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1、布朗幼兒英語教師輔助材料庫(一)KIDS BROWNt師課堂美語問候語Hi . / Hel l o.Good mor ni ng.How do you do.Ni ce t o meet you. / Ni ce t o see you.Say bye- bye t o your Mummy/daddy.How are you?I m f i ne , t hank you!課堂用語Ti me f or cl ass.Are you ready?Ready go.St and up pl ease.1 、 2 .Si t down pl ease.1、 2 .Li st en t o me p

2、l ease.Let s st art / begi n.Look at me pl ease.Fol l ow me pl ease.Look at my mout h.Hands up.Hands down.Who want s t o t ry?/ Who can t ry?Let me t ry. / I can t ry.Qui ckl y.Sl owl y.Let s count .Who s t he wi nner ?I can t hear you.Louder, pl ease.Come her e pl ease.Go back t o your seat .Ri ght

3、 or wr ong?Are you sure?Let s have a check.Shh, Pl ease be qui et .Warm up t i me.Let s go t o story box.Cl ass i s over .That s al l f or t oday.Ti me i s over .St op her e.Are you happy?One more t i me. /once agai nCl ap your hands.生活用語Dri nk wat er pl ease.Wash your hands.Wash your f ace.Have br

4、eakf ast .Have supper .Have l unch.Go t o t oi l et .Go t o cl assr oom.Have a r est .Let s pl ay games.Go t o bedroom.Take off your coat / shoes.Li e down.St op t al ki ng.St op f i ght i ng.Cl ose your eyes/ mout h.Wake up.Open your eyes.Get up.Put on your coat / shoes.One by one.Li ne up.Tur n ri

5、 ght/ l ef t .Tur n ar ound.St op pushi ng.May I come i n.Come i n pl ease.Let s go t o do mor ni ng exer ci se.表揚用語Good j ob.Very good.Very cl ever .Wonder f ul .Excel l ent .Gi ve me f i ve. Yeah.鼓勵用語Don t be af rai d ! Try i t !Don t be shy , j ust t ry !Keep t ryi ng. You can do i t .Let s t ry

6、agai n !Take i t easy !Come onPl ease gi ve hi m/ her a bi g hand.禮貌用語Pl easeThank you.Thanks.I m sor ry.I t s ok.That s al l r i ght .Never mi nd.告別用語Bye- bye.Goodbye everyone.See you l at e.See you t omor r ow.See you next week.Have a good weekend.Have a good hol i day.詢問用語Whi ch one i s r i ght ?

7、Who can t el l me?What s your name? My name i sDo you want t o pl ay?How s t he weat her?Who can hel p me?What day i s i t t oday?其他:美國父母和老師鼓勵孩子最常用的 101 句贊賞語德國教育家第斯多惠指出: “教學(xué)藝術(shù)本質(zhì)不在于傳授的本領(lǐng), 而在于鼓勵、 喚醒和鼓舞。 ” 正面鼓勵不僅能滿足孩子的心理需要, 提高做事的興趣,還能使孩子從成功中增強自信心,從而進(jìn)入自主學(xué)習(xí)的狀態(tài),取得較好的教育效果。美國前總統(tǒng)林肯說過, “關(guān)鍵的一句話有時會影響人的一生” 。教師的言

8、行舉止都可能會對學(xué)生的成長產(chǎn)生相當(dāng)重要的影響,為此我們應(yīng)當(dāng)堅持以表揚鼓勵為主,不要吝嗇我們的鼓勵,我們鼓勵的目光好比一座橋,能幫助學(xué)生到達(dá)成功的彼岸。真誠地去鼓勵吧,讓學(xué)生初步體驗成功的喜悅,逐步樹立學(xué)習(xí)的自信心,并最終激發(fā)他們的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。Wow 哇! ( 叫絕聲 )Way To Go 就該這么做Super 極好的Youre Special 你不一般Outstanding 杰出的Excellent 優(yōu)秀的Great 偉大的Good 好的Neat 真整潔Well Done 做得好Remarkable 非凡的I Knew You Could Do It 我知道你能做的Im Proud Of You

9、 我為你而驕傲Fantastic 太奇妙了Super Star 超級明星Nice Work 干得好Looking Good 看上去不錯Youre On Top Of ItBeautiful 美極了Now Youre FlyingYoure Catching OnNow Youve Got ItYoure Incredible你是數(shù)一數(shù)二的現(xiàn)在你起飛了 ( 進(jìn)步了 )你是有吸引力的現(xiàn)在你做到了你簡直難以置信You Can Do It 你能做到How Did You Do That? 你怎樣完成的?Bravo 好?。∶?!Youre Fantastic你真太妙了Youre Improving你在進(jìn)步

10、Hurray For You 為你喊萬歲Youre On Target 你達(dá)到目標(biāo)了Youre On Your Way 你在前進(jìn)中How Nice 多好啊Good Job 干的出色Thats Incredible 簡直難以置信Hot Dog 熱狗Lets Try Again 再試試Dynamite 非同凡響Youre Beautiful 你太美了Youre Unique 你太不尋常了Nothing Can Stop You Now 現(xiàn)在你已所向無敵了Good For You 為你好I Like You 我歡你Youre A Winner 你是贏家I Respect You 我尊敬你Youll

11、Make It你一定會成功的Remarkable Job出色的工作Beautiful Work完美的工作的工作Spectacular 壯觀的,引人入勝的49. I Like The Way You Handled That我欣賞你的做法Great Discovery 偉大的發(fā)現(xiàn)Youve Discovered The Secret 你已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了秘密Youre Making Progress 你正在進(jìn)步Y(jié)ou Figured It Out 你搞懂了Fantastic Job 干的太好了Hip, Hip Hurray 萬歲! ( 喝彩聲 )Bingo 你成功了I Believe Youll Han

12、dle It 我確信你能行Magnificent 杰出的Marvellous 非凡的Terrific 太妙了You Really Tried 你確實盡力了Thanks For Helping 感謝你的幫助Super Job 出色完成任務(wù)Creative Job 創(chuàng)造性的完成任務(wù)Super Work 超級完成任務(wù)Youre Sensational你真令人感動I Like Your Work 我欣賞你的工作I Can See Progress我已經(jīng)看到了進(jìn)步Exceptional Performance 非同一般的表現(xiàn)Youre A Real Trooper 你真實一個好騎手You Are Res

13、ponsible 你是負(fù)責(zé)任的You Are Exciting 你真令人激動You Learned It Right 你做對了Look How Far Youve Come 瞧,你已經(jīng)有多領(lǐng)先了What An Imagination 多么豐富的想象力!What A Good Listener 多么專注的聽眾??!You Are Fun 你真有趣Youre Growing Up 你長大了You Tried Hard 你盡力了You Care 你很認(rèn)真Outstanding Performance 出色的表現(xiàn)Youre A Good Friend 你是一個好朋友I Have Confidence In Your Judgment 我堅信你的判斷I Trust You 我相信你Youre Important 你非常重要You Belong 你屬于我們Youve Got A Friend 你已經(jīng)得到了一個朋友You Make Me Laugh 你讓我開懷大笑You Brighten My Day 你讓我今天增輝不I Respect You 我崇敬你Thats Corr


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