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1、第 PAGE9 頁(yè) 共 NUMPAGES9 頁(yè)仁愛英語(yǔ)同步練習(xí)答案必備仁愛英語(yǔ)同步練習(xí)冊(cè)七年級(jí)上冊(cè)參考答案【根底達(dá)標(biāo)】.l.January 2. February 3. March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12. December 13. months 14. Happy 15. eighth.1. are 2. doesnt like 3. goes 4. like 5. see 6. has 7. runs 8. the third, three. 略. l.D 2.F

2、3.E 4.I 5.G 6.H 7.J 8.A 9. C 10. B. 1. How old is she? 2. When is his birthday? 3. How is she? 4. Where is my football? 5. How much is it?【綜合運(yùn)用】.1. ninth 2. mothers 3. twelfth 4. Her 5. Childrens 6. second.1. English test 2. school trip 3. Lisas birthday party 4.basketball game 5.in February 6. Art

3、Festival 7. date of birth 8. November the twelfth 9. have a book sale 10. other activities【單元才能測(cè)試】.1.March 16th 2. art 3. trip 4. Festivals 5. old 6. healthy 7. second,third 8. things. 1. says 2. party 3. my 4. goes 5. Food 6. Toms 7. ten 8. want. 1. How old is your brother? He is twelve years old.

4、2. When is his birthday? Its on November 7th.3. His birthday is in the next week. Lets say Happy Birthday to lum.4. He has a birthday party in November. 5. We want to buy some fruits for him. Nice to see you, boys and girls. New term begins. Now Ill tell you our events this term. Art Festival is on

5、September 20th. The basketball game is in October. The English Evening is in November. The Christmas party is on December 25th. I hope we can have a good time.(仁愛版)初二下冊(cè)英語(yǔ)練習(xí)冊(cè)答案、1、smiling2、begins3、gods4、reminds5、silly6、shot7、hides8、Western9、weak10、changes、1、were2、with3、because4、to move5、a bit6、western

6、7、unless8、married9、to solve10、better、1、once upon a time2、as soon as3、gave birth to4、turn ;into5、instead of6、was born on7、journey to the west8、got married9、took ;a long time、1、why was2、when did ;e3、as soon as4、did ;fall5、unless ;cannot /cant6、so ;that仁愛英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)下學(xué)期同步練習(xí)冊(cè)參考答案Unit 1Section AI. 1. France 2.

7、language; speaks 3. from 4. pal5. the United States 6. country. 1-5 CCBCA. 1. pen pal 2. e from/be from 3. in theUnited States 4. speak English 5. does; pen pal; es fromAustralia; does; live; lives; language does; speak; speaks EnglishSection BI. 1. write 2. difficult 3. world 4. lives 5. thinks.1-5

8、BABCC.1-5 BABCAIV. 1. her favorite subject 2. too difficult 3. write to 4. want a pen pal 5. my favorite sport 6. likes and dislikes 7. Does; have any brothers or sisters going; with; playing sports 11. an action movie 12. tell me about yourselfV. 1. Five 2. Canada 3. Paris 4. the United States /Ame

9、rica 5. ThreeSelf Check 1I. 1. What;want 2. Where;does;live;lives in 3. What, language; speak;speaks 4. My;favorite;subject 5. e;from 6. with; after;school 7. write;to;soon II. 1. doesnt speak 2. Its an 3. Where is 4. What language5. When isIII. 1-5 cadebIV. 1-5 BABCA 6-10 ACACBSelf Check 2I.1-5 CCB

10、ABII.1. Whats;favorite 2. on weekend 3. Does;speak 4. interesting places 5. Im sureIII.1-5 BCAAB 6-10 ABCACUnit 4 Section AI. 1. bank clerk 2. shop assistant 3. What does she do; What is she? 4. works in that restaurant 5. What do you want to be; to be an actor 6. work with people and money; give me

11、 their money 7. a white uniform; work in the day; at night 8. kind of dangerous;Thieves dont like me 9. talking to people; ask them questions 10. work late; am very busy; go out to dinnersII. A) 1-5 BEDACB) 6. money 7. dangerous 8. wear 9. nurse 10. sometimesIII. 1-5 CCBACIV.1. shop assistant 2. bus

12、y 3. doctor 4. taxi driver 5. policeman 6. Because its exciting. 7. reporter 8. nice 9. singer10. Because she likes singing.Section BI. 1. work hard 2. other young people 3. work for a magazine 4. school play 5. a busy job 6. a newspaper reporter 7. work; works in a hospital 8. as a waiterII.1-5 BCCABIII.1-5 CAEBDIV. 1-5 BABBCSelf Check 1I. 1. an international school for children of 5-12 2. to teach soccer; volleyball and tennis 3. a music teacher to teach guitar; piano,violinII. 1. Does;want 2. Where does 3. to him 4. does;do 5. What;beIII.1-5 CBADEIV. 1-5 BCCBASelf Check 2. 1-5 BC


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