滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 7 學(xué)情評(píng)估附答案_第1頁(yè)
滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 7 學(xué)情評(píng)估附答案_第2頁(yè)
滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 7 學(xué)情評(píng)估附答案_第3頁(yè)
滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 7 學(xué)情評(píng)估附答案_第4頁(yè)
滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 7 學(xué)情評(píng)估附答案_第5頁(yè)
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1、滬教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 7學(xué)情評(píng)估英語(yǔ)八年級(jí)-上(HJ版)時(shí)間:120分鐘總分值:120分第一局部(聽(tīng)力 共30分)一、聽(tīng)對(duì)話,選答案(共15小題,計(jì)20分) 第一節(jié):(共10小題,計(jì)10分))1. A. Sunny.)2. A. In a park.)3. A. For one day.)4. A. The boys sister.The boys mother.The boys brother.)5. A. By bike.)6. A. Boring.)7. A. Baseball.B. Rainy.B. In a supermarket.B. For two days.C. Clo

2、udy.C. In a library.C. For four days.B. By train.B. Pretty good.B. Ping-pong.C. By boat.C. Very bad.C. Tennis.)8. A. She will visit her grandparents.She will go to the birthday party.She will go to the movies.C. Fish.)9. A. Hamburgers.B. Chicken.()10. A. On Tuesday.On Wednesday.On Thursday.第二節(jié):(共5小題

3、,計(jì)10分)聽(tīng)第11段對(duì)話,回答第11、12小題。()11. Where is the subway station?On the Long Street.On the Bridge Street.C. On the Center Street. kinds of information to help you improve the way you study. Over 350 producers of educational materials (材料)will be at the fair. Come along to this, and you wont waste your mon

4、ey in the future on materials that are out of date, or books that you just don*t need. Weve got lots of different things for you to see and hear. There will be trade stands (展位)showing different kinds of self-study textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to study by yourself. We

5、re sure youll also enjoy watching people using the latest computer programs to make studying English alone so much easier. This is for you to make good decisions about what to buy. You can come to the fair from nine thirty to five. Tickets cost 5 each, or 3 if youre a full-time student. All tickets

6、can be booked by ringing the ticket hotline. The number is 9847711.So, we hope to see you there!Who will go to the Language Study Fair?will go to the Language Study Fair.What will attract those who go to the Language Study Fair?will attract those who go to the Language Study Fair.What will you buy i

7、f you want to make studying English alone much easier?I will buy.What are the opening hours of the fair?They are.How can you get a ticket for the fair?can get a ticket.八、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(共5小題,計(jì)5分)在每個(gè)空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)恼Z(yǔ)句,使對(duì)話恢復(fù)完整。A : What are you going to do after the exams?B : 76. Do you have any good ideas?A : Yes, I w

8、ant to relax myself. So I want to go on a trip.B : Sounds great! 77.?A : Pd like to go somewhere interesting and exciting.B : There is a new zoo in Changsha. 78.?A : No, I haven*t. What about you?B : 79., But my cousin went there last week. He told me that people could watch the animals there in a m

9、ore natural environment.A : Really? That sounds interesting. Lets go to the zoo together.B : OK. We can go there by bus tomorrow.A : 80.? Its not too far from here. And riding a bike is a kind of good exercise.B : OK. I cant wait.九、書(shū)面表達(dá)(計(jì)15分)2021年在人們?nèi)Ψ揽匾咔橹修D(zhuǎn)瞬即逝。假如你是八年級(jí)學(xué)生李華,你的筆 友Paul來(lái)信詢問(wèn)你在這一年里經(jīng)歷的印象最深

10、刻的事以及收獲。請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下要 點(diǎn)提示寫一篇80詞左右的回信。要點(diǎn):L得益于抗疫的成功,我們重回校園;.英語(yǔ)文化節(jié)活動(dòng):講故事比賽,如何提升記憶力演講比賽,均獲一 等獎(jiǎng);.科學(xué)社團(tuán)活動(dòng);了解了很多有趣的創(chuàng)造;.其他印象深刻的事及收獲(至少補(bǔ)充一個(gè))。要求:1.詞數(shù)80左右:開(kāi)頭結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);.可圍繞要點(diǎn)適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,使行文連貫;.文中不能出現(xiàn)與本人相關(guān)的信息。Dear Paul,Im very happy to hear from you and Id like to share with you some impressive experiences I had in 2021.Did

11、 you do anything special in 2021 ? Please write back to me and share your stories.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua參考答案第一局部聽(tīng)力材料:一、聽(tīng)對(duì)話,選答案弟一EW : The weather here is changeable in June.M : Yeah, it was rainy just now. But at this moment, it is sunny.Q : Whats the weather like now?M : Can I help you,

12、madam?W : Yes. Id like two kilos of apples. How much are they?Q : Where are they probably talking?M: Hello, Alice. Is Frank better now?W : Yes. But the doctor says he has to stay in bed for another two days.Q : How long should Frank stay in bed from now on?W : Were you doing your homework when I cal

13、led you last night?M : No, I was watching TV with my parents. My sister was doing housework then.Q : Who was doing housework then?M: Hi, Rose! Why are you in such a hurry?W : Oh, Im going to the railway station to pick up my friend.Q : How does the girfs friend come?W : How do you like the song?M :

14、I think its pretty good. It makes me feel excited.Q : What does the man think of the song?M : Which sport do you like better, tennis or ping-pong?W : I prefer tennis. It*s so exciting and popular.Q : What sport does the girl like better?M: Will you be free this weekend, Tina? I want to invite you to

15、 my birthday party.W : Oh, sorry. I have to visit my grandparents in the town.Q : What will Tina do this weekend?M: Can we have some hamburgers for lunch, Mom?W : No. They are junk food. Let*s have some fish instead.Q : What will they have for lunch?W : Paul, would you like to watch the basketball m

16、atch tomorrow?M : Oh, let me see. It*s Tuesday today. Tomorrow I will be free. I am sure to watch it.Q : When is the basketball match?第二節(jié):聽(tīng)第11段對(duì)話,回答第11、12小題。W : Excuse me, could you please tell me where the subway station is?M: Sure. Itfs on the Center Street. Its about two kilometers away, and the

17、No.19 bus can take you right there.W : Where is the bus station?M : Walk along this street. Its about three hundred meters away from here.W : Thank you for your help.M : Its my pleasure.聽(tīng)第12段對(duì)話,回答第13至15小題。W : Hello, may I speak to Bob?M : Hello, this is Bob. Who is that?W : Hi, Bob. This is Lisa spe

18、aking. Would you like to go to Chinatown with me?M : Of course. I havent been there before. By the way, what can we do there?W : We can go shopping, eat Chinese food and enjoy Beijing Opera.M : Sounds great! When and where shall we meet?W : How about meeting at 8: 00 am on May 1st at the Changsha Hu

19、anghua International Airport?M : No problem! See you then.W : See you.二、聽(tīng)獨(dú)白,填信息Are you always worried about your studies? Do you know how to get better results? Here I have some tips for better results.Turn off the TV and leave your mobile phone away from you. You can listen to some relaxing music i

20、nstead of loud music. We are all different, so we write a note differently. Some people like word lists but other people prefer important sentences. Anyway, you must keep your notes tidy and read them every day. Many students get bad results, because they dont organize their time well. So write a we

21、ekly study plan and follow it. When you are studying hard, it is easy to forget to exercise. But you can only work better if you keep healthy. Dont forget to sleep well. Have healthy food, such as fresh fish, meat, fruit and vegetables. Drink enough water. Dont eat lots of junk food. It may make you

22、 think slower. 聽(tīng)力答案:一、15: ABBAB 610: BCACB 11 15: CACAA二、16. away 17. loud 18. notes 19. organize 20. enough第二局部三、A)21.B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. BC 提示:句意:一個(gè)人的大腦很像照相機(jī)。same同樣的;similar相 似的;like像;unlike不像。be like的意思是“像一樣”, like作介詞。所以選C。D 29. A 30. BB)31.C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. AB 37. C 38. A 39. C 4

23、0. D四、第一節(jié):a)4143:DCBB)44. C 提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段中的“we should say thanks to everything we have now”可知,我們要對(duì)現(xiàn)今所擁有的東西心懷感 激。應(yīng)選C。D 提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的“feeling like it!s the best conversation youVe ever had because he knows you”可知最好的月月友 是懂你的人。應(yīng)選D。C提示:推理判斷題。通讀全文,尤其根據(jù)最后一段的“You can】 get on well in life until you let f

24、ailures go.”可知,只有放下失敗,忘記不愉 快,才能過(guò)得好。應(yīng)選C。C)47. B 提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Kindle和Pocket兩個(gè)app的介紹可知它 們都可以幫助人們進(jìn)行閱讀。應(yīng)選B。D 提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Pocket這一欄第一句中的“If you donft have enough time to read news, stories or watch videos”和最后一句Besides, it can also help you organize the things you have saved.”可以找至lj選項(xiàng) A,B和C的內(nèi)容。應(yīng)選D。C 提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。

25、根據(jù)RunKeeper這一欄中的“It is a good app that can help you exercise. 可知是 RunKeeper 這款 app。應(yīng)選 CoC提示:推理判斷題。閱讀關(guān)于Calm的內(nèi)容可知,Calm可以使人更好 地入睡,因?yàn)樗幸恍┦谷朔潘傻暮梅椒?,比方:類似海浪和下雨?聲音等。由此可推知,下雨聲有助于睡眠。應(yīng)選C。第二節(jié):5155: CAEBD五、56. improve your memory 57. Stay relaxedwatching 59. A healthy lifeget enough sleep六、61. memory 62. improv

26、esuggestions 64. understandwell 66. sportshealthy 68. Unlessrelaxed 70. worried七、71. School students/English leamers/Lovers of EnglishAll kinds of information on English learningdifferent kinds of self-study textbooks and the latest computer programsfrom nine thirty to five between the 28th and 30th

27、 of Juneby ringing /phoning the ticket hotline八、76. Fve no idea/Pm not sure /I dont knowWhere would you like to goHave you ever been thereMe neither/Neither have I/I havent been there, eitherWhy not ride a bike/Why dont we ride a bikeAVhat about riding a bike 九、Dear Paul,Im very happy to hear from y

28、ou and Pd like to share with you some impressive experiences I had in 2021. Thanks to the success in fighting COVID-19, we are able to go to school again. During the English Culture Festival in our school last term, I took part in the story-telling competition and made a speech on how to improve our

29、 memory. I was very proud to win both first prizes. Whats more, I joined the science club. I knew about some funny inventions. I have also taken up a new hobby and made some new friends.Did you do anything special in 2021 ? Please write back to me and share your stories.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,L

30、i Hua()12. How far is the bus stop from here?Its about 300 meters.It*s about 2 kilometers.Its about 4 kilometers. 聽(tīng)第12段對(duì)話,回答第13至15小題。 ()13. Who is answering the call?A. Mary.B. Lisa.C. Bob.()14. What cant they do in Chinatown?They cant go swimming.They can*t go shopping.They cant eat Chinese food.()

31、15. What time will they meet at the airport?A. At 8 : 00 am.B. At 9: 00 am. C. At 8 : 00 pm.二 聽(tīng)獨(dú)白,填信息(共5小題,計(jì)10分)Study Tips for Better Results!Turn off the TV and keep your mobile phone 16.from you.Listen to some relaxing music instead of 17.music.Keep your 18.tidy and read them every day.Learn to 19

32、.your time well, and write a weekly study plan.Sleep well, have healthy food and drink 20.water.第二局部(筆試共90分) 三、完形填空(共20小題,計(jì)20分)AA good memory is helpful in learning a language. Everybody 21 his ownlanguage by remembering what he 22 when he is a small child. Some boysand girls who live in foreign cou

33、ntries 23 their parents seem to learn two languages almost as24 as one. At school it is not easy to learn 25second language because the pupils have 26 time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.A mans mind is rather 27 a camera. It takes photos not only of what we see, but of what we fe

34、el, hear, smell and taste.28 we take a real photo with a camera, we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to 29 it toour friends. In the same 30. there is much work to be done before we can takea picture forever in our mind.)21. A. listens)22. A. hears)23. A. in)24. A. easiest)25. A

35、. an)26. A. such little)27. A. same)28. A. Where)29. A. show)30. A. schoolB. learnsB. listensB. onB. easierB. aB. so littleB. similarB. WhoB. offerB. wayC. watchesC.seesC. togetherC. easilyC. theC. so fewC. likeC. WhyC. borrowC. timeD.seesD. findsD. withD. more easilyD. oneD. such fewD. unlikeD. Whe

36、nD. lendD. streetUp to two thirds of the children dont get as much sleep as they should do, and this can make them nervous and slower at school, researchers say.So 31 should young people sleep each night? The answer is between 8 and 10 hours. If you dont get enough sleep at night, youll have 32 ener

37、gy thenext day.But the researchers say many children have missed out on 4, 500 hours of sleep33 the time they are 7 years old. They say that children miss sleep because they have TVs and computers in their rooms and 34 parents dont read to theiryounger children at night any more. The traditional bed

38、time story” helps children to relax and fall asleep 35 , Children with TVs and computers in their bedrooms are more likely to sleep badly, and to get less than 8 hours1 sleep. Even losing one hours sleep a night can mean that children do less well at school.German scientists think that your 36 keeps

39、 working while you are asleep. To show that they were 37 they gave two groups of people a problem to workout. One group went to sleep and the other group stayed 38, The result? Thepeople who slept worked out the answer more quickly. This showed that their brains had been trying to 39 the answer whil

40、e the people were asleep. So, make sure you get enough sleep tonight, 40 youll be at your best tomorrow.)31. A. how muchC. how long)32. A. more)33. A. by)34. A. proud)35. A. peacefully)36. A. head)37. A. perfect()38. A. awake()39. A. come over()40. A. or四、閱讀理解(共15小題,B. lessB. atB. freeB. carefullyB.

41、 brainB. brightB. aliveB. open upB. but計(jì)20分)how manyD. how oftenfewC. onC. poorC. happilyC. heartC. rightC. asleepC. find outifmuchD. duringD. busyD.sadlyD. thoughtD. greatD. absentD. put downD. and第一節(jié):閱讀下面A、B、C三篇短文,第一節(jié):閱讀下面A、B、C三篇短文,從各小題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能回答所提問(wèn)題或完成所給句子的一個(gè)最正確答案。(共10小題,計(jì)15分)We each have a me

42、mory. Thats why we can remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart. But some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again.A good memory helps one learn a language well. Everybody learns his own lang

43、uage when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages easily. Because they hear, remember and speak the two languages every day. In school it is not easy to learn

44、a foreign language. Because the students have little time for it and they have to learn other subjects, too.Our memory can get better and better if we do more and more exercise. Do you want to learn a foreign language well? If so, you must do a lot of listening and speaking.()41. Some people can eas

45、ily learn many things by heart because they.always sleep very welloften eat good foodread a lot of bookshave very good memories()42. Before a child can speak, he must.read and writemake sentenceshear and remember the soundsthink hard()43. Your memory will become better and better if you.have plenty

46、of good fooddo more and more exercisedo morning exercises every dayget up earlyBLife is a long journey to look for self-improvement. Along the way, we have to learn to meet, feel and choose.The best kind of friend is the person with whom you can sit on a chair, never say a word, and then walk away,

47、feeling like its the best conversation youve ever had because he knows you. Days and months together just leave beautiful memories.Its true that we dont know what weve got until we lose it, so we should say thanks to everything we have now.Don!t go for money, for it will disappear. Go for someone wh

48、o can make you smile because it only takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.Always put yourself in others* shoes. If you feel that it hurts(傷害)you, it hurts others, too. Make sure that you won*t do harm to others before you make a decision.A happy pers

49、on doesnt need to have the best of everything. He just makes the most of everything that comes along their way.Try to forget unhappy things in the past. You cant get on well in life until you let failures go.()44. How should we feel for everything we have got now?A. Surprised.B. Sad.C. Thankful.D. W

50、orried.)45. According to the writer, the best kind of friend shouldalways sit on the same chair with youalways have conversationsnever say a wordknow each other quite well)46. How can you get on well in life according to the passage?Make a good friend.Find someone who can make you smile.Let failures

51、 go.Put yourself in others shoes.CApps can teach you things or let you have fun. The following are some apps that you may use in your daily life.KindlekindleDo you love to read? Do you wish that you could bring all of your books with you everywhere you go? Kindle allows you to do so. This app has ov

52、er a million freee-books to download. With Kindle, you can read anything from comic booksand novels to magazines and newspapers.CalmCalm is an app that can help you relax and sleep better. It has a lot of ways to help you relax. For example, it has calmingsounds like ocean waves(海浪)and rain.RunKeepe

53、rSometimes the hardest part of exercising is getting started(開(kāi) 始).If you want to get started, youd better try RunKeeper. It is a good app that can help you exercise. Are you ready to start? If so, RunKeeper will always be with you.PocketIf you dont have enough time to read news, stories or watch vid

54、eos, Pocket can help you save all of them online. Then you can read them or watch them when you are free. You can view them offline, too. Besides, it can also help you organize the things you have saved.)47. How many apps can help you to read?One.Two.Three.Four.)48. The app “Pocket cant help you to.

55、read news or storieswatch videosorganize the things you have savedrelax or sleep better)49. Which of the following apps may help you exercise?A. Kindle.B. Pocket.C. RunKeeper.D. Calm.)50. According to the information from the passage, which of the following canhelp you have a good sleep?B. Videos on

56、line.A. E-books.C. Sounds of rain.D. Exercise.第二節(jié):根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng)。選 項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。(共5小題,計(jì)5分)Do you know which part of our body is used for memory? Is it our head ? 51. It!s the engine of our body.Inside our brain is something called the hippocampus (海馬) 52.It starts working when something

57、 happens, or when we see something, or when we taste or feel something. The hippocampus then decides how it is going to remember that.There is short-term memory. It helps us remember where we put things like our schoolbag or our key. 53.Thats why its called short-term memory.54. It helps us remember

58、 things like the name of our favourite TV programme, English words, and what we did last summer.And there is skill memory. 55.Can you play table tennis? We work very hard to learn skills like playing table tennis and playing chess, and our brain doesnt want to forget them! Its hard to forget skills. Even if we do


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