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1、專題訓練P017.單句語法填空1(2018 全國卷)Unexpectedly,Im face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at _ top of her lungs.解析答案at the top of ones lungs“用盡量大的聲音;放聲大叫”,為固定搭配。 the2Chaplin liked _ idea of working in the film industry because it would mean a new life.解析句意:卓別林喜歡從事電影行業(yè)的想法,因為這意味著新生活的開始。此處特指“從事電影行業(yè)

2、的想法”,故填定冠詞 the。答案the3(2017 浙江卷)For Pahlsson ,its return was _ wonder.解析答案表示泛指。a wonder“一個奇跡”。 a4But naps can actually be _ double-edged sword because while were awake during the day, were building up sleepiness.解析答案根據(jù)語境可知,此處泛指“一把雙刃劍”,故填冠詞 a。 a5_ World Wide Web is quickly becoming the worlds most pop

3、ular matchmaker(媒人)解析句意:萬維網迅速成了世界上最受歡迎的媒人?!癢orld Wide Web”為含普通名詞的專有名詞,這類專有名詞常與定冠詞連用,故填 The。答案The6In 1990, over 100 countries signed _ international agreement to make it illegal to buy or sell ivory.解析句意:在 1990 年,有 100 多個國家簽訂了一項國際協(xié)議,將買賣象牙認定為非法。international agreement 為可數(shù)名詞,在本句中表泛指,故設空處填不 定冠詞;internat

4、ional 的第一個音素為元音音素,故填 an。答案an7Now we know that they have _ same features that can also be found in sharks around Australia and the South Sea.解析句意:現(xiàn)在我們知道它們與在澳大利亞及南海周圍發(fā)現(xiàn)的鯊魚有相同的特征。the same 為固定搭配,意為“相同的”。答案the8Due to the huge voluntary support from the local people, the blood bank has enough blood to fun

5、ction round _ clock to serve the local patients.解析句意:由于當?shù)厝藗兊拇罅ψ栽钢С郑@個血站儲存了足夠的血給當?shù)氐牟∪颂峁円共煌5姆?。round the clock 為固定結構,意為“晝夜不停地”。答案the9I had just purchased a new backpack. I filled _ backpack with snacks, drinks, a new pair of trousers and some new socks.解析句意:我剛買了一個新背包。我把小吃、飲料、一條新褲子和一些新襪子放進了那個背包中。設空處后的

6、 backpack 在本句中表示“特指”,故填 the。答案the10All too soon it was time to leave. I really enjoyed my stay in Xian. It is indeed worth_ second visit.解析句意:時間過得太快了,到時間該離開了。我真的喜歡待在西安。它的確是值得再次參觀的?!癮序數(shù)詞名詞”表示“又一;再一”。答案a.單句改錯(每小題僅有 1 處錯誤)1 There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings._解析

7、可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞表示泛指時不用冠詞。all kinds of 表示“各種各樣的”,作修飾語修飾后面的名詞,因此無需再用 the 修飾。答案去掉第一個 the2To be honest,it is the most difficult problem indeed,but it is not the hardest in Book Three._解析由 but 后的內容可知,這個問題不是最難的,故它是非常難的。 a 與most 連用,位于形容詞前,most 是表示“程度的副詞”,意為“非?!?。答案第一個 thea3 Realizing it was our last school spo

8、rts meeting , we decided to make it unforgettable experience._解析experience 在這里表示 “ 經歷 ”,是可數(shù)名詞,表示 “ 一次難忘的經歷”,其前要用不定冠詞;且其前的形容詞 unforgettable 以元音音素開頭,故用 an。答案unforgettable 前加 an4 Now I am living in a city , but I miss my home in countryside._解析答案in the countryside“在農村”,為固定搭配。 countryside 前加 the5One of

9、our teachers was in the charge of this activity and he divided us into four groups._解析句意:我們的一位老師負責這項活動,他把我們分成了四組。in chargeof 為固定搭配,意為“負責”;in the charge of 意為“由負責”。答案去掉 the6As result,the plants are growing everywhere._解析答案as a result“結果”,為固定搭配。 result 前加 a7After eating two bananas,my son asked for th

10、e third one._解析答案a序數(shù)詞,表示“又一;再一”。 thea8First of all ,he told us that Chinese papercut is a traditional art form and its a kind of folk culture with the long history. _解析history 在這里為抽象名詞具體化,表泛指,用不定冠詞。 with a longhistory 意為“擁有一段悠久的歷史”。答案thea9After work,he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the

11、farm ,for the life was simple._解析guitar 為西洋樂器,需在其前加定冠詞 the。因為 guitar 和主語 he 是所屬關系,故也可以用形容詞性物主代詞 his。答案play 后加 the /his10Cultural relics from Russias Peterhof State Museum-Reserve are on the display at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing._解析答案on display“展覽”,為固定搭配。 去掉 the.語法填空When I walked down T

12、hird Avenue, as _1_ rule, I used to look into the windows of _2_ old shop that sold old and beautiful things. Since I often took my walk after the closing time, I cupped my hands against _3_ windows to get _4_ small look at the treasures inside.Some things looked as if they had not been noticed for

13、_5_ long time, but I knew their beauty was still there beneath their own surface. I even thought they were _6_ most beautiful that I had ever seen. That was how I felt about _7_ old, too. I knew their value, and it hurt me when others missed it. I was raised by my grandmother and given _8_ deep sens

14、e of the value of experience. Taught to behave well, my sister and I respected other people, regardless of their age or color. My grandmother was loved by all _9_ people around her. She was known to be_10_ wise and kind woman, who was able to do things well even in her last years.Old people should b

15、e treated as fine gold. They may be gradually tarnished ( 失去 光澤) by age, but they can be polished with respect. You might be surprised by their bright and shining qualities.1_ 2._ 3._4_ 5._ 6._7_ 8._ 9._10_答案與解析【語篇解讀】本文為議論文。一些舊的東西雖然外表不再光鮮亮麗,但仍有內在的美,老年人也是如此。如果老年人受到尊重,同樣會煥發(fā)出新的活力。 1a as a rule 為固定短語,意為

16、“通?!?。2an 本空表示泛指,設空處后的 old 讀音以元音音素開頭,故設空處用不定冠詞 an。3the 設空處后的 windows 指的是“那個老店鋪的櫥窗”,表示特指,故填 定冠詞 the。4a get a look at 為固定短語,意為“看一眼”。5a 一些東西看上去好像很長時間沒有人管了。for a long time“很長時間”。 6the 設空處后有 most,且 most 和后面的形容詞構成最高級,故設空處為the。7the the old 表示“老年人”。8a 我被我祖母養(yǎng)大并被賦予了對經驗價值的深刻理解。sense 在本句中作 “理解力;判斷力”講,sense 在本句中表

17、示泛指,故與不定冠詞連用。9the 設空處后的 people 在本句中表示特指,故設空處填 the。10a 眾所周知,她是一位有智慧而且善良的女人。woman 在本句中表示泛 指,故設空處填不定冠詞 a。.短文改錯I lived in Stockholm for 18 months when I was in my twenty.I was able to get several fun jobs, taught guitar and piano, and English at language school. They wanted everyone with an “American” a

18、ccent. I also take the bar exam with students. I became friends in many Swedes and students who are from around the world. I was great privileged to attend the Nobel Prize Ball at the Kings palace. It was very formal. The men had to wear top hats, white gloves but carry canes! My list of adventures

19、is too much long to document here. It is by far the big adventure and learning experience of my life.答案與解析I lived in Stockholm for 18 months when I was in my twenty.I was able to gettwentiesseveral fun jobs, taught guitar and piano, and English at language school. Theyteachingawanted everyonewith an “American” accent. I also take the bar exam withsomeone /somebodytookstudents. I became friends in many Swedes and students who are from around thewithworld. I was great privileged to attend the Nobel Prize Ball at the Kings


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