2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21_第1頁
2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21_第2頁
2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21_第3頁
2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21_第4頁
2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21_第5頁
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1、第 PAGE11 頁 共 NUMPAGES11 頁2023年最新的高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21姓名 _ 學(xué)號_ 1. shelter n. 掩蔽;隱蔽處 The umbrella is a _ from heavy rain. 雨傘可用來遮擋大雨。 2. shortly ad. 不久 _ afterwards, she went to New York.不久之后她去了紐約。 3. signal n. 信號,暗號 A red lamp is used as a danger _ 紅燈用作危險信號。 4. sense n. 感覺,意識 He has no _ of responsibility.

2、 他絲毫沒有責(zé)任感。 5. shallow a. 淺的,不深的,膚淺的 The lake is quite _. 這個湖泊很淺。 6. shake (shook, shaken) v. (使)動搖,震動 He came forward and _ me by the hand. 他走上前來和我握手。 7. silver n. 銀 There is not a _ hair on her head. 她頭上沒有一根銀發(fā)。 8. select vt. 選擇,挑選,選拔 He has been selected to represent us on the committee.他已被選為我們的代表參

3、加委員位。 9. shame n. 遺憾的事;羞愧 Its a _ I havent heard from you for years. 真遺憾, 我多年沒有收到你的信了。 10. shape n. 形狀,外形 v. 使成型,制造,塑造 These events helped to _ her future career. 這些事促成了她后來從事的事業(yè). 11. sincerely ad. 真誠地 I _ hope youll come with us. 我真誠希望你和我們一起去 12. situation n. 形勢,情況 The economic _ is now different. 現(xiàn)

4、在經(jīng)濟形勢不同了。 13. skillful a. 熟練的,精湛的;靈巧的 A _ technician takes years to train. 一個熟練的技師需要數(shù)年時間才能培訓(xùn)出來。 14. skyscraper n. 摩天樓 The _ block our view. 摩天大樓擋住了我們的視線。 15. sleepy a. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的 That beer made me quite _. 我喝了那啤酒後昏昏欲睡. 16. sharp a. 鋒利的,尖的 You must be very careful with this _ knife. 你用這把鋒利的刀子必須很小心。

5、17. serious a. 嚴肅的,嚴重的;認真的 He was kind and affectionate, but very _. 他仁慈, 親切, 但非常嚴肅。 18. sign n. 符號,標(biāo)記 Blood in phlegm can be a _ of lung cancer. 痰中帶血可能是肺癌的征兆。 19. shock vt. 使震驚 I was _ at the news of her death. 我聽到她去世的消息十分震驚. 20. _ n. 9月 21. shortcoming n. 缺點,短處 He has made up his mind to overcome

6、his _. 他已下定決心克服他自己的缺點。 22. similar a. 相似的,像 My view is _ to yours. 我的看法與你相似。 23. shower n. 陣雨; 淋浴 There was a hard _. 下了一陣驟雨。 24. seize vt. 抓住(時機等) _ any chance you have. 只要有機會就要抓住. 25. signature n. 簽名 Her _ is almost illegible. 她的簽字很難辨認. 26. separation n. 分離,隔離 _ from his friends made him sad. 他離開了

7、朋友, 十分難過. 27. shadow n. 影子, 陰影 The bad news cast a _ on/over our meeting. 那個壞消息給會議蒙上了陰影 28. shine (shone, shone 或 瞕, 瞕) v. 發(fā)光;照耀;杰出;Ive never _ at tennis. 我從來就打不好網(wǎng)球. 29. seldom ad. 很少,不常 She _ showed her feelings. 她很少表露感情 30. silence n. 安靜,沉默 Jane first broke the _. 珍首先打破沉默。 31. settlement n. 新拓居地;(

8、美)部落,村落 The strikers have reached a _ with the employers. 罷工的人已同雇主達成協(xié)議. 32. shade n. 陰涼處,樹蔭處 I saw him sitting in the _ of a tree. 我看見他坐在樹蔭下。 33. sightseeing n. 游覽,觀光 Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer _. 有些人喜歡躺在海灘上, 而我則寧愿去游覽觀光。 34. shoot n. 嫩枝;芽 / (shot, shot) vt. 射擊,射中,發(fā)射 gangsters

9、 ran into the bar and started _ it up. 歹徒們沖進酒吧胡亂掃射一通 35. simple-minded a. 純樸的; 頭腦簡單的 He has a lot of _ supporters. 他有許多頭腦簡單的支持者。 36. senior a. 年長的,資深的,高年級 He is ten years _ to me. 他比我大十歲. 0. sidewalk (美)人行道 (英pavement) She slipped and almost fell on the icy _. 她滑了一下, 幾乎跌倒在結(jié)冰的人行道上。 0. sigh vi. 嘆息; 嘆氣

10、 He _ with pleasure after the excellent meal. 他美餐一頓之後, 滿足地嘆了口氣. 0. shuttle 合攏 (往返與兩個定點之間的)(火車、汽車、飛機)班車/機 Im flying to Boston on the shuttle. 我將乘穿梭班機去波士頓. 0. shabby a. 破舊的,破爛的,衣衫襤褸的 You look rather shabby in those clothes. 你穿著那種衣服顯得很寒酸. 0. shelter 0. shortly 0. signal 0. sense 0. shallow 0. shook 0.

11、silver 0. selected 0. shame 0. shape 0. sincerely 0. situation 0. skillful/skilled 0. skyscrapers 0. sleepy 0. sharp 0. serious 0. sign 0. shocked 0. September 0. shortcomings 0. similar 0. shower 0. Seize 0. signature 0. separation 0. shadow 0. shone 0. seldom 0. silence 0. settlement 0. shade 0. s

12、ightseeing 0. shooting 0. simple-minded 0. senior 0. sidewalk 0. sighed 0. 穿梭班機 0. 寒磣的 高三英語單詞過關(guān)檢測 P 21. 姓名 _ 學(xué)號_ 0. The umbrella is a _ from heavy rain. 雨傘可用來遮擋大雨。 0. _ afterwards, she went to New York.不久之后她去了紐約。 0. A red lamp is used as a danger _ 紅燈用作危險信號。 0. He has no _ of responsibility. 他絲毫沒有責(zé)任

13、感。 0. The lake is quite _. 這個湖泊很淺。 0. He came forward and _ me by the hand. 他走上前來和我握手。 0. There is not a _ hair on her head. 她頭上沒有一根銀發(fā)。 0. He has been selected to represent us on the committee.他已被選為我們的代表參加委員位。 0. Its a _ I havent heard from you for years. 真遺憾, 我多年沒有收到你的信了。 0. These events helped to

14、_ her future career. 這些事促成了她后來從事的事業(yè). 0. I _ hope youll come with us. 我真誠希望你和我們一起去 0. The economic _ is now different. 現(xiàn)在經(jīng)濟形勢不同了。 0. A _ technician takes years to train. 一個熟練的技師需要數(shù)年時間才能培訓(xùn)出來。 0. The _ block our view. 摩天大樓擋住了我們的視線。 0. That beer made me quite _. 我喝了那啤酒後昏昏欲睡. 0. You must be very careful

15、with this _ knife. 你用這把鋒利的刀子必須很小心。 0. He was kind and affectionate, but very _. 他仁慈, 親切, 但非常嚴肅。 0. Blood in phlegm can be a _ of lung cancer. 痰中帶血可能是肺癌的征兆。 0. I was _ at the news of her death. 我聽到她去世的消息十分震驚. 0. _ n. 9月 0. He has made up his mind to overcome his _. 他已下定決心克服他自己的缺點。 0. My view is _ to

16、yours. 我的看法與你相似。 0. There was a hard _. 下了一陣驟雨。 0. _ any chance you have. 只要有機會就要抓住. 0. Her _ is almost illegible. 她的簽字很難辨認. 0. _ from his friends made him sad. 他離開了朋友, 十分難過. 0. The bad news cast a _ on/over our meeting. 那個壞消息給會議蒙上了陰影 0. Ive never _ at tennis. 我從來就打不好網(wǎng)球. 0. 很少,不常 She _ showed her feelings. 她很少表露感情 0. Jane first broke the _. 珍首先打破沉默。 0. The strikers have reached a _ with the employers. 罷工的人已同雇主達成協(xié)議. 0. I saw him sitting in the _ of a tree. 我看見他坐在樹蔭下。 0. Some pe


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