



1、第 PAGE4 頁 共 NUMPAGES4 頁2023年最新的自我介紹性格特點英文 自我介紹,就是要對過簡短的語句表達,讓別人牢牢的記住你,下面小編為大家收集了自我介紹性格特點英文,歡迎閱讀! 自我介紹性格特點英文 尊敬的各位評委老師: 您們好!(鞠躬)首先,站在這里我有一點緊張,因為當我站在這里的時候,其實就已經(jīng)站在了一個人生重要的轉折點。但是無論如何,我都會用我所有的激情和努力來演繹這一段屬于涅盤的日子。 我*我出生在*,隨著大地一片充滿生機的綠色,我仿佛也破土而出,迎來了屬于自己的第一縷陽光。時光就這么匆匆流逝了,沒有來得及讓我喘息和回味。 作為一名90后,我的骨子里有90后的熱血和激情

2、。我喜歡播音主持和跳舞。喜歡那種身體隨著音符飄渺而動的感覺,喜歡侃侃而談的優(yōu)雅。 那時,我就在心底種下了一顆屬于夢想的種子。那是屬于最純真的我,那是屬于對于播音主持的執(zhí)著。我相信,只要我的心中始終有一個堅定的信念,自終會迎來一片最美的曙光!也許這條屬于光明的道路并不平坦,但是,我卻有點固執(zhí)著堅持著。 當然,我也深深的體會到了追夢的艱辛!每當疲憊的時候,我就會在屬于自己的舞臺上輕輕跳著屬于青春、屬于夢想、屬于自己的舞蹈。一年的付出,一年的汗水,在我的心中對于播音主持的渴望越來越大,我相信,我會為了自己的理想不斷的努力。相信我的不斷努力,定會給我的夢想插上一對最為堅實的翅膀也希望各位評委老師給我一

3、個展示自我,讓夢想發(fā)芽的舞臺!謝謝各位評委!(再次鞠躬) 翻譯 Distinguished teachers and judges: Hello, Ju Gong! First of all, I am a bit nervous standing here, because when I am standing here, I have been standing at an important turning point in my life. But in any case, I will use all my passion and effort to deduce this peri

4、od of nirvana. I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, as the earth is full of green and green, I seem to break out of the earth and usher in the first sunshine of my own. The time was so hurried, and there was no time for me to breathe and smell. As a post-90s, my bone has the hot blood and passion after

5、90. I like to broadcast, preside and dance. Love that body with notes of misty moving feeling, love with grace. At that time, I planted a dream seed in the bottom of my heart. That is the most pure of me, that belongs to the broadcasting of the presiding. I believe that as long as I have a firm beli

6、ef in my heart, I will usher in the most beautiful dawn. Maybe this road of light is not smooth, but I am a bit stubborn. Of course, I also deeply realized the hardships of pursuing dreams. Whenever I was tired, I would lightly dance to the dance belonging to youth, belonging to my dreams and my own

7、. One year s effort, the sweat of a year, and the desire for broadcasting and hosting in my mind are bigger and bigger. I believe that I will make continuous efforts for my ideals. I believe that my continuous efforts will surely lay a solid foundation for my dream. I hope you can give me a stage to

8、 show your self and let your dreams germinate. Thank you! 附:自我介紹性格特點英文句子 具有上進心 1.Ambitious attitude essential. 1.有雄心壯志。 2.Bright,aggressive applicants. 2.反應快、有進取心的應聘者。 3.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 3.思想成熟、上進心強,并具極豐富的人際關系技巧。 4.Highly-motivated and reliable person. 4.上進心強又可靠

9、者 5.Strong determination to succeed 5.有獲得成功的堅定決心。 6.Willing to learn and progress. 6.肯學習進取。 具有團結合作精神 1.Ability to work well with others. 1.能夠同他人一道很好地工作。 2.With possessing a great team spirit. 2.具有強烈的集體精神。 3.A good team player and I m great honest to others. 3.具有團隊精神,對人忠誠。 4.With a strong sense of co

10、operation. 4.具有合作精神。 5.Enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. 5.和同時相處友洽。 具有領導能力 1.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality 1.愿意在壓力下工作,并具領導素質。 2.Strong leadership skills. 2.有極強的領導藝術。 3.Good people management and communication skills. Team player. 3.有良好的人員管理和交際能力。能在集體中發(fā)揮帶頭作用。

11、 4.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 4.有很高的領導藝術。 吃苦耐勞 1.The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 1.主要必備素質是吃苦耐勞精神好、學習能力優(yōu)、事業(yè)心強和身體棒。 2.Willing to assume responsibilities. 2.應聘者須勇于挑重擔。 3.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 3.個性穩(wěn)重、具高度責任感。 4.Able to work under hig


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