it?這是誰的包?10go fishing去釣魚21She has my bag.她拿了我的包。11make snowmen堆雪人(復(fù)數(shù)a變e)22a cold day 一個(gè)寒冷的日子第六單元短語1whose sweater誰的毛衣14my cousin,s我表姐的2look at my dress看我的我的連衣裙15can move會(huì)移動(dòng)3too short 太短16before eating fish 在吃魚前4too long 太長(zhǎng)17by the lake在

14、湖邊5try this試試這個(gè)18his shorts他的短褲6try these試試這些19Youre wrong.你錯(cuò)了。7your trousers你的褲子20You,re right. 你對(duì)了。8all right 好的21I think so.我想是。9go to the party去參加派對(duì)22Whats the matter? 怎么 了 ?10Su Yang飛gloves蘇陽的手套23My hand hurts.我的手疼。11so big如此大24單數(shù):Whose +單數(shù)東西is it/ this/that?Irs+某人的12so beautiful如此漂亮25復(fù)數(shù):Whose

15、+ 復(fù)數(shù)東西 are they /these/those?Theyre + 某人的13my fathers我爸爸的26Let飛play.我們一起玩吧。第七單元短語1come and have a pie 來吃一個(gè)派14be hungry 餓的2have some water 喝一些水15be thirsty 渴的3here you are 給你16be tired 累的4wantto+動(dòng)詞原形想要17be ill生病的5go to bed 睡覺18be sad傷心的6Good night 晚安19be happy開心的7Mum and Dad媽媽和爸爸20Whaf s the matter?怎

16、么 了 ?8go home回家21have a cake吃一塊蛋糕9show Rose your nose給羅斯看你的鼻子22Are you all right?你還好嗎?10my baby我的寶貝23here*s some water.這里有一些水。11sit still靜靜地坐著24Can I have some water?能給我一些水嗎?(注息 some)12take this pill吃這片藥25This is Mrs Fox speakingo我是狐貍老師(打 用語)13be+形容詞(感覺怎么樣)26Im tired.我累了。第八單元短語1speak to Miss Li和李老師通

17、話12lunch for the fox狐貍的午餐2come to school 來學(xué)校13go and see Doctor Wu 去看吳醫(yī)生3have a cold and a fever 感冒又發(fā)燒14see you soon 一會(huì)見4take care 保重15come to see you 來看你5have a cough 咳嗽16Pm sorry to hear that.聽到這個(gè)消息我很難過。6have a headache 頭疼17Hello,this isspeaking.你好,我是 (打 用語)7See you tomorrow 明天見18Hello,this is你好,我

18、是(打 用語)8see you after school 放學(xué)后再見19May I speak to. ?我能和通 嗎?(打 用語)9at school在學(xué)校20Is . there?在嗎?(打 用語)10Not so good不太好21We dont have any lessons on Sunday 我們?cè)谛瞧谔鞗]有課。11the hot dog in the box在盒子里的熱狗22I am ill.我生病了。我會(huì)短語1our new timetable我們的新課表26go to bed 睡覺2like Chinese喜歡語文課27at night在夜里3go to the playg

19、round 去操場(chǎng)28at seven forty在七點(diǎn)四十分4what subjects什么課程(復(fù)數(shù))29go home回家5what lessons什么課(復(fù)數(shù))30watch TV看電視6an Art lesson 一節(jié)美術(shù)課31in the morning 在上午7this morning 今天上午32in the afternoon 在下午8this afternoon 今天下午33in the evening 在晚上9Welcome back to歡迎回到34my day我的天10at school在學(xué)校35over there在那里11on Monday在星期一36in the

20、 park在公園里12our school subjects我們的學(xué)校課程37draw some pictures 畫一些畫13What day is it today?今天星期幾?38draw them畫他們14What a pity!真遺憾!39the boat on the river在河上的小船15All right.好的。40on the lake在湖面上16what day星期幾41well done干得好17get up at five在五點(diǎn)起床42It9s easy它是容易的18go and play table tennis 去打乒乓球43Ifs difficult.它是難的

21、。19a football match 一場(chǎng)足球比賽44try again再試試20have a swimming lesson 上一節(jié)游泳課45If s great fun.它非常有趣。21every day 每天46on Monday morning 在星期一上午22at six在六點(diǎn)47go to school 上學(xué)23have lunch吃午飯48Ifs time foi*+名詞是該干什么的的時(shí)候了24play football 踢足球49It*s time to+動(dòng)詞原形是該十什么的的時(shí)候了25have dinner 吃晚飯50do my homework做我的家庭作業(yè)期末復(fù)習(xí)總結(jié)期

22、末知識(shí)點(diǎn):J.星期幾前用on,如:on Monday在星期一,on Sunday morning在星期天早上.幾點(diǎn)幾分前用at,如:at ten在十點(diǎn) ,at ten fortyf ve在十點(diǎn)四十五.一年四季前用 in 如:in spring, in summer4.在上午,在下午,在晚上用in在夜里用at今天上午,今天下午用thisin the morning 在上午this morning 今天上午5.在河面上,在湖面上用onin the morning 在上午this morning 今天上午5.在河面上,在湖面上用onin the afternoon 在下午 in the evenin

23、g 在晚上this afternoon 今天下午at night在夜里on the river在河面上on the river在河面上on the lake在湖面have a swimming lesson 上一節(jié)游泳課6.have has表示有have a swimming lesson 上一節(jié)游泳課6.have has表示有have a skating lesson 上一節(jié)溜冰課I have我有I have我有we have我們有he has他有she has她有you have 你有 復(fù)數(shù)have復(fù)數(shù)有 一個(gè)人名has一個(gè)人名有7. Can I have some.? 可以給我一些嗎?W

24、ould you like some?你想要一些嗎?7. Can I have some.? 可以給我一些嗎?Would you like some?你想要一些嗎?(記住句中一定用some)(記住句中一定用some).看到When (問什么時(shí)候).看至!J What time (問幾點(diǎn)).看到What day(問星期幾)1L看到Ifs time for+名詞(短)Ifs time to+動(dòng)詞原型(長(zhǎng))Its time for dinnerIts time to have dinner.看到When (問什么時(shí)候).看至!J What time (問幾點(diǎn)).看到What day(問星期幾)1L看

25、到Ifs time for+名詞(短)Ifs time to+動(dòng)詞原型(長(zhǎng))Its time for dinnerIts time to have dinner.想到At+數(shù)字想到+數(shù)字想到+星期幾是該干什么的時(shí)候了 是該干什么的時(shí)候了 是該吃晚飯的時(shí)候了 是該吃晚飯的時(shí)候了.看至!J Lefs想到Y(jié)es好的ok好的AH right好的 Great太棒了Good idea好主意.一周有七天,一周的第一天是星期天(Sunday)Sunday 星期天 Monday 星期一 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.祈使句的否認(rèn)在句首加DoiftDon w

26、atch TV別看電視. Welcome back to school 歡迎回到學(xué)校Welcome back home 歡迎回家(記住here there home這里那里家里前面不加to這里那里家里要干干凈凈不加to).數(shù)字的表達(dá):TD1 -12one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve;J (2)13-19 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen;,整十?dāng)?shù) 20-50: twenty; thi

27、rty; forty; fifty21-99先說“幾十”,再說“幾”,中間加連字符。如:21 twenty-one.時(shí)間的表達(dá)法整點(diǎn)的表達(dá):數(shù)字+olock( oclock也可以省略)one oclock 一點(diǎn)整two oclock 兩點(diǎn)整非整點(diǎn)的表達(dá):時(shí)+分或者分+to (差)+時(shí)(倒著讀)6: 30=six thirty 7:45=seven forty -five 8:01=eight o one ten to nine 九點(diǎn)差十分 850.英語句子中,時(shí)間放在最后I get up at six oclock.我六點(diǎn)起床。I go boating in spring .我在春天去游泳。.

28、一句話中有兩個(gè)時(shí)間,小時(shí)間在前,大時(shí)間在后I go to bed at nine on Friday.我星期五九點(diǎn)睡覺。.如果一個(gè)句子中既有時(shí)間,又有地點(diǎn)。地點(diǎn)在前,時(shí)間在后I usually go to school at seveno我通常在七點(diǎn)去上學(xué)。.表示意見和建議的句子希望得到肯定回答句子中用someCan I have some water, Mum?媽媽,我能喝一些水嗎?.a lot of=many許多+復(fù)數(shù)名詞. with+賓格draw+賓格Whafs the matter with her?她怎么 了 ?Can you draw them ? Ifs difficult t,

29、 but I can try.你能畫它們嗎?這很難,但是我可以試一試。24吃喝 有 上課 都用have have dinner吃晚飯 have some water喝一些水have a book有一本書have PE上體育課.看到 Whafs the matter with you?=Whafs wrong with you ?想到你怎么 了.看到What subjects想到什么課程看到 What lessons想到什么課.看至(J whose想到東西是某某人的.表示某某人的:可以用物主代詞或者 加、 This is my book. This is Helens book.這是海倫的書.別

30、人關(guān)心你或者給你好處我要說:Thank you.別人生病了或者有不太好的事情你表示同情可以說:Tm sorry to hear that.聽到這個(gè)消息我很難過。.別人要你做什么事,你不會(huì)做。你可以說:Ifs difficult, but I can try.這很難,但我可是試一試。.當(dāng)別人東西好或有優(yōu)點(diǎn)時(shí)要學(xué)會(huì)贊美:nice .真好看。How nice.!多好看??!Ifs great.太棒了。Great!好極了How beautiful !真漂亮!.whose 誰的 who9s 是誰.以下詞只用復(fù)數(shù):(成雙成對(duì)出現(xiàn)的東西)復(fù)數(shù)名詞全用arejeans牛仔褲trousers褲子shorts短褲g

31、loves手套.和水有關(guān)的詞是不可數(shù)名詞,不可數(shù)名詞是單數(shù):?jiǎn)螖?shù)名詞用isHere is some water for you.這里有一些水給你. dress 復(fù)數(shù) dressessnowman 復(fù)數(shù) snowmen. can能lefs讓我們 want to想要+動(dòng)詞原形. draw+賓格with+賓格try +賓格Can you draw them? Whats the matter with her?主格賓格物主代詞I我me我my我的you你,你們you你,你們your你的,你he他him他his他的she她her她her她的it它it它its它的we我們US我們our我們的they他們t

32、hem他們their他們的礪句型二)fWhat subjects do you like? lllike.jWhat lessons do you have ?Ij have.f Nice to see you.L Nice to see you toof Welcome back to school.I Thank youC What day is it today?星期幾JWhen do you get up every day? At +數(shù)字你喜歡什么課程 (復(fù)數(shù)) 我喜歡你們有什么課(復(fù)數(shù))我有見到你很高興。見到你也很高興。歡迎回到學(xué)校諭謝你今天星期幾?J What time is i

33、t now? llt,s +數(shù)字jWhat can you see?J can see .你每天什么時(shí)候起床? 幾點(diǎn)現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?你能看見什么? 我能看見。9. fl have.11 dont have.(否認(rèn))10.What would you like? rd like戈直接回答自己想要的東西我有我沒有你想要什么? 我想要它是誰的? 它是某某人 這是誰的?它是某某人的/Whose + 單數(shù)東西 + is it? jirs.srWhose + 單數(shù)東西 + is this?ilfs%13. rWhose + 單數(shù)東西 + is that?14?Whose + 復(fù)數(shù)東西 + are they?T

34、heyre s15jwhose + 復(fù)數(shù)東西 + are these?They5re sWhose + 復(fù)數(shù)東西 + are those?Theyre .那是誰的? 它是某某人的 它們是誰的? 它們是某某人的 這些是誰的? 它們是某某人的 那些是誰的? 它們是某某人的Look at my dress. Ifs too short Try this.r Look at my trousers. They are so big. | Try these.看我的連衣裙。它太短了。試試這條。看我的褲子。它們?nèi)绱舜?。試試這些。(單數(shù))(找單數(shù))(復(fù)數(shù))(找復(fù)數(shù))(液體類單詞不可數(shù),單數(shù)用is.)(單數(shù))

35、(復(fù)數(shù)). Herejs some water for you.Here is_a chair for you.1的數(shù)詞this這仔that那個(gè)口 +單數(shù)名詞a 一個(gè)can 能 lets讓我們?cè)~原形want to想要go+ing (go boating, go swimming, go climbing, go skating)廠Do.like?don9t like改為一般疑問句:Y Do.have?6.改為否認(rèn)y dont have,an.?cantSvhat subjects do you like?你喜歡什么課程 (復(fù)數(shù))What lessons do you have this morning ?你今天上午有什么課?(復(fù)數(shù))What day is it today?今天星期幾?When do you get up?你什么時(shí)候起床?(What time is it no


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



