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1、 3894國開電大理工英語1歷年期末考試(第一題交際用語)題庫2021年1月試題及答案r m so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you? Thats right.Sure.You are welcome.答案BMarry.?While, what do you want me to do?Can I help you?Where are you?W i11 you dome a favor?答案cWed be pleased if you could join us for dinner. Not at all.Yes, r d

2、 be pleased to do so.That s good.答案BWelcome back, Mn Smith!How about your business trip in Japan? Don,t ask me.BOh, fantastic!Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.C.I don,t like the Japanese food.答案BHaven t seen you forages, Mike. Pretty good. Everything goes well.What are you doing?How are you

3、?How is it going?答案c2020年9月試題及答案Would you please open this suit ease for me?I can to pen it. Yes, please.Oh, sorry to bother you.Actually Im not sure.答案cExcuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? I m sorry, I have no idaA. I .I A. dont knowam a studentam a stranger here答案cIley what ar

4、e you doing this weekend?I was sleeping at home.I haven,t decided yet. What about you?God knows!答案BWould you like to go for a picnic this Sunday?Of course not.Thats a good idea. Shall I bring anything?No, I have no time.答案BSusan, what do you think of my plan?Its reasonable.Its pleasant.Its possible.

5、答案A2020年7月試題及答案Whats your present job?I am 24 years old.I just graduated from college.r m a film-maker.答案cGoodbye everyone. Bye, Sally!Don5 t forget to write.Stay in touch.Just wait and see.Sounds great.答案ADont forget to come to our party this weekend!Sure- See you.You are welcome.Not at all.答案AExcu

6、se me. Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?You can,t ask me.Pardon?! have no idea.C Sorry, Im new here.答案cT m going to Hainan for my holiday.Thanks a lot.Not at all.Have a nice trip!答案c2020年1月試題及答案a glass of wine? drink.Would you likeI don,tNo, thanks.Yes, please.I dont like答案AExcuse me,

7、r m sorry,dont knowam a stranger heream busy答案BExcuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China?it.canI have no idea. Iyou tell me where the nearest bus stop is? How do you do?Yes, nice to meet you.Thank you.答案B will it take me to walk there?About ten minutes.How farHow longHow much答案BWould you please

8、open this suitcase for me? I can to penOh, sorry to bother you.Actually Im not sure.OK, let me see.答案c2019年7月試題及答案Why not dine out together and go to the movies?Thank you.You deserve that.Sounds like a good idea. 答案cMarry, What do you want me to do?can I help you?will you dome a favor?where are you?

9、答案BWould you care to join for the picnic tomorrow?So sorry. Next time well go, thanks anyway.0K thank you.C No, thanks.答案AThank you for your great help.It doesn, t matter.Certainly, here it is.My pleasure, sir.答案cExcuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street? You cant ask me.Be Pardon?!

10、 have no idea.Sorry, Im new here.答案c2019年1月試題及答案Whats your present job? 1 am 24 years oldMy parents are teachers.r m a film-maker.答案cA: I can put you down for eleven oclock. Is that OK? B: .How about 3o clock in the afternoon?Friday is good.Yes, we could.答案Ar m going to Hainan for my holiday. Not at

11、 all.Thanks a lot.Have a nice trip!答案cHave you had a nice journey?Glad to see you.Yes, we have.I low are you?答案BThank you for your great help.It docsnt matter.Certainly, here it is.My pleasure, sir.答案c2018年7月試題及答案1. Goodbye everyone. Bye, Sally!Don5 t forget to write.A.Stay in touchJust wait and see

12、Sounds great答案AWe have to stay at home for the who 1 e day. Why not go out and have a walk? It like a good idea.It sounds like a good idea.How is a good idea.答案BExcuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? r m sorry,I have no idea. I .dont knowam new hereC. am going答案BMarry, What do you

13、 want me to do?can I help you?where are you?will you dome a favor?答案cI m going to Hainan for my holiday. Thanks a lot.Not at all.Have a nice trip!答案c2018年1月試題及答案What/ s your present job? I am 24 years old.My parents are teachers-r m a film-maker.答案cWould you like a glass of wine? I dont drink.No, thanks.Be Yes, please.C. I don,t like it.答案ASusarif what do you think of my plan?Its reasonable.Its pleasant.Its possible.答案Awhy not dine out together and go to the movies?You des


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