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1、Lets enjoy an English song!I saw the best minds of my generationDestroyed by madness, starving, hystericalI should be allowed to glue my posterI should be allowed to thinkI should be allowed to glue my posterI should be allowed to thinkI should be allowed to thinkI should be allowed to thinkAnd I sh

2、ould be allowed to blurt the merest ideaIf by random whim, one occurs to meIf necessary, leave paper stains on the gray utility pole.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Unit 7 Section A No.3 Middle School 李凱倩What we will learn我們學什么1. 掌握6個單詞: license, safety, smoke, part-time, pie

3、rce, earring2. 運用 4個短語: sixteen-year-olds, have part-time jobs, get ones ears pierced, choose ones own clothes3. 熟練掌握2個句型: Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to do sth. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to do sth.Preview-check預習檢測1:讀一讀(大聲有韻律的讀)a.b.c.d.cancouldwillwouldmaymightshould and must它

4、們都是情態(tài)動詞Preview-check預習檢測2:在P49頁1a中找出下列短語.(2分鐘獨立完成)1.應該被允許做某事2.不應該被允許做某事3.16歲的青少年4.做兼職工作5.打耳洞6.選擇自己的衣服should be allowed to do sth.should not be allowed to do sth.=sixteen-year-old teenagersget ones ears piercedsixteen-year-oldschoose ones own clothes have part-time jobs Enjoy a videoAfter watching th

5、e video, can you say some rules? We cant eat in class.Dont. We have to.We should.We shouldnt .We must.1. You must listen to the teacher carefully.2. Dont arrive late for class.3. You can eat in the dining hall.4. You shouldnt run in the hallways.5. .a. Students should be allowed to listen to the tea

6、cher carefully. b. Students should not be allowed to arrive late for class.Students should be allowed to eat in the dining hall.Students should not be allowed to run in the hallways.舊規(guī)則新說法 should be allowed to do sth. 應該被允許做某事 should not be allowed to do sth. 不應該被允許做某事 情態(tài)動詞被動語態(tài)結構a. 情態(tài)動詞+ be + 動詞過去分詞

7、b. 情態(tài)動詞+ not+ be +動詞過去分詞 團結協(xié)作 任務一a. 個人仿照a、b轉換句子3和4b. 小組核對轉換句型c. 仿造a、b造兩個新句型并寫 下來同桌交流Guessing gameTeenagers should be allowed to_ . choose their own clothes猜猜猜 任務二Guessing gameTeenagers shouldn be allowed to_. have part-time jobsGuessing gameTeenagers should not be allowed to_. driveGuessing gameTeen

8、agers should not be allowed to_. get their ears piercedd. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get their ears pierced.c. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to drive.b. Teenagers should be allowed to have a part-time job.a. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.團結協(xié)作 任務三記憶大挑戰(zhàn) Group workSixtee

9、n-year-oldsA: I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.B: I agree. Because they are old enough to make decisions.A: I dont think teenagers should be allowed to drive.B: I agree. Because they are not serious enough.團結協(xié)作 任務四各抒己見 Pair workA: I think/ dont think sixteen-year-olds

10、should be allowed toB: I agree/disagree. Because bad for healthy old enoughwaste too much timenot serious enoughlook cooltoo youngHe just got his drivers license.They are choosing their own clothes .She got her ears pierced.Pre-listeningTalk about the pictures. Listen and circle T for true or F for

11、false.1. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F1b21世紀教育網(wǎng)磨耳朵,練聽力 Survey Make a survey about the rules and then do a report about your survey result. Report: In our group, A thinks teenagers should be allowed

12、 to. . Iagree, because. . B thinks teenagers shouldnt be allowed to. . I disagree, I think. .What teenagers should What teenagers shouldbe allowed to do. not be allowed to do. Homework Write an article to tell us: 1.The rules in your school; 2.Show me your ideas about them.Be a polite teenager!Be a happy teen


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