



1、 / 5文章來源網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí)高中生世界勤儉日英語作文:世界勤儉日高中生世界勤儉日英語作文:世界勤儉日在世界各國, 節(jié)約已經(jīng)成為一種潮流, 一些國家保護(hù)資源的意識已經(jīng)融入每個人生活中的每一個細(xì)節(jié)。 聯(lián)合國專門把10 月 31 日設(shè)立為“勤儉日”, 也就是提醒并要求人們在新世紀(jì)仍然要堅持艱苦樸素、勤儉節(jié)約的美德。hard work and plain living, thrift is our human societysvirtue. in the world, saving has becomea kind of fashion, some countries of the cons

2、ervation of resources awareness has been integrated into every detail in everyones life. united nations specialized in october 31st to establish a thrift day, alsois to remind and asked people in the newcentury, weshould still adhere to the virtues of thrift, hard work and plain living.有這么一個民間故事:從前,

3、在中原的伏牛山下,住著一個叫吳成的農(nóng)民,他一生勤儉持家,日子過得無憂無慮,十分美滿。相傳他臨終前, 曾把一塊寫有“勤儉”兩字的橫匾交給兩個兒子, 告誡他們說:“你們要想一輩子不受饑挨餓,就一定要照這兩個宇去做?!焙髞?,兄弟倆分家時,將匾一鋸兩半,老大分得了一個“勤”字,老二分得一個“儉”字。 老大把“勤”字恭恭敬敬高懸家中, 每天“日出而作, 日人而息”, 年年五谷豐登。 然而他的妻子卻過日子大手大腳,孩子們常常將白白的饃饃吃了兩口就扔掉, 久而久之, 家里就沒有一點(diǎn)余糧。 老二自從分得半塊匾后, 也把“儉”字當(dāng)作“神諭”供放中堂,卻把“勤”字忘到九霄云外。他疏于農(nóng)事,又不肯精耕細(xì)作,每年所收

4、獲的糧食就不多。盡管一家?guī)卓诠?jié)衣縮食、省吃儉用,畢竟也是難以持久。這一年遇上大旱,老大、老二家中都早已是空空如也。他倆情急之下扯下字匾,將“勤”“儉”二字踩碎在地。這時候,突然有紙條從窗外飛進(jìn)屋內(nèi),兄弟倆連忙拾起看,上面寫道:“只勤不儉,好比端個沒底的碗,總也盛不滿! ”“只儉不勤,坐吃山空,一定要受窮挨餓! ”兄弟倆恍然大悟,“勤”“儉”兩字原來不能分家,相輔相成,缺一不可。吸取教訓(xùn)以后,他倆將“勤儉持家”四個字貼在自家門上,提醒自己,告誡妻室兒女,身體力行,此后日子過得一天比一天好。there is a folk story: once upon a time, in the centra

5、lplains of the funiu mountain, there lived a farmer named wucheng, his life, thrifty,live be light of heart from care, veryhappy. legend has it that he was dying, wrote a piece of writingand hengbian gave two sons, telling them: you want not tostarve for a lifetime, you must do as the two yu. later,

6、 thebrothers separated, the plaque and a saw in half, the boss gave a ground, the second part of a thrifty word. the boss toground respectfully hangs in the home, every richuerzuo,japanese and interest, a bumper grain harvest year after year. however, his wife live wasteful, children will often whit

7、esteamed bun eat two throw away, in the course of time, just a little bit surplus home. the second half since the share of plaque, the thrifty worrd as oracle to put the nave, butthe ground left to be flung to the four winds. he dropped the farming, and refused to intensive and meticulous farming, a

8、nnual harvest of grain is not. although a few scant oneself in food and clothes, save money on food and expenses, it is difficult to lasting. this year the event of a severe drought, the boss, the second home already was absolutely empty. they panic pulled the important words, will wash frugal twowo

9、rds crush in. at this time, there is a note from the window flew into the room suddenly, the brothers hurriedly picked up - see, above wrote: not only qin jian, like the end of a nobottom bowl, also filled with! not only jian qin, itself, must be poor! the two brothers see light suddenly, qin frugal

10、the original can not be separated, complement each other, are indispensable. learn a lesson, they will be frugal four copybook in the home, to remind ourselves, telling a wife and children, set an example by personally taking part, then theday better every day.其實(shí), 勤儉節(jié)約并不需要很大的勇氣才能做到, 也不需要很高的智力或任何超人類的

11、德行才能做到。 它只需要某些常識和抵制自私享樂的力量就行了。 勤儉節(jié)約只不過是日常生活中的普通意識而已。 它不需要強(qiáng)烈的決心, 它只需要有一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)自我克制。 減少任何一次感官享樂和快樂逍遙,如少吃一根棒冰或少買一點(diǎn)零食以及鞋子、衣服,就能使一個人在歲月的長河中為其他人節(jié)省下來一些東西, 而不是浪費(fèi)在自己身上。in fact, thrift does not need great courage to do, also do not need very high intelligence or any super human virtue can do. it just needs somecom

12、monsense and resist selfish pleasure power line. thrift is only in the daily life of common sense.it does not need a strong determination, it just needs a little self-control. any reduction of a sensory pleasure and happiness, like eat a popsicle or less to buy somesnacks and shoes, clothes, can make a person in the past years for other people to save something, instead of wasting it on yourself.我們每


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