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1、2021屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)讀后續(xù)寫(xiě)專練專題09高分情緒描寫(xiě)技巧含解析2021屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)讀后續(xù)寫(xiě)專練專題09高分情緒描寫(xiě)技巧含解析 2021屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)讀后續(xù)寫(xiě)專練專題09高分情緒描寫(xiě)技巧含解析專題09 高分情緒描寫(xiě)技巧一、情緒描寫(xiě)之笑smile brightly; grin at sb; laugh; beam; light (sth) up; light up with; burst into laughter; burst out laughing;wear a bright/broad smile; give sb a smile學(xué)一學(xué):beam: smile very h

2、appily 例: 獲勝者滿意地笑了。 譯法一:The winner beamed/smiled with satisfaction. 譯法二:The winner wore a satisfied smile on his face. light up: if someones face or eyes light up, they show pleasure, excitement etclight up with:His eyes lit up with laughter. Her face lit up with pleasure。light sth up: to make someo

3、nes face or eyes show pleasure or excitement Suddenly a bright smile lit up her face/eyes.練一練: 看到直升飛機(jī),Jane 高興地笑了起來(lái)。 【答案一】:At the sight of the helicopter, Jane beamed with wild joy。 【答案二】:Seeing the helicopter, Jane beamed with wild joy?!敬鸢溉浚篢he moment she caught sight of the helicopter, Janes eyes/

4、 face lit up with delight。 【答案四】:The moment she caught sight of the helicopter, a bright smile lit up Janes face/eyes。判斷正誤:Seeing the helicopter, a bright smile lit up her face.【答案】:錯(cuò) seeing 和a bright smile 邏輯不一致。二、情緒描寫(xiě)之高興激動(dòng)V。 dance; whistle; jump/leap with joy; feel a surge of happiness/delight/joy

5、/excitement; be overcome with happines/delight/joy/excitement; (ones eyes) twinkle;(ones heart) beat/pound wildlyAdj. happy; delighted; overjoyed; excited; thrilled; wild with joy練一練:當(dāng)她知道考試結(jié)果時(shí),她興奮極了。 【答案一】:When she knew the result of the test, she felt excited/ thrilled. 【答案二】:When she knew the resu

6、lt of the test, her eyes twinkled with excitement。 【答案三】:When she knew the result of the test, her heart was pounding with wild joy。 【答案四】:When she knew the result of the test, a wild excitement took hold of her。 【答案五】:Knowing the result of the test, she felt a surge of excitement。 【答案六】:Knowing the

7、 result of the test, she was overcome with excitement。 三、情緒描寫(xiě)之生氣feel/get angry/furious; feel a surge of anger(rage/fury); eyes blaze; storm out of/into/off ; storm(say angrily); sth。 makes sbs blood boil(sth makes sb extremely angry); clasp ones hands; clench ones fists/teeth; speechless 練一練: Sam 感到

8、非常生氣. 【答案一】:Sam felt very angry。 【答案二】:Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger. 【答案三】:Sam felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him. 【答案四】:Boiling with rage, Sam shook his fist at me。 【答案五】:Filled with fury, Sam was unable to utter a sing

9、le word。 四、情緒描寫(xiě)之傷心痛苦 sad; bitter; sorrowful; feel a surge of sadness; (sadness) surge within sb; ones heart ache; be overcome with sadness 練一練: 她傷心不已?!敬鸢敢弧浚篠he felt extremely sad。 【答案二】:A sadness came over her. 【答案三】:Her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks。 【答案四】:Numb with grief, she became

10、 speechless。 【答案五】:Feeling a surge of sadness, she couldnt help crying bitterly. 【答案六】:Sadness surging within her, she burst into tears. 五、情緒描寫(xiě)之哭cry; sob; weep; burst into tears; burst out crying; (ones eyes) brim with/be full of/be filled with tears練一練:他哽咽欲哭?!敬鸢浮浚篈 lump came to his throat。她的雙眼哭得通紅【

11、答案】:Her eyes were red from crying.她的眼里滿含淚水. 【答案】:Her eyes brimmed with tears。眼淚沿著她的面頰流下來(lái)?!敬鸢浮浚篢ears coursed/trickled/streamed/ran down her cheeks。Oliver 獨(dú)自一人在房間里 流下了孤獨(dú)傷心的淚水 【答案】:Alone in the room, Oliver cried bitter, lonely tearsWilbur哭著直到睡著。 【答案】:Wilbur cried himself to sleep。 六、情緒描寫(xiě)之害怕:frightened

12、; panicked; scared; speechless; in (a) panic; in a cold sweat; be full of fear; be filled with terror; be rooted to the spot; freeze; run away; flee; ones knees feel weak; (hands) sweat; 練一練: 我感到很害怕?!敬鸢敢弧浚篒 felt very frightened/scared/panicked. 【答案二】:I was in (a) panic/ was full of fear. 【答案三】:I sto

13、od rooted to the spot, brimming with fear/filled with fear。 【答案四】:I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak。 【答案五】:I froze with terror, too scared to move。 【答案六】:I was seized by a strong sense of horror; my palms sweating。 七、實(shí)戰(zhàn)演練閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫(xiě),使之構(gòu)成一個(gè)完整的故事。A farmer grew some

14、 vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money。 He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market。 The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold o

15、ut, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village。 On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body。 He was so afraid that

16、he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him. The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station。 Having shown the baskets, an officer asked, “Are these yours” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(膽怯地)。 “Have you killed the man” “No, no, sir?!?the farmer said in a hurry。 “Wh

17、en did you see the dead man” “About seven last evening?!?“Did you see who killed the man “No, sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet” “No, sir。 The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and sent him into prison. The officer wanted to trap the farm

18、er into the confession(供認(rèn)), but the farmer didnt admit he was the murderer。注意:1。 所續(xù)寫(xiě)短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為l50左右;2。 至少使用5個(gè)短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語(yǔ):3. 續(xù)寫(xiě)部分分為兩段,每段的開(kāi)頭語(yǔ)已為你寫(xiě)好;4. 續(xù)寫(xiě)完成后,請(qǐng)用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語(yǔ)。Paragraph 1: The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again。 Paragraph 2: The farmer was lucky。 A few d

19、ays later, 【參考范文】Paragraph 1:The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again。 The farmer was very afraid, thinking he would be sentenced to death by killing people. But he was innocent. He must tell people the truth, but no one could hear his voice。 Helpless, he was eager that someone could come and save him。Paragraph 2:The farmer was lucky。 A few days later, a young man came to the police station, followed by a lot of journalists, saying that he saw the


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