已閱讀5頁,還剩30頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Unit 1How can I get there?單元整體分析本單元是人教版英語六年級上冊的第一單元,單元的話題是“How can I get there?”本單元通過不同的場景,提供了表達(dá)地點、問路的句型結(jié)構(gòu)。教學(xué)中三個版塊:A 部分, B 部分和 C 部分。A 部分包括重點詞匯和情景對話,共兩個課時。第一課時呈現(xiàn)了吳一凡和 Robin 的談話,引出表示地點的詞匯。.第二課時吳一凡和 Robin 的談話,引出句型 Where is the.? ItsA 部分重點掌握詞匯和詢問地點并回答的句型。 B 部分包括重點詞匯、情景對話和讀和寫,共三個課時。第一課時呈現(xiàn)Mike 問路的對話,引出關(guān)于路

2、線的一些詞匯。第二課時吳一凡和Mike 看完電影討論吃飯地點在哪,呈現(xiàn)了問路并回答的句型How can we get there? Turn left/right.,并進(jìn)一步表達(dá)句型 Where is the .? Its next to.第三課時通過圖片了解辨別方位的方法。通過吳一凡、Mike 和Robin 尋找意大利餐館,拓展本單元所學(xué)句型。B 部分重點是掌握詞匯和問路及回答的句型How can we get there? Turn left/right. C 部分包括聽力測試、介詞詞組的總結(jié)和故事,共一課時。重點是復(fù)習(xí)鞏固本單元所學(xué)重點詞匯和句 型。在課堂教學(xué)中,首先要整體把握本單元教學(xué)

3、內(nèi)容,教學(xué)重點和教學(xué)難點,了解學(xué)生學(xué)情。然后圍繞本單元主題“How can I get there? ”展開教學(xué)設(shè)計。本單元的教學(xué)內(nèi)容與學(xué)生的生活相關(guān),在組織語言教學(xué)時要注意設(shè)計生活化,充分利用教材已經(jīng)設(shè)定的情境展開教學(xué),引導(dǎo) 學(xué)生在合作學(xué)習(xí)中表達(dá)和語用所學(xué)句型。鼓勵學(xué)生自編對話鞏固所學(xué)知識。同時還要引導(dǎo)學(xué) 生自己歸納介詞詞組,啟發(fā)學(xué)生的思維。本單元所需要掌握的詞匯中science, post office 中的office,在四年級、五年級的教材中已經(jīng)學(xué)過。本單元所需要掌握的詢問地點并回答的句型在 Where is the .?Its in/on/under/near/in front of

4、/behind. 在四年級、五年級的教材中已經(jīng)學(xué)過。這個句型的表達(dá)為本單元的教學(xué)奠定了一定的基礎(chǔ)。單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞和詞組:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀單詞:ask, sir, interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get, GPS, street, gave, feature, follow, far, tell能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:Wh

5、ere is the.?Its near the door.How can we get there?Turn left at the bookstore.能夠掌握句式:Where+系動詞+地點名詞?It+系動詞+表示地點的介詞短語。How can I/we + get to +地點?知道英語句子有升降調(diào)。能力目標(biāo)能夠正確使用science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right 這些單詞和詞組描述城市設(shè)施及其位置。能夠在情景中運用句型詢問地點并作答:Where i

6、s the.? Its .能夠在情景中運用句型問路并描述路線。How can we get there? Turn left/right at the.能夠使用正確的語調(diào)朗讀不同類型的句子。能夠在圖片的幫助下正確理解并按照正確的意群及語音、語調(diào)朗讀有關(guān)Robin 新功能的小故事,同時能夠根據(jù)閱讀所或信息寫出故事中的關(guān)鍵信息。情感目標(biāo)能夠在迷路時主動尋求幫助。能夠適當(dāng)飲食,不暴飲暴食。教學(xué)重難點教學(xué)重點能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞:能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞和詞組:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, crossing, turn left, go

7、 straight, turn right能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:Where is the.?Its near the door.How can we get there?Turn left at the bookstore.教學(xué)難點能夠正確的使用本單元的四會單詞和詞組描述城市設(shè)施及其位置。能夠在情境中恰當(dāng)?shù)倪\用四會句型。教學(xué)方法任務(wù)型教學(xué)法、合作探究法、情景交際法、愉快教學(xué)法。教學(xué)時間本單元共分六課時教學(xué)。第一課時:ALets learnMake a map and talk第二課時:ALets tryLets talk第三課時:BLets learnBe a tour guide第四課時:

8、BLets tryLets talk第五課時:BRead and write第六課時:知識視窗BLets check Lets wrap it up.C Story time1.北極星北極星是接近北天極的一顆星星,北半球可以用它來定位,正因為北極星的位置相對穩(wěn)定, 沒變化,可以幫助人們分辨方向。古代沒有發(fā)明指南針之前,人們常用北極星判斷方位。 2.問路的幾種常見的表達(dá)方法How can I/we get to.?例:我怎么能到電影院?How can I get to the cinema?Where is the .?例:圖書館在哪兒?Excuse me, where is the libra

9、ry?Can you tell me the way to the.?例:你能告訴我去醫(yī)院的路嗎?Can you tell me the way to the.?Is there a . near here?例:在這兒附近有個飯店嗎?Is there a restaurant near here?第一課時課時內(nèi)容ALets learn ;Make a map and talk課時分析本課時是人教版六年級上冊第一單元第一課時。圍繞Where is the.?這一話題展開,主要通過對話學(xué)習(xí)詞匯science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospi

10、tal 及句型Where is the.? Its next to.的表達(dá)。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生了解一些簡單的構(gòu)詞規(guī)律,發(fā)音規(guī)律,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情,樹立學(xué)好英語的信心。第一課時是本單元的基礎(chǔ),學(xué)會了本課時所要掌握的知識, 再學(xué)習(xí)其他課時就會很容易。本課時的重點是四會單詞的掌握以及能夠運用四會單詞介紹場 所的位置。本課時包括 Lets learn 和 Make a map and talk 兩個版塊。Lets learn 呈現(xiàn)了吳一凡和Robin 的對話,體現(xiàn)了單詞及詞組的詞形和意義。此版塊呈現(xiàn)的對話情境是吳一凡問Robin 電影院在哪,Robin 告訴吳一凡在書店旁邊。此情境貼近學(xué)生的實際生活,很能

11、激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。Make a map and talk 版塊是一個綜合性的操練活動。學(xué)生可以通過這個活動鞏固A 部分 Lets learn 所學(xué)的詞匯和句型,做到學(xué)以致用。本課時雖然是新授課,但是四會單詞和詞組比較簡單,所以學(xué)生很容易掌握。在設(shè)計教 學(xué)過程時,遵循以學(xué)生為主體的原則,采用猜一猜、說一說、讀一讀、玩一玩、兒歌等多種教學(xué)手段調(diào)動全體學(xué)生的積極參與。通過任務(wù)型教學(xué)法、合作探究教學(xué)法等引導(dǎo)學(xué)生自主學(xué) 習(xí)。課時目標(biāo)能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital。能夠運用所學(xué)詞匯介紹場所的位置。了

12、解一些簡單的構(gòu)詞規(guī)律和一些簡單的發(fā)音規(guī)律。能夠聽、說、運用句型Where is the.? Its next to.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情,樹立學(xué)好英語的信心。課時重難點重點能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital。能夠運用所學(xué)詞匯介紹場所的位置。了解一些簡單的構(gòu)詞規(guī)律和一些簡單的發(fā)音規(guī)律。能夠聽、說、運用句型Where is the.? Its next to.難點能夠正確運用所學(xué)詞匯介紹場所的位置。句型Where is the.? Its next to.的靈活運用。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備多媒體課件、卡片、圖

13、片、錄音機、磁帶、空白簡圖教學(xué)過程Step 1 Warm upGreetingT: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Are you ready for English class?Ss: Yes.設(shè)計意圖:師生間的問候,拉近與學(xué)生的距離。Ask and answerT: Look at the picture. This is Robins room. Where is the pictu

14、re?(課件呈現(xiàn)圖片,并板書句子Where is the.?)S1: Its on the wall/above the bed.(板書句子Its .) T: Where is the chair?S2: Its in front of the desk.T: Can you ask some questions like me? Who can? S3: Where is the.?S4: Its beside/near.教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:利用圖片,進(jìn)行問答,幫助學(xué)生回憶Where is the.? Its.的句型,為學(xué)習(xí)本課做好準(zhǔn)備。Lets chantT: Now lets cha

15、nt together.(課件展示兒歌,學(xué)生齊說。)in 在里, on 在上, under, under, 在下面, near, beside,在旁邊。in front of, 在前面,behind, behind, 在后面,between, between 在中間。.教學(xué)資源:自制課件。設(shè)計意圖:通過 chant,既復(fù)習(xí)了與本課相關(guān)的詞匯,為學(xué)習(xí)新的詞匯做準(zhǔn)備。同時也活躍了課堂氣氛,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的熱情。Step 2 Lead inT: Boys and girls, lets play a game. Please guess what place it is.(課件出示學(xué)生熟悉的場所,并遮

16、住一部分,讓學(xué)生猜。)T: Look at picture 1. This is a place. S1: A zoo/.?T: No.S2: A park?T: Yes, youre right. Its a park. Next one. What place is it? S3: A school/.?.T: Yes, its a library. We can read books in it.教學(xué)資源:自制課件。設(shè)計意圖:通過學(xué)生們猜測熟悉的場所,既吸引了全體學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,又自然的引出了新知。Step 3 PresentationTeaching “cinema, post off

17、ice, bookstore, science museum, hospital”. (1)Teaching “bookstore”T: Look at picture 3. What place is it? It has many books, dictionaries, magazines there. If you want some books, you can go there. Its a .Ss: Bookstore.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出,張貼bookstore。聯(lián)系單詞or,試著自己讀出單詞,教師強調(diào)st 的發(fā)音。帶讀,指名讀,齊讀。) (2)Teaching “cinema”T:

18、 Look at picture 4. Its a big place. If you want to see Kung Fu Panda, Spider Man.You can go there. What place is it? Its a .Ss: Cinema.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出。張貼單詞cinema,領(lǐng)讀,拼讀,指名讀,齊讀。)T: Picture 4 is a cinema. We can see a film in the cinema. (3)Teaching “post office”T: I write a letter to my friend. I want to pos

19、t the letter.(教師拿出一封信。)Shall I go to thecinema?Ss: No.T: Bookstore?Ss: No.T: Where shall we go? Look at picture 5. What place is it?Ss: Post office.(張貼詞組 post office,聯(lián)系單詞teachers office,強調(diào)字母o 在詞組中的不用發(fā)音,然后讓學(xué)生自己拼讀單詞,指名讀,帶讀,齊讀。)Teaching “hospital”T: Look at picture 6. If you have a headache, have a sto

20、machache, have a cold, you can go there.(教師做動作幫助學(xué)生理解。)Guess what place it is.Ss: Its a hospital.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出。張貼單詞hospital,領(lǐng)讀,拼讀,指名讀,齊讀。) (5)Teaching “science museumT: Look at this picture. What place is it? Its a.Ss: Museum.(教讀單詞museum,拼讀單詞,齊讀單詞。) T: Its a Science museum(張貼詞組,指名讀,分組讀。) 教學(xué)資源:課件、卡片設(shè)計意圖:通過猜

21、一猜,引出要學(xué)習(xí)的新知,引起學(xué)生的興趣,然后利用學(xué)生的遷移能力, 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生自讀單詞,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的思維能力。聽錄音跟讀單詞,兩人讀單詞,兒歌記憶單詞。cinema, cinema 電影院bookstore, bookstore 書店hospital, hospital 是醫(yī)院. post office, post office, 郵局science museum 科學(xué)博物館教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:兒歌的教學(xué)更好的幫助記憶單詞的音和義。Teaching “Where is the .? Its next to.” (1)呈現(xiàn)醫(yī)院和書店的圖片,學(xué)習(xí)句子。T: Where is the h

22、ospital(? 將 hospital 卡片貼到板書的句子中,將 Where is the.補充完整)S1: Its near/beside the bookstore.T: We also can say“Its next to the hospital.”(板書next to,講解next to,并將句子Its .補充完整,然后指名講解句型。)齊讀板書句子。Where is the hospital?Its next to the bookstore.呈現(xiàn)郵局和電影院的圖片,學(xué)生兩人一組練習(xí)。句型:A: Where is the.?B: Its next to the. (4)指組演練。

23、教學(xué)資源:自制課件設(shè)計意圖:將上課復(fù)習(xí)的句型和學(xué)習(xí)的詞匯結(jié)合起來,引出新句型,然后模仿句型,使學(xué)生輕松的掌握新知。Lets learnShow the pictures about Wu Yifan and Robin(.T: Who are they?Ss: WuYifan and Robin.T: What do they say? Lets listen to the tape.呈現(xiàn)教課書圖片。)Listen to the tape again and answer the question.Where is the cinema?Open the books and follow th

24、e tape. (4)Read in pairs.教學(xué)資源:錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:通過聽錄音,跟讀錄音,分角色朗讀,集中學(xué)生注意力,提高聽讀的效果,鞏固所學(xué)的知識。Do practice in pairs.課件呈現(xiàn)圖片,兩人一組編對話。A:Where is the .?B:Its .(next to, in front of, behind) (2)指組表演對話。教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:創(chuàng)設(shè)一定的情境,幫助學(xué)生更好的運用所學(xué)詞匯和語言。Step 4 PracticeLets play a game. Guess the words.教師出示單詞詞卡,用白紙遮住單詞的一部分(開頭或結(jié)尾),學(xué)生快

25、速猜出單詞并大聲讀出來。教學(xué)資源:詞卡設(shè)計意圖:猜單詞的游戲,活躍了課堂氣氛,鞏固了單詞的認(rèn)讀。Whats the missing?課件呈現(xiàn)本課所學(xué)詞匯的圖片,請學(xué)生觀察幾秒,然后依次消失圖片,請學(xué)生快速說出消失的是什么?教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:有趣的游戲幫助學(xué)生更好的記住本課單詞。了解合成詞。呈現(xiàn)學(xué)過的場所,學(xué)生小組討論,把詞匯分成兩類,并說出理由。school, cinema, park, science museum, library, bookstore, hospital, zoo, computer room, post office, washroom, garden教師公布答案

26、,講解合成詞。school cinema park library zoohospitalscience museum bookstorepost office computer roomwashroom教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:通過小組討論,歸納,鍛煉學(xué)生的思維能力,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生在合作學(xué)生中了解合成詞的構(gòu)成。Make a map and talkMake a map for your toy city. Introduce it to the class. (2)Write 1-3sentences about your toy city.Look, this is my toy city. Th

27、ere is a. .教學(xué)資源:自制課件、空白簡圖設(shè)計意圖:通過此活動,不僅將所學(xué)知識得以運用,還鍛煉了學(xué)生的口語交際能力。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson? 學(xué)生自由說,教師總結(jié)。五個表示建筑的單詞及詞組:cinema, post office, bookstore, science museum, hospital to 與 near, beside 是同義詞。詢問地點及回答的句型: Where is +the+地點? Its +介詞短語。設(shè)計意圖:將本節(jié)課所學(xué)的知識進(jìn)行歸納,幫助學(xué)生理解和記憶,鞏固提

28、升本課時所學(xué)的知識。課堂作業(yè)一、看圖連線。 hospitalB. cinemaC. post officeD. science museum二、單項選擇。() the cinema?Its behind the park.A. WhereB. WhoC. What ()2. Therea pet hospital in my city.A. areB. isC. am ()3. The bookstore isthe school.A. near toB. next toC. next三、看圖,將句子補充完整。Where is the?Its the cinema.

29、 the bookstore?beside the cinema.四、猜一猜。A. cinemaB.hospitalC. post officeD. bookstoreE. science museumYou can see a film (電影)at the.If you are sick, you should see a doctor in the.You can buy some books in the.You can watch the dinosaur(恐龍)show in the.You can send a letter in the.Answers:一、1.B2.A3.D4

30、.C 二、1. A 2. B 3. B三、1. hospital, next to2. Where is, Its四、1.A2.B3.D4.E5.C板書設(shè)計Unit 1 How can I get there?A Lets learnbookstorecinemapost office書店電影院郵局hospitalscience museum醫(yī)院科學(xué)博物館Where is the hospital? Its next to the bookstore.(與相鄰,挨著)第二課時課時內(nèi)容A Lets tryLets talk課時分析本課時是人教版六年級上冊第一單元的第二課時,與第一課時緊密相連,圍

31、繞“場所的方位”展開話題。本節(jié)課主要是通過談話的情景繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)詢問場所的方位及回答的句型Where is the.? 并且引導(dǎo)學(xué)生能運用禮貌用語尋求他人的幫助。第一課時中句型 Where is the.? Its next to.的學(xué)習(xí),為本課時奠定了基礎(chǔ)。本課時的重點是能在情景中靈活運用句型Where is the.? Its next to.交流場所的方位及課文對話的理解。本課時包括Lets try 和 Lets talk 兩個版塊。Lets try 是聽力訓(xùn)練,通過吳一凡和 Robin 的對話,引出A Lets talk 版塊的對話場景信息,并復(fù)現(xiàn)表示地點方位的句型Where is the

32、.? 為進(jìn)入正式的對話學(xué)習(xí)做好準(zhǔn)備。Lets talk 呈現(xiàn)的是吳一凡和Robin 在博物館看機器人,吳一凡想要買明信片,從而引起對于博物館商店、郵局方位的詢問。本課時詢問場所的方位情景的設(shè)置,貼近學(xué)生的生活,激發(fā)了學(xué)生求知欲望,鼓勵了學(xué)生想要用英語表達(dá)的熱情。本課時出現(xiàn)的詞匯postcard, send, ask, sir ,可以借助于一定的語境,肢體語言,圖片等方法幫助學(xué)生理解和記憶。在課堂教學(xué)中,我采用游戲復(fù)習(xí)詞匯,問答復(fù)習(xí)句型,然后通過 Lets try 引出對話,整體感知對話,局部處理語言,幫助學(xué)生更好的理解和運用語言。最后在通過游戲、創(chuàng)編對話的環(huán)節(jié)鞏固所學(xué)語言。課時目標(biāo)能夠聽、說、

33、認(rèn)讀單詞:postcard, send, ask, sir能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:Where is the museum shop? Its near the door.能夠在任務(wù)情景中運用句型Where is the.? Its.能夠按照正確的意群及語音、語調(diào)朗讀對話。能夠理解對話大意。能夠運用禮貌用語尋求他人的幫助。課時重難點重點能夠理解對話大意。能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:Where is the museum shop? Its near the door.能夠按照正確的意群及語音、語調(diào)朗讀對話。能夠在任務(wù)情景中運用句型Where is the.? Its.難點能夠靈活運用句型Where

34、is the.? Its next to.交流場所的方位。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備多媒體課件、課文圖片、錄音機和磁帶、學(xué)生自備建筑物單詞詞卡、空白場所簡圖若干教學(xué)過程Step 1 Warm upGreetingT: Good morning , boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr. .T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Very well, thanks.Review some words.Play a game.T: Before our class, lets play a game. Pl

35、ease guess what place it is.What place is it?S1: Bookstore/.?T: Yes./No.(課件呈現(xiàn)書店、郵局、電影院、醫(yī)院、科學(xué)博物館的圖片,圖片被遮住一部分,讓學(xué)生猜地點名稱。)Read the words.教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:有趣的游戲,幫助學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)和鞏固上節(jié)課所學(xué)的詞匯。Ask and answer.教師呈現(xiàn)部分場所名稱和介詞短語,然后展示一幅城市簡圖,接著師生交流。T: Where is the park?S1: Its next to/near/beside/in front of S2: Where is the.?S3:

36、 .教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:通過師生間的交流引出相關(guān)的場所名稱和方位名稱,并開展模仿活動,既復(fù)習(xí)的鞏固了上節(jié)課的句型和介詞短語,又為對話的學(xué)習(xí)打下基礎(chǔ)。Step 2 Lead in圖片導(dǎo)入教師呈現(xiàn)一個人,學(xué)生觀看。T: Whats this?Ss: Its a robot.T: Yes. Look, a robot(. like these robots?Ss: Cool/Great.教師呈現(xiàn)各種各樣的機器人。) There are many robots here. How do youT: Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots, too

37、. Where are they? Lets listen and tick.Listen to the tape and finish “Lets try”.教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:機器人的導(dǎo)入激發(fā)了學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,調(diào)動了全體學(xué)生的注意力。聽力的練習(xí), 復(fù)現(xiàn)表示地點方位的句型,為進(jìn)入正式的對話做好準(zhǔn)備。Step 3 Presentation介紹對話背景。T: Wu Yifan and John are looking at the robots in the museum. Wu Yfian has something to do.What does he do?教學(xué)資源:課文

38、圖片設(shè)計意圖:介紹背景,幫助學(xué)生了解場景。整體感知對話并回答問題。(1)Read “Lets talk”. (2)Finish “worksheet”1. Places you find in the dialogue.schoolmuseumpost officemuseum shophospitalAsk and answer.Where is the museum shopIts next to the post office.Its near the door.(2)Where is the post office?Its next to the museum.Its next to

39、the cinema.教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:觀看文本,通過worksheet 幫助學(xué)生梳理和獲取文本信息。學(xué)習(xí)對話。Teaching “I want to buy.”T: Wu Yifan wants to go to the post office. What does he want to do?(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出。) Ss: He wants to buy a post card.(板書post card,聯(lián)系post office, car,學(xué)生自己拼讀單詞,并呈現(xiàn)實物理解單詞,帶讀單詞,指名讀單詞,理解句子。)T: What else?Ss: He want to send the p

40、ost card.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答。教學(xué) send, 領(lǐng)讀,指名讀,理解句子。)呈現(xiàn)句子,齊讀句子。 I want to buy a post card. I want to send it today.小組討論want 的用法,教師總結(jié)。直接加名詞加to 加動詞原形(2)Listen to the tape and follow the tape. (3)Read the text again.Teaching “ask, sir”(利用教材插圖,理解詞匯ask, sir。)Read in pairs. (4)Act the text.教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:通過實物、圖片、一定

41、的語境更好的幫助學(xué)生理解詞匯、句子。通過聽錄音,跟讀錄音,模仿語音、語調(diào)。通過表演課文,加深對課文的理解和語言的運用。Step 4 PracticeTalk about the places in your city/town/village.四人一組,每組中一人將準(zhǔn)備好的建筑物單詞詞卡放到?jīng)]有標(biāo)出建筑場所的城市簡圖上面,然后小組內(nèi)問答練習(xí)。句型:A: Is there a .?Where is it?B: Its near/next to/ behind/in front of/.教學(xué)資源:建筑物單詞詞卡、空白場所簡圖設(shè)計意圖:通過此活動,更好的幫助學(xué)生運用所學(xué)詞匯和本課重點句型。擺一擺,說

42、一說。兩人一組,各自拿到一幅沒有完成的方位圖。然后互相交流,將建筑物擺在地圖上。例如:Where is the cinema?Its in front of hospital.設(shè)計意圖:能夠交流場所的位置,達(dá)到鞏固語言的目的。創(chuàng)編對話。兩人一組,創(chuàng)編對話。A:, where is the? B: I want to buy a.A: Its. B: Where is the?A: I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.Where is the? Man: Its. A: Thanks, sir.Man: You are welcome.教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖

43、:培養(yǎng)學(xué)生綜合運用語言的能力,鍛煉學(xué)生的思維能力。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this class?學(xué)生們自由說,教師總結(jié)。T:學(xué)習(xí)了詞匯:post card, send, sir, ask學(xué)習(xí)了場所方位的句型:Where is the.? Its.學(xué)習(xí)了want 的用法:直接加名詞加 to 加動詞原形設(shè)計意圖:總結(jié)的環(huán)節(jié)幫助學(xué)生歸納知識點,理清思路,有助于學(xué)生對知識的記憶。課堂作業(yè)一、看圖,將下列單詞補充完整。 n_ m_h_ sp_ talb_ _ kstse_ m二、給下列句子的畫線部分選擇正確的漢語。()1.

44、This is a postcard.A.信B.明信片C.郵票 ()2. I want to send a shirt to my sisterA.寄B.買C.給 ()3. Excuse me, sir. Is there a zoo near here?女士B.先生C.孩子三、用單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。Wherethe park?(be)I wanta book. (buy)Iknow.(not)四、選擇合適的句子補全對話。Amy: Hi, John. Where is the post office? 1. Lily: Im sorry. 2.Lets ask that woman.Amy:

45、Excuse me, madam. 3. Woman: 4. Amy & Lily: Thank you. Woman: 5. I dont know.Where is the post office?Youre welcome.Its near Hong Xing Bookstore.I want to send a letter to my grandma.Answers:一、1. i, e,a 2. o,i 3. oo,ore 4. mu,u二、1.B2.A3.B三、 2. to buy 3. dont四、1.E2.A3.B4.D5.C板書設(shè)計A Lets talkpost ca

46、rd 明信片Where is the.? send 寄Its .sir 先生+名詞ask 問want+to+動原第三課時課時內(nèi)容B lets learn Be a tour guide課時分析本課時是人教版六年級上冊第一單元第三課時。圍繞“問路”這一話題展開,主要通過對話學(xué)習(xí)單詞和詞組crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right 及句型How can I get to the.? Turn left/. 的表達(dá)。激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情,保持對英語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,樹立學(xué)習(xí)英語的信心。在第一、二課時中學(xué)習(xí)了句型Where is the.?為本課時做了很好的鋪

47、墊。本課時的重點是四會單詞和短語的掌握以及能夠運用四會單詞和詞組為他人指路。本課時包括 Lets learn 和Be a tour guide 兩個版塊。Lets learn 通過 Mike 問路的對話, 呈現(xiàn)了單詞及詞組的詞形和意義。此話題與我們的生活很密切,很能激起學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。Be a tour guide 版塊是用于操練B Lets learn 版塊中的詞匯。通過學(xué)生簡單介紹景點,達(dá)到鞏固語言、運用語言的目的。本課時的詞匯很容易理解,但是單詞crossing, turn, straight 的發(fā)音有點難度。要利用學(xué)生的遷移能力,從學(xué)過的單詞入手,嘗試讓學(xué)生自己發(fā)現(xiàn)規(guī)律,自己拼讀。在教

48、學(xué)句型時, 不只是教本課書上的知識,還要拓展句型,發(fā)散學(xué)生的思維。在整個教學(xué)過程中,遵循以學(xué) 生為主體的原則,采用唱歌、游戲、角色扮演等多種教學(xué)手段調(diào)動全體學(xué)生的參與,讓學(xué)生 在輕松、快樂的環(huán)境下,自主的學(xué)習(xí)。課時目標(biāo)1.能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞和詞組:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right 2.能夠正確運用上述單詞和詞組為他人指路。3.激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情,保持對英語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,樹立學(xué)習(xí)英語的信心。課時重難點重點能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞和詞組:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right能夠正確運用上

49、述單詞和詞組為他人指路。能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀單詞Italian,restaurant能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀句型: How can I get to .?難點單詞crossing, turn, straight, restaurant 的發(fā)音。問路句型的靈活運用。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備課件、詞卡、錄音機、磁帶教學(xué)過程Step 1 Warm upGreetingT: How are you, everybody? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And you? T: Very well, thanks.Lets chant.T: Boys and girls, I have a chant for you.

50、Listen to the tape and follow the tape.Where is the post office?Next to the hospital. Where is the hospital?Next to the cinema. Where is the cinema?Next to the bookstore. Where is the bookstore?Go straight ahead.教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:通過兒歌幫助學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)和本課相關(guān)的單詞和句型,同時本課的四會短語Go straight 也出現(xiàn)在兒歌中,為本課的學(xué)習(xí)做好了鋪墊。Step 2

51、 Lead inLets do.播放“兔子舞”,師生一起跳,跳的時候注意強調(diào)單詞left,right。教學(xué)資源:錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:有趣的旋律,有趣的動作,師生之間的互動加深了教師與學(xué)生的感情,調(diào)節(jié)了課堂氣氛,同時很自然的引出要學(xué)習(xí)的單詞left, right。Step 3 PresentationTeaching the new words and phrases“turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing”Teaching “l(fā)eft, right”T: Boys and girls, look, this is my left hand a

52、nd this is my right hand.( 教師伸出自己的左右手,理解詞匯。板書left, right,教學(xué) right,讓學(xué)生聯(lián)系單詞light, night 的音、形,自己試著拼讀單詞,指名讀單詞,齊讀單詞,并總結(jié)-ight 的發(fā)音規(guī)律。)Teaching “on the left, on the right”T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Ss: They are Xionger and Xiongda.T: Xiongda is next to Xiong er. Who is on the left? Who is on the

53、right. (課件呈現(xiàn)短語onthe left, on the right. )Ss: . is on the left/right.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答。齊讀短語on the left, right。) b.同桌兩人用身邊的同學(xué)練習(xí)句型,然后指名說。 is on the left/right.Teaching “turn left, turn right.”呈現(xiàn)“向左轉(zhuǎn)、向右轉(zhuǎn)”的標(biāo)志,引出短語turn left, turn right。(板書單詞 turn。)呈現(xiàn)單詞Thursday, hamburger,讓學(xué)生讀出并找出字母組合 ur 的發(fā)音規(guī)律,然后試著拼讀 turn,指名讀,帶讀,分組讀

54、。分組讀短語,男女生讀短語。Teaching “go straight.”Teaching “straight”呈現(xiàn) straight 的圖片,引出單詞,教學(xué)單詞,注意ai 的發(fā)音。Teaching “go straight.呈現(xiàn)“直走”的標(biāo)志,引出短語go straight,板書短語。(5)Play a game教師發(fā)指令turn left/right/ go straight,學(xué)生做動作。小組練習(xí),一人發(fā)指令,學(xué)生做動作。Teaching “crossing”a. T: Everyone, look at the picture. This is a crossing.(呈現(xiàn)十字路口的圖片

55、引出單詞crossing,板書單詞,拼讀單詞,教讀,跟讀,指名讀,齊讀。)T: Dont run at the crossing. Dont .(play) at the crossing.(板書at the crossing,齊讀短語。)Listen to the tape and follow the tape.聽錄音,跟讀板書的詞匯。(8)Read the phrases in pairs. (9)Lets chant.呈現(xiàn)兒歌,小組記憶兒歌。turn left, turn left, 向左轉(zhuǎn)turn right, turn right, 向右轉(zhuǎn)go straight, 指著走at th

56、e crossing 在十字路口教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設(shè)計意圖:利用肢體語言、圖片引出詞匯,吸引學(xué)生的興趣。然后利用學(xué)生的遷移能力,自己總結(jié)發(fā)音規(guī)律,讀出單詞,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的思維能力。接著聽錄音,跟讀錄音,模仿錄音,最后兒歌記憶。在教學(xué)單詞和短語中還穿插了有趣的游戲,讓學(xué)生在輕松的環(huán)境下掌握知識。Teaching “How can I get to .? Turn left/right.”(1) T: Look, this is Lisa. She wants to buy a new magazine. She wants to go to the bookstore. But.(呈現(xiàn)Li

57、sa 的問句,教學(xué)get there,指名理解句子,齊讀句子。)Lisa doesnt know where the bookstore is. Lets help her. Ok?Ss: Ok. Go straight, turn right.(呈現(xiàn)地圖,學(xué)生簡單描述路線。) (2)呈現(xiàn)句型,同桌兩人討論路線,然后一起描述。 at the. Then(然后)at the. Its on the.(3)呈現(xiàn)簡易地圖,學(xué)生兩人一組練習(xí)。A: How can I get to the.?B: Turn right/. at the. Its on the/your left/right. (4)指

58、組練習(xí)。Lets learnT: Its 12 oclock. Mike and Wu Yifan are hungry. They want to go to the Italian restaurant(課件呈現(xiàn)飯店的圖片,板書單詞Italian, restaurant,理解單詞,教學(xué)單詞。).T: Where is the Italian restaurant?(自讀課文,回答問題。) Ss: Turn left.Listen to the tape and follow the tape. (5)Read in roles.教學(xué)資源:課件、錄音機、設(shè)計意圖:教學(xué)句型,由簡單到復(fù)雜,逐步

59、學(xué)習(xí),層層遞進(jìn)。Step 4 PracticePlay a game. (1)Guess the words.課件呈現(xiàn)單詞turn, straight, crossing, right, left,開頭或結(jié)尾被遮住,學(xué)生快速猜測并讀出單詞。地雷游戲。教師在黑板上其中的一個單詞下方畫上地雷,學(xué)生讀黑板上的單詞,遇到有地雷的單詞就要安靜??磩幼髡f詞組。請一名學(xué)生到講臺前做出turn left/right, go straight 的動作,其他學(xué)生說詞組。(此活動可以在小組內(nèi)完成。)教學(xué)資源:課件設(shè)計意圖:通過游戲,讓學(xué)生在玩中鞏固B Lets earn 詞匯。Be a tour guide在班級中

60、舉辦“最佳導(dǎo)游”選拔賽。比賽程序先在小組內(nèi)參加,再選出代表參加全班評比。參考句型:Now we are in front of/near/next to.Go straight /go along/.Turn left/right at . You can see.設(shè)計意圖:此活動通過角色扮演,運用所學(xué)詞匯句型指路并簡單介紹,達(dá)到了活學(xué)活用的目的。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson?學(xué)生自由發(fā)言,教師總結(jié)。單詞和詞組:turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing 2.在左邊、右邊


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